Not Familiar

Chapter 35

The dormitory where Li Ting and Tian Dian were now living temporarily, was one-bedroom and one-living room. The living room and bedroom had been equipped into bunk beds, and each room could accommodate two to three people. The shower and kitchen were shared.

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The houses in this area were all quite decent, and although the Youyou Community was quite old, the rooms were bright and spacious. But the few rooms borrowed by the hotel owner were not so good, which could be regarded as having both advantages and disadvantages.

But it wasn’t Li Ting and Tian Dian’s turn to complain about these things. They were renters, especially Li Ting. If the dormitory was full in the future, he would also have to give up his seat. Of course, the environment here was much better than the original rental house. But for Li Ting, there are difficulties that cannot be overcome.

Tian Dian flung himself on the bed after taking a shower, rolled on the upper bunk twice, and said happily: “Li-zi, our boss actually asked me to be the staff leader, I really never dreamed of it.”

Li Ting read the book without raising his head: “When you have to work hard without complaining, can’t mention salary increase, and they don’t even pay insurance, anyone can be promoted like this*.”

[TN: He means there is no competition for a job with such bad conditions that’s why TD was promoted so easily.]

“Oh, don’t say that, I’ve actually caused him a lot of trouble over the years, it’s good that he didn’t directly throw me out, we always have to remember the good things of others, just like you are good to me, I will always be good to you all my life, remember!”

Li Ting had always been deaf to such nasty words.

Tian Dian didn’t care, he looked at him and said, “By the way, guess who I met today?”

Li Ting was not interested in guessing, so he lowered his head and said nothing.

Tian Dian waited expectantly for a long time, and could only say to himself: “Scientist! I met a scientist!”

Li Ting reluctantly opened his mouth: “Is your restaurant in the Science and Technology Museum?”

“No! It’s that scientist, the super handsome one.” Tian Dian danced, “Have you forgotten? The one from the hospital!”

Li Ting thought for a while before realizing who Tian Dian was talking about. He seemed to be calling him scientist since last time.

Li Ting raised his head.

Seeing that he finally responded, Tian Dian quickly said: “Earlier Xiao Mi and the others wanted to eat hot pot at gate A, and when I met him there, he even took the initiative to talk to me, obviously he was so cold last time! And not only that, the follow-up development you could never have imagined, he even smiled at me, he actually smiled at me?! And, he paid the bill for me!”

Li Ting looked at Tian Dian with a blank face and kicked his legs away: “So? What conclusion do you have?”

Tian Dian excitedly said: “I just didn’t expect him to be such an easy-going person, he is a scientist!”

Then he looked at Li Ting again, and suddenly asked seriously, “Is it because of you? Apart from you, I don’t know him well. Tell me honestly, what is your relationship with him?! Could it be that after you left the hospital, the two of you connected?”

Li Ting closed the electronic document full of notes on his phone, and said calmly: “It’s okay, I’m not familiar with him.”

Tian Dian was suspicious: “Really?”

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Li Ting lowered his head again.

Tian Dian stared at the back of his head for a long while, and said to himself: “Then it means that he is captured by my beauty, right? But the scientist is a straight man at first glance, and he doesn’t seem to be easily attracted to others.”

Speaking of this, Tian Dian suddenly sighed: “This kind of person falls in love with great difficulty, but once he falls in love, he should be very, very, very good to the person he likes, and I don’t know what kind of partner such a handsome guy will have in the future. Just thinking about it makes people envious.”

This is the real jealousy of a little boy with a scumbag mind.

Li Ting’s right hand resting on the table lightly stroked the band-aid on the back of his other hand, which had not been torn off, and he did not answer.

On the other end, Fang Huaining was lying on the bed and meditating.

Although the cohabitant is a boy, it does not mean that Li Ting does not have a boyfriend. Still, a man and a woman living together is much more complicated than two boys living together.

Li Ting having a girlfriend, and Li Ting having a boyfriend. The gap between these two sentences is also extraordinary. The former is like being separated with a mountain and sea in between, while the latter seems to be separated by a door and a wall. As for whether behind the wall and the door is a garden or an abyss, you can only know if see it.

Fang Huaining knew that the key to all this was whether Li Ting was single or not, but he couldn’t just go up to him and press him for the details.

Well, given their delicate state of not even being friends, it is very likely that a little carelessness will provoke Li Ting into a fury, what should I do if his paw goes down and directly scratches away their already distant relationship? 

Then Fang Huaining will have lost more than he gained.

So Fang Huaining decided to observe, study and be patient. At least wait until he and the kitten got to know each other better before expressing himself.


Finally, the long holiday came to an end, A University started classes, and Hyacinth Xiaoshe was going to reopen.

Li Ting left the house before seven o’clock, but as soon as he left the Youyou community, he found a familiar figure in front of him. He was tall with long legs, and stood on the side of the road. Facing the sun, he looked like he was shooting a movie poster.

Who is this? Fang Huaining?

Fang Huaining seemed to have just seen him too, with a hint of surprise on his face.

“What a coincidence.”

Li Ting agreed: “It’s quite a coincidence.”

“You…” Fang Huaining looked at Li Ting and then at the residential building behind him, looking a little puzzled.

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Li Ting said briefly, “Staying here temporarily.”

“Oh,” Fang Huaining nodded, without asking any further questions, and pointed to the high-level apartment opposite, “I live here too.”

Li Ting looked at him, and suddenly asked, “Did you just come down the stairs?” With the good weather at the end of October, there were still beads of sweat on Fang Huaining’s forehead. How is it was so hot after just leaving the house?

Fang Huaining: “?”

Li Ting shook his head again: “Nothing.”

