Not Familiar

Chapter 34

Translator: Csycrus, Editor: Nini, Proofreader: Shigo.

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After soaking the noodles in hot water, Li Ting handed Fang Huaining a bowl. Then took his share and walked to the chair outside the convenience store to sit down.

Looking at Fang Huaining as if to say, why don’t you come over.

Thinking of the last time he ate noodles on the street and had to sit on the ground, this time at least there are tables and chairs, which is already a great improvement.

Sure enough, only when there is a comparison can one be satisfied, Fang Huaining walked over resignedly.

This was his first time eating in a convenience store, but judging by Li Ting’s familiarity, he was obviously a regular customer.

Fang Huaining really wanted to tell him, next time I will treat you instead, and you can tell me what you want to eat.

But he was only thinking about it.

The noodles were ready soon, so Li Ting picked up the fork and was about to eat it, when Fang Huaining who was sitting beside him suddenly got up, walked around the counter and then came back, handing something over.

Li Ting saw that it was a Band-Aid.

“The skin is broken here, put this on.”

Li Ting glanced at the back of his hand, only to find that some skin and flesh had been scratched off, and there was a little blood, which should have accidentally happened when he was entangled with Cheng Peng just now.

Seeing that Li Ting didn’t seem to take it seriously, Fang Huaining tore off the package and said, “I’ve taken it out already, don’t waste it.”

Li Ting looked at his stubborn face, and reluctantly accepted, but he seemed to have seldom used this thing, so it was difficult to put it on even after trying from several angles.

Fang Huaining on the side saw it, and took the bandage back very naturally.

While moving his hands, he asked nonchalantly, “Were you classmates?”

Naturally, it was Cheng Peng who he was asking about.

Li Ting said, “What do you think?”

Fang Huaining thought, not classmates, more like enemies. But what kind of hatred can two college students have to provoke a fight as soon as they meet? 

Li Ting said: “A little trouble from high school.”

Fang Huaining was very curious: “Is it related to that..?”

He wanted to ask, does it have something to do with what you said?

Li Ting was more straightforward than him: “You’re talking about my criminal record?”

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Fang Huaining raised his hand, and Li Ting knew that what he said just now was heard by the other party.

Li Ting said, “It’s not a big deal.”

Fang Huaining listened attentively.

Li Ting looked at him: “I just beat someone up.”

Fang Huaining looked up at him, probably because he had prepared himself after the previous two times, but this time he was very calm and even responded in a very short time.

“Then the person who was beaten must be very rich*,” Fang Huaining said seriously.

[TN: Must be rich/powerful because because fighting with a normal schoolmate usually does not give you a criminal record. He’s also teasing because LT is always working hard to make money and become rich lol.]

Li Ting’s eyes moved, as if he was a little surprised at the speed at which Fang Huaining adapted, and then gave him a displeased look.

Only allow yourself to scratch others, and not allow others to tease him.

Domineering kitten.

Fang Huaining thought.

He and Li Ting were sitting very close to each other because of the help in sticking band-aids. Outside the bright convenience store, such a small distance was enough for Fang Huaining to see Li Ting’s face clearly, and the eyelashes that were as thick as a small brush followed the blinking of his eyes. In the process of fluttering up and down, they seemd to brush against Fang Huaining’s heart.

So distracting.

It was all due to the skills accumulated over the years that he didn’t lose his composure at the moment, but Fang Huaining faintly realized that he couldn’t control the emotion in his eyes.

And Li Ting also seemed to be aware of it, his eyes wavered for a while, and then met Fang Huaining again.

The imaginary kazkaz sounded again, and just as that spark was about to ignite completely this time, suddenly an untimely bell rang, breaking the atmosphere between the two.

It was Li Ting’s cell phone.

Li Ting withdrew his hand from Fang Huaining and picked up the phone.

Tian Dian’s voice came from the other end: “Lizi!!!! Where are you?????”

Li Ting said, “Outside.”

“Come back quickly, our house is going to collapse!!!” Tian Dian roared.

