Not Familiar

Chapter 11

“Y-you can read German?”

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After a strange silence, Wang Fuliang spoke first. 

Li Ting didn’t respond to this obvious nonsense.

Wang Fuliang continued to ask, “What did you s-say were the details of network compression they li-listed on the paper?”



Li Ting knew that he asked this because he didn’t believe him, so he translated all points on the document. The more he explained, the bigger Wang Fuliang’s eyes became.

Fang Huaining, who had already seen this person work his magic many times, showed the advantages as the experienced. In front of professionals like them, this information cannot simply be made up by wagging one’s tongue, plus, the other had no reason to pretend to understand. 

Wang Fuliang finally showed a surprised expression, lowered his head, and began to write quickly: “Can, can you say it slowly… slowly, I’ll write it down, write it down…”


Li Ting did not slow down and did not care that Wang Fuliang had to chase after it to half death. However, despite the pain, Wang Fuliang managed to roughly sort out the information in a very short time.

When he saw that it was done, Li Ting dropped the things in his hand and was about to leave. It was as if he had merely kicked away a stone on the road and didn’t care about the gratitude of passers-by nor accept the worship of onlookers.

“Wait… wait.” Wang Fuliang wasn’t willing to let him out the door. He jumped up and ran over to Li Ting. His eyes glittered under the thick lens, “Which university are you from? W-what’s your major?”


Li Ting rolled his eyes and didn’t seem to want to answer. Every single one of them from University A likes investigating people’s household accounts. If he wouldn’t talk, it seems that they wouldn’t even let him out the door. He noticed that Fang Huaining was also looking at him, Li Ting pursed his mouth and picked one of the questions to answer.

“Foreign language major.”

“No wonder!” Wang Fuliang suddenly realized.


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Fang Huaining said in his heart: No wonder my ass, how many foreign language majors know how to farm? 

However, at least he could sort of grasp the source of this person’s skills. Although the other was unwilling to disclose his school, based on how he recorded so many uncommon words used by another major yesterday and the fact that he didn’t even need to pause to translate the documents today. Li Ting’s professional abilities seem quite outstanding.

He’s so outstanding yet he still chooses to work such hard work?

Why on earth?

As Fang Huaining pondered, he heard Wang Fuliang’s proposal, “Are, are you free tomorrow? W-we still have some German emails that need to be translated. Moreover, if the information says… P-Professor Braun will communicate with us in real-time tomorrow, it, it would be better if we have a German speaker a-around us.” Professor Braun is old, 9 times out of 10, people aren’t able to understand his German-English sentences. He also doesn’t like students who interrupt him casually. The last time they communicated, Wang Fuliang’s group almost couldn’t keep up with the pace because of the communication obstacles. 

Li Ting didn’t make a sound, he lightly tapped his feet on the ground with a look of lack of interest.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wang Fuliang was in urgent need of support, so Fang Huaining supported him by going straight to the point: “It’s paid.”

Ol Klcu rabqqfv tlr wbnfwfcar.

Mjcu Lejlclcu: “Zbgf atjc ajxf-bea vfilnfgs.” 

Ol Klcu’r fsfyjiir vgloafv ufcais.

Mjcu Lejlclcu ibbxfv ja tlr oieaafglcu ijrtfr jcv rjlv, “Pa ajxfr ja wbra 40 wlceafr, joafg sbe’gf vbcf, sbe mjc ralii mbcalcef atf kbgx ogbw sbeg rabgf.”


Ol Klcu ibbxfv bnfg.

Mjcu Lejlclcu xcfk la kjr j vbcf vfji. 

However, Li Ting’s attitude was still not very enthusiastic: “Just don’t regret it.”

“Why, why would we… If we agreed, we…”

Wang Fuliang also wanted to give the two parties more opportunities to communicate in advance. However, Li Ting didn’t want to listen to him. He picked up his thermal containers, then as if he was walking over ripples, he dodged past Wang Fuliang’s hand and flashed out the door.

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“Then tomorrow, the u-usual time, you can’t be late!” 

Wang Fuliang had a face full of smiles as he shouted after the person who left, but a second later, his expression immediately collapsed, and looked at Fang Huaining bitterly.

“Ri- right now, income from delivering take-out doesn’t seem to be low. How can you tell him that we will give more? Although xuejie s-said to find an interpreter, she wanted someone from o-our school. What if she doesn’t trust him? If she doesn’t agree, the price might also be very low…”

“Are you regretting it?” Asked Fang Huaining.

“I… I’m not, I’m just worried…” 

“No need to worry.” Fang Huaining sat down at a side of the table, took the boxed lunch that was just brought over, opened it, and then ate it spoonful by spoonful. “If your xuejie really don’t want to pay the extra. I’ll cover it. After all, I’m the one that came up with the idea.”

“Huaining! You, you’re so loyal!” Wang Fuliang was stunned, and then rushed forward, “If you s-spend a lot of money, I’ll treat you to dinner…”

Speaking of this, Wang Fuliang thought again: “Or we, we can also invite t-that guy to dinner, as gratitude… how about it?”

