Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Moved

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    In the Donton family line, the heirs were already little so they attached great importance to children—not to mention Archibald’s children.

    So although it was a boring and lengthy examination process, a large group of people still crowded around the treatment room. Amber and mother You even brought dessert fruits for everyone to eat while waiting.

    Yang Yang was sitting on the side and heard several bigwigs from the nearby military department commenting on egg cub’s measurements with great interest.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    At this moment, Yang Yang deeply felt the racial difference between him and the Lester people from the soul.

    The inspection time was a bit long, Yang Yang looked at Archibald on the other side: “Aren’t you going to the base to see Little Whitebelly?”

    Archibald: “It’s not too late to go after the child is settled, afterwards I won’t come back for dinner.”

    Yang Yang nodded understandingly.

    Archibald glanced at Yang Yang and suddenly said softly: “I asked Rong Hui to prepare a new portable body and it should be delivered at noon. Let Roth use it and keep watch over the child, you get a good rest.”

    Yang Yang was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Archibald, a little surprised— the meaning of Archibald’s words was obvious, he was aware of his defensiveness and allowed him to be on guard, even if the ones he suspected were Archibald’s relatives.

     Archibald looked directly into Yang Yang’s eyes, and said seriously: “I believe in them. But the child is not mine alone, you are also his father and you have the right to protect it in your own way.”

     Yang Yang couldn’t help but feel moved, he laughed: “Duke, how can you be so cute.”

     Archibald: “…”

     He had long wanted to ask, why Yang Yang always liked to describe him as “cute”? ——It’s not that he hated this word, but when it came from Yang Yang’s mouth, he always felt like he was lady from a good family being teased.

     Archibald paused, did not express his opinion on the word, but just took another fruit and handed it to Yang Yang’s mouth to divert Yang Yang’s attention.

    The inspection took almost an hour to end and the results were very good, especially the soul power reserve, which surpassed Archibald’s record in the past—it must be known, Archibald’s soul power reserve record broke the record of all infants ever recorded by the empire.

    Abel burst into laughter immediately.

    “Still unconvinced! I ask you, can you accept it or not! Buhahahaha!”

    All the military bosses: “…”

    If it wasn’t for the fact that they couldn’t beat this kind of show-off, they would have already pummelled him ten times each.

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    In midst of everyone’s cheerfulness, Ya Qing frowned slightly, hesitant to speak.

    Gu Lita got close and noticed Ya Qing’s emotions, so she reached out and patted Ya Qing’s shoulder, saying with a smile: “Relax, think positively, this may be an ordinary healthy child.”

    Ya Qing sighed softly: “I hope so.”

    Archibald’s inspection data was also very good back then, but he almost died during shell break period. Now seeing that the child’s data was higher than that of Archibald, Ya Qing really couldn’t be that optimistic.

    But no matter how worried he was, the egg returned to Yang Yang’s arms and was taken upstairs.

    The top floor was Yang Yang’s and Archibald’s territory, so except for He Shu and Amber that went upstairs as well, everyone else stayed downstairs.


    After a month’s absence, when he returned to the top floor, Yang Yang found that the entire top floor had changed.

    The main thing is that the outside garden has changed — it used to be an elegant and ornamental garden, but now it had become a playground-style garden. The flowers and trees had been removed with a lot of open space, soil slopes, small bridges and many facilities for playing had been added, prepared for children at first glance.

    Their room had also changed, the bathroom and cloakroom had become larger and then a crib had been put next to their bed, not the one Monta sent, but a crib specially made for eggs.

    There was a small pit in the middle of the bed, when Yang Yang put the egg in it, it fit just right.

    Probably because this crib was too comfortable, the round capsule-like egg nest also swayed a bit after entering it, moving a bit comfortably.

    Yang Yang couldn’t help laughing and then froze with a smile: “…”


    Wait, moved? ?

    Yang Yang kept bending over, blinked, and then looked at the egg on the bed, it was still a quiet beautiful egg cub.

    Yang Yang thought about it for a second and even thought he might have been seeing things, so he raised his head and asked the other three people beside the bed: “I seem to have seen it move a little a moment ago.”

    He Shu and Amber stood relatively far behind and couldn’t see the details clearly, but Archibald affirmed Yang Yang’s words.

    “En, I saw it too. This is a sign of the child’s physical development being already in the late stage of breaking the shell, faster than I expected.”

    He Shu and Amber were also very pleasantly surprised after hearing this.

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    Amber’s face was full of pride: “Little madam’s pregnancy time is shorter than ordinary people and the baby’s inspection data is so good, it’s nothing unusual to break the shell a month or two earlier than others.”

    Yang Yang: “… …”

    Don’t brag blindly, the average shell breaking period was only two months, right?

    He Shu was much more reliable and said with a smile: “Then we have to prepare for the baby’s daily life products after the shell is broken and some of the big things we bought before have to be opened to dissipate the smell. —Amber, let’s go down and discuss it, we’ve got to tidy up and let Yang Yang take a look. Yang Yang, you rest first, Byrd said that your injury is not healed yet.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Although he was very touched, when he thought of the placement of his “injury”, he couldn’t smile anymore.

    But in the face of He Shu’s kindness, Yang Yang still said goodbyes with a smile and then watched He Shu and Amber leave, immediately settled the belate account with Archibald.

    Yang Yang glared: “Did you tell Uncle He about my injury?”

