Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Gululu

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    Early the next morning, the children in the village were ready to go.

    Regarding the parting, the children’s reaction was more open-minded than Yang Yang thought.

    “It’s normal for us to accept training or go out to start living as an adult.”

    “Although we are a little ahead of schedule, we’re following the Duke, the famed Duke of Donton!”

    “I will definitely become a very powerful fighter!”

    The children scrambled to express their joy, without any worries about parting from their loved ones. Only the woman holding the baby showed some sadness when she looked at the village, but she quickly regained her composure.

    Before leaving, Yang Yang left behind a lot of supplies, as well as a small bottle filled with red fruit. There were about thirty or so, enough for everyone in the village to have more than one each.

    Yang Yang handed the small bottle to the old village head: “I don’t know if this ‘medicine’ will help you, but this is the only thing I can do for you.”

    The old village head accepted the bottle, smiling: “It’s our luck that the Duchess can come here.”

    Yang Yang didn’t understand what he meant, but he didn’t ask further. He then bid farewell.

    This time the woman and Little Whitebelly were there, but Scarface didn’t come to see them off.

    When they walked out of the gate of the village, Yang Yang had a vague premonition that this would be the last time they saw the village.


    The meeting point was still in a small open space in the woods. Because of the limited parking space, only one of the three aircraft that came was parked in the open space and the remaining two hovered in the air waiting for orders.

    The parked one was piloted by Monta. Archibald had told Monta about the situation last night, so Monta was well prepared today—he brought a lot of toys and snacks, which should be enough to cope with the crying of some children.

    None of these things worked, however.

    Monta looked at the group of little radish heads surrounding the aircraft and “wowing” excitedly and gave Archibald a puzzled look: “Are they aware that they were given to you to be raised instead of going out for a trip?”

    Archibald: “…shut up.”

    Monta shrugge  and didn’t dare to press any more—— it’s always good not to cry, he wasn’t good at dealing with crying children.

    Because there was no place to dock the aircraft, the greetings were temporarily postponed. Yang Yang, Archibald and the woman with the baby led the team to ride three aircrafts respectively, so as not to make the children scared on the way.

    Yang Yang was sitting in the aircraft that Monta drove.

    On the way back, Monta couldn’t help asking Yang Yang about the village.

    Yang Yang didn’t mention anything about the medicine stone and the experiment, but only said that they were refugees who lived in seclusion after the catastrophe.

    Monta didn’t doubt him and turned his attention to Yang Yang after a while: “I heard from Byrd, are you in the labor period already? Is this egg or a balloon in your stomach? I’ve never seen such a speed of growing.”

    Yang Yang glanced at him: “You say this again in front of the Duke.”

    Monta rolled his eyes: “I’m not stupid. —— I’ve already asked the logistics to make preparations at the base, you can have a check up as soon as you go back. It just so happens that Fu Qing’s team had arrived at the mountainside today and they are resting at the base on the mountainside, along with Kami.”

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    Yang Yang: “Kemi hasn’t had any accidents these two days?”

    Monta: “No, I asked Mu Tou to watch over her specifically.”

    Yang Yang wondered: “Mu Tou also came?”

    He remembered that Mu Tou returned to the team after the tourist season.

    Monta: “Before Kami had an accident, I launched an emergency plan and called in some people. Mu Tou was one of them. They didn’t come in action in the end, but just in case, I let them stay. Each team has a new instructor now, let them play with the bear kids.”

    Yang Yang: “…more like play the kids.”

    Monta grinned happily, “That’s right, as expected of comrade Yang Yang, you have understood the essence of our army so quickly.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    The essence of your army is really worrying.


    It took about half an hour to fly from the village to the base of the winter camp on the mountainside.

    As Monta said, the logistics team at the mountainside base was ready, right after Yang Yang got off the aircraft he was directly lead to the testing room. But Archibald didn’t follow, because he wanted to keep track the children who came with them.

    Yang Yang didn’t know what happened outside. This inspection was longer and more careful than before. When Yang Yang was about to finish the inspection, Archibald also came in.

    “How is it?”

    Archibald came in and immediately asked the military doctor in charge of logistics.

