Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Postpartum Daily Life

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    Yang Yang slept until the next morning. When he woke up, he had already returned to the rest room. There was no one in the room, but there was an extra fluffy mechanical rabbit, still in the joyous colour of pink.

    Yang Yang glanced at the rabbit, and asked: “Roth?”

    The rabbit’s sleeping mechanical eyes lit up immediately and it looked up: “Master, you’re awake~”

    Yang Yang: “Who gave you the rabbit?”

    Roth: “The Duke gave me.”

    Where did he got it from?

    Yang Yang moved his body subconsciously while thinking about this question, but as soon as he moved, he gasped and lay back to his original place.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Oh, he remembered, torn silk.

    Yang Yang’s mood at this time was a bit complicated. He was afraid of doing it before because he feared the mismatched size, but it turned out that before he could even do much in practise, the baby made his butt blossom first.

    Forget it, this was actually pretty good, at least he didn’t have to worry about his future sex life —Archibald’s thing couldn’t possibly be as big as the child’s egg.

    Yang Yang succeeded in comforting himself, shifted with a few more small movements, and finally gritted his teeth and rolled over on the bed, finally feeling more comfortable.

    Yang Yang looked at the rabbit again and asked, “Where’s the Duke?”

    Roth: “The little master’s egg shell is almost hardened and the Duke went to bring the egg. ——By the way, Duke send news of birth of the child on Starnet last night, do you want to check it? It’s very lively.”

    Yang Yang raised his eyebrows, opened the terminal by himself and saw the announcement posted on Archibald’s Youtu account.

    @Donton Archibald: Father and son are safe, dimorph baby. [Picture]

    The picture showed the egg in the observation cabin, however it looked unclear through the misty cabin door. And the excitement didn’t come from Archibald, but from Archibald’s microblog, where there was a series of official tweets.

    Without counting forwarding, led by Abel and Ashburn, each official blog brought a red envelope of no less than 500,000 star coins.

    All night long, the netizens were immersed in the joy of grabbing red envelopes.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang looked at the amount of red envelopes and felt that his wound hurt even more—He! Did all the hard work! In the end, he didn’t get a single red envelope!

    Yang Yang angrily poked back his account, then logged into Soul Piercing Through Your Heart, and also posted on Youtu.

    @Soul Piercing Through Your Heart:The injury hurts so much, Darling still isn’t there after waking up, feeling so wronged, ying! [x9 picture]

    The nine pictures were nothing but Archibald’s expression pack made by Yang Yang. What little jio jio kicks, going to swash you, the smile gradually disappears, I am unhappy…

    Netizens were stunned for a moment and the comment section boiled.

    [So, that little jio is a photo of the Duke when he was a child? Fuck! Such a small one! super cute! ! ]

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    [Finally someone did what I always wanted to do but never dared to! ! ]

    [The Duchess bringing such a beautiful show? ]

    [Suddenly felt that maybe the snake face was not the original sin…]

    When Yang Yang was enjoying himself, the terminal was interrupted by a call request, it was Archibald.

    Archibald’s voice was helpless: “When did you get those photos?”

    Yang Yang immediately said: “You are still being fierce.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald surrendered, now he only felt so distressed for Yang Yang, the kind where he wished he could keep in his pocket and pamper him endlessly for the rest of his life.

    “You can do as you like. ——Are you hungry, I’ll bring you some food.”

    Yang Yang heard the pampering in Archibald’s tone, and smiled. His plan was not in vain .

    “I’m hungry, get more food.”

    Archibald: “Okay.”


    About ten minutes later, Archibald came back, pushing a double-decker dining cart, the upper and lower floors were covered by round metal covers.

    Yang Yang became happy when he saw it: “It’s so rich.”

    Archibald glanced at him, bent down and opened the metal cover on the lower layer, revealing a round egg the size of a volleyball. It was mainly white, but there were some golden swirling patterns on it, which made it looked quite pretty.

    Yang Yang froze for a moment, still oblivious to what it was: “What’s this?”

    Archibald put the egg and the nest beside Yang Yang’s pillow, and then said, “Child.”

    Yang Yang: “…???”

    Yang Yang didn’t believe it: “Don’t play tricks on me. I saw it yesterday and it was only the size of a palm and very soft. How could it grow so big in one night?”

    Archibald finished setting down the egg and opened the upper cover, revealing a hearty breakfast.

    He fixed the dining car beside the bed, took out a hollow cushion from the storage space, and replied: “The female body’s egg will have a secondary development after birth. Originally, this process was very long, but it’s very healthy and soul power is more than sufficient, so this process was shortened.

    But there is no need to worry, it only took me two days to complete the secondary development and enter the hatching stage.”

    Yang Yang was silent, so was it really a cub?

