Not Familiar

Chapter 16

The protagonist, who was being visited was a person who didn’t like to chat, but the insignificant bystanders continued to talk nonsense for a long time.

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After Li Ting finished his meal, considering that the patient still needed to rest, Wang Fuliang and the others made to leave.

    Tian Dian was going to the bar to work, and before he left, he dragged Li Han away.

Anyway, Li Ting didn’t want that incompetent pair of parents to know his recent situation. It wouldn’t be good if Li Han went back home late because of this and got discovered by his mother .

    The ward, which was still noisy just now, suddenly fell silent. Fang Huaining walked at the end of the crowd, keeping a distance from everyone, and moving very slowly. 

He seemed to have something to say, but in fact, just now Wang Fuliang had already repeatedly said everything that should be said to patients.

From Fang Huailing’s recent experience with him, he felt that Li Ting would not pay any heed to their suggestions.

    But, to just leave like this… From the beginning to the end, there was no communication, no contact, only a visit to visually look at the person, and because of this visit, he’d even hurriedly finished his experiment project in half the usual time, as such, he had a lot of free time now.

    Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a force his wrist. Fang Huaining lowered his head in a daze, and saw his sleeve being gently pulled by two fingers.

    His gaze followed that finger all the way up, skimming past the thin hospital gown and the brace on the shoulder to finally land on a serious face.

    Li Ting looked at him very intently, and said, “Give me your cell phone number.”

    Fang Huaining looked at Li Ting, then at his hands, then at the group of people who were walking away, feeling a jerk inside his chest.

    On the surface however, he was very calm: “What’s the matter?”

Li Ting’s answer was not at all surprising, he withdrew his hand and said, “To repay your money.”

    Fang Huaining’s slightly racing heart retreated, only then did he notice that the mobile phone that Li Ting was holding in his hand was new, but it was not much better than the previous one. It was very similar to the original model, an old knock-off mobile phone used by the elderly.

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    Fang Huaining coughed lightly, and said, “There’s no rush, we’ll talk about it when you recover.”

    However, he still took out his mobile phone, exchanged numbers with Li Ting in a slow manner, and added him as a friend on a certain communication/payment software.

    Li Ting looked at the newly added profile picture in his friend column, and said again: “I’ll return it to you on the 25th…”

    After thinking about it, he suddenly paused, then he took the pen again, and started to write on the little notebook.

    Li Ting had the injury on his right hand, so he could only write with his left hand, and sometimes he had to slowly move his other hand to check the calculated amount on the phone. Fang Huailing looked at the rough calculations on the paper, and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. There was an urge to take over and do the math for him.

    Fortunately, the top student held back and let the self-reliant, little money fan retain his dignity. After a long while, Li Ting put down his pen and said, “No, on the 27th, I will pay you back.”

    Fang Huaining’s eyes fell on the 56.37 yuan calculated on the last line of the paper… After a long time, he nodded.


    Li Ting was injured, and he couldn’t go to the places where he used to work, as such he resigned from his part-time job at Doudou Dim Sum Restaurant.

  It could be considered to be a place where he has stayed for a relatively long time. Although it was only about three months in total, but considering Li Ting’s part-time work history that usually had only one or two months on average, and the shortest of only a few days…

Of course, it is not because of his poor working ability. Most of them are interpersonal problems, the employer would think he is weird, or think he is stingy, sometimes selfish, or that he does not follow the arrangements, he does this, doesn’t do that.

 But isn’t there a famous saying that goes, if one or two people dislike it, it may be the other party’s problem, if everyone dislikes it, then there must be a problem with oneself. 

Li Ting understood that his personality has flaws, but he has always gone his own way and never wanted to change for anyone, so even if there is a place where people endure and don’t drive him away, he will habitually leave when the time comes, which can be regarded as doing one last favour for the other party.

    It was the same this time, taking advantage of this opportunity, he decisively called Doudou Dim Sum Restaurant. Li Ting was thinking about his next plan when he saw Tian Dian galloping in excitedly.

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    “Li-zi! I finally remembered who Fang Huaining is!”

    Li Ting was taken aback when he heard the name.

    Tian Dian had already rushed to his bed: “He is from the Department of Computer Science, University A, some kind of research institute, he’s a scientist!” Tian Dian only had upto junior high school education, and Fang Huaining, in his eyes is an object worthy of observation, just like an alien from an extraterrestrial civilization, absolutely unattainable.

    Li Ting was rarely curious, but still he asked: “How do you know?”

When those people came yesterday, the topic only revolved around Li Ting, and they didn’t say anything about themselves. Where did Tian Dian get the information?

    “You helped me,” Tian Dian propped his head, with an expression of ‘I’m super smart, please praise me’: “That computer!”

