Not Familiar

Chapter 17

The little money fan was very punctual, since he said that the money would be paid on the 27th, right after midnight that day, Fang Huaining’s mobile phone displayed a notification that the money was in the account. 

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Fang Huai Ning opened the chatting software and saw a string of numbers followed by a simple “Thank you”, there was even a list of the medical expenses.

    Fang Huai Ning thought for a while, then typed “You’re welcome” and sent it.

    The other party did not reply.

    Fang Huai Ning waited for a few seconds, then turned off the phone.

    A few days later, there was a rare chance to get together with a few roommates. Qian Kun, who’d failed to treat them because of an emergency last time, invited everyone to a hot pot restaurant in front of Gate A.

    Wang Fuliang, Zhao Bang, and Fang Huaining arrived first, while Qian Kun was running late, so he sent a message asking them to order first. 

While pondering over the menu, a group of students came in, and two girls immediately noticed them, coming over to greet them happily.

    “Senior Wang, what a coincidence, you guys came to eat too.”

    “Yeah, the taste here is very good, I recommend you to eat this, these…”

    Wang Fuliang chatted enthusiastically with them for a long time, and the girls asked him if they’d join them to go sing at the karaoke after eating.

    Wang Fuliang and Zhao Bang looked at each other, and then turned to Fang Huaining. The Ace* was completely focused on the menu in front of him from beginning to end, and when he noticed the eyes on him, he unsurprisingly refused: “You go, I have something to do.”

    After sending them away, Zhao Pang took Wang Fuliang’s chopsticks: “If he doesn’t want to go, we can still go, I haven’t been to the karaoke for a long time, why did you refuse!”

    “You, you are stupid…it’s not me or us…I told you, these things, That junior girl from the law department called me and asked about Huaining earlier, and if he doesn’t go, it’s useless for us to go…”

Boys from the School of Economics and Engineering are precious resources for the school, especially those who are outstanding and hardworking like Wang Fuliang. Although he is not super good looking, he has good skills and often helps in many activities on campus, so he has a lot of friends in other departments.

    Zhao Pang let out a big sigh, not for himself, but for Fang Huaining, he suddenly turned towards him seriously, and asked, “Come on, tell your brothers honestly, when are you going to give us a way out? When will you get a girlfriend? Why don’t you have a girlfriend?”

In fact, everyone has been asking this question since freshman year, but even after asking for three years, they were yet to get an answer.

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    Wang Fuliang also said: “Or, or do you actually like boys, then a boyfriend?!

    ” We can find a way to get him for you, then get rid of our misery as soon as possible!”

    Wang Fuliang was also enthusiastic: “Yes, yes…you name…”

    “Li Ting…”

    After more than three years, Fang Huaining was actually used to them going crazy every once in a while, but this time, this particular name scalded Fang Huaining who was picking up the teacup to drink!

    “Cough, cough, cough…” He picked up a tissue from the table to cover his burning mouth, and coughed softly, looking at the speaker while coughing.

    Qian Kun walked towards the table in big strides, pulled out a chair and sat down, only to find that everyone at the table was looking at him in horror.

    “Why?” Qian Kun was surprised.

    Wang Fuliang stammered and asked: “What did you just say? Who were you talking about?”

    Qian Kun scanned everyone briefly, his eyes finally stopping on Fang Huaining’s face. He pursed his lips and said, “Did I remember wrong? Last time, wasn’t that the name of the boy I met? I think I just saw him on the way from school.”



    The sentence was cut off.

    Fang Huai Ning put away the tissue and slowly regained his composure, then accurately grasped the key point and asked: “You’re sure you it right ?”

    Wang Fuliang also rearranged his thoughts: “Li Ting… He, he was discharged from the hospital? But, but shouldn’t he be resting at home? Did you recognize the wrong person?”

    Qian Kun recalled for a while and was not sure: “It was on the way to University A, maybe I was mistaken it, forget it, don’t get entangled, have you ordered, tell them to serve…”     

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After all, as an adult, the other party knows how to take care of his body. Even if it is true, it is not their turn to meddle into it.

The group of people quickly threw themselves into eating delicious food and enjoyed it happily. Only Fang Huai Ning turned his head towards the windows and looked at the tall buildings standing in the distance thoughtfully…     

He actually didn’t lie to those girls from the law school just now*.

[TN: Meaning that he really had something to do later]

Regarding the issue of Hexin industry*, they will start to station employees there, and Fang Huaining will probably have to run there from time to time in the future.     

[TN: The place his prof. was talking about working on a project at, also near where Li Ting went to farm last time.]

After eating, Fang Huaining went to take the bus from the Northeast Gate Station of University A. Usually, the bus would stop at the West Gate once more. Fang Huaining was sitting at the back of the vehicle. He planned to sleep for a while, but when he turned his head, he saw a familiar figure get into the bus through the middle door.     

That person saw him too, but he didn’t speak. After looking at each other briefly, he walked forward and sat down two seats away from Fang Huailing.     

