Not Familiar

Chapter 13

The slope couldn’t exactly be called tall. If someone falls there, they generally won’t be hurt too much. However, this doesn’t account for those who are unlucky. Li Ting seemed to belong to the latter. When Fang Huaining and the others approached, they saw Li Ting lying on his side with his hands around his chest and his face turning pale from pain.

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“Aiya, where did you fall?” Zhao Bang asked nervously. 

Fang Huaining had already squatted down beside Li Ting and was examining him carefully. While wanting to help him up, he asked, “Where does it hurt?”

He only gently touched Li Ting’s body, and the other had already shrunken himself together even more tightly like a shrimp with his shoulders trembling.



“Arm… does your arm hurt?” Fang Huaining noticed that Li Ting’s arm was unnaturally stiff on his side, he raised his voice and asked, “Where else?”

Li Ting shook his head and didn’t speak. The next moment, he felt two arms pass through the back of his waist and legs. He was lifted up in the air. 

Fang Huaining said to those on his side, “Call a taxi to the hospital.”


Qian Kun and Zhao Bang reacted barely in time. After being stunned for a while, one hurried to stop a taxi, while the other picked up the small electric scooter and placed it aside.

The taxi soon arrived. Qian Kun sat in front to give directions, while Zhao Bang and Fang Huaining sat in the back. However, Zhao Bang’s figure alone could occupy most of the seat. After a short thought, Fang Huaining could only let half of Li Ting’s butt sit on his leg and let his upper body lean on his chest in order to avoid pressing on his injury.

At first, Li Ting was stunned from the pain. Gradually, he recovered a clear mind after surviving through the stimulation and the pained look on his face seemed to be suppressed.


Fang Huaining felt the person in his arms moved, seemingly wanting to sit up. However, Fang Huaining didn’t let go. He tightened his arms that were surrounding his waist and abdomen, gently opposing the other’s uncooperativeness.

Li Ting stiffened and raised his eyes intuitively, he met Fan Huaining’s line of sight that came from above. One person’s head was against the other’s chin. The close distance was enough for them to see each other’s faces clearly. What’s unfortunate is that both of them had no expression on their faces, only two pairs of eyes that looked particularly bright, with each other’s clear shadow within them.

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After a few seconds that felt both short and long, they both avert their eyes. Li Ting didn’t struggle anymore, and Fang Huaining didn’t speak.


They quickly arrived at the hospital. The car stopped steadily, this time Fang Huaining didn’t stop Li Ting as he left the legs of the person under him, as he opened the door and stepped out, taking difficult steps towards the door of the hospital. 

This person is too stubborn.

Fang Huaining thought as he followed after him.

This situation should definitely be an emergency. The doctor asked to get a scan. After the result came out, it was a shoulder dislocation. To relocate it, only one person could enter the consulting room. The three looked at each other, and then Fang Huaining went in.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf rjk Ol Klcu islcu atfgf jcv atf vbmabg rajcvlcu yfrlvf tlw. Ktf vbmabg ugjyyfv Ol Klcu’r jgw jcv wbnfv la eq jcv vbkc. 

C ofk yeaabcr bc Ol Klcu’r rtlga kfgf ecyeaabcfv. Mjcu Lejlclcu cbalmfv atja tlr gluta rtbeivfg kjr mbwqifafis rkbiifc, la kjr gfv jcv qegqif, ibbxlcu gjatfg afgglyif.

“Is it serious?” He couldn’t help asking the doctor.

The doctor snorted: “Dislocated twice in two days. Could a second degree injury be not serious? The first time wasn’t bad, but you connected it yourself?” He looked at Li Ting. “The connection was even crooked, and then it got dislocated again by external force. You don’t want this arm anymore? If it’s any more serious, you’ll have to have surgery.”

Two dislocations? Wasn’t it just the fall just now? Fang Huaining was surprised. 

Li Ting didn’t speak, he only closed his eyes. His trembling eyelashes revealed the pain he was suffering at the moment.

“It’s indeed a little painful. Bear it, and relax your muscles.” The doctor could still be counted as considerate, he nagged as he moved. He said that college students should pay more attention to safety while they’re on vacation, and don’t make trouble without knowing the severity of the outcome.


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Fang Huaining was listening to him, but his eyes were staring at the doctor’s hand, and his feet were moving towards the head of the bed bit by bit.

Sure enough, in the middle of the nagging, the doctor suddenly exerted force with his hands, which was followed by a crisp ‘clack’. Fang Huaining nimbly grabbed Li Ting’s other arm to prevent him from jumping out of the bed. 

“Done…” The doctor took off his gloves and went aside to write the medical record.

Li Ting was gasping on the bed, cold sweat covered his forehead. He faintly felt something being handed over. He weakly opened his eyes and saw that it was a tissue. He stretched out his hand and wanted to take it, but he found that he could not move his arms. One was invalid and the other was being pressed by someone.

Li Ting could only watch helplessly, wanting to say no thanks. However, the tissue had already fallen on his face. It gently wiped the sweat stains on his forehead, cheeks, neck… and finally stopped at the collarbone.

“Don’t be in a hurry to get up. Lie down for a while.” Fang Huaining took back the tissue and walked towards the doctor with a calm look. 