Li Ting opened the lid, took a spoonful of instant noodles and stuffed it into his mouth, still calm: “Wait for me to finish eating.”

After speaking, he hung up, and turned to see Fang Huaining staring at him, Li Ting tapped his bowl with a chopstick: “Don’t waste it.”

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Fang Huaining hurriedly held the noodle bowl, and while eating, continued to stare at Li Ting. There were only the two of them outisde the convenience store, and in such a quiet space, the voice on the other end of the phone, which seemed masculine but also feminine, was so loud that Fang Huaining couldn’t avoid listening even if he wanted to.

“Is everything okay?” He still couldn’t help asking.

Li Ting chewed quickly, swallowed what was in his mouth and said, “I don’t know.”

How is it like this? Can you still eat?

Li Ting could indeed eat, and eat very well at that. Seeing Fang Huaining not moving his chopsticks, Li Ting glanced at his bowl with dissatisfaction.

Fang Huaining noticed that Li Ting’s face was about to turn black again, so he couldn’t help pushing the bowl towards him.

“I’m losing weight.”

It was obviously fake, and Li Ting was puzzled, but maybe he thought that Fang Huaiming disliked the taste of this stuff, so in the end he reached out his chopstick and scooped up the noodles, then hululu even drank the soup along with it.

After Fang Huaining’s bowl was finished, Li Ting stood up and walked out. Fang Huaining immediately followed.

They came to the underpass to pick up the small battery scooter parked there, but found that Li Ting’s vehicle was blocked by many others parked in front of it.

Li Ting rolled up his sleeves and wanted to make a move, but Fang Huaining, who was worried about Li Ting’s hand injury, was one step ahead of him, moving all the scooters and cycles blocking the way, one by one.

Li Ting watched silently, although Fang Huaining’s strength was not small, it was obvious that the pampered high-achieving students seldom did such physical work, and after a while, a layer of sweat broke out on his body, and the tips of his hair was even wet.

After finally moving almost everything, there was only one motorcycle left, Li Ting said, “I’ll do it.”

Fang Huaining ignored him, stepped forward and pushed the bike away.

But the bike didn’t move.

Pushed again, still nothing

Fang Huaining’s hand holding the handlebar was lifted, and then he watched as Li Ting naturally stepped forward to take his place, pulled and with ease, and moved the heavy motorcycle aside.

Fang Huaining: “..”

“Don’t lose weight.” Li Ting pushed out his small scooter and stepped up.

Fang Huaining: “…”

When Li Ting returned home, he saw many people gathered downstairs, and blue and red lights kept flashing, signaling that even the police cars were here.

Tian Dian had already started working at the restaurant after days ago, and his nocturnal routine had been corrected a lot. When he came back at around 8:00 or 9:00 today, he found that something was wrong, but he could only wait there in a panic. Seeing Li Ting at this moment, Tian Dian rushed over and said in a hurry, “Li Zi, we are going to sleep on the street today!”

This place was remote, but the rent is cheap, so most of the people who lived here were laborers and some other messy people. The basement of this building had been in disrepair for a long time, but now the walls had cracked, and it directly became a dangerous building.

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The police said that they can live here again only after passing the risk test. The specific date is to be determined. Currently, Li Ting and the others were forced to be homeless.

Tian Dian had already packed out the clothes of the two of them, and asked Li Ting what to do with the luggage in his arms.

Li Ting thought for a while: “Find a guest house and stay for two days first.”

Tian Dian was about to nod helplessly, when a message came from the cell phone in his pocket, it was just a boring text message between colleagues, but when Tian Dian saw it, he suddenly remembered something.

“Ah, Li-zi, I know a place to live!”


Qian Kun would go to the swimming pool with Fang Huaining every few days to swim. Fang Huaining was not in the sports major like himself, so he usually only swam for a while before stopping. He seldom wasted energy.

But today Qian Kun found that the ace was particularly excited, and he still didn’t want to stop after going back and forth at least eight times on a distance of 100 meters.

Qian Kun shouted, “Are you taking stimulants?!”