    Archibald smiled, bent down, picked up Yang Yang and put him on the bed, then propped himself up on Yang Yang’s body and said: “My father also has the female constitution and he was injured more seriously than you when he gave birth to me. Besides, it can be seen from the way you walk.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Archibald couldn’t help laughing when he saw Yang Yang’s depressed expression, he bowed his head and kissed Yang Yang lightly, as a goodbye to Yang Yang: “Then I’ll go to the base first.”

    Yang Yang licked his lower lip eagerly, grabbed Archibald’s collar to prevent him from leaving: “One more kiss first.”

    Archibald laughed, obediently lowered his head to hold Yang Yang’s lips, curled his tail around Yang Yang’s calf and slowly pressed his whole body against it.

    Although they had been together for the past 20 days, there were many outsiders and they had no privacy. Except for the first few days before Archibald’s estrus passed, the two of them quickly stopped being so sticky, becoming quite restrained.

    So after this kiss, there was a tendency to go off the rails.

    Yang Yang felt something was wrong, so he stopped quickly, turned his head away and then shook his calf.

    “Where is the tail rubbing against? Take it out.”

    Archibald stared at Yang Yang for a few seconds with deep black eyes, then took a light breath, and slowly pulled his tail out of Yang Yang’s trousers ——The kind that brushed closely against the skin.

    Yang Yang was so stimulated that he trembled, his calf twitched nervously, and then he heard Archibald’s chuckle.

    Yang Yang: “…”

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    Yang Yang reached out and pinched Archibald’s earlobe and lecture him tugging: “You keep on learning blindly from these educational videos!”

    Archibald listened to him talk, but didn’t show an ounce of shyness from the past, showing more confidence, “Obviously you were the one chasing after me to hug my tail, but now that I offer it to you, you still dislike it? Throwing it away after playing, scumbag.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Ah, it’s over, his little angel became an old driver at the speed of light. It’s still the self-taught kind!

    Yang Yang felt a little frustrated, rolled his eyes and pushed Archibald: “Go away.”

    Archibald raised the corners of his mouth, bent down pressed a kiss on Yang Yang’s face, then straightened up and stood up. Standing on one side of the bed, he straightened the collar that Yang Yang had pulled astray just now, then bid farewell to Yang Yang and left.

    As soon as Archibald left, Yang Yang’s smile slowly disappeared from the corner of his mouth. He turned over and lay on his side looking at the egg in the crib, quietly lost in thought.


    As noon approached, Rong Hui brought the portable body for Roth. Also being a mechanical pet in the form of a black panther, it looked no different from the previous one.

    Rong Hui was also there in the morning, so he had no curiosity about the egg cub, but he enthusiastically introduced the new black panther to Yang Yang.

    “This one is much more powerful than the previous one. It uses the material of the military’s detection robot and the capacity of the energy tube is two more slots than the previous one. What’s more…”

    Rong Hui kept talking without stopping, Yang Yang only half understood, but he got the key points.

    Yang Yang: “This thing doesn’t sound like it’s sold in the market.”

    Rong Hui touched the black panther fondly and looked at Yang Yang after hearing the words: “Of course you can’t buy it! Just its chips are only available in the military department and it’s illegal to trade or sell in the marked.”

    Yang Yang was surprised, this wasn’t a small thing: “Thank you, Rong Hui.”

    Rong Hui tilted his head: “I just assembled and tested it, it’s not much work. The credit is all Byrd’s, he has notified the military department a week ago to help prepare it and I couldn’t have gotten these materials myself.”

    Yang Yang was startled, a week ago, that was when he had just given birth to a child. Archibald had been aware of his guard since then?

    Thinking of this, Yang Yang couldn’t help feeling warm in his heart, corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise.

    “En, I still have to thank you, I’m most assured of your skills.”

    Rong Hui smiled embarrassedly after hearing this, and said to Yang Yang: “Yang Yang, let Roth try it.—— I haven’t seen it in a long time, as well.”

    Yang Yang nodded: “Okay. ——Roth, go try your new body.”

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    Roth’s rabbit body had been ruined by a group of brats’ football game as early as in the winter camp, so it had been nesting in the soul cube, growing hair.

    Hearing Yang Yang’s call at this time, Roth used his fastest speed to enter the new body.

    The black panther’s eyes turned golden and the majestic black panther, that was crouching there, immediately stood up and chased his tail in circles, making a childish voice unique to Roth.

    “Wow! This body is so good! The skeleton construction is so strong and it’s super energy-saving!”

    Rong Hui’s eyes also lit up: “Isn’t that right! It’s amazing, isn’t it! You can try to link to the starnet, and the chip had also been replaced, I installed a personal terminal for you!”

    Roth immediately stopped going in circles and connected to StarNet in a matter of seconds: “Wow, it’s really fast! The data processing limit is also big,—huh? Master, you’ve been put on Youtu* again.”

*被挂 meaning that your information/adress/ID had been leaked online.

    Yang was stunned: “What?”

    A light screen was projected in front of the black panther, on which were many screenshots from Youtu, obviously selected and still changing.

    Roth: “The photo of the Duke carrying you into the car was secretly photographed and posted. It was posted by a military cadet and it was a bit blurry, but your hands were still visible. You didn’t wear a wedding ring and the netizens had said that you and the Duke were not on good terms.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Roth was eager to try: “Master, do you want me to scold back? I have a terminal number now!” 

    Yang Yang: “…No, thank you.”

   He had no idea how to recover the other moths that had been released.

    Forget it, let it be.


The author has something to say:

Byrd: There’s no shame in front of wife mode had been activated.

Yang Yang: Oh, you’re so awesome, do you want me to give you a round of applause?

Byrd: Applause for love?

Yang Yang: ……………(the first day since the angel has disappeared, miss him!)

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