    The military doctor smiled: “Colonel, please rest assured that both the wife and the child are in very good condition, depending on the level of hormone and soul power fluctuations, they may be born the day after tomorrow.”

    Archibald suddenly became nervous.

    “So fast?”

    Yang Yang straightened his clothes and sat up, looking at the military doctor in surprise.

    Archibald turned his head, strode quickly to Yang Yang, bent down to hold the shoes for Yang Yang and then helped Yang Yang get off the bed, putting his shoes on with both hands.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Great, he was frightened again.

    Yang Yang laughed helplessly, he didn’t persuade Archibald to relax, but let him treat himself like a porcelain doll obediently.

    The military doctor replied with a smile: “The child’s condition is very good and the female’s gestation period is mainly based on soul power, other the body parts can be developed in the second development after birth, so as long as the child’s soul reserves enough soul power it’s normal to be born early.

    In addition, I don’t recommend your wife to take another long-distance flight in the aircraft these two days. The equipment here is very complete and it’s best for your wife to stay at the base to wait for delivery.”

    “Of course.”

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    Archibald answered one step ahead and took out his local gold wristband inlaid with more than a dozen storage chips. “There are also some instruments in it. Check them if they will be of use.”

    The militarydoctor did not refuse: “Yes, Colonel.”

    Archibald: “Is there anything I need to pay attention to in terms of diet?”

    Military doctor: “Not really, it’s enough to follow Madam’s taste, it’s good to eat well.”

    Later, Archibald asked some more trivial questions and then left the testing room with Yang Yang.

    Yang Yang felt a little strange about the fact that he was about to give birth, but he didn’t feel any repulsion. He stretched his waist, quickly dismissing the strangeness.

    “Go and see the children, how do you plan to place them?”

    Archibald walked almost sticking to Yang Yang, his tail also bent into an arc around Yang Yang, holding Yang Yang like a third arm.

    “Let Monta and Ruo Hong, the baby’s mother, accompany them first, tell them more about the winter camp and the garrison base. I want them to also participate in the winter camp. The winter camp is full of children who are about their age, think about it as of giving them a transition period.”

    Yang Yang nodded in agreement: “It’s a good idea. What about after that? Will they be arranged at the garrison base?”

    The beastlization of these seven children was actually not serious—except for the Little White Belly who was fully beast shaped.

    But their knowledge, cognition and manners were somewhat out of touch with the outside world and there was still the problem of “small noble”, so they had to find a way to let them accept the outside world.

     Archibald: “I will discuss this with Uncle Rong and the others. Don’t think too much about it, you should have a good rest these two days.”

    Yang Yang smiled: “I know.”

    During their conversation, they had already left the aircraft area that served as the base.

    When they got outside, to their eyes came three groups of people sitting on the grass on the mountainside—on the left were children from the village, in the middle were Monta, Mu Tou, Ruo Hong and two instructors, and on the right was the winter camp group with Kami.

    And in the middle of the three groups of people, two beast-shaped Lesters were fighting together, one of them was Little White Belly.

    Yang Yang became anxious when he saw it: “What’s this?”

    Archibald held him, stopping him from going too fast, while explaining: “Before the double-form Lester became an adult, there would more or less ignore the weak and respect the strong, do they should be fighting for territory. With Monta and the others watching, there won’t be any major problems.”

    Yang Yang: “I remember that before Kami was taken away by the giant clawed bird, you said the same.”

    Archibald: “………”

    Yang Yang: “Little Whitebelly and the others aren’t greenhouse flowers, don’t forget the first time we met, he was also with the group that tried to rob us.”

    Archibald wouldn’t forget this point: “It doesn’t matter, the one he is fighting with is Fu Qing. Fu Qing isn’t a greenhouse flower either and when it comes to fighting, Fu Qing is much more experienced than the children in the village. He knows how to measure.”

    Only then did Yang Yang notice that there was no Fu Qing in the winter camp team.

    He knew Fu Qing’s life experience, so he felt a little more relieved.

    “Yang Yang!”

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    Before Yang Yang could walk over, Kami saw him and then ran over immediately, but as she was about to reach Yang Yang, she braked suddenly and then took out an object from the storage space out of nowhere, throwing it at Yang Yang’s feet.