    Yang Yang looked sideways at the egg next to him, still in the shape of a chubby capsule, lying horizontally in the nest, when he got closer, Yang Yang felt a wave of heat.


    Yang Yang was curious and reached out to poke it. The shells was hard, the surface was smooth, it was still served warm.

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    Yang Yang was surprised and then put his palm on it, confirming that what his fingers felt just now was not an illusion.

    Yang Yang looked back at Archibald and said in surprise, “It’s hot.”

    Archibald took out the cushions, pillows and other things, walked over and bent over to hug Yang Yang: “This is the heat of the soul power. During the secondary development, the excess soul power will be consumed. ——Hold on, I’ll lift you up to eat.”

    Yang Yang relaxed his body and let Archibald carry him. Although Archibald was very careful, Yang Yang still grinned in pain, taking a few ragged breaths before he recovered after sitting up.

    Archibald touched Yang Yang’s hair distressedly, then turned around to serve Yang Yang breakfast, while continuing what he hadn’t finished explaining just now.

    “There is great amount of soul power in both the eggshell and the egg, which can protect the egg from harm and at the same time guide the child to use the soul power and perceive the world—but when the child is inside the egg, the child’s soul is in a state of deep sleep and it can’t respond to us.

    When the soul power is almost exhausted, the child will break its shell.”

    Yang Yang touched the egg and thought that it felt good, so he pulled the egg with its nest towards him and rested his hand on top of it.

    “How long does it take to break the shell? One month?”

    Archibald was also uncertain: “It stands to reason that a fully developed egg can break the shell within a month. But its soul power is very mellow and it would take some period of time to fully consume it. But its growth rate is not slow…”

    So it was really hard to tell whether it would take longer or shorter to break the shell.

    Yang Yang nodded, the time didn’t matter, anyway, he was not in a hurry and the egg felt really good.

    Yang Yang was not satisfied with touching it with one hand, so he put the other hand on it. After touching it twice, he suddenly thought of something. Yang Yang raised his head and looked at Archibald with great interest.

    “Hey, Duke, put it in my arms and I’ll weigh it to see if it’s heavy.”

    Yang Yang was injured and dared not use his strength to hug the egg.

    Archibald was a little puzzled: “What do you want to do?”

    Yang Yang patted the eggshell lightly and said, “Look at it, it heats up automatically, like a stove. If it’s not heavy, I’ll hold it for the winter as to not waste your soul power.”

    Archibald: “…”

    For a moment just now, he naively thought that Yang Yang had a sudden awakening of fatherly love.

    Recalling Yang Yang’s attempt to poke the egg yesterday, Archibald felt that it was necessary to do some infant education with Yang Yang.

    Archibald sat back on the bed with the bowl in his hand, with a serious face: “Although the secondary development is over, the child’s eggshell is not as hard as you think. If you hit it accidentally, it will affect the child’s health.

    Besides, you shouldn’t move now and it’s not good if your injury worsens. If you want a warm baby, hold Roth. This rabbit is a toy from father with the function of biological simulation.”

    Rabbit Roth twitched his ears unwillingly: “Yes, Master, my body is super cute~”

    Yang Yang: “Oh, forget it.”

    Roth: “…”

    Gradually self-doubt.jpg

    Yang Yang gave up on using the egg as a warm baby and his attention shifted to the bowl in Archibald’s hand. He took a look and found that the bowl was a bowl of mush, it was a strange purple-black color.

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    Yang Yang shrank his neck back, with the word disgust written on his face: “Are you giving this to eat?”

    Archibald nodded: “En, you can only eat some liquid food now.”

    Yang Yang glanced at the dining car, filled with bread, barbecue, omelettes and vegetables. He asked again, “Are those yours?”

    Archibald nodded and smiled, “I’ll accompany you to eat.”

    Yang Yang didn’t buy the words of love and even wanted to return the goods.

    “Duke, the ‘accompany’ in this case generally refers to sharing joys and sorrows with me, not me eating mush and you eating meat.”

    Archibald was also very innocent: “But you can’t eat meat.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Oh, seems like you’re very good at focusing on the key points.

    Yang Yang touched the cub’s egg with one hand, covered his face with the other, showing great sadness: “You would give whatever I wanted before giving birth but you wouldn’t even share some meat after giving birth. Sure enough, you only want to pass on the family line, liking not liking it’s all fake! Wu wu wuuuuu…”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald pulled down Yang Yang’s hand, with a helpless and indulgent tone: “Don’t make trouble, the porridge will be cold in a while.—— When you recover from your injury, I will give you whatever you want.”

    Yang Yang just wanted to hear these two sentences, taking advantage of the situation to accept his fine-scoring mode. He then took the bowl of porridge with disgust and ate it. After taking two bites, he found it tasteless, so he raised my chin at Archibald: “You take the food and eat and I will watch you eat.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald: “Okay.”

