No Wind or Rain

Chapter 10

Father Yu had already ordered the servants to clean up Yu Sichun’s old room. Yu Sichun and Du Jiayi would be sleeping together in the same room. The room was originally quite large and the bed she bought back then was also a big one.

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Yu Siqi came back in the afternoon. He was 18, which was the period of youth, frivolousness and vigor. After finding out that Du Jiayi was Yu Sichun’s husband, he cleverly called him “brother-in-law” and didn’t make any other comments.

They were all men and Yu Siqi could see Du Jiyi’s indulgence towards Yu Sichun.

All the girls around him said, indulgence was the most direct way of showing affection.

But for men, there wasn’t much of a difference whether they indulged a girl and in return love was built up or they loved them so there was indulgence. Men spoiled women because they gave them happiness. It was all very simple, but also complicated. 

However, for someone like his brother-in-law, if he didn’t like a person, then would he still spoil them?

Don’t joke around, it would be a luxury if he even glanced at them. 

After dinner, Yu Sichun brought a cup of milk to Yu Siqi. He was rendering some 3D models at the time, but because the configuration of the laptop wasn’t that good, it couldn’t keep up and he was a little irritated.

He simply threw away the graphic drawings in his hands and took the milk from Yu Sichun, saying. “Jiejie1, lend me your laptop.”

“I don’t think it’ll be able to keep up. I can ask your brother-in-law. His laptop is currently the most advanced model, it should be okay.”

Yu Sichun thought for a moment and turned around to go find Du Jiayi.

“Ah, forget it. I’ll just buy a new one tomorrow and do it then.” Yu Siqi stopped Yu Sichun by standing in front of her. He was more than 1.8 meters tall by now and when he stood in front of Yu Sichun, he looked very tall. “We haven’t seen each other for a long time, let’s talk a little bit more.”

“Alright,” Yu Sichun nodded and sat on the edge of his bed. She looked up and asked him. “What do you want to talk about?”

Yu Siqi could see that Yu Sichun knew what he wanted to ask but she pretended to be calm and smiled like she was in a good mood. There was a look in her eyes. “Jie, brother-in-law must treat you very well, right?”

“En, he treats me pretty well. Why?” Yu Sichun clasped her hands together and answered him with her eyes wandering around frantically.

When Xu Yiyi asked, she could speak about it comfortably but this time, she was a little embarrassed. She coughed twice. “Xiaohai2, what is it that you want to ask?”

“No, I’m just thinking that, Jie, your EQ may be cough, a little low.” Yu Siqi paused for a moment and put down the milk in his hands. “How did you chase my brother-in-law?”

Yu Sichun: “…”

Yu Sichun thought for a moment and said, “I didn’t chase him.”

Yu Siqi became more curious and shifted closer to her as he asked. “Then was he the one who chased you? Are you such a popular person?”

“No…” Yu Sichun suddenly stopped and her eyes became empty. The blush on her face also faded and it was unclear about what she was thinking. “We knew each other from a blind date. You can say it was me who chased him because I arranged his blind date partner to be me.” 

“No wonder…” No wonder brother-in-law only told our father that he liked you, proposed and then you guys got married. All the steps in the middle were omitted out.

He3 was originally not very good with words so thinking up some idol TV drama plot to fill the gaps wouldn’t have been easy.

If Father Yu knew that Yu Sichun and Du Jiayi met through a blind date, even if she was very happy now, he would feel more or less uncomfortable at heart.

“What?” Yu Sichun didn’t hear what he said very clearly and asked.

Yu Siqi said. “Nothing. Jie, are you happy being married to him?”

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Yu Sichun recalled how she felt when she got married to Du Jiayi. She was quite happy at that time. Although she only got a marriage certificate that day, when they went home, Du Jiayi made a very lovely dinner at night. She nodded.

“What about brother-in-law? Do you think he loves you?”

Yu Sichun shook her head and admitted. “I don’t know.”

Her eyes also showed a little confusion. She has been struggling with her dreams all this time and has since been living in her own imagination.

But she still felt that Du Jiayi didn’t love her.

“You are really…” Yu Siqi felt a little annoyed that iron couldn’t become steel4.

“What?” Yu Sichun asked back.

“Those who have gotten what they wanted are always in doubt and those who are favoured have no fear.” Yu Siqi said lightly.

“No fear, huh?” Yu Sichun muttered.

Yu Siqi was speechless: “Tsk, let’s just say that your EQ is low. Fortunately, you got married early on. If it is now, your appearance would only be criticised by others with these three words — a green tea bitch.”

Yu Siqi raised three fingers and then put them down. He looked educated and earness. “There is a line in the Taicheng TV series “Torment”, ‘I don’t say I love you simply because you love me’. Brother-in-law and you are just like this phrase.”

Yu Sichun thought for a moment and said, “You mean, Du Jiayi, well, your brother-in-law loves me?”