Fang Huaining turned around again, swam in front of him and finally stopped, panting as he asked, “How much training did you do before?”

Qian Kun is a swimmer. Although he planned to retire after graduation and focus on teaching sports, the current amount of training was still extraordinary.

“What do you want?” Qian Kun was wary.

Fang Huaining stroked his hair vigorously, revealing his sharp facial features: “From now on, we will train together at your pace.” After speaking, he turned around and rushed forward again.

“Ah?” Qian Kun was confused, “Are you really going to work so hard for the top position?” First conquer physical strength, and then conquer technology?

Not getting an answer, Qian Kun thought about it for a while and then jumped out of the pool to take a bath.

After swimming, both of them wanted to eat hot pot, so they went to the famous restaurant opposite A University.

After a feast, Qian Kun talked about what he saw just now: “Let me tell you, I just saw a man in the men’s shower room, about our age, with such long hair! Thin arms and legs, and a very beautiful face, mom, I almost thought it was a woman who came in, and I was so scared that I almost held back my pee. Later, I took off my pants and looked around carefully, before doing it! Look at the world, it’s so hard to guard against!”

Fang Huaining was not in the mood to listen to his ramblings, so he just took out her mobile phone to look through it. The little money fan probably reached home late yesterday and didn’t keep an account, so he just added it today.

However, no other expenditure was written, only 97 yuan was written for the machine.

Fang Huaining was not very satisfied.

He closed his phone and planned to go home.

Last time, Qian Kun treated him. This time, Fang Huaining planned to pay the bill, but as soon as he took out his wallet, Qian Kun grabbed him and said excitedly: “Here, Huaining, that’s him!”

Fang Huaining: “What?”

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“I told you just now,” Qian Kun pointed to one side, “I didn’t expect such a coincidence! The guy from the bathroom came to this restaurant too!”

Fang Huaining looked ahead confusedly, and was startled when he saw the person Qian Kun’s finger fell on.

“You mean him?”

“That’s right, isn’t it hard to tell whether he’s a man or a woman?! He scared me in the swimming pool just now!” He was an athlete, and his living environment was almost as boring as Fang Huaining’s. This was the first time such a rare type of person appeared in the dictionary of his life.

Probably because of his surprise, Qian Kun couldn’t control his voice well, causing the person on the other side to look over.

The same surprise also appeared on the face of the other party, and the next moment the man walked directly towards them.

“Hello! You are uh, Fang, Fang Huaining, right?!” Tian Dian greeted them with no pretense.

Turning to Qian Kun again: “Well, and you.”

“We just met at the swimming pool!” Qian Kun said hastily.

Tian Dian remembered: “Ah, I’m working in the restaurant below the swimming pool today. The toilet there is broken, so I went upstairs.”

Looking back, Fang Huaining was still staring at him blankly. Just as Tian Dian was about to speak, someone called him from behind.

“Tian Dian, why haven’t you settled the bill yet? You just became the head-of-staff. You can’t be a leader that won’t treat his brothers right!”

“Who said that, I’m doing it.” Tian Dian came back to his senses, took the bill from the waiter, and took a deep breath after looking at it, “Why is there so much, is there any discount in your store?”

When the waiter said no, Tian Dian slumped, turned on his phone angrily, and pulled up the payment software.

Fang Huaining finally came back to his senses, and asked while making his payement, “How is your house?”

Tian Dian was at a loss before realizing that he was talking to himself.

House? How did he know about their house?

But he still said honestly: “Oh, I’m living in my current staff dormitory, which is two streets behind the swimming pool, YouYou Community.”

YouYou? It was only a road away from Fang Huaining’s current residence.

Fang Huaining nodded and suddenly smiled at Tian Dian, then he pulled Qian Kun who was still in a daze, and turned and left.

The smile was so handsome that Tian Dian was stunned for two seconds. After a while, he finally took out his credit card. When he was about to grit his teeth and pay the bill, the waiter at the other end said: “The bill for your table has already been settled.”

Tian Dian: “Huh?”

Waiter: “That handsome guy just now paid your bill together with his.”

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