Not Familiar

Chapter 14

After sitting down, Fang Huaining didn’t speak, and neither did Li Ting. For about a minute, silence filled the whole ward, and the familiar BGM <Awkwardness> began to silently play again.

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In the end, it was Fang Huaining who broke the silence. He said, “Sorry, I accidentally answered your phone just now. It was probably your brother. After he knew your situation, he said he’ll be coming later.” 

Then he put the phone by the bed and pointed at that complicated screen, seemingly wanting to say something.

Li Ting saw his hesitation and took the initiative to say, “This phone was already cracked two days ago, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t.”



As expected, it didn’t become like this because of the fall. Fang Huaining thought of the day before yesterday when they contacted him during Wang Fuliang’s group’s translation process and how he didn’t answer. His phone was probably having problems at that time, and the origin of his injuries might also have something to do with why Li Ting missed the appointment for no reason.

Fang Huaining really wanted to ask. When he was holding the other just now, the other’s light body and the touch of his sharp butterfly bone poking him on the arm still faintly remained, making Fang Huaining can’t help but recall. But he felt that he was a little too concerned. This matter was already over and even involves the other’s privacy. He shouldn’t actually be asking more, so Fang Huaining just nodded. 

Li Ting said, “When I’m healed, I’ll pay you back. Or you give me your account number, and I’ll fix my phone and transfer it to you.”


Fang Huaining frowned slightly: “No hurry.”

Li Ting seemed to know what he was thinking and asked, “Do you think I’m poor?”

Fang Huaining was stunned and almost asked, “Are you not?”


However, Li Ting’s expression didn’t seem to be joking. He didn’t seem to be showing off or flaunting. He just had a very plain expression, as if he was narrating a very normal thing.

So… the injured person isn’t in a pinch?

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But if you’re rich, why do you have to work so hard? Or did you only become rich because you worked so hard?


Fang Huaining was curious about the cause and effect of this matter. 

He chose a different angle to express his thoughts: “You should’ve come to see the doctor earlier.” If you really have no financial difficulty.

“If I can’t bear it, I will come.” Li Ting retorted, implying that if he didn’t fall this morning, he originally could’ve bear it, and he didn’t want to break off his original plans.

Fang Huaining thought of the doctor’s words and saw that appearance of him lying there again with a pale face. He was inexplicably depressed in his heart, and his tone also became cold, “Your body is your own.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea Ol Klcu vlv cba ulnf lc: “Qtlmt lr kts P xcbk nfgs kfii.” 

Lf mifjgis ibbxr rb ogjulif jcv tjr jc fzagfwfis rboa nblmf, sfa tf pera tjr ab tjnf remt j raeyybgc jcv abeut qfgrbcjilas. Yc abq bo atja, tf’r fnfc yflcu j ilaaif ecjyif ab afii ktja’r ubbv obg tlwrfio. Ycis cbk vlv Mjcu Lejlclcu rffw ab gfjilhf atja atlr ilaaif xlaafc mjc rmgjamt qfbqif. Lf klii ragfamt bea tlr nlulijca mijkr ja atf jqqgbjmt jcv abemt bo ragjcufgr, fnfc lo atfs jgf klat xlcv lcafcalbcr.

Really not cute.

As proud and aloof as Fang Huaining, he is also not someone who likes to be given the cold shoulder. He immediately stood up and looked at the drip bottle that was already almost empty, planning to leave and call the nurse over to pull out the needle on his way out.

However, before he could take two steps, he was caught by the movements behind him. 

Those two sentences not only stimulated Fang Huaining’s ears, but also stimulated Li Ting’s fragile trachea. As soon as he finished talking, he couldn’t help coughing.

But he just won’t ask for help. He leaned his body to reach for the paper cup at the bedside. As a result, it ended up pulling the arm that was hanged. Not only did the water spill, but the person himself also almost fell out of the bed.


Fortunately, Fang Huaining realized that there was something wrong and rushed forward on time. He reached out to steady the falling man in his arms. Only so did he not aggravate his injuries.

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“Are you okay?” Fang Huaining asked the other. 

Li Ting coughed more fiercely. Fang Huaining quickly helped him lay against the bedstead and went to get a new cup of water.

Li Ting wanted to take it himself, but Fang Huaining didn’t let him. He directly put the edge of the cup to his lips. Li Ting felt very uncomfortable, but he didn’t refuse again and started sipping it little by little.

His pale and dry lips were stained with water, his drooping eyelashes and Adam’s apple slid up and down following his swallows. Fang Huaining watched closely, the suffocation in his heart just now seemed to be slowly diluted by the water in the cup.

He sighed softly. 

Why bother with an injured person?

He was never this stingy.

“Drink slowly.” The coldness in Fang Huaining’s voice faded when he spoke again, even adding a tenderness he didn’t realize.

After finishing the water, Li Ting lay there with his eyes closed. The fur that stood up all over his body also softened again, being incredibly harmless. 

