Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Tearing Silk

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    Archibald came back with the children carrying buckets, and habitually looked towards the place where Yang Yang was sitting, but he didn’t see anyone.

    Archibald panicked.


    Archibald walked over in a few strides, put the water on the ground and asked hurriedly, “Where is Yang Yang?

    Monta stood in front of the chair, seeing Archibald’s anxious expression he didn’t dare to mention giving the barbecue to Yang Yang, only said: “Ah, um, maybe he wasn’t acclimatized and got an upset stomach. It’s too late to go back to the base, so he went to the woods to solve it first.”

    Archibald’s expression did not improve: “Stomach trouble? How could it be? It was fine before. I’ll go and have a look.”

    “Hey hey hey.”

    Monta jumped to stop him and said speechlessly, “Although you two are husband and wife, what’s the reason to watch him go to the toilet?”

    Archibald looked worried: “What if he’s about to give birth?”

    Monta rolled his eyes: “Are you serious? Although he has never given birth, as a female, how is it possible to not even know the difference between giving birth and diarrhea? It’s just like we can’t confuse the difference between the beast morphs and other beasts, it’s instinct.”

    Archibald: “………”

    The problem was, Yang Yang had not been a Lester before. He most likely didn’t have this instinct.

    Archibald ignored Monta and still went into the woods: “You stay here, I’ll go and have a look.”


    Monta still wanted to persuade, but after thinking for a while, he put down his hand—— Anyway, he won’t be the one being scolded.


    The woods were not dense, so Yang Yang ran a little deeper and finally found a bush where he squatted down to solve the major problems of life.

    As a result, when he squatted down, the gurgling stomach had already stopped. Although there was still some pain, there was no action after squatting for a long time.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    This was embarrassing.

    Just when Yang Yang was considering whether to put on his pants and go back first, he heard footsteps coming towards him.

    Yang Yang was startled and just when he was about to straighten up and look up, the footsteps stopped three or four meters away from the bushes, from where Archibald’s voice came.

    “Yang Yang, are you okay?”

    Yang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, and squatted back again, probably because this “action” he did out of surprise had an effect, the stomach that had been quiet started rumbling again. At the same time, a trickle of liquid dripped down without warning.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    He absolutely didn’t want to be guarded by someone he liked when he had diarrhea!

    Yang Yang propped his forehead helplessly and while holding his hips to endure, he said to Archibald: “I’m fine, you go out and wait! Don’t come over!”

    Archibald didn’t want to leave: “The climate here isn’t cold, there might be wild animals.”

    Although Yang Yang tried his best to bear it, he felt that the sphincter muscles were completely out of control, and the dripping liquid was about to splash. So Yang Yang couldn’t help feeling a little anxious: “I have a weapon here, you go out! I’m trying to do the toilet business, how can I do it if you wait there!”

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    Archibald: “…”

    It seems that he was really in a hurry ?

    Archibald hesitated for a moment and walked away: “Then I will stay far away, if there’s a situation, you can call loudly.”

    Yang Yang: “I know, I know, you go!”

    Archibald: “… …”

    Archibald realized that the scene was a bit funny and the corners of his mouth curled up, he shook his head amusedly as he walked out.

    Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually receding, Yang Yang finally felt relieved, his body relaxed and then there was a splash.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Wasn’t this amount a bit too large? Did he eat that much? And why was there a fishy smell?

    Before Yang Yang could think about it, the cramping in his stomach took away his full attention again.

    at the same time.

    Although Archibald told Yang Yang he’d go farther, he actually walked back a few steps and quietly returned to the place where he was standing before. When he heard the movement from Yang Yang’s side, he touched his nose in embarrassment, thinking to himself he couldn’t be discovered by Yang Yang, otherwise Yang Yang might really get angry.

    But soon, Archibald keenly caught a strange smell in the air.

    It was a fishy smell smelling like blood, coming from where Yang Yang was.

    Archibald stood up straight, flared his nostrils and sniffed. After confirming that the smell was not an illusion, his expression suddenly changed and he strode towards the bush.

    “Yang Yang.”

    Yang Yang was still wrestling with his stomach and suddenly heard Archibald’s voice close at hand, and when he looked up, he saw Archibald standing beside the bushes.

    Yang Yang, who was pouting his buttocks, felt that the whole person was not good: “Why are you back again? Damn it! You’re not allowed to come here!!”

    Archibald didn’t listen at all, walked around the bushes to Yang Yang and stretched out his hand to pull Yang Yang.

    Yang Yang almost exploded: “Archibald!! Don’t touch me! You give me—— fuck! Don’t touch me! Isn’t it disgusting, you!!”

   How could Yang Yang’s strength compare to Archibald, he was pulled up by him and felt Archibald’s hand touch his butt in the next second, touching the wet “excrement”.

