Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Refusal

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    The place where the aircraft landed was on the territory of the garrison base, it was in military jurisdiction. It stood to reason that there should not be so many professionals among onlookerss.

    But Yang Yang didn’t have a chance to ask. ——As soon as he caught a glimpse of the crowd outside, he immediately hugged Archibald’s neck tightly and buried his head on Archibald’s shoulder, regarding himself as a large pendant, the kind that didn’t move.

    It was not until he got in the car that Yang Yang pulled down his cloak, only showing a pair of eyes to look out.

    Although there were many people outside, they were all quite orderly. In addition to the parents of the children in the winter camp, some official media representatives also came. As for the people who eat melons, they were almost all young people, dressed in uniforms.

    Yang Yang felt that the uniform looked familiar. After thinking about it, he remembered that it was a military school uniform.

    After a while, Archibald got into the car with the egg in his arms.

    It had been seven days since the egg was born and the egg has not grown any further, but the temperature had dropped by one degree compared to when it was just born. When the temperature becomes about the same as room temperature, it would be time for the egg to crack.

    Yang Yang naturally took the egg and held it in his arms and asked Archibald while shifting it: “Are those military students? The uniforms seem to be a little different from those here on the Old Emperor Star.”

    Archibald stretched out his hand to tidy up Yang Yang’s cloak, that made him look like a pickle, and replied: “Do you remember the joint trial coming the next year?”

    Yang Yang suddenly said: “Ah, the one jointly organized by Soul Locking Star, Emperor Star, and Old Emperor Star?”

    Archibald put the cloak back into the storage space and nodded: “Yes. They’re the students who came to show a warm greeting and take the opportunity to interact with the children of the winter camp.”

    Yang Yang understood, looked back and asked: “Have Little Whitebelly and the others gotten in the car?”

    Archibald: “Everything is settled and Monta is guarding them over there, but I’ll go there as well soon. ——I’m afraid that I will have to go often to the base in the next few days, so please stay at home safely and don’t roll the child to play anymore.”

    Yang Yang retorted confidently: “I didn’t roll it, it’s all because it’s too round, I wanted to move it to a place and it rolled away by itself.”

    Archibald: “…”

    En, just rolling back and forth between your hands.

    Archibald didn’t listen to his sophistry and directly stretched out his hand to pinch Yang Yang’s cheek, shaking it twice as punishment.

    Yang Yang couldn’t escape and immediately spoke up in aggrieved tone: “Wu wu wu, once had the treatment of a treasure, but once given birth to a child me is treated like grass to be stomped, you still hit me…”

    Archibald raised his eyebrow.

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    During these seven days, although Yang Yang couldn’t jump, there were quite a few moths. For example, the number of times for Soul Pierces Through Your Heart to appear had been increased to five times a day.

    Therefore, Archibald was not only immune, but even after hearing Yang Yang’s lamentations, he spoke along Yang Yang’s scumbag script: “If you marry into my Donton family, you are part of my Donton family, I can treat you however I please. No matter how loud you cry, you can see if anyone dares to rescue you.”

    Yang Yang hugged the egg, sobbing in grief: “Baby, our life is so hard. After you break the shell, you must take your Dad out of the sea of misery!”

    Archibald leaned forward and stretched out his hand to pinch Yang Yang’s chin like a bully, “You are all mine and you still want to escape? Be careful, or I will put a collar on you, we’ll see where you run then.”


    Yang Yang couldn’t take it anymore: “…Duke, have you been watching the educational films from Uncle Abel again?”

    Archibald said with a straight face: “No.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    He didn’t believe a single bit!

    Yang Yang was about to torture him to extract a confession, but then he heard a soft “click”, and the partition between the front and rear seats in the car went up.

    Archibald: “…”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Oh, there was still a driver.

    Yang Yang and Archibald looked at each other and laughed in unison.

    Yang Yang pressed Archibald’s face and pushed the man away, pretending to be serious as he said: “Behave.”

    Archibald also took advantage of the opportunity to put away his jokes, sat down obediently, and then said to Yang Yang: “I want to place Ruo Hong with mother You, let them live together in a small building next to the villa, which is convenient for taking care of the baby.”

    Ruo Hong was the woman holding a baby, her baby was only a few months old, taken to an unfamiliar place it especially needed care.

    Yang Yang had no objection and chatted with Archibald about the placement of the children from the village. After a while, the car finally started.

    The Donton Manor, knowing that Archibald and Yang Yang were coming back today, was anticipating their return from early hours in the morning.

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    After all, two people went out and came back with an extra egg, what a joyous event!

    So when Archibald and Yang Yang returned to the manor, they saw a group of people standing in the courtyard of the villa.

    They were all either acquaintances or their elders. So Yang Yang resolutely refused to let Archibald carry him and walked up to the front of the waiting crowd, smiling: “It’s so cold, everyone should just wait indoors.”

    Abel laughed loudly “How could we wait in the house? If the military department didn’t disagree I would have gone to the winter camp to pick you up. Come on, Byrd, show me our cub!”

    Archibald held the egg, he didn’t intend to hand it over, just calmly said: “Let’s go into the house first. Yang Yang’s injury is still not healed and it’s cold outside.”

    Abel didn’t have a problem with him protecting his wife*—that’s just like him!

*护短 protecting one’s own people regardless of blame. pretty sure author isn’t using it correct here…

    Then he immediately walked into the house calling the rest together: “All right, everyone, come in, come in quickly.”

    Then a large group of people flooded back into the house again.

