Not Familiar

Chapter 15

Tian Dian asked ambiguously: “Who was that handsome guy just now?”

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    Li Ting pulled up the quilt and planned to sleep.

    Tian Dian however, was persistent: “Did he send you to hospital when you got injured? How did you two meet?”

    Li Ting looked at him, and finally spoke: “Yes, but we are not acquaintances.”

    Tian Dian didn’t believe him, he’d noticed the time of visit that was written on the medical record kept by the side. If they were not acquainted, why would the other party stay with him from noon until it was dark? Was this a meeting with a living Virgin Mary?

    But after all, he was just joking with Li Ting casually, he didn’t really think that he had something to do with that person. 

Li Ting has always been a very lonely person.

Tian Dian after knowing him for nearly four years, has not yet discovered anything that Li Ting likes or is attached to from the bottom of his heart.

Oh, of course, except for money. 

Whether it’s people, things or other hobbies, Li Ting would hardly let them affect his emotions. He didn’t care about ordinary interpersonal relationships, friendships, and he didn’t have the love of beauty and fun that young people have. In the eyes of people that aren’t familiar with him, his interests amount to almost nothing. So, how could he develop an intimate relationship with anyone casually? According to Li Ting’s own words, he would rather earn an extra salary if he has the time.

    It’s just that Tian Dian is more or less curious, the person who can make Li Ting take a breath, stop and feel the beauty of life, no matter if it’s a man or a woman, when will they appear?

    The nurse came in to remove Li Ting’s needle, but Tian Dian noticed that there was another person behind her, Li Han, who was walking in a hurry.

    Li Han also saw Tian Dian, the two of them looked at each other, and each had a serious expression on their faces.

    “Brother, are you okay, why are you injured!?” Li Han’s movement was exactly the same as Tian Dian’s when he first entered the door, but Tian Dian pulled him away before he got close.

    “Be careful, don’t touch his hand.” Tian Dian glared at him.

    Li Han suddenly turned around: “Tell me, is it because of you again?”

    Tian Dian was at a loss for words, and Li Han immediately shouted angrily: “I knew it! My brother is dragged down by you every time! Can you stop hurting him!”

    Tian Dian had a soft temper, but he couldn’t help but explode when he heard this: “I’m dragging him down ah, but it’s not your right to talk about it. You should go back and ask your amazing parents. If they didn’t harm Li-zi, making it so that he won’t have anyone to rely on, why would he want to run out and be harmed by me!”


    “—shut up!”

    Li Ting sneered coldly, startling the little nurse holding the needle beside him, the motion caused by her hand was heavy, and blood immediately came out from the back of his hand.

    Tian Dian rushed to take a look, but was avoided by Li Ting. He took the cotton handed over by the nurse by himself, signaled that it was okay, and pressed it on the wound.

    Li Han explained nervously: “Brother, don’t be angry, I’m not…”     

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Li Ting interrupted him: “Did you tell your Mom and Dad?”

“I just rushed here after my internship. I could have come earlier, but the senior in our group wouldn’t let me ask for leave. I…”


    Li Ting glanced at Tian Dian again, and said, “Go away.”

    “Li-zi…” Tian Dian was aggrieved, “I’ll stay and take care of you.”

    Li Ting turned around and lay down without looking at them.

    Both of them knew his temper, and they understood that Li Ting really didn’t want to deal with them anymore, and insisting on it would only be counterproductive, so they could only pack up and leave.

    “Brother, I bought you a lot of food, remember to eat when you are hungry…”

    “Li-zi, I brought you some changes of clothes and daily necessities, and put them by the bed.”

    The two finished murmuring farewells and the little nurse signaled that the visiting time was up.


    Old Ni gave Fang Huaining several days off, but he still went to the research institute to report even before the vacation was over.

However, the efficiency of this morning was not high. At noon, he wanted to drink coffee but found that the coffee machine was broken, so he had to go downstairs and happened to meet Wang Fuliang in the elevator.

    Wang Fuliang had heard about what happened from Zhao Bang, and while the two were chatting, he asked about Li Ting.

