Chapter 99: Confessions and Answers

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    After they left the room of the elderly man, the villagers outside the house also dispersed one after another.

    The expressions on their faces seemed more regrettable than sorrowful or grieving.

    It seemed that for them, death wasn’t a sad event, but rather a checkpoint to enter another world. They rejoiced if they pass it; if they fail to passed it, they were simply regretful.

    Because this was a point in life that they, and only they, will all go through, an honour even.

    Even when they saw Archibald and Yang Yang, they gave them comforting smiles instead.

    Yang Yang looked thoughtfully at the backs of the villagers leaving.

    “Don’t think about it.”

    Back in the room, Archibald saw that Yang Yang was still frowning, and he couldn’t help comforting him, “Although we may not understand it, for the villagers, this is their way of life.” 

    Yang Yang came back to his senses and glanced at Archibald: “En, I know.”

    Archibald smiled at Yang Yang: “Then rest, you have entered the period of labor pain, you may give birth at any time, you need to maintain your physical strength.”

    Yang Yang obediently sat on the bed, kicked off his shoes and nestled back into the quilt, but instead of lying down he stared at the quilt in a daze.

    Archibald only thought that Yang Yang’s mood was affected, so he sat by the bed to accompany him: “If you are unhappy, just tell me.”

    Yang Yang was silent for a while, then looked up at Archibald: “The soul of the elderly man just now, if the old village chief hadn’t killed him, would he have turned into a soul beast?”

    Archibald nodded: “Yes.”

    Yang Yang: “Then if the blue didn’t permeate, would he become a real soul?”

    This time Archibald hesitated for two seconds before saying: “I don’t know, I had never seen such a thing. But I could feel it had the soul power of the soul beast, it was in the man’s soul power from the start, but it was not as strong at the beginning as it was later.”

    “That’s because he failed.”

    Yang Yang recalled the words of the old village head, and said, “Since the old village head and the others were so determined, it is likely that they had seen a successfully materialising soul.”

    Archibald frowned slightly: “Okay, don’t think about it anymore.”

    Yang Yang shook his head: “I’m not trying to find out the secrets of the village, but I’m thinking about your business.”

    Archibald was taken aback: “Mine?”

    Yang Yang: “Yes. “

    Yang Yang crossed his legs, sat up a little bit straighter, looked at Archibald seriously and said, “Do you know what the medicine I gave that elderly man just now?”

    Of course Archibald knew— just now Yang Yang didn’t hide the “medicine” he was giving.

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    “It’s the fruit that was tested by Miss Jun.”

    Yang Yang: “That’s right, then you also know that the fruit contains the soul power of a soul beast.”

    Archibald nodded.

    Yang Yang raised his eyebrows: “Don’t you have anything to ask me?”

    Just like in the research institute before, Archibald didn’t ask anything.

    Archibald looked at Yang Yang with a serious expression: “If you want to say it, I will listen. But if you don’t want to say it, I won’t ask.”

    Yang Yang’s heart was slightly hot, a sense of happiness from being trusted filled his chest with the sweet smell of honey, corners of Yang Yang’s mouth couldn’t help but rise.

    But Yang Yang was still unsatisfied and wanted more sweets: “Oh, just trust me like that? If I were secretly a bad guy are not afraid of helping the evildoer?”

    Archibald saw Yang Yang’s intention to tease him with words, cooperatively feeding Yang Yang sweets: “You are not. Even if you are, then I will take you far away so that you can harm me alone.”

    Yang Yang smiled and kicked lightly through the quilt Archibald’s back, he asked, “Have you read all the 100 love words given by Uncle Uncle?”

    Archibald’s skin was not as thin as before, he turned around and tucked Yang Yang’s quilt back, and nodded calmly: “I read a little.”

    Yang Yang clicked his tongue: “Lord Duke, you seem to be getting less and less reserved now.”

    Archibald raised his eyebrows, noncommittal. Then he went back to the previous topic: “You said you were thinking about me, what exactly is it?”

    Yang Yang: “This has to start from the beginning and it’s also connected to a secret of mine. ——But for the sake of you being so cute, I’ll tell you. But first, you give me your medicine.”


    Archibald paused, feeling a little premonition in his heart: “You want to see if there is any medicine stone in it?”

    Yang Yang did not deny it: “Yes.”

    Archibald took out his own medicine and also gave the old village chief’s medicine stone, but he was still doubtful: “The village chief said that the medicine stone needs to be stimulated by the soul beast’s soul power, but I have not been infected with the soul power of the soul beast.”