It’s really like this? ! Why isn’t he lying on the bed resting, why did he run out?    

To take this car, this route…won’t he go to the suburbs to farm again?    

For a moment, the doubts in Fang Huailing’s heart spilled over one by one like soap bubbles. But his nature did not allow him to rush up to ask people, and he is not even a friend, what if he wants to go somewhere else? What if he got off halfway, wouldn’t he be meddling unnecessarily in his business?     

In the end, it was because the two were not familiar with each other.    

Soon many passengers boarded one after another, and the carriage was packed to the brim, which further weakened Fang Huailing’s desire to go forward and ask. So in the next two hours, he sat only two seats away, and nearly counted the hairs on the back of a certain someone’s head in front of him.     

Sure enough, Li Ting did not disappoint him (?)*. Seeing Hexin Industry approaching, Fang Huaining stood up, and Li Ting made his way towards the gate as well.

    The two faced each other this time, and Fang Huaining finally spoke.

    “You’re okay, to be coming here?” The question was still very casual.

    Li Ting answered without pause: “Just to walk around casually.”

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    Fang Huaining: “It’s a bit far to go for a walk.”

    Li Ting: “And exercise properly.”

    Fang Huaining: “…”

    After getting out of the bus, many people went in the same direction as him, as did Li Ting. He and Fang Huaining came to a stop at the gate of Hexin Industry one after the other. Li Ting stopped, and Fang Huaining also stopped.

    Li Ting actually took the initiative to ask: “What day is it today?”

    Fang Huaining understood that he was wondering why the company had so many people coming today, he said: “Some departments started trial operation today, and many employees have come over.”

    Li Ting’s eyelashes trembled, it was unknown what he thought of, but he turned around and left without saying anything.

    Fang Huaining looked at his back, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart for no reason.

    Afterwards, when he arrived at the control room, the assistants who came to receive them from Hexin Industry constantly noticed that the young expert sent by University A would be busy for a period of time and then stare outside the glass window, maybe to relax. It seemed that doing this job was really hard work.

    Fang Huaining found Li Ting in the farmland in the distance, almost an hour after entering the building. Li Ting stood there talking to a farmer-like man, under the shelter of the shed.

    Fang Huailing frowned slightly.

    Fortunately, what he thought of didn’t happen. Li Ting still cared about his health, and didn’t really work in the field under such circumstances. He just walked around the field slowly, as if taking a walk, or conducting an inspection. Maybe he was checking the condition of the crops.

    Just when Fang Huaining was wondering what he was doing, the farmer came back again with a big cart in his hand, full of watermelons.

    Li Ting talked to him for a few more seconds, and Fang Huaining saw him take out a red note from his pocket and hand it over.

    The farmer accepted the money cheerfully, and pushed the watermelon out according to Li Ting’s instructions, while Li Ting followed slowly.

    Fang Huaining had a bad feeling.

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    Sure enough, about an hour later, when he came back from the bathroom, he saw two employees walking into the office from the side, each holding half a watermelon, talking and laughing.

    Fang Huaining hurried his steps, and heard the two people happily calling everyone to eat together, there were quite a lot of people in the office, and the red and green melons were all divided up in an instant, some people ate it and after finding that it was sweet, they asked where they could buy it.

    “There is a small stall at the main entrance of the company, very close to here.”

    “Oh? The supermarket near the factory doesn’t sell anything edible, so I’ll go and have a look.”

    “Hey, if it’s not expensive, bring me one too, I’m afraid it will be too late when I go back…”

    “I want it too, half a piece.”

   The employees chattered and walked out, Fang Huaining paused, and silently followed behind them.

    The melon stall was under a big banyan tree, and the young man selling them was an eye-catching existence in this type of weather, Fang Huaining saw the person at a glance.

    The sun was actually not very strong today, but the humidity was high and it was very sweaty.

Watermelons are a good option to relieve the heat. The ones he was selling were not especially expensive, only at the price from an ordinary fruit shop, but Fang Huaining knew after doing the calculations that a lot of expenses were completely saved here, since everything is being done by Li Ting himself, he only needs to weigh the fruit and collect the money, saving even the labor costs, it was definitely a huge profit.

    Moreover, people have a herd mentality, and the nearby shops are in a state of scarcity. It is easy to understand how good the business will be. Half of the melons on the cart were already gone, and there was still an endless stream of people coming here.

    Simply Amazing.

    Li Ting was sitting on a big rock, with one hand hanging on his lap, and the other hand holding a big leaf. While fanning himself, he patiently talked to the person asking the price in front of the booth.

Suddenly he noticed the gaze fixed on him from the other side, and Li Ting turned his head slowly.

    Perhaps it was an illusion, but for the first time, Fang Huaiming saw a trace of emotion in Li Ting’s eyes. It was a fleeting touch of slyness, which made his white and clean face wearing a straw hat look more lively than ever before. It lit up Fang Huaining’s heart.

    He heard Li Ting ask him in that soft voice: “Do you want to buy melons?”

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