Fang Huaining swallowed a shrimp and raised his eyebrow: “That can be considered…” 

Li Ting was the last one to leave the store today. He rode back to the rented house on his scooter. When he was about to open the door, he noticed a figure with unkempt hair sitting in the dark.

Li Ting didn’t panic, but walked over and kicked that person.

Tian Dian made a “wu” sound, it seemed like he just woke up from a daze, then said in a hoarse voice, “You’re back? I… forgot my key.”

Li Ting opened the door and turned on the light. Tian Dian walked past him and staggered in: “I sweated all over while waiting, I’ll go wash first…” 

Before he finished talking, Li Ting grabbed his wrist.

“What?” Tian Dian became nervous.


Li Ting looked at him: “What do you think?”

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Tian Dian struggled: “I’m so tired, I want to sleep.” 

Li Ting grabbed his hair mercilessly and pulled it back, revealing Tian Dian’s whole face. The large bluish-purple bruise in the middle of the forehead can be seen at a glance under the incandescent light, even blood could particularly be seen.

Tian Dian shook off his hand and smiled: “All right, all right, I drank again, drank too much, and fell down.”

Li Ting didn’t speak.

Tian Dian looked at him seriously: “Li-zi, it’s true, believe me, I won’t drink so much next time, okay?” 

Li Ting stared at him straight in his eyes for a few seconds, then slowly released his hand and entered the room.

Tian Dian breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Ting’s room was very small, but he also only has very few things. There was a bed and a small wardrobe, which were both relatively old. The only presentable thing was the bookshelf near the corner that was full of books, some old and some new.

Li Ting approached it, his sight swiped past the two rows of yellowing science magazines and fell on the two newly borrowed professional books in their original text on the lower shelf. He stretched out his hand and pulled them out. 

He knew all the words, but when they were combined, the content was obscure. Li Ting didn’t know a thing about what was written.

However, he still flipped through it page by page patiently, and his maniacal mood seemed to calm down because of this.

Once in a while, some noises were transmitted from outside. It probably came from Tian Dian, who took a bath and was tidying up his things. After busying himself for a while, the rented house finally fell into peace and quiet.

Li Ting turned off the small desk lamp at the bedside, stood in the dark for a long time, and rubbed the key in his pocket. Then he quietly opened the door and went out. 

Li Ting hopped back onto his electric scooter and drove fast into the night. It took only half of the usual time to arrive at the street of the bars.

Once again, he walked into that alley with familiarity. Li Ting did not pause in his steps and kept walking to the innermost grayish-black gate.

He knows that person’s habit. After drinking, that person doesn’t like going through the front door, he just had to go through the side door, doing this and that in the dark.

Sure enough, after waiting for nearly an hour, the door was slowly pushed open. A young man stumbled out of it. He had an appearance that was quite upright and had a youth in his arms. 

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In the dark, Li Ting silently looked at that person’s back. He felt around near the wall with his hands and found a wooden stick. He picked it up and weighed it in the palm of his hand.

That man and the youth were glued to each other, they leaned against each other from time to time as they laughed and talked. Just when their heads were about to touch, Li Ting stepped out quickly, raised his stick, and swung it hard on the man’s back!


With a clack, the stick broke into two.


Screams and cries of pain burst out of both the man’s and the youth’s mouths at the same time. The youth ran away as soon as he realized the danger, while the man stumbled against the wall and looked back in pain.

When he saw who was behind him, the man burst out rude remarks: “F… fuck you, Li Ting…”

Before he finished speaking, Li Ting directly kicked him in the stomach. He kicked the buff man who was half a head taller than him to the ground and greeted him in the face with fists after fists.

The man on the ground groaned as he got beaten. He was stubborn at first but couldn’t help begging for mercy the next minute: “I… I didn’t mean to provoke Tian Dian, I just met him coincidentally… Hey, stop hitting… I didn’t fucking touch him. I just chugged him two glasses of alcohol… Fuck… Okay, okay, I just pushed him lightly… Who knew he would fall off the steps… Ouch…” 

Li Ting didn’t want to give him a chance to make excuses, he just wanted to beat him up. However, in the middle of the beating, someone in a waiter’s uniform came out of that gray door.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man struggled and got up. He pushed aside the waiter, ran into the bar, and shouted at some people at the nearest table.

The man was in an embarrassing state, everyone could see what was going on. Those three men who seemed to be his friends walked over angrily.

Li Ting had a chance to retreat but was caught by the waiter by the door. 

That person was particularly upset and asked him, “Li Ting, what do you want now? Where’s Tian Dian? He ran away after only working for a few hours? He really can’t bear even the tiniest bit of grievances.”

Li Ting didn’t answer, he only stared at the few men who gradually surrounded him.

The man in the middle, who was already beaten to wilt, put on a vicious expression when he saw his helpers arrive. He pointed at Li Ting and said, “That sissy was still begging me not to leave him last month. What’s the problem now? He suddenly turned into gold and I can’t touch him anymore? Bah! Fine, laozi doesn’t care about that slut. But you, you keep standing up for him again and again. If you have such balls, why don’t you substitute for him and let me play with you for two days? I promise I’ll never look at you guys again.”

After saying this, he motioned to his friends to give Li Ting a greeting. 

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