Not Familiar

Chapter 10

Amid busyness, two hours passed quickly. The rental time for the venue of Library A was all used up and the consultations had to come to an end. The last student from an external school seemed to be quite outstanding. Fang Huaining had a long chat with him while Li Ting recorded it, the form was densely packed.

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Li Ting is not doing a major in this field after all. Even if he had better listening compared to others, it wasn’t perfect. Fang Huaining, who was having a very smooth conversation with the student in front of him, immediately noticed the problem. 

A slender finger reached out, tapped at the end of Li Ting’s records, and said: “Missing one here, the name is… forget it, let me…”

Before Li Ting could understand, the person next to him suddenly came over, took the pen from his hand, and filled the gap. He watched that hand write a line of words. Before the last word was filled in, a low voice fell next to Li Ting’s ear: “It’s an algorithm of a certain program, it’s sort of difficult to spell.”



Li Ting lowered his head. He didn’t know how close Fang Huaining was. He could only feel the other’s warm breath on the top of his head when the other spoke. It blew over a few strands of his hair, making it a little itchy.

Soon, Fang Huaining moved back and sat quietly to one side. 

The graduate students left one after another, Hong Yue came over to collect the records. Seeing that it was going so smoothly, she was also a little surprised and couldn’t help saying to Li Ting: “Student, thank you so much. What’s your name? ”


Fang Huaining also turned his head over slightly when he heard this. That’s right, after so many coincidences, he still did not know the name of the person who had left such a deep impression on him.

After a few interactions, Fang Huaining also felt that this person’s personality was quite unique. If it weren’t for making money, he probably wouldn’t want to make friends. Hong Yue’s probably about to be disappointed.

Sure enough, Li Ting only shook his head, showing an attitude of reluctance to speak.


However, before he could turn back, he was caught by Hong Yue again.

“Don’t be shy, we’re not at some award ceremony. Doing good deeds without leaving your name is not the custom here. Come, tell jiejie, what’s your name?”

Li Ting was held tightly by her, so he had no choice but to speak.

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“Li Ting.” 

Which ‘Li’ is it? Which ‘Ting’ is it? Fang Huaining thought.

“Which ‘Li’ is it? Which ‘Ting’ is it?” Hong Yue was like his roundworm.

Li Ting paused, took over the pen again, and wrote his name on a piece of scrap paper.

“Oh, it sounds very nice.” Hong Yue showed support, then said, “Student Li Ting, thank you so much for today. You should already know that we’re from the computer science department. If you have time in the future, you can come hang out. We’ll treat you to candy.” 

During Hong Yue’s thank you, Fang Huaining saw how Li Ting still maintained his original expression, without even a polite smile on his face. Oversensitive people might even think that he had suffered a huge loss from helping them.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pa aegcfv bea atja mbwqjgfv ab atf oiemaejalcu ecqgfvlmajyif cjaegf bo tlr gjalbcji atlcxlcu, atlr ilaaif rfmgfajgs’r qfgmfqaeji atlcxlcu lr gjatfg eclajgs jcv xcbkr lar glutar jcv kgbcur.

Kgeis j ragjcuf qfgrbc, nfgs ecqgfvlmajyif.

Aera jr Mjcu Lejlclcu kjr rajglcu ja atja qfgrbc’r yjmx ktlif vgjklcu j qrsmtbjcjisrlr ugjqt lc tlr tfjv, atf ajgufa qfgrbc revvfcis abbx j ofk rafqr jcv aegcfv jgbecv. Lf mjwf yjmx jcv rabbv lc ogbca bo tlw. 

Fang Huaining hurriedly lowered his gaze and happened to see Li Ting take something out of his pocket. He put it on the table in front of him, then turned around and left.

It was two coins…


Bus fare? He still remembered to return it?

He didn’t feel surprised. Fang Huaining stretched out his hand and held the two coins in the palm of his hand, as if feeling a trace of the warm temperature remaining on them… 

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The group from the research institute ordered meals for four days. Li Ting was away at noon yesterday, so today, it was naturally his turn for delivery.

The other project teams have also been busy these days. Seeing that the students in Liu Chuping’s group ate so well, they all ordered meals from Doudou Dim Sum Restaurant. With such a large amount, Li Ting had already run up and down the stairs three times.

Today is the computer test for the guaranteed postgraduate students. Hong Yue and the others were supposed to stay in the computer room to help. However, Fang Huaining came back at noon and happened to bump into Li Ting when entering the elevator.

Wang Fuliang was also there. Likely because the memory of giving the computers at a loss was too deep, plus the fact that Li Ting wasn’t wearing a hat this time, he was recognized by Wang Fuliang at a single glance. 

“Hey, it’s-, it’s you, what a coincidence!”

You haven’t seen the real coincidence, Fang Huaining thought. He turned his head to look at that small body, whose cheeks flushed from rushing in the heat. Fang Huaining followed behind Wang Fuliang and sighed to himself.