    Yang Yang felt that his view of the world was going to be shattered, so he broke down and yelled, “Archibald! What are you crazy about!”

    Archibald was also about to collapse. He wrapped his arms around Yang Yang’s waist to prevent Yang Yang from struggling and then put the hand that touched the “excrement” in front of Yang Yang, his tone was a little tense because of anxiety: “The fetal water has broken, you are about to give birth.”

    Yang Yang was taken aback for a moment, ah-ed, and then looked at Archibald’s hand.

    He saw that what was stained on that hand was not the filth as Yang Yang imagined, but a pale pink transparent liquid.

    Yang Yang looked confused: “But my stomach is gurgling, rumbling, isn’t it diarrhea?”

    Although it hurts a bit, but it’s not unbearable, he thought it was a normal pain from diarrhea.

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald: “After the child breaks its shell, you must not tell it what happened today.”

    Otherwise the child may cry.

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    Yang Yang: “…”

    Archibald didn’t delay after finishing speaking, he took out a cloak from the space, wrapped Yang Yang up and hugged him horizontally, turned around and ran towards the base.


    Monta stood guard at the entrance of the forest, because Yang Yang and Archibald entered the woods one after another and finally attracted the children’s attention.

    While fooling the children, Monta cast a sympathetic look at Mu Tou—if Yang Yang’s diarrhea is serious, you can wash your neck* and wait for death.

*wash it to get it cut off haha

    Mu Tou simply looked confused: “???”

    Why did he look at him with such eyes, he didn’t do anything.

    When Mu Tou was wracking his head, Archibald ran out holding Yang Yang.

    Archibald’s speed was very fast. By the time the busy group of people in front of the woods came back to their senses, Archibald had almost run to the aircraft.

    “Was it the Duke just now? What was he running for?”

    “Looks like he’s still hugging someone.”

    “It’s Yong Yong! Is he sick? I’ll go and see!”

    “Hey, did you also smell something strange? It smells fishy.”

    “Damn it!”

    Only then did Monta come back to his senses and then rushed towards the base.

    “What’s the matter? What’s the matter?”

    Mu Tou and the children all looked confused.

    But seeing Archibald and Monta rushing one after another, they were also curious, put down their work and followed in a rush.


    Archibald ran directly into the testing room with Yang Yang in his arms, just as the military doctors and nurses were preparing for Yang Yang’s delivery room—— the delivery was due the day after tomorrow, so they made sure to check over every instrument.

    Unexpectedly, just after they finished debugging, Archibald came in with Yang Yang in his arms.

    “He’s about to give birth, the fetal water has broken.”

    Archibald described the situation briefly and then put Yang Yang into the special delivery bed brought by the aircraft.

    The military doctor was stunned for a moment and then took action immediately: “Why so fast? —Start the nutrient solution device, prepare artificial fetal water, sterilize surgical instruments and prepare the medicine.”

    Although the incident happened suddenly, the military doctors and nurses did not panic at all, operating in an orderly manner.

    At this time Monta also came over, no need to ask, it took him a glance to understand the situation: “Fuck! Is he really about to give birth?”

    Archibald looked back at him: “Go out to keep watch, close the door, don’t let others approach.”

    Monta nodded again and again: “I know.”

    After Monta left, the military doctor said to Archibald: “Colonel, take off your wife’s clothes, if you don’t want to go out, stand beside the delivery bed and don’t move around.”

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    Archibald agreed and took off Yang Yang’s clothes according to his words.

    Although there were male and female military doctors, but Yang Yang also worked in the medical industry in his previous life, so there was nothing embarrassing about it. It’s just that with his legs put apart, it still felt a little awkward.

    So Yang Yang began to divert his attention and his eyes fell on Archibald’s nervous face.

    Yang Yang smiled: “Don’t be nervous, it’s me giving birth not you.”

    Archibald’s nervousness remained undiminished and he reached out to touch Yang Yang’s face: “Don’t be afraid, I’ll be with you.”

    Yang Yang raised his eyebrows: “What should I be afraid of? It doesn’t hurt very much.”

    Before Archibald could reply, the military doctor said, “Talk less, save your strength, you will be in pain in a moment.”

    Yang Yang: ” …???”

    Archibald was also a little anxious after hearing this: “Isn’t it not painful for a female to give birth?”

    Military doctor: “This is generally the case, but your wife’s birth came premature. According to common sense, the egg soul power in the early stage isn’t strong, the embryo will not be fully developed accordingly and the shell breaking period will be extended from two to three months.

    However, the situation of the wife is different. Although the time is much earlier, the embryo of the child develops very well and is very healthy.”

    Archibald: “Isn’t that good?”

