No Wind or Rain

Chapter 8

“I also want to thank all those who silently struggled on this journey. Without you, the SY we have today wouldn’t be here. However, I’m most grateful to my wife who has been silently supporting me.”

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“Let me introduce her, who is 25 years old this year. She graduated from Jiangcheng University, majoring in International Relations and is currently engaged in translation. We have been married for four years and without her, I would not be who I am today.”

Du Jiayi paused for a moment: “Sisi, come up.”

In an instant, every eye from the audience gathered on Yu Sichun. She put down her glass, picked up her dress and walked towards the stage.

The audience spoke in hushed voices, they all showed surprise at her identity as Du Jiayi’s wife. They were fairly nice people so she didn’t hear them say anything too ugly.

Yu Sichun went on the stage and put her hand in Du Jiayi’s outstretched one. “My wife is very good (to me) and we are very happy.”

Yu Sichun realised then that Du Jiayi had been aware of the rumours in the company all this time. He just chose to announce her identity at such an event so she could have the opportunity to stand beside him.

Up until now, she still hadn’t heard Du Jiayi say he loved her but her heart felt warm at that moment.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Yu Sichun.”

Many noises came from below, they were all howling. After all, no one would dare to say anything unpleasant on such an occasion.

“Madam, boss is always so harsh on us, you have to help us…”

“Yes, yes, the boss works too hard, we’re all drained of strength…”

“Madam, is the boss at home also…?”

Yu Sichun blushed and looked at the kind but suspicious smiles on the employees below. Suddenly, she thought of a word—indecent, why did the topic suddenly become so obscene…?

“Alright, you guys don’t want your year-end bonus anymore? Huh?” Du Jiayi interrupted what they wanted to say and looked at the blushing cheeks of the woman in his arms. He found it a little funny. “My wife is easily embarrassed, so don’t tease her.”

“Oh, boss, you are too unkind!”

“Yes, yes, in order to support your wife, you even drag in our year-end bonus…”

“En, you’re openly displaying love and want us working dogs to pay for it…”

Du Jiayi smiled and kissed Yu Sichun on the cheek.

After the New Year ended, and just before the Spring Festival, Yu Sichun wanted to go to the capital.

It has been three years since she last visited Father Yu. This was pretty unfilial of her after thinking about it.

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Du Jiayi hurried to finish all his work because he wanted to make time and accompany his wife to see his father-in-law. Lately, he was a workaholic which made his staff feel extremely pressured.

Since the boss was so hardworking, if they just sat around then were they waiting to be fired?

Finally, five days later, Du Jiayi told Yu Sichun that he was almost done with his work. The two of them packed up a few sets of clothes and bought two plane tickets.

It was then, Yu Sichun gave Father Yu a call and told him that she would arrive in the capital in about two days.

“Good good, I’ll ask your aunt to cook something nice for you.”

Father Yu’s voice was filled with obvious joy and excitement. When Yu Sichun heard it, she felt guilty. She should visit him more.

She had been blinded over the years. How many parents in the world actually disliked their own children?

“There’s no need to be so troublesome, it’s better to do things casually. We’re all family.” Yu Sichun said warmly.

“Yes, yes, we’re all family,” Father Yu smiled and asked. “Sichun, is… is there anything he can’t eat?”

“He prefers to eat lighter foods. He can’t eat spicy food, but other than that there’s nothing else.”

“Oh, okay, Dad will be waiting for you at home then.”


Yu Sichun hung up the phone. She was currently already on the plane to the capital with Du Jiayi. After hanging up the call, she pressed the shutdown button.

Du Jiayi smiled and helped her fasten her seat belt. His gentle appearance made her heart move. After feeling Du Jiayi’s gaze, she immediately lowered her head.

“Sisi.” Yu Sichun heard Du Jiayi call her name.


Du Jiayi kissed her as soon as she looked up. There were many people on the plane. Before, he just kissed her cheek at the anniversary party and that was in front of his employees so she was fine, but now…

As soon as Yu Sichun wanted to struggle, Du Jiayi let go of her and blew in her ear, jokingly saying: “Sisi, it’s been four years but you’re still so timid.”

He spoke in a deep voice and then smiled. In return, Yu Sichun glared at him.

But this just made Du Jiayi laugh even more happily.

Sitting in the same row as them was an elderly couple. They looked like they were in their fifties and had witnessed all their exchanges just now, including their conversation and laughter. Yu Sichun nodded at them.

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The kind old woman said: “Little girl, you’re very blessed.”


It seemed like everyone had always told her that she was blessed.

Maybe she really was blessed, and was just ignorant about it.

But she did feel very happy.

She was like a child who ate candy. Her happiness was so sweet that she felt like it was all a dream.

“Thank you.” She nodded politely.

“Little girl, your husband loves you very much. I wish you eternal happiness!”

That’s a really good wish, Yu Sichun thought.

“Thank you.” She smiled and said ‘thank you’ again.

Du Jiayi… loved her?

Was it like? Or was it love?

‘Love’ was a word she didn’t dare to think about.