“You have to deliver so much.”

Only then did Wang Fuliang notice that Li Ting was carrying two large meal containers in each of his hands. In order to keep warm, those things were not light. 

“I-I’ll help you take it.” Wang Fuliang and Zhao Bang discussed that matter later, the two didn’t actually feel that they got scammed by Li Ting. On the contrary, the more they thought about it, the more they felt that he was quite impressive, at least they wouldn’t be able to achieve such a thing. The impression of respect from that time still remained in his heart even now, Wang Fuliang really did want to help.

However, Li Ting avoided his hand, he waited for the elevator to arrive, and then walked out orderly.

One by one, the meals were sent to the other groups before finally coming to Fang Huaining’s. Wang Fuliang was calling the people who didn’t come, he said to Li Ting in the middle of his call: “D-divided it, they’ll c-come to eat later.”

Li Ting does not provide this kind of humanized service, he only took the meal out of the incubator and placed it randomly. 

However, Wang Fuliang was unable to see the fitness of things and wanted to talk to Li Ting: “W-where did you take my computer last time? How much did the c-collectors buy it for?”

Li Ting was too lazy to answer questions that were irrelevant to work.

The naturally enthusiastic northern man continued: “After delivering here, w-where else do you have to deliver? T-the temperature is so hot, you can sit down for a while before leaving.”

But Li Ting didn’t delay at all, he left after collecting his things. 

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“W-wait, you have to give me the receipt…I have to ask my senior to apply for reimbursement from the s-school…wait, someone’s looking for me, Huaining, help me get the invoice.” Wang Fuliang said as he sat down and accepted the video call on the computer.

Fang Huaning looked at Li Ting.


Li Ting also looked at him.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds in dead silence. 

Fang Huaining lowered his head slightly and asked: “You didn’t bring it?”

Li Ting half raised his head and said: “Nobody told me to bring it.”

Fang Huaining: “I told your colleague who came to deliver the meal two days ago. He probably forgot to tell you.”

It’s not the first time those people were unreliable, Li Ting turned around and left. 

Fang Huaining blurted out: “Where are you going?”

Li Ting said: “I’m going back to get it.”


Li Ting halted in his steps and turned his head to look at… the hand on his arm. 

Fang Huaining was startled, and then quickly released him: “It’s not a big deal, it’s the same if you bring it over tomorrow.”

After thinking for a bit, he asked: “You’re still the one coming tomorrow, right?”

Before Li Ting could respond, Wang Fuliang called out first.

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“Huaining, Huaining… quickly come over.” 

Fang Huaining: “What’s wrong?”

It turned out that Wang Fuliang’s group recently cooperated for an experiment with a German school. His shijie asked him to be responsible for the communication, but Wang Fuliang sent his data materials late and during that time, people in Germany were not at school due to the time difference. And now, they hurriedly replied with documents that were all in German.

“Hurry up and find Wei Ping, see if she’s here and ask her to come over.”

Wei Ping is Qian Kun’s girlfriend, a major in German, and Qian Kun is another roommate of theirs. The four of them have a very tight relationship. In the past, the translations of the institute were all basically done by Wei Ping. Otherwise, it would be from a master’s or doctoral student in the department of foreign languages. 

Fang Huaining said: “Aren’t the two of them traveling abroad?”

“Ah? Right, I just remembered. Then what should I do? Where can I find a translator at this time? It’s not like I can make them rewrite it. I even have to give feedback to my xue later.” Wang Fuliang was anxious.

Fang Huaining understands, Wang Fuliang’s data was sent late because he was helping them. Wang Fuliang isn’t a guaranteed postgraduate student, he’s just here for an internship and has to take the postgraduate examination next year. Wang Fuliang is worried that he will leave a bad impression on his mentors. 

Fang Huaining frowned: “Let me think of a way.” He did know someone in the foreign language department. It’s the one he had met in the library before the exams. The girl who insisted on giving him a seat, she was also Wei Ping’s classmate. But If Fang Huaining asked her and she really came, he would have to find time to pay back this favor, he’s afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings to the other party.

Fang Huaining held his phone while hesitating.

No matter what, the problem has to be solved.

“He wants you to sort out the data you sent two days ago. Professor Braun will talk to you in real-time at noon tomorrow to talk about the topic on network compression. He outlined a list of a few topics.” 

Suddenly hearing a third person speak, Fang Huaining and Wang Fuliang turned around together, only to realize that Li Ting hadn’t left.

Because his mind was still entangled in whether or not to call the girl, Fang Huaining rarely did not react immediately. He watched Li Ting move his mouth and even thought he was still talking about the receipt.

Facing two ignorant faces, Li Ting knew that they didn’t understand. He could only point to the printed document on the table and explained: “That’s what it said.”

Wnag Fuliang: “Ah… ah?!?!” 

Fang Huaining: “……”

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