Li Ting was going to the shopping street, and Fang Huaining was going to the university, so the two naturally went the same way.

He arrived at the bus station within a few steps, but unexpectedly, Li Ting walked ahead as if he hadn’t seen it. Fang Huaining thought that Li Ting was new here and didn’t know the route, so he couldn’t help calling him.


Li Ting turned around.

Fang Huaining decided to be tactful: “You won’t ride the bus today?”

Li Ting raised his eyebrows, and said strangely: “With such a short distance, do you still need transportation?”

Fang Huaining: “…”

Li Ting waited for two seconds, then asked again: “Are you taking the bus?”

Fang Huaining’s feet froze for two seconds before continuing to move forward: “No, I’m walking too.”

Li Ting nodded and said nothing more.

It took only two or three stops by bus, but it took at least three to four times longer to walk. Although it wasn’t as bad as the midsummer heat, but walking under the sun for more than ten minutes was still a bit uncomfortable.

Li Ting noticed that Fang Huaining had a laptop in his hand today, and a bag on one shoulder, and he couldn’t help but take a second look.

After a moment, Fang Huaining stretched out his hand to him: “Do you want to eat?”

There were at least five or six types of breakfast in the bag, and more than one set of each, from cakes to rice balls. Li Ting was surprised.

Fang Huaining explained: “I’m bringing it to my classmates.”

He also said: “There should be extra, if you haven’t eaten yet, you can take one, otherwise it’ll be a waste.”

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Li Ting hadn’t eaten breakfast, but it was because he didn’t have this habit when he was busy. At most, he would make up for it with lunch and dinner. Looking at so many snacks on an empty stomach, he was somewhat persuaded. After Fang Huaining urged him again, Li Ting finally reached out and took out a bread and omelet set from the bag.

After taking a bite, he found that it was still warm.

“Thank you.” Li Ting lowered his eyes and said.

“You’re welcome.” Fang Huaining said nonchalantly.


In the past, it took only ten minutes to reach the destination. Today, these two took nearly forty minutes to reach the destination. Li Ting went to Hyacinth Xiaoshe, and Fang Huaining went to school.

Fang Huaining, as a student of the Computer Science Department of University A, reported to the Association of Computer Science and Technology. There was a dedicated competition department, which prepared and trained students for some well-known competitions in the industry. 

As a senior who’d won several prizes and had experienced hands, Fang Huainng would go to give some help to the juniors when he was free, usually he tried to finish it as soon as he could, because he was too busy to teach them one by one.

Today, many members who came early to the association were a little shocked. The ace actually invited them to breakfast?!

A junior named Zhou Mingcheng held a packaged chicken sandwich in his hand, and said to the people around him in disbelief: “My luck today, this means that I can come back as a district champion this year?”

The person besides him who couldn’t get any sighed: “Yes, I really want to eat it too, I didn’t even have breakfast. ” And then looked at the top student who was talking to someone.

Fang Huaining happened to turn his head in that person’s directionat the moment, and was stunned for a moment before he recognized him.


Isn’t this Li Ting’s younger brother? Why is he here?

Zhou Mingcheng thought that Fang Huaining was upset, so he hurriedly said, “Senior Fang, uh, this is my high school classmate, he also studies computers, and he has always said that he wants to come and have a look, there are not many people in the meeting today, so I just wanted to take him to come look around, and then leave in a while.”

“Senior Fang, hello.” Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, Li Han stood up to say hello, “Long time no see.”

When Fang Huaining saw him, he remembered the bloody family drama that he’d witnessed that night after the break up*, but since Li Ting had no objection to him, naturally it was not his turn to interfere, so Fang Huaining simply nodded to Li Han.

[TN: When Li Han was drunk and dumped by his boyfriend and LT & FH took him home and stuff.]

“It’s okay, then sit down for a while.”

Seeing a hotdog left over, Fang Huaining picked it up and handed it over.

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Li Han was flattered.

Fang Huaining didn’t say anything else, and turned to leave.

Zhou Mingcheng’s surprised voice came from behind him: “Wow, you actually know our number one coder very well?”

At noon, when Fang Huaining arrived at Hyacinth Cottage, Li Ting was sitting at the door and watching his claw machine. He had just unwrapped the buns in his hand to stuff them into his mouth, when he saw Fang Huaining walking over.

Fang Huaining asked, “Are there any open seats?”

Li Ting put down the bun and said: “Wait a minute.”

Fang Huaining nodded, and looked around inside the store, before asking, “Has Qian Kun been here?”

Li Ting thought for a while: “No.”

Fang Huaining frowned, looked inside, then looked at the things in his hands, and suddenly handed them over, repeating what he said in the morning.

“Do you want to eat?”

Li Ting stared at the big lunch box, and saw the three big characters “Xiangmitang” written on the packaging bag, he didn’t quite understand it.

Fang Huaining said: “I bought this for Qian Kun, but since he’s not here, I’ll have to throw it away.”

Li Ting didn’t move.

Fang Huaining changed hands to go near the trash can when his arm was suddenly grabbed.

Li Ting took the box, opened it and scanned it for a while then he, put the buns back into his bag, picked up Xiangmitang’s plastic spoon, and began to eat unceremoniously. He didn’t comment on the meal, only said: “There is a seat.”

Fang Huaining looked at the little squirrel’s bulging cheeks and glistening mouth, and then walked briskly into Hyacinth Xiaoshe after a moment.

However, he came face to face with Wei Ping behind the counter, staring at him with a serious face.

Wei Ping glared at the person in front of her, and firmly asked word by word: “Qian Kun went to City U to compete, did, you, not, know?”


Sorry for the late update, forgot today was Thursday lol

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