    Wang Fuliang: “Why was he hurt?”

    Fang Huaining lowered his head and put in some ice cubes: “I don’t know.”

    “Is it better these two days?”

    “I don’t know.”

    “It’s been so hard for him to come and go every day, I’m afraid his parents are not around. Is there is anyone to take care of him in the hospital?” Wang Fuliang was very worried.

    Fang Huaining knew the answer this time: “Someone is taking care of him.”

    “Who? Could it be that he has a girlfriend?” Wang Fuliang was in the mood to gossip.

    Fang Huaining: “…”

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    “Sorry…” At this moment, a voice interrupted cautiously.

    The two turned around and saw a boy standing behind them, asking sincerely:

    “Excuse me, it was you that sent my brother to the hospital that day?”

    “Who is your brother?” Wang Fuliang was puzzled.

    Fang Huaining had already figured it out, this boy had looks very similar to Li Ting, although his temperament was not the same. Plus the phone call he made in the hospital… But he was surprised that Li Ting’s younger brother was in A University Research Internship?

    Although Li Han asked in a questioning tone, he had already confirmed it in his heart, because when he went to the hospital that day, he saw a familiar figure coming down the stairs from afar. After thinking about it, and then recalling the voice from the phone call earlier, he could tell it was him.

    The person who helped his brother turned out to be the Ace of the research institute, Fang Huaining? !

    “Could it be Li Ting?” Wang Fuliang also realized.

    “Yes, yes, it’s him… I really want to thank you all, really thank you… Thank you for taking him to the hospital.” Li Han didn’t know whether he was excited or nervous, but his face turned red, looking at Fang Huaining.

    Fang Huaining also calmed down after his momentary surprise, and said politely: “No need for thanks.”

   After thinking for a while, he asked: “Is… is he better?”

    Li Han said: “He’s much better, and he can get out of bed already “

    Fang Huaining frowned.

    “Getting out of bed so soon? But Fatty Zhao said that the doctor told him to rest… do you go to take care of him every day?” Wang Fuliang then asked.

    “Uh, I go if I have time, and there’s also my brother’s friend, he and I take turns to visit him…” “

   “Then you haven’t gone today?” Wang Fuliang asked, then turned to Fang Huaining,

“Huaining, are you free in the afternoon? Why don’t we go and have a look?”

Speaking of which, Li Ting did him a favor last time, although the second cooperation was unsuccessful, Wang Fuliang still felt that he should go to visit him.

    Li Han was taken aback, and quickly looked at Fang Huaining.

    Will he…will he go?

    Fang Huaining was also thinking about this issue. He felt that he had no obligation to care about the little injured patient. He helped, and he also paid with money and effort. In the end, he was just a stranger who knew his name, and Li Ting already had someone to take care of him. What’s the point of visiting or not?

    “Huaining?” Wang Fuliang, who didn’t get an answer, was surprised. There was no reason to hesitate.

    “Wait until I finish what I have on hand.” Fang Huai Ning said reluctantly, looking at his watch.

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    “Okay, four o’clock.” After Wang Fuliang finished speaking, he confirmed with Li Han, who nodded in surprise.


    At four o’clock in the afternoon, Fang Huaining arrived at the gate on time.

    Li Han took a taxi with them to the hospital. Along the way, the boy wearing glasses (Wang Fuliang) was very curious about Li Ting and asked a lot of questions, but Fang Huai Ning remained silent as usual.

Li Han was surprised that they actually knew his brother and was quite concerned about it, but after seeing Fang Huaining’s indifferent appearance, he (LH) felt that he (FH) didn’t really care about this issue, and it was probably because of Wang Fuliang’s suggestion that he had to come here.

    “Speaking of which, your brother is majoring in foreign languages right, so which school does he go to?” Wang Fuliang’s questions kept coming.

    Li Han thought about it and gave a name.

    “Ah?” Wang Fuliang and Fang Huaining looked at each other before confirming that there indeed seemed to be this university in City A.

    They didn’t mean to be contemptuous, and asked again: “He has to go to school and also work, so it must be very hard, right?” “

    “Yes, it’s very hard…”

  “Then, that injury on his body… Hmmf!”

