No Wind or Rain

Chapter 9

Yu Sichun woke up at 9 am the next morning. The madness from last night had finally passed. She became unconscious from exhaustion and didn’t know what time it was when they stopped.

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She saw that the man next to her was already awake and looking at her with an unconcealed look of pampering. Seeing her open her eyes, he smiled and asked. “Awake?

“En.” Yu Sichun nodded and found that she was still naked. She slept in his arms like this and blushed a little.

Du Jiayi reached out and touched Yu Sichun’s face. He kissed the corner of her eye and said. “Let’s get up, I ordered breakfast.”

Yu Sichun looked at his back as he rose up with tenderness. According to Du Jiayi’s habit, he should have gotten up at seven o’clock.

But instead of dealing with his work, he slept with her in bed all this time…

It was already 11 am when the two of them ate breakfast. After packing up their things, Du Jiayi took Yu Sichun to the bay area where they bought some gifts for her dad. Then, he drove them to Qianshui Villa.

The car was bought by his assistant before they arrived in the city. After all, he was going to meet his father-in-law. How embarrassing would it be if they arrived in a taxi? How could her father rest assured if his daughter was married to a man like that…? 

Although Yu Sichun wasn’t a wife who spent a lot of money and was a very sensible person, wasn’t it every husband’s job to make sure their wife lived a good life?

There were many politicians living in Qianshui Villa. This piece of land had been very well known since the beginning. Originally, a commercial district was supposed to be built here but in the end, it was bought by the second young master of the Fu family. He made it into a residential area in order to… hide his mistress.

However, this beautiful woman was now his wife. Out of the thousands of other flowers, she managed to make him spoil her alone. En, she was really amazing.

Father Yu lived in the middle in a small house which wasn’t too eye-catching in this large place.

Du Jiayi drove the car to the garage and found that there were quite a lot of beautiful sports cars parked inside. It didn’t look like the kind a middle-aged man would drive.

Du Jiayi looked at Yu Sichun with doubt in his eyes. Yu Sichun thought about it and explained.  “They are probably my brother’s. I think he’s 18 this year.”

The legal age in their country was 16, which meant he would have taken the driving test at the age of 16. Du Jiayi nodded to show that he understood.

Yu Sichun lowered her head and it was hard to see what she was thinking. 

Du Jiayi parked the car and got out. He walked over to help open the door for Yu Sichun. After signaling for Yu Sichun to get out of the car, he went to the back to take out the gifts and told her. “Sisi, let’s go.”

Yu Sichun wanted to help Du Jiayi carry some of the things but he refused.

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Du Jiayi jerked his chin and motioned for her to open the door.

He would become a joke if he had their daughter help him carry things after marrying him. Did she want there to be no peace in the family?!?

Yu Sichun took out her keys to open the door.

Father Yu gave a set of keys to Yu Sichun thinking that if one day they weren’t home but Yu Sichun happened to come over to visit then wouldn’t she have to wait at the door?

She was his daughter, but that would be like he was treating an outsider so he gave her the keys.

However, Yu Sichun rarely came here so naturally, the situation described above never happened.

As soon as she opened the door, they saw Father Yu walking over. He had an excited expression and his fingers trembled slightly. His face was red from excitement.

He revealed joy, a little tension, awkwardness and fear caused by not seeing each other in a long time. “Sichun is here, come in quickly.”

He told Yu Sichun to go in and sit down before helping them get some disposable slippers.

Yu Sichun looked at how much older Father Yu had gotten and was a little sad. Her eyes slightly reddened, “Dad.”

Father Yu was also sad. He noticed that Yu Sichun looked very much like her mother. He smiled and said. “It’s good that you came, it’s good that you came.” He turned around and guided them in and then asked Xu Yiyi to make some tea.

When they entered, a servant already took Du Jiayi’s gifts to the guest room.

Du Jiayi sat next to Yu Sichun and called: “Dad.”

Xu Yiyi happened to come in with tea at that time. She had a kind air around her. As an elder, she just smiled politely at Du Jiayi. Du Jiayi in return politely greeted her. “Auntie.”

“En,” Xu Yiyi answered and looked at them talking happily. She said with a smile. “I’ll cut some more fruits.” After that, she walked to the kitchen.

Yu Sichun looked around and asked. “Where’s Xiao Qi?”

“Siqi have classes today and will be back later.”

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“Oh.” Yu Sichun nodded and stood up. She said, “I’ll go to the kitchen and help auntie.”

Yu Sichun went into the kitchen and saw Xu Yiyi cutting oranges. She went over and called her. “Auntie.”

Xu Yiyi was very good to her. She often called her to ask her how she was. When the seasons changed, she would send text messages reminding her to wear more or less clothes.

Xu Yiyi cared more about her than her own mother, at least on the surface it was the case.

“Sichun”, Xu Yiyi stopped cutting the oranges and turned her head to look at her: “You married him, are you living well? Are you happy?”

Yu Sichun was surprised. Obviously, she didn’t expect her to ask so bluntly. After a moment, she replied. “I’m very good. He’s very nice to me.”

“Then does he love you?”

Of course, she could see that Du Jiayi was very good to Yu Sichun but what was the reason behind it? Was it from love, guilt, habit or were they just pretending in front of them.

Everyone was an actor in a big play called life. Their acting skills could be amazing and they wouldn’t be able to tell it was fake.