“Secure your arm first, don’t use it for at least a week, and then go through the hospitalization procedures.” The doctor said.

“He has to be hospitalized?” Asked Fang Huaining.

“Why else do you think he hurts like this?” The doctor said as he pulled up another x-ray image on the computer, “Do you see? The most painful thing is not the arm, but here, rib fractures, three of them…”

Rib fractures too? 

But what the doctor said after that surprised him even more.

“This isn’t a new injury. This is an old injury from several years ago that hasn’t recovered well. It’s easy for problems to arise whenever he falls or gets hit. That’s why, although he only broke some bones, he must stay in bed and rest. It’s good that he’s still young now, otherwise, he’ll have more to suffer when he gets old.”

Seeing Fang Huaining’s unhappy expression, the doctor comforted: “Letting him stay hospitalized is also for observations. We can see his cardiopulmonary function and other indicators. If there is no problem, in two days, he can be discharged and go rest at home instead.”

Then he asked someone outside to help the patient leave and pay the bill. 

Qian Kun had already borrowed a wheelchair. Fang Huaining let Li Ting sit down and saw Zhao Bang holding the payment slip, looking reluctant.

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Zhao Bang had the money to treat people to meals or go to the internet cafe, but there were so many check ups and deposits, for a college student who only spends small cash, it’s not a small amount.

“Let me.” Qian Kun noticed it. When he reached for it, Fang Huaining had already taken the slip.

“I’ll go. You guys go to the hospitalization department first.” 

Seeing Fang Huaining’s action, Li Ting seemed to want to speak, but Zhao Bang had already pushed him away.

While waiting in line to pay, an unfamiliar sound came from his pocket. Fang Huaining took it out and looked at it. Only then did he remember that when Li Ting fell, he found his phone smashed on one side. So he picked it up first and planned to return it to him later. Now he saw the phone buzzing there with a style so old that he didn’t know which era of knock-off goods it belonged to, and the spider-web-like crack on the screen, he could hardly make out the name of the caller, it seemed to be… Li- something.


Li Ting wasn’t there, and it wasn’t good for Fang Huaining to take other people’s calls. However, the sound of this thing was too harsh. Fang Huaining wanted to hang up, but after tapping on it a few times, it didn’t work. In the end, the call got inexplicably connected instead.

Fang Huaining had no choice but to put the phone next to his ear. He heard a teenager shouting on the other end, “Ge, do you have time tomorrow? Let’s have a meal together.” 

The same surname, it seems to be a relative of Li Ting?

“Sorry, I’m not Li Ting.” Fang Huaining said.

Hearing his voice, the other person was stunned: “Ah? Who are you? Where’s Li Ting? Isn’t it convenient for him to answer the phone?”

Fang Huaining didn’t give his identity. He only thought for a bit, and then briefly explained the situation here, saying that Li Ting fell on his scooter. 

This little brother became nervous at once. After asking which hospital, he said he would arrive as soon as possible.

When Fang Huaining settled the expenses and went to the hospitalization department, it was already dark outside.

Li Ting was the only one staying in this three person ward. He leaned against the head of the bed and seemed to be asleep. Zhao Bang and Qian Kun sat at the end of the bed bored. These few people were a little tired after busying themselves the entire day, especially Zhao Bang, it almost consumed his exercise for the month. The eyes of this fatty that were already not that large almost turned narrowed.

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Fang Huaining said, “You guys go back first.” Qian Kun said at noon that he had a date with his girlfriend. Now that the situation was stable, it’s not good to stand the other party up. 

Zhao Bang hesitated: “I’ll wait a little longer, until this drip is done.”

Fang Huaining understands that Zhao Bang thinks Li Ting only fell because he scared the other by shouting randomly and felt guilty. However, since the doctor has said that Li Ting’s arm has already been injured for two days, Fang Huaining thinks he fell because he couldn’t control the direction and accelerator when driving, which has little to do with Zhao Bang.

“It’s all right. I’ll wait. It’s almost done.” Fang Huaining said.

Zhao Bang and Qian Kun both felt that the Ace seemed to be much more enthusiastic today than in the past. But they knew that he was only cold and indifferent in appearance, inside, he was a very loyal and responsible person. Thus, they didn’t think much. 

“Call me if anything happens.”

After leaving this sentence, they each left on their own. There were only Fang Huaining and the person on the bed left in the ward.

Fang Huaining wanted to get closer to the drip bottle to look at it, but noticed that Li Ting had woken up and was staring at him with his eyes open.

There were probably some analgesic ingredients in the drip. The color of pain from just now disappeared from his face. But his slightly messy hair, pale face, and his not very strong small body wrapped in bedding, it shows even more of a frailty that made people pity him. 

In a trance, Fang Huaining saw that little kitten looking at him through the window glass again.

The little kitten got injured, and entered the rescue station.


Fang Huaining blinked and heard Li Ting say, “Don’t need to accompany me, thank you.”

He probably wanted to thank him for today’s help, and wanted to say that he didn’t need Fang Huaining to waste his time. As a result, when these two sentences were put together, it sounded inexplicably inhumane. 

But Fang Huaining acted like he didn’t seem to hear it. He pulled out a chair at the head of the bed and sat down.


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