    Yang Yang took the medicine and the medicine stone, looked at Archibald and was silent for a a while, then said: “You have.”

    Archibald was stunned: “What?”

    Yang Yang put the medicine stone into the detector, chose a mode that would not destroy the sample to start the test, and then continued.

    “In your soul power, there is soul beast’s soul power similar to that in the fruit, but the instrument cannot detect the soul beast infection in your soul power. So I wonder if there is a medicine stone in the medicine, which mislead the detection results.”

    Archibald frowned, “How do you know that there is soul beast in my soul power?”

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    Yang Yang: “This is my secret, I’m gonna tell to you after the test is over.”


    The test results of the medicine stone and the medicine came out soon. ——No soul beast’s soul power was detected, but the medicine did contain medicinal stones.

    The content of medicinal stones in the medicine was little, but Archibald did not use it when he had an attack like the villagers, he took it every day.

    The medication accumulation  over time, so the current dosage in him was probably much more than that of the villagers.

    And no matter how much, since it was a medicinal stone, to stimulate its medicinal properties, you needed the soul power of the soul beast—but this medicine did not contain it.

    Yang Yang took out the medicine stone and medicine, put them back into the box, and asked, “Duke, do you only take this medicine every time you get sick? Will you take other things?”

    Archibald knew what Yang Yang wanted to ask. He shook his head.

    “In the past, I would take specific strong medicines when I got sick. But when I was 16 years old, I had a riot come early while in a battle. I didn’t have time to take the strong medicine and almost died.

    After that, Uncle Ya Qing said that I can’t become dependent on the medicines, and built an underwater suppression chamber. Since then, I no longer use strong drugs, but the period of the onset had also been shortened.”

    When Yang Yang heard “almost died”, his heart tightened suddenly, feeling distressed all over.

    After a delay of two seconds, Yang Yang asked: “Is there any strong medicine left?”

    Archibald shook his head: “No. Uncle Ya Qing was afraid that I would overdose, so he strictly divided the doses every time. After the new medicine was replaced, the rest of the medicine would be taken away. ——But every time the medicine was delivered, Aunt Gu and Miss Jun would test it again and there was no problem.”

    Yang Yang was silent.

    There was no problem, that only meant three possibilities:

    1. The composition of this medicine stone had other effects and it didn’t need the stimulation of the soul beast’s soul power.

    2. Gu Lita or Zhang Jun were lying.

    3. Ya Qing was the one plotting something.

    Yang Yang hoped to be the first case.

    Yang Yang put away the detector, pinched the box containing the medicine stone and medicine, and said with a smile: “Okay, now I will tell you my secret.”

    Archibald heard this, straightened his back involuntarily, and looked at Yang Yang seriously.

    Seeing him like this, Yang Yang couldn’t help but want to tease him, so he used a particularly scary opening line: “Actually, I died once——.”


    Yang Yang was not good at telling stories, but his stories didn’t need any fancy storytelling to attract people’s attention.

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    When Yang Yang’s story was finished, Archibald’s whole body was like frozen in place.

    Seeing Archibald’s appearance, Yang Yang couldn’t help but want to laugh, he stretched out his hand to pinch Archibald’s chin as if he was a perverted old man: “Look at how my family’s cutie got scared, so distressed?”

    Archibald grabbed Yang Yang’s mischievous hand and asked without thinking: “Will you still leave?”

    Yang Yang was puzzled for a moment, and then realized what Archibald was asking—will you still leave for another world?

    Yang Yang smiled: “I think it should be impossible.”

    Archibald heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn’t let go of Yang Yang’s hand, holding him silently— after listening to Yang Yang’s story, the sense of something not quite right that started from meeting Yang Yang, Yang Yang’s nonsense lies, the unshaken confidence in the child’s full health, the unexplainable Roth and space…everything had an explanation.

    It’s just about Yang Yang’s previous life. Although Yang Yang only summed it up in a few words, Archibald could still imagine that picture.

    Doomsday, famine, disabilities, cold, strange beasts…

    Archibald felt that it was difficult to breathe, and when he recalled his naive fights with Yang Yang at the beginning, Archibald regretted it to death.

    After a moment of silence, Archibald said angrily, “I shouldn’t scare you with virtual bugs.”

    Yang Yang immediately understood what he was thinking and laughed: “It’s okay, I didn’t treat you very nicely back then either.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Yang Yang took Archibald’s hand and kissed it, and said with a smile: “Besides, I’m very happy now. ——Okay, let’s get down to business, how I detected your soul power was letting the child share a bit of your soul power and then let Bean Sprouts condense it into fruits.