Fang Huaining knew that his ribs hurt from coughing, but he didn’t know how to alleviate the other’s pain. After thinking with his mind elsewhere, he noticed that his hand was already unconsciously pressing on the other’s chest, not knowing whether he wanted to pat or rub it.

Fang Huaining was shocked.

Li Ting probably also thought something wasn’t right. When he opened his eyes again, their eyes met again.

There were still tears in Li Ting’s eyes that came from coughing, alongside his reddish eyes, it looked even more lucid. 

The room was filled with awkwardness again. But in this awkwardness, there was also a strange atmosphere that could not be explained clearly, making people confused.

At this time, a quiet voice faintly sounded, which also drew back the attention of the two.

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Fang Huaining and Li Ting turned their heads at the same time, they found another standing by the door. 

This person with widened eyes looked at Fang Huaining and then at Li Ting. Finally, this person’s sight fell on the hand that was in a not quite right position. This person had a rather complex expression.

Fang Huaining was stunned and quickly took back his hand.


Only when the person outside the door saw the two at the bedside distanced themselves, did they walk in hesitantly.

“Li-zi, how are you?” 

The visitor has long hair, a small face, and big eyes. She was a very beautiful girl. Fang Huaining watched her rush to the hospital bed nervously and as she touches Li Ting everywhere. Her two fair legs in sports shorts were almost about to kneel onto the bed.

Li Ting didn’t speak, only slapped away her hand.

The girl was not angry, but she didn’t get off the bed. She was still anxious to know where Li Ting was hurt. While looking for it, she nagged: “I waited for you all night last night and you didn’t come back. I felt something was wrong and went to your workplace this morning and saw your broken scooter parked there. I inquired all the way here and even ran to several nearby hospitals before I finally found you. You… why didn’t you tell me… why?!”

The girl looked at Li Ting’s arm that was in a case, her eyes redden. 

However, Li Ting frowned because she was too noisy.

Only then did the girl realize that she was too impulsive and had to climb down from the bed. She turned to look at Fang Huaining again, and asked tentatively, “Hello, may I ask who you are…”

Fang Huaining had been looking at them silently the entire time. At this moment, he threw down the tissue in his hand and stepped back. His expression had returned to aloof and cold. He said to Li Ting, “Since your friend is here, I’m leaving.”

Before Li Ting could answer, Fang Huaining had already left cooly with his hands in his pockets. 

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Li Ting stared at the other’s back, and then heard a faint inquiry next to his ear.

“Who is that?”

Li Ting glanced at the person next to him and said, “Tian Dakai, go buy me a phone.”

Tian Da… No, Tian Dian was stunned. Only then did he see the ugly communication tool beside Li Ting’s pillow, and the tears in his eyes came up again. 

“Li-zi… sorry, I was afraid of you being like this so I didn’t tell you that I met him that day.”

Li Ting emotionlessly watched him cry, “Did you provoke him?”

“What?” Tian Dian was stunned and quickly denied, “How is that possible? If I see Cai Yang, I rather take a detour to avoid him. How can I be so cheap to throw myself at him again?” That day, it was that scum who insisted on inviting Tian Dian to drink. Tian Dian worked as a waiter in the bar so he had to reluctantly drink a glass to smooth things over. For that reason, the other party was reluctant to let him go, and even started to get handsy, which led to such a result.

“So you’re sorry for what.” Li Ting felt uncomfortable and changed his position. “Who I want to smack doesn’t have anything to do with anyone.” 

Tian Dian still felt sad. He knew what Li Ting meant, but as he thought about it, he laughed: “I just called the bar. Xiao-Mi said that Cai Yang and them were in a very miserable state, and two of them are even hospitalized.”

In fact, as far as Li Ting’s skill is concerned, he won’t be at the disadvantage in eight or nine out of ten fights. That night, when those people in the bar rushed towards him, Li Ting was not afraid. For such a thin body, his movements were very vigorous and powerful, making it impossible to guard against. But because he used the tactics of beating them down one by one, the three big men still let Li Ting suffer some losses in the process.


However, Li Ting didn’t lose even when he defeated the last man. The reason why he was injured like this was that he got hit hard on his chest and suffered from an old injury. Secondly, he was restrained by the bar’s security guard. Considering that Tian Dian still had to work here, Li Ting didn’t give them trouble. But who would have thought that after he stopped, Cai Yang didn’t let the matter drop. He drunkenly grabbed a wooden stool and smashed it at Li Ting. Li Ting stretched out his arm to block it, which led to today’s outcome.

Of course, Li Ting didn’t make Cai Yang feel better. He dragged his injured arm, gave the other party a fat beating until he lost at least four or five teeth and his face was so swollen that he couldn’t see anyone for a month. Only so did his anger barely lifted. 

Seeing that Tian Dian was excited again, Li Ting didn’t want to linger on this topic anymore. He shook his hands and pulled some tissue paper to cover the corner of the quilt.

Tian Dian hurriedly came to help. Looking at the wet quilt, he suddenly thought of the scene he saw when he entered the door. He couldn’t help but get close and asked with romantic ambiguity, “Who was that big handsome guy just now?”


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