    Yang Yang looked down and saw that it was a rabbit whose neck had been bitten off, looking as if it died a brutal death.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Kami put on a cute look asking for praise: “Yong Yong, this is from me! I miss you so much!”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    After a second of delay, Yang Yang forced a smile: “Thank you Kami.”

    Kami’s little face turned even redder, she opened her arms asking for a hug.

    But as soon as she stretched her hands, Archibald, who sensed her intention, immediately stepped in front of her.

    Kami: “…”

    Although she had become a member of the bear children, she was still very afraid of Archibald.

    Archibald didn’t have the heart to be jealous with Kami, and now all his nerves were hanging on Yang Yang’s belly: “Yang Yang is about to give birth, be careful and don’t pounce on him suddenly.”

     Kami was only five years old so she was ignorant of these matters, but looking at Archibald’s expression, she also became nervous: “En, I won’t pounce.”

    After speaking, she bent down and put away the dead rabbit on the ground, and then stood aside to show Yang Yang’s something interesting: “Yong Yong, look, watching my brother fight is so fun!”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Hey, forget it, bear’s cuteness was also a kind of cuteness.

    Yang Yang laughed: “En, let’s take a look.”

    As Archibald said, this was indeed a territorial battle among bear children.

    Yang Yang watched a few rounds and he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved—— he had always been worried that the children in the village would be timid or bullied when they first came to the village and they would not have confidence after being exposed to modern society…

    But so far, it seems like he’d been overthinking.

    The children were quick to accept new things and the bear children sent by various nobles, although they were brats, had no evil intentions—not to mention Fu Qing’s pressure.

    Soon, the fights were over. The outcome wasn’t important, what was the happiest thing is that the two small groups began to merge.

    In order to celebrate and welcome the children from the village, after the group of little guys were all tired, Monta proposed to camp and barbecue outside today and he would provide the supplies instead of the team members themselves.

    The winter camp team cheered immediately and the children in the village also knew the rules of the winter camp. Although they were not as sincere as the winter camp team, they also laughed.

    Yang Yang and Archibald would naturally participate as well.

    In order to have a camping atmosphere, the location was not in front of the base, but a little farther away next to the woods, but you could see the base when you looked back.

    Archibald didn’t dare to make Yang Yang work, so he took a chair and let Yang Yang sit there, while he and the children got busy.

    Some cooked, others collected firewood and carried water…they got to work in full swing in a short while.

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    After being busy for a while, it was already noon, Yang Yang almost fell asleep from boredom, when Monta came over.

    “Here you are.”

    Monta handed Yang Yang a plate containing several slices of barbecue.

    “Lunch is still a while away. Pad your stomach now, you can’t go hungry now.”

    Yang Yang took it with a smile and looked around, “Where’s the Duke?”

    Monta: “He took a few kids to get water, the guy who was watching the fire just now fed too much firewood, making the pot of food useless.”

    Yang Yang didn’t notice this, chuckled a few times and started eating the barbecue, then: “…Who grilled this?”

    Monta: “Mu Tou.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Sure enough.

    Yang Yang was chewing on this unique roasted meat that was tender on the inside and charred on the outside, thankful it wasn’t the Gala’s leg, otherwise his teeth would be in danger.

    But this happiness lasted for less than a minute.


    As soon as the barbecue was finished, Yang Yang’s stomach resounded in protest.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Monta: “…”

    Normally, Monta would make fun of Yang Yang, but now that Yang Yang was in labor pain period, if something happened, Archibald would kill him! !

    Monta was anxious: “Fuck, are you okay? I watched him cook he didn’t put anything in it! How do you feel? I’ll go back to the base and get you some medicine. No, I’ll call the military doctor.”

    Yang Yang’s complexion distorted: “No, it’s too late, you stay on guard for me, I’ll solve it.”

    After speaking, Yang Yang got up and trotted into the small woods.

    And Yang Yang decided in his heart——he must write a letter of advice to the military department, it’s better not to open a shop in the tourist season in the future, because sooner or later, people will die!


AHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAH wait forgot author’s note, here

Author has something to say:

Mu Tou: It really killed someone. QAQ

Yang Yang: ….I should be the one crying!

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