Some people’s intuition was more accurate than the old woman’s, Yu Sichun’s and Du Jiayi’s, after all. 

After that, they didn’t say anymore. Du Jiayi took out his MacBook and began to read some files. Yu Sichun fell asleep after watching a movie for a while.

Du Jiayi would notice Yu Sichun’s movements from time to time. After seeing her fall asleep, he took out a blanket to cover her and happened to see the old woman looking at them and smiling. He politely smiled back and then continued to read his documents.

After a while, Du Jiayi felt a weight on his shoulder. He lowered his head and saw Yu Sichun’s sleeping face. He smiled helplessly and stored the MacBook away. He helped adjust Yu Sichun’s sleeping posture and then hugged her as they slept together.

It was 10 pm when they arrived in the capital. They told Father Yu… they would be there tomorrow because today was already very late so they would just book a room at a nearby hotel.

Yu Sichun asked for a night-view room. As soon as she entered the room, she told Du Jiayi: “You go and wash up first. I’m going to watch the night scenery.”

She ran to the window in excitement. The capital was a sleepless city. She had been to the capital many times but rarely saw its night scenery. Now that she saw it, it really lived up to her expectations.

The day was calm which seemed to be so that the night could be lively. The night in the capital was luxurious, dazzling and intoxicating.

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Du Jiayi looked at Yu Sichun’s back who couldn’t wait to run to the window. This was the first time he saw her be so happy. After taking some clothes, he went into the bathroom.

Yu Sichun looked at the bustling scene outside the window and suddenly had an intense urge to be one with it.

Not long after, Du Jiayi came out of the bathroom and saw Yu Sichun still standing by the window and walked over.

He was only wearing a bathrobe. He had a slender body and water was dripping from his hair. There was a smile on his face as he held Yu Sichun from behind.

He lowered his head and kissed Yu Sichun’s neck, earlobe, and jaw. Gradually, he began to take off her clothes.

Yu Sichun resisted slightly, but she didn’t know whether the night was too charming or the man breathing behind her made her addicted, but she no longer struggled and let Du Jiayi take off her clothes one by one.

It was an intoxicating feeling.

Yu Sichun began to believe that if people wanted to be happy then they needed to know when to give up.1

This kind of feeling was novel to her. It was like she was feeling it for the first time. It was like some unknown fantasy or desire she had and could sink in or wake up at any moment.

The two of them became entangled. They were gliding to the bottom and then the landing came abruptly. She couldn’t help making a sound as she continued to sink. 

In such a time and space, this allowed them to be free and gain relief without knowing it.

Step by step, they walked into unknown territory.

Du Jiayi kissed Yu Sichun’s body in a frenzy. It was as if he were tasting a peerless beauty.

Under the night sky, in this otherwise empty room, they were frantically doing the most primitive activities known to mankind. They blended in with the night.


After trembling, Yu Sichun reached the other side, but Du Jiayi didn’t cross over with her. He was still in Yu Sichun’s body. He didn’t leave and was very gentle.

After standing like that for a long time, Du Jiayi began to move again. He moved deeply each time. There were no words, just pure action…


There was no need for any words. In such a situation, love was the only answer.

Du Jiayi’s actions was a little too strong and Yu Sichun’s body began to show traces of blue and purple. The expression on her face was very hazy. She raised her head and passively endured Du Jiayi’s love.

Du Jiayi’s lips rested at Yu Sichun’s jaw and then they slowly moved up to kiss her lips. 

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“Sisi… I love you…”

These emotional words didn’t make one feel disgusted. It reflected a person’s most hidden desires and because of this desire, it made people greedy, dissatisfied, and begin to desire—hope.

“Love you…”

It was midnight and a new day had arrived.

Du Jiayi walked to the bed with Yu Sichun in his arms. He put her on the bed and began to kiss her body. This worship-like action caused Yu Sichun to shudder heavily. She was surprised and delighted. Her body trembled slightly because of the coolness, but her heart was full of tenderness.

Du Jiayi was still kissing her.

He teased her ears with the tip of his tongue, this was something she had gotten used to a long time ago. They always had gentle moments like these.

She didn’t care about the things Du Jiayi said. There would always be moments where people needed to say these words as a kind of release.

But as a result, her soul almost left her body with little chance of returning.


Her toes curled slightly because of this feeling.

“Sisi, you’re so beautiful…”

Du Jiayi covered her body, his hands clasped her fingers and he sighed from the comfort he felt.



Their love making didn’t end until dawn. February in the capital was still a little cold, but the sky was still dark.

Du Jiayi helped Yu Sichun take a shower at 5 am. He kissed her tired sleeping face and held her in his arms as he slept.

The scenery outside the window no longer had tall buildings illuminated by colourful neon lights. There was a thin fog, hiding the couple in the room of this high building. It made the place appear mysterious for an unknown reason.



I believe Yu Sichun is saying she needs to give up her thoughts about Du Jiayi not loving her and resisting his advances. She’s been choosing to think that he didn’t like her all in their marriage and through the novel you can see how this affects her happiness/marriage. But if she lets this go of these thoughts then she can accept his affections with a calmer mind.

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