    Before he could finish his question, Wang Fuliang was kicked. He suddenly turned his head to look at Fang Huailing, who was looking out of the window with a nonchalant expression. He was very surprised, but he still rubbed his sore legs and closed his mouth.

    When they arrived at the hospital, Tian Dian had gone out to cook for Li Ting.

Li Ting was alone in the ward, sitting on the bed with his head down, holding something and playing with it.

    Li Ting was surprised when he saw people coming in, and quickly stuffed the things in his hand under the pillow.

    Fang Huaining noticed that it seemed to be a robot key ring.

    Li Han entered the ward and said, “Brother, Fang Xuezhang and Wang Xuezhang came to see you.”

    Wang Fuliang had bought some apples at the entrance of the hospital, and walked over to put them on Li Ting’s bedside. He’d thought the other party was going to be in low spirits, but it turned out that Li Ting was doing fine.

    Fang Huaining felt the same way, although he didn’t want to admit it, but the image of this person, with a pale face and limp body, lying in his arms trembling with pain, had flashed before his eyes several times these days, and now when he saw this person slowly recovering, Fang Huaining’s heart unconsciously felt a little more at ease.

    Li Ting’s answer was just “Oh”.

    Wang Fuliang didn’t mind his indifference, and asked a lot of nonsensical questions, most of which were answered by Li Han.

    The two of them occupied the position at the head of the bed, hence Fang Huaining could only stand at the end of the bed. He noticed that Li Ting glanced at him once, and then went on with his own business.

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    In front of him was a hard-cover notebook, Li Ting swiped the screen of his phone from time to time, and then slowly wrote in the notebook with his good hand.

    What was he writing…

    “What is Li Ting writing?” Fang Huaining asked.

    However, no one answered.

    “Settling accounts.”

    Suddenly a voice came from the door.

    “Ah?” Wang Fuliang didn’t understand.

    Tian Dian came in with two bowls, glanced at Fang Huaining with a half-smile, and rolled his eyes at Li Han before answering Wang Fuliang.

    “How much he can earn from a job, how much he can earn in one day, how much will he lose if he doesn’t work for a day, then the total profit has to be put in different banks and wealth management sources, then he calculates how much interest can be earned every day, and how much money might be lost.”

Wang Fuliang was at a loss: “This…It’s so detailed, but isn’t it better to rest till the hand is fully healed?”

    “No,” Tian Dian said firmly, “He can’t sleep if he doesn’t have a clear record of his earnings.”

    Wang Fuliang was stunned.

    Fang Huaining was similarly speechless.

    He turned his head and stared blankly at Li Ting for a moment, and found that although Li Ting had difficulty in making his movements, he was completely absorbed in the account book in front of him, and he didn’t even pay attention to what Tian Dian said, with an expression of seriousness, he sat with his head lowered, showing an unprecedented persistence.

    Fang Huaining suddenly had an idea, this person was thinking of ways to make money everywhere, in fact, it may not be that he is really short of money, but…he just likes money? !

    This is a real, little money fan, isn’t he? !

Author’s Note:

Author: I remember a comment asking, does Li Ting not do anything other than part-time work?

Answer: He also does something else, counting the money.

TL’s Note:

If you are not a new reader to my translations (which is basically only like, 10 chapters of ILYP), then you can skip this.

My translations are edited MTL. I use tools to translate, and I cannot read, write or speak Chinese. English is also not my first or second language. No schedule for now, mostly (75.56%) because I’m a lazy piece of crap, but also (24.44%) because I’m an incompetent loafer. You can go to my homepage to suggest dropped novels for translation, BUT it’s only one crackhead translating here, so I don’t know when I might get around to translating them. (More info about the novel is better) I love your comments, don’t be shy and share your thoughts. Silent readers are lovely, but the commenters get an extra share of blessings from the yaoi God. Lastly, and this isn’t really important, but if my translations get stolen, I’d prefer if I wasn’t informed of it. For the sake of peace, harmony and non-violence.

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