    Li Ting frowned, slightly understanding : “Is there something in it?”

    Tian Dian nodded vigorously: “A lot, wow, an otaku’s computer…it’s really wonderful.”

    Wang Fuliang and Zhao Bang had long planned to sell the computers, but Li Ting’s collection of scrap products was too sudden that day, so they had no time to format them thoroughly. As a result, many details of their daily life remained in it.

Tian Dian moved his his phone screen closer to Li Ting.

    “No wonder I saw them that day and felt familiar. Is the the owner of the computer the guy with glasses? Why does he love taking pictures so much? There are many photos in the computer, from childhood to adulthood, and there are also photos of that handsome guy, hey, sure enough, he is a handsome guy now, and he was super handsome when he was a child, Li-zi, would you like to see it? I wrote down his website address.”

    Tian Dian talked endlessly, but Li Ting was a little dazed.

    “Li-zi? Li Ting?? What’s the matter? Is your chest hurting again?”

    Li Ting raised his head and pushed away Tian Dian’s mobile phone: “The doctor checked everything, I will be discharged soon.”

    “Ah?” Tian Dian immediately put the previous mess behind him, “Let me take care of it, why worry?”

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  The doctor said that he can be discharged from the hospital soon, but did Tian Dian not understand Li Ting’s character?

    Li Ting ignored him, and went straight to pack the notebook and daily necessities beside the bed. Seeing this, Tian Dian had no choice but to help: “Okay, okay, I got it, I’ll go through the formalities tomorrow morning.”


   Old Ni came to visit, and the boys in the group had a morning meeting with him. The process was not tense at all. Old Ni looked like Maitreya Buddha, and he also spoke slowly. In a few hours, he finished watching the prepared PPT.

    After the meeting, everyone went back to their respective places. Fang Huaining didn’t have any new tasks. He took out his mobile phone and swiped twice. There were several unread messages of his classmates visible on his communication software.

He scrolled down to the newly added number. If it wasn’t for the fact that the other party’s profile picture was a chestnut, Fang Huaining would have thought that this account belonged to someone else, or had already been abandoned, because there was nothing posted on it, no photos, no comments, nothing.

But carefully thinking about it, it seemed to fit that person’s style very well. Aloof and mysterious.    

Even after looking at it for a while, Fang Huaining didn’t know what to say, so he dug out the code he had written before and continued.     

A senior named Wu Yi passed by behind him, poked his head around, and came over curiously.     

“What’s this?!”     

Fang Huaining said, “I wrote this casually.”     

But the more Wu Yi looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he couldn’t help but whisper: “Hey, don’t tell me this is going to be put on the shelves. This can’t be sold.”     

“What’s the matter?”     

Old Ni, who came to talk to Fang Huaining about going to Hexin Industry in two days, heard the senior’s words, and the old man asked with a smile.     

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The senior immediately started to complain and reported with a smile: “Boss, look at Huaining, isn’t it going to bring chaos to the market if he releases this thing? Who is it written for?”

    Fang Huaining had created a small prototype of an App, which has simple functions such as record keeping, interest rate calculation, etc.

At first glance, it did not seem much different from the functions of a virtual calculator*, but there were many more convenient features, such as calculations according to the specific bank interest rate.

[TN: Instead of virtual ‘calculator’ mtl gave me virtual ‘store’, which didn’t seem very fitting, so I took some liberties translating this bit, if you have more appropriate wordings please let me know.]

It could calculate where it is cost-effective for you to invest to save money, how long is the most cost-effective, and it is displayed results at a glance, with just one click.

The real-time updates and the comprehensive ability of the app could yield rankings of major financial management projects in the near future, and these rankings were not the general ambiguities displayed in the news.

The rankings were based on accurate data, from inside information that can’t be known by the outside world. Although it was unknown what method Fang Huaining used to create this, If he wants to promote it, the bank may be the first to refuse to agree.

    Ni Weinian also laughed when he saw it. In fact, despite the fact that the main direction of their research is still more scientific. Many students under his charge liked to write such programs for fun or to make small amounts of money, Fang Huaiming was particularly good at this aspect.

He is not weak in the theoretical parts, and his talent is also very abundant, thus Ni Weinian specially liked him.

    “It seems like a big customer that you can’t refuse?” Old Ni asked.

    “A Big beauty? Or a super rich man?” Another brother who was watching the excitement guessed.

    Wu Yi shook his head, arriving at a conclusion, and said: “I think he wrote it for himself, in order to earn money for his wife, he’s gone insane.”

    Fang Huaining: “…”

Author’s Note:

    The author has something to say: I made up this software, Because I want it very much, but I can’t find it… Don’t take it too seriously.

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