    The test results showed that your soul power was similar to the soul power of the soul cube, and the soul power of the soul cube was similar to the soul beast’s soul power, and later, the soul power of the medicine stone.

    —These were the detected wavelength graphs.

    Yang Yang put the comparison chart made by Roth on the terminal light screen, so that he could intuitively see the similarities and differences of several soul power test results.

    After reading it, Archibald asked Yang Yang: “What do you think?

    Yang Yang: “I have a very absurd idea. “

    Upon saying this, Yang Yang stretched out his fingers, spread out several maps in the light screen and then tapped and arranged them one by one.

    Yang Yang: “Before I went to the village, I thought the Soul Cube’s soul power was an advanced soul power that could eliminate the negative influence of the soul beast’s soul power.

    Then the medicine stone appeared. Its soul power was very similar to that in the Soul Cube, but it adheres to and lurked in the soul power of a person like the soul power of a soul beast, it didn’t disappear, even filling up the gaps of the human’s soul palace.

    So I thought again, the soul power of soul beasts, the soul power of medicine stone and the soul power of people, these three may be a cyclic biological chain— soul beasts’ eats humans’, medicine stones’ eats soul beasts’, and humans’ eats medicine stones’.

    But tonight, seeing the elderly man’s soul, I realised that there was one more thing to add to this cycle: the soul beast.”

    While Yang Yang was speaking, the map was also lined up—it was a closed circle.

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    Yang Yang clicked one by one: “Soul beasts create soul beast’s soul power, soul powers of soul beasts infects people, people eat medicine stones to fight against soul beast’s soul power, the medicine stone fills the soul palace, like dove occupying the magpie’s nest, it then creates soul-like soul beast. “

    Finally, Yang Yang moved the picture of the extra Soul Cube to the middle of the circle.

    Yang Yang: “The soul power of the Soul Cube, its characteristics are: the power of soul beasts, but not only will it not infect people, it can also be absorbed by people; it can eliminate the soul power of the soul beast but it won’t stay in the body; it cannot fill the damage of the soul palace.”

    Yang Yang replaced the picture of the soul cube with the picture of the medicine stone, and then broke the closed circle.

    Yang Yang looked at Archibald and said: “My idea is: all the soul power in this world is from the same source, all are interchangeable.

    The soul power of the Soul Cube is similar to the medicine stone, but purer than the medicine stone. Although it can’t cure the damage of the soul palace, it can cure the infection of soul power.

    ——This is probably what the mysterious man wanted to experiment with.”

    After a pause, Yang Yang turned off the light screen again and said: “But the soul power of the Soul Cube and the medicine stone are also mutually exclusive. After they clashed, some gray soul power had fused together, but I don’t quite understand what it means.

    I thought before that the soul power of the Soul Cube might be able to clear the soul beast’s soul power in your body, but now your medicine contains medicine stones. Before I figure out the ins and outs of the reaction between the soul power of the Soul Cube and the medicine stone, I don’t dare to try this for you. “

    Yang Yang was also very glad that he didn’t recklessly give Archibald fruit before.

    Yang Yang: “Although your medicine contains medicine stones, you aren’t using a way to use the soul power of soul beasts to stimulate the medicinal properties, so maybe the medicine stones still has other effects. “

    As for the questioning the three people along with Ya Qing, Yang didn’t intend to put it on the table until there was definite evidence— because before he came to this world, there was no Soul Cube here, nor the soul power of the Soul Cube, sp even if the soul power of the soul beast was really used, it may be the only way to save Archibald.

    Just like the people in this village, they certainly know that drinking poison to quench their thirst was not advisable, but what could they do?

    Archibald looked at Yang Yang: “So, what do you want to do next?”

    Yang Yang smiled: “The next time you get sick, let me watch in the monitoring room. I want to see what the medicine stone soul power acts like when you get sick.”

    But Archibald hesitated.

    Yang Yang wondered: “Is there no observation window in the monitoring room?”

    Archibald’s tail twitched and then he said: “My appearance during soul power riot…it’s scary.”

    Yang Yang recalled Archibald’s appearance after the last illness, and his heart couldn’t help but ache.

    “It’s okay. “

    Yang Yang took Archibald’s hand and put it on his face, and said with a smile, “In my eyes, you are the most handsome no matter what.”


Bamboo: Don’t worry guys if you don’t get it, author said that it’s not important to understand everything; it’s not necessary for future plot. All you need to remember is the existence of [stone medicine]

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