    Military doctor: “It’s good for the baby, but not for the female body. ——Male females don’t have their own reproductive canal, so the process of pregnancy is also a process of self-transformation and change of the body.

    But since your wife is giving birth prematurely, half of his body transformation had not been completed, but the baby’s eggs are fully developed, I am afraid that the birth canal will need to be cut… But don’t worry, Madam, we have prepared some painkillers.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    No, he didn’t feel comforted and even wanted to write a letter of complaint to this unit—was there anyone who talks like this before a patient goes into labor? Believe it or not, if he were more timid he’d cry on spot!

    But Yang Yang didn’t say anything towards the military doctor, because the “moment” that the military doctor talked about had already arrived.

    The sudden pain made Yang Yang’s expression change, he slammed his head on the delivery bed, clenched his teeth and let out an astonishing yell: “Fuck! It!”

    Although he knew in my previous life that women would suffer during childbirth, but he didn’t expect it to be such a painful feeling, like a combination of fists and knives greeting him.

    The military doctor knew something was wrong when he saw Yang Yang’s expression, and immediately shouted: “Hurry up! Put on the painkiller and prepare to supply oxygen…”

    All the medical team was busy running around, but Archibald was standing at a loss on the bedside. Seeing Yang Yang clenched his teeth tightly, he stretched out his hand to Yang Yang and coaxed, “Yang Yang, don’t bite yourself, bite me.”

     Yang Yang was sweating profusely from the pain, he glared at Archibald while panting and and gritted his teeth: “Take it away! If I bite! My heart, will hurt!”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald had no choice but to worry beside him.

    After nearly half an hour of chaos, a moon-white egg finally broke away from the birth canal, and was put into the artificial fetal water with traces of blood.

    A dual form Lester, but the gender won’t be known until the shell was broken.

    Yang Yang lay on the bed flat, as if his body had been fished out of the water, he looked at Archibald with blank eyes and said forcibly, “I learned what the sound of tearing silk is today.”

    The military doctor didn’t cut the birth canal, because it splits itself. At that time, Yang Yang didn’t feel any pain after taking painkillers, but the feeling of skin and flesh tearing was still there.

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald felt both amused and distressed. He wiped Yang Yang’s body with a towel and said softly, “After the painkiller wears off, the wound will hurt. Take a break before the medicine wears off.

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    When the winter camp is over, your injury should be almost healed. We will stay here these days and not go back for the time being.”


    Yang Yang was indeed very tired, but before resting, he still had a task to do.

    Yang Yang looked at Archibald, braced himself, and asked expectantly, “Where is the child, give me a poke.”

    Archibald: “… poke?”

    Yang Yang: “Isn’t the egg soft? ? I’ll see if I can poke it. — Don’t worry, I won’t use force.”

    Archibald: “…”

    It would be a miracle if he could not worry!

    But Archibald still told the nurse to bring the baby.

    The freshly cleaned egg was as big as an adult’s palm, long and oval, like a chubby capsule, lying quietly in a basin filled with artificial fetal water.

    The eggshell has not yet hardened, it had a jade-like texture, half transparent like cloudy jade. When facing the light, you could vaguely see a small figure curled up inside.

    Yang Yang looked at it curiously, but with Archibald staring at him and his own physical strength being limited, he couldn’t reach out to poke it in the end, so he could only sigh regretfully: “Hey, this container, looks like it’s about to be put on the stove.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Nurse: “…”

    You can be quiet now.

    Archibald waved his hand and asked the nurse to take the child away: “The child needs to be scrubbed with nutrient solution, soaked in fetal fluid and it can be taken out of the observation cabin after the eggshell hardens. You rest first.”

    Yang Yang saw the child was taken away, also looked away, and yawned, “En, I’ll sleep for a while. I’m super tired…”

    Yang Yang lay back on the bed obediently, closed his eyes while talking and soon fell asleep.

    Archibald glanced at the nurses and the military doctor. Everyone understood the meaning, and they all quietened their movements in unison.

    Archibald stayed by the bed all the time, and after Yang Yang fell asleep, he stretched out his hand and gently smoothed Yang Yang’s sweat-drenched hair. Looking at Yang Yang’s tired face, he felt a little distressed, but also very happy.

    Archibald couldn’t help but smile, then leaned over and pressed a kiss on Yang Yang’s forehead.

    “You did great, baby.”


Author has something to say:

Yang Yang: Excuse me!!! I didn’t hear it!!

Byrd: ….cough


Bamboo: translating this chapter was hard in so, many ways, guys I think I need to take a break from translating this novel. Author’s chapter length has been driving me crazy, Let’s say a week or so??

ANYWAYS, nobody guessed correctly the chapter Yang Yang gives birth, but as a compensation for going on a break, go on give me requests what to draw if you wanna??

see you~~ this translator floats away sleepily

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