Because when a person has the intention to hide something, other people wouldn’t be able to find any clues.

Xu Yiyi was afraid that Yu Sichun was like this.

Yu Sichun looked down and mulled over it with expectancy, confusion, panic and tenderness. There was deep uncertainty in her voice: “Maybe… I don’t know.”

Xu Yiyi stared at Yu Sichun’s face and smiled. Her smile was bitter and she said. “Sichun, you’re not like your mother at all.” After a pause, she added. “She is a very strong and decisive woman.”

Xu Yiyi closed her eyes and remembered when she first met Yu Sichun’s mother. She coldly sneered at everyone in order to pretend to be strong so her weaknesses wouldn’t be found out. 

“She never compromises or tolerates betrayal. Did you know? It’s not that your father didn’t love your mother. He loved her deeply. It was true love. But there were just so many women around him that he never refused them until I was pregnant and gave birth to Siqi. Your grandparents found out about my existence and although I tried my best to hide it, your mother still learned about me.”

“She chose divorce, not because she didn’t love your father anymore but because she loved him so much that she couldn’t tolerate his betrayal. Your mother, she didn’t want much. She didn’t want fancy clothes or an extravagant life. What she wanted was to find true love. That’s why she will think of your father when she sees you. That’s why she left and can only feel guilt towards you.”

“It’s true, these years, your father has woken up multiple times in the middle of the night to look at your mother’s picture in a daze. Sometimes it would last for a long time. I pretend not to know every single time because in life you can’t always care and question everything. It will just keep disappointing you and gradually make you lose yourself.”

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Yu Sichun was a little stunned. She thought for a moment, smiled and then nodded. “Thank you, Aunt Xu.” She asked. “What happened later?”

“After two years of quarreling, your father decided to let go and got a divorce. Us, ah, I depend on my son, that’s what it’s become now.”

Xu Yiyi smiled and laughed as tears gushed out of her eyes. Yu Sichun took out her handkerchief and helped her wipe her tears.

“Your father had many lovers, even now but he still loves your mother. He is very good to me, after all, we’ve been husband and wife for so many years. How can there be no feelings at all? It’s just that his love was given to your mother a long time ago so he can’t even give me a little.”

Xu Yiyi’s voice was very low but her tone was calm and her mood didn’t change much. Maybe she had gotten used to it after such a long time or maybe it was due to something else but tears kept falling from her eyes.

In fact, she had long gotten used to this feeling. Now she barely cared because she could openly say it.

It was a fact, when a person’s expectations kept turning into disappointment and then eventually it would just become despair.

In the end, she would become like her. Nothing would move her heart, love or not, none of it would be important then.


“Sichun, I’m not asking you to complain nor do I want to destroy the happiness in your marriage. I just want to tell you not to wrong yourself. If you really can’t hold on anymore then you can give up. You still have us, we can help you.”

Yu Sichun’s hand dropped down with the slightly wet handkerchief in her hand. She turned to look at Du Jiayi who was talking to Father Yu in the living room.

In the living room, Du Jiayi’s palms were a little sweaty. It showed his nerves but he still smiled and talked to Father Yu in a calm, polite and modest tone.

“Jiayi, how did you and Sichun meet each other?”

Father Yu’s calm tone was no different from how other elders spoke to the younger generation. Only his eyes showed vague scrutiny, as if they were analysing something.

“We…” Du Jiayi hesitated for a moment but he still didn’t say the words “blind date”. He paused, as if he was a little ashamed. “She was my junior at school. I liked her a lot so I proposed to her.”

Father Yu naturally didn’t ask anymore after hearing Du Jiayi say that. It was just that he felt uncomfortable if he didn’t say it. 

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He couldn’t object to his daughter’s decisions so he really didn’t know how to deal with Du Jiayi.

This was his son-in-law. He had never participated in Yu Sichun’s growth so what right did he have to be involved in her future?

As long as his daughter was happy. he thought.

The young man in front of him were at their prime age. His achievements weren’t too great but they were still young and there were infinite possibilities in the future.

After struggling for a few more years, there would be a chance to gain a better position.

Father Yu had heard of his ways in dealing with things. He was honest, upright, independent, impetuous, self-motivated, very clear about his own goals but most importantly, he was ruthless.

He had a sense of calmness and character that young people his age lacked. All the above comments could conclude that he was a good person.

He won’t do things that caused discord but was he really Yu Sichun’s significant other?

Father Yu thought for a long time in silence. He didn’t have any expression.

Du Jiayi quietly sat beside him. He was neither arrogant nor impatient.

After a long time, he heard Father Yu’s aged voice: “How long have you been married to Sichun?”

“It’s been 3 years.” Du Jiayi replied.

“3 years… 3 years ago, Sichun was only 21 years old.”

Father Yu sighed a little and his heart soured. In fact, he could imagine that Sichun was too lonely. Loneliness tends to make many people like her get married early. That was more or less the reason. “Sichun is still very similar to her.”

Father Yu’s voice was full of nostalgia and his tone softened. “Sichun’s mother was only 19 years old when she married me.”

Du Jiayi was shocked but then he heard Father Yu say lightly. “Sichun is a good girl, you have to treat her well.”

Du Jiayi could sense that Father Yu was avoiding the topic of Yu Sichun’s mother but still seriously said. “Dad, I will love her.”

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