“Sister, not only is your EQ low but your IQ is also not very high.” Yu Siqi rolled his eyes.

Yu Sichun sighed and didn’t continue the topic. “Xiao Qi, tell me the truth, how many girls have you dated?”

Yu Siqi grew alarmed. “Why do you ask this?”

Yu Sichun looked at his beautiful and handsome face and she curled up the corners of her mouth. “You have so much experience.”

Yu Siqi: “…”


After living in the Yu house for three days, Yu Sichun told her father that they were going back. Father Yu was smoking a cigarette and lowered his head. He was silent for a moment and then said. “Come visit us more often in the future.”

This simple sentence made Yu Sichun’s eyes redden instantly and she almost cried. She sniffed and nodded. “Okay.”

Du Jiayi put his arms around Yu Sichun’s waist and he could sense the change in her. With the arm still wrapped around her, he used it to gently stroke Yu Sichun’s back to comfort her and then said.  “Okay.”

Before leaving the house, Father Yu quietly asked Du Jiayi. “When can I meet my in-laws?”

Du Jiayi nodded. “My parents live in Yuncheng. I’ll tell them and next month, you can bring Aunt Xu to visit.”

Father Yu responded. “Okay,” and sent them off.

Du Jiayi booked tickets to fly straight to Xiangcheng.

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They could have stayed for a few more days but he suddenly received an invitation to a BRICS meeting and no preparations were made in advance. The meeting was next month, however, it was already in the middle of the month. He was in a hurry to make the preparations and ordered Qiao Cheng to go directly to Xiangcheng.

After arriving in Xiangcheng, Du Jiayi left the hotel in a hurry to go through a pile up of documents and prepare a speech for the meeting.

Yu Sichun was alone and had nothing to do in the hotel so she planned to go out for a walk and eat something.

The flight meal was really ordinary. She didn’t eat much and was still a little hungry. After packing a few things, she planned to go out and asked Du Jiayi. “Would you like something to eat?”

Du Jiayi had been busy reading reports from the company lately and just casually nodded.

Yu Sichun nodded too but remembered that he couldn’t see her and “en’ed” again.

Serious men were the most handsome, not to mention Du Jiayi who was not bad-looking from the start. He had a good appearance and abilities, and such a man was undoubtedly excellent.

Yu Sichun loved Du Jiayi so naturally she didn’t feel like Du Jiayi was neglecting her for his work.

After returning to the hotel in the evening and putting away the food she bought, Du Jiayi stopped working and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. He asked Yu Sichun. “Where did you go today?”

“I went shopping nearby and met a high school classmate. She’s working as a reporter for a newspaper and we chatted for a while. I heard her say that Xiangcheng’s beef noodles are good and I went to eat one and brought you one too.” Yu Sichun answered with a faint smile.

Du Jiayi nodded, picked up a pair of chopsticks and began to eat the noodles. It had been a little long and although it wasn’t cold, the noodles were a little soggy and the taste wasn’t that good but Du Jiayi wasn’t picky and ate it quietly.

Yu Sichun put on her headphones and began to watch an old movie. The protagonist of《 Mulhollond 》was very pretty and the plot was also very good. After watching it, Yu Sichun began to make a review of the film.

She always had the habit of keeping records of things and even wrote several diary’s. When she was in junior high school, she liked writing a lot but didn’t become involved in this area later and had no plans to either.

She was translating so there would be something to do in her free time and she had the idea that if she was going to do something then she would have to do it well, that’s why she submitted several of her translated pieces to publishers.

Xiangcheng was getting really hot in March. Pedestrians on the streets were wearing short-sleeved shirts and skirts, unlike in the capital where most people still had to wear cotton-padded clothes in the morning.

After dinner, Du Jiayi packed up the container and threw it in the garbage can. Then, he began to read through the invitation letter.

SY was a business that had risen up in recent years but it had great potential to be just as good as those in BRICS. As the CEO of the company, Du Jiayi was under great pressure.

But he never said anything about how hard it was to Yu Sichun nor has he ever lost his temper with her because his work wasn’t going smoothly. This kind of thing… it didn’t suit Du Jiayi’s image.

After all, in the past, he studied the fine arts. Boys in that department were usually very understanding and Du Jiayi was no exception.

For example, he liked white shirts a lot.

Except for a few shirts that Yu Sichun bought for him, all his other shirts in his wardrobe were white.


It was already mid-April when the meeting ended. Yu Sichun visited nearly all the streets and alleyways of Xiangcheng by then. Du Jiayi would occasionally accompany her when he wasn’t busy. At the beginning of their trip, she would search on the internet and make a plan. She would pick some of the more famous restaurants to eat at but they all just tasted mediocre.

Later, Yu Sichun would go to schools and follow the crowds of students rushing out of the school gates to eat at the roadside stalls they ate at. She would discover alleys that she couldn’t find on the internet and those days passed by very comfortably. 