    Archibald’s image when eating was very good, although his appetite was big, but he would never make people think of bad etiquette.

    Yang Yang quickly finished a bowl of mush, which actually had no strange smell, but it was bland and the taste was not good, so Yang Yang gave up after eating a bowl. Then he held the egg in one hand and propped his chin with the other to watch Archibald eat, asking questions about the children by the way.

    Archibald answered Yang Yang while eating: “Yesterday when you gave birth, they all followed and waited outside. They may have heard the movement inside and were a bit afraid.

    But after the fright, the two groups of children have integrated quite well, now they’re all playing together and helping the winter camp team find hidden treasures.”

    Yang Yang smiled: “That’s good, how do you plan to arrange them in the future?”

    Archibald: “Put them in the garrison base first and wait for them to adapt to the outside society before considering other things.”

    At this point, Archibald paused, and then said: “The other children are okay, although there are traces of animalization, but it wouldn’t affect normal life. But Little Whitebelly is fully in beast shape, if it doesn’t get better…”

    Yang Yang consoled: “There’s always a way. If we figure out the medicinal effect of the medicine stone, maybe there will be a way to help their hereditary soul palace damage.”

    Archibald nodded and stopped talking about this. Yang Yang had just given birth to a child, and his body was still weak, so he shouldn’t let him worry about these things.

    Archibald changed the subject: “I have already reported the child’s safety to my father and the others. It just so happens that it will be New Year right after the winter camp is over. Also, this year, my father and dad will stay in the Old Emperor Star for the New Year, returning to the Soul Locking Star after the New Years.”

    Yang Yang heard “New Year” and became interested: “What do you do here for New Years?”

    Archibald: “Organise family gatherings and eat some traditional food. On New Year’s Eve, there will be a soul fire performance at the small town near the base—it’s based on special material made of waste soul crystals, which can conjure pictures in the air. When done well, it looks like pictures are coming to life. I liked it very much when I was young.”

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    Yang Yang: “Then we’ll go and see it this year. Maybe the child will be out of shell by then, just in time for the New Year.”

    Archibald thought about the picture of his family of three going to the Soul Fire show, and couldn’t help but feel anticipation, he asked again: “What’s New Year’s like in your original world?”

    Yang Yang’s smile remained unchanged: “It’s mostly a normal family gathering, not as interesting as here.”

    But Archibald immediately saw Yang Yang’s disinterest. He knew that Yang Yang’s experience in his previous world was not pleasant, so he stopped mentioning it and chatted for a while about random topics. After eating, Archibald went out to bask in the sun with Yang Yang in his arms.

    Yang Yang’s laceration was a bit serious. Although it had been sewed and treated, in the past two days, let alone jumping around, it was hard enough to walk by himself. So Archibald became his walker.

    Yang Yang was not uncomfortable and he treated himself as handicapped with peace of mind, letting Archibald carry him everywhere.

    Archibald placed Yang Yang on a soft chair outside the aircraft and put the egg in a special stroller next to Yang Yang and prepared some digestible things like fruits—— Yang Yang only ate liquid food and got hungry easily.

    When Archibald brought out the fruit, Yang Yang asked him, “What’s the matter with Monta and Mu Tou?”

    Not long after Yang Yang sat down, he saw Monta and Mu Tou running over from behind the aircraft, wearing training uniforms and glance at him.

    That look was particularly resentful. But they didn’t say anything and just continued to run around the aircraft.

    Archibald’s expression remained unchanged, he took a cup of freshly squeezed juice and stuffed it into Yang Yang’s hand, “It’s just daily training.”

    Monta & Mu Tou just ran over again: “…”

    Whose daily training started with fifty laps? ? ?

    However, the two of them didn’t dare to quibble, so they could only continue running.

    Yang Yang didn’t have doubts about it. After all, although Monta and Mu Tou usually looked unreliable, they were soldiers and some daily training was a matter of course.

    Yang Yang was just a little curious and asked Archibald: “What about you? I saw you train very hard every day when you were in the manor.”

    Archibald nodded: “En, I want to train too, I’ll go practise a few rounds with them later.”

    Monta & Mu Tou, who hadn’t run far: “…???”


The author has something to say:

Mu Tou: I didn’t give him the barbeque QVQ

Monta: He ate the barbeque himself!

Byrd: But because of this plate of barbeque, he misunderstood he had diarrhea and almost pulled out* the child… Do you understand how dangerous it would be if he gave birth in the wild?

Monta&Mu Tou: ….You just wanted to talk about excreting*

拉 which has myriad of meanings. it’s probably a wordplay that won’t translate well

Byrd: …..No

Monta&Mu Tou: …..

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