    In the warm room, the egg was placed in the center of the coffee table, covered with a gray short fleece nest, silently accepting the praises of the surrounding adults.

    “This diameter doesn’t look like a premature child at all.”

    “No, my daughter’s full-term baby is not so big!”

    “But the color is so beautiful! You can see at first glance soul power is very mellow. I haven’t seen an egg with such light golden lines for a long time.”

    Yang Yang listened curiously, and he couldn’t help asking Archibald: “Is the color of the eggshell also related to the soul power?”

    Archibald had given up on making Yang Yang read the parenting textbooks and calmly explained: “Eggs laid by females, after entering the shell-cracking stage, will show different markings. The color of the markings is related to the consumption of the soul power of the egg and usually it’s brown. Warm yellow shows stronger soul power and even lighter gold means that the soul power is very mellow.”

    Yang Yang felt relieved: “The soul power was not in vain!”

    Archibald: “…”

    On the other side, Abel had opened his terminal and brought up two photos, which are two eggs, one with orange-red markings and one with golden markings.

    Abel compared the golden one with cub’s egg and was excited: “Haiya! Oh gods, it’s lighter than Byrd’s color!”

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    After speaking, he took another photo of the egg and numbered it 2-1 , then carefully saved it. He expressed his wish to Yang Yang and Archibald: “I don’t ask for much, just try to let me rank numbers up to 2-5.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    After a while, everyone’s photos were all taken and after the enthusiasm subsided a little, Ya Qing stood up.

    Ya Qing suggested: “I’ve prepared a nursery at the scientific research institute, we should put the baby there later.”

    Yang Yang’s heart jumped immediately, he looked over and asked, “Why?”


    Ya Qing hesitated to speak, then glanced at He Shu and Archibald, showing a somewhat embarrassed expression, he said carefully: “The Donton family has a special physique and it was very dangerous for Byrd to break his shell back then. So I I think it’s better to make some preparations in advance.”

    The words were very tactful, but they also expressed his worries— what if this child also inherited the disease of the Donton family?

    Ya Qing didn’t know Yang Yang’s guarantee of “completely healthy” at the beginning, because no one took his guarantee seriously at that time. Later, Yang Yang revealed the existence of the mysterious space, but because of the relationship with the descendants of the Donton family, other people did not spread it.

    Only a few people back then on the starship and Abel knew this secret now.

    Therefore, after Ya Qing finished speaking, Zhang Jun and Abel’s friends also persuaded and comforted him.

    “It’s okay, there’s a lot of space in the scientific research institute, at worst, you can move there and see the cubs every day.”

    “I think this egg is pretty good, maybe it’s gonna be fine, but it’s better to be prepared.”

    “There’s nothing wrong with the observation room, you can record the moment when the child breaks the shell.”

    Faced with everyone’s kindness, Archibald and Yang Yang resolutely refused.

    Yang Yang said first: “Thank you Uncle Yaq Qing, but we want to keep the child with us. The Duke has sensed the child during the interactive period we believe it’s very healthy.”

    Archibald also nodded: “When we contacted in the interactive period, the child liked me and Yang Yang very much, although the hatching period has it in deep sleep, but it definitely wouldn’t want to leave us.”

    Ya Qing frowned slightly when he heard this and looked at Yang Yang and Archibald like naive children, Ya Qing who had always seem meek and weak, rarely showed a somewhat stern expression.


    After the reprimand, he sighed again, “I know this is your first child and you are reluctant to part. But when Yang Yang was pregnant with the child, he was involved in a car accident and hospitalization. Although it looks good now, how could it be so easy to see through the soul power clearly? What if something happens?”

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    Yang Yang smiled and said: “Then let’s check here. The medical room in the manor is full of inspection equipment. I remember that Aunt Gu bought a lot of instruments related to pregnancy and childbirth before.”

    That was when he first came here and Gu Lita bought them just in case.

    Gu Lita knew the inside story, so she agreed with Yang Yang’s point of view, and persuaded Ya Qing in turn: “Ya Qing, Yang Yang is right, let’s just test it here.”

    But Ya Qing felt that they were making trouble for no reason: “At the beginning Byrd’s eggs have also been tested and the inspection results were good, but it was still extremely dangerous when his shell broke.”

    Speaking of this, Ya Qing became even more worked up and he looked at He Shu and Abel: “Second brother, you also help me persuade. This is related to the health of the children, since I’m here, I can’t just sit there and watch.”

    Although He Shu was Abel’s spouse, the Sauron family was more wealthy than the Donton family and his relationship with Ya Qing was not light, that is to say, they’ve known each other for over thirty years.

    So He Shu didn’t speak, but looked at Abel.

    Abel was much more direct.

    He waved his hand directly and said, “Since both Byrd and Yang Yang had this wish, let the child stay with them. But you can also come and check from time to time, so we can rest assured.”

    Although Abel knew about Yang Yang’s space, but he didn’t have much confidence in it, he just chose to believe in his lover and children.

    Ya Qing didn’t expect that even He Shu and Abel were so irrational together and his expression changed immediately.


    However, after fuming for a long time, he didn’t say anything. In the end, he could only compromise.

    “Okay, it’s up to you, but I also want to move back.”

    Abel smiled: “No problem, I will feel more at ease if you stay. If this is the case, let’s check the child first. —Byrd, take your cub to the treatment room.”


    Archibald nodded, picked up the egg with one hand and pulled Yang Yang with the other. The entire group rushed to the treatment room again.


Bamboo has something to say:

Damn I almost thought I’d sit to 3am translating it. man…

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