When evening came about, Yu Sichun would pull Du Jiayi along to eat barbecue at the food stalls.

Du Jiayi wasn’t very used to eating in such environments, not to mention it didn’t look very hygienic.

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Most of the time, he would be grilling and Yu Sichun would be eating. Yu Sichun had oil and other seasonings next to her mouth. She brought another chicken wing to her mouth and vaguely said. “It’s delicious, you should have a bite too.”

Du Jiayi frowned, still feeling a little uncomfortable and responded. “You eat.”

“No, you’ve been busy for such a long time. Look at how thin you’ve gotten, here’s a reward for you.” Yu Sichun swallowed the meat in her mouth and stubbornly put a chicken wing to Du Jiayi’s mouth. “Eat it, eat it…”

Du Jiayi had no choice but to wipe Yu Sichun’s mouth with a tissue and bite into the wing in Yu Sichun’s hand.

En, it didn’t taste too bad.

“Okay, eat quickly. Didn’t you say you wanted to go to the Xianghe River to see the lanterns later?”


Yu Sichun no longer told him to eat. Instead, she began to focus seriously on eating speedily. 

After eating, Yu Sichun touched her stomach and felt very full.

When Du Jiayi came back from paying the bill, he saw Yu Sichun leaning lazily on the back of the chair like a little kitten. He touched the top of her soft hair and said. “Let’s go.”

Yu Sichun was really full and didn’t want to move at all. She stretched out her hands and acted coquettishly. “I can’t walk, carry me?”

Du Jiayi smiled helplessly and pinched her face. He turned around and squatted beside her, saying. “Get on then.”

“Jiayi, you are so nice to me.” Yu Sichun leaned on Du Jiayi’s back and softly sighed. “You are so good to me, I won’t ever be able to leave you. If we separate in the future, I will not be able to live on my own.”

After waiting for a while, she still didn’t get a response from Du Jiayi. Pedestrians walking by kept looking back at them.

Yu Sichun put her chin on Du Jiayi’s shoulder and heard a little boy on the roadside say to his mother. “Mum, why is that Jiejie lying on that uncle’s back?”

“Because that jiejie is tired and uncle loves her so he’s carrying her.” Mom replied like that.

“Then mother, Xiao Jie is also very tired. Can I lie on mother’s back…?” The little boy tried acting cute.

“No, you’re a boy. You have to learn to walk on your own.” The mother spoke strictly.

“Then I don’t want to be a boy, I want to be a girl, I want mummy to carry me…”

Their voices began to fade away. Yu Sichun heard them though and started laughing. She looked at Du Jiayi’s smooth side profile and leaned forward to kiss his chin. She breathed in Du Jiayi’s ear for a moment.

Du Hiayi had no choice but to say. “Don’t move, be careful that I don’t just let you go.”

“Jiayi, Jiayi, Jiayi…”

Yu Sichun kept making noise and said in Du Jiayi’s ear: “I’m warm and full of desire.”

Du Jiayi had to put her down because he lost his temper. In a low voice with a trace of hoarseness. “I am too.”

After saying that, he began to carefully kiss Yu Sichun’s face. He gently sucked and bit her skin. After a while, Yu Sichun’s body softened.

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Du Jiayi put her on his back again. This time Yu Sichun finally became a little more obedient and didn’t move around anymore.

The neon lights on the streets were switched on, shining its light on people and shadows were casted on the ground. After walking for a while more, they happened to see a married couple.

“We met on this street.” A girl’s clear voice rang out.

The boy continued. “We started dating on this street.”

“We fell in love on this street.”

“We have spent three springs and autumns together and spent 842 nights together.”

“Later, we separated here.”

The sounds about them became low at this moment.

“After that, we reunited here.”

“We were going to stay together forever from then on.” The boy looked at the girl with love and sadness.

“Today, we’re getting married here.”

Many people who knew or didn’t know them were taking photos. The girl smiled lightly. “We will always be happy and we also wish all our friends to be happy. Forever be happy!”

“Jiayi, let’s take a look.”

“If we stop again, there won’t be any more lanterns.” Du Jiayi said.

“Oh, then we better go to see the lanterns.”

Du Jiayi’s steps were smooth and powerful. When he walked to the Xianghe River, many of the lanterns had already floated away. Yu Sichun looked at the lanterns floating away with bright eyes.


Du Jiayi tucked the short hairs at the front of her face behind her ear. “Sisi, we won’t be separated.”


The first draft was completed on November 28th, 2017.

All modifications to the novel was completed on 2019.3.7



Jie means older sister in Chinese This means kid or young child in Chinese. It’s typically used by elders or people older when addressing someone younger than them I think the brother means Du Jiayi here. He is frustrated that Yu Sichun is still clueless about how Du Jiayi feels after all this time.

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