Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Precarious Position

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    When Yang Yang made the Youtu account back then, he wanted to leave a way out for himself after the agreement ended. But now that the short-term agreement has become a lifelong agreement, although this retreat is not meaningless, it is definitely not so urgent—at least until he discovers a way to stop Archibald’s illness, Yang Yang had no intention of pursuing his career.

    So Butler Yang and The Soul Penetrates Through Your Heart, Cute Sheep, Ram, the pretty housekeeper’s wife and so on, Yang Yang just wanted them to dissipate with time.

    However, netizens didn’t seem to think so.

    Yang Yang said to Roth with a tired heart: “Don’t pay attention to this matter on Starnet, anyway, it’s not a big trouble. You first look at functions of your new body, how’s the fighting capability?”

    Roth’s panther face was all dumbfounded as he huddled together: “Fight, fighting?”

    Yang Yang raised his eyebrows: “Otherwise, did you think the Duke worked so hard to get such a good body for you to surf the Internet?”

    Roth: “…”

    That’s what he actually thought! After all, it’s also the hero who protected Kami, shouldn’t there be a reward?

    Roth was aggrieved: “Who does the master want me to fight?”

    Yang Yang shook his head: “It’s not who to fight, it’s whether you have this ability. ——I want you to watch over the egg. Before the child breaks its shell you are not allowed to leave the crib, except for me and Duke, stop anyone approaching and notify me immediately.”

    So it wasn’t a real fight!

    Roth immediately breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: “No problem, I just went through the storage and there’s a lot of battle data of the beast-shaped Lester in the database of this terminal. The model based on this has already been created so I can directly import it and copy the operation.”

    “That’s Monta’s data, although it’s not comparable with Monta himself, but it’s more than enough to deal with ordinary people.”

    Rong Hui added on the side, reassuring Yang Yang: “This crib also has a protection mode. Without biological information, it is impossible to open the protective cover from the outside, not to mention the garrison base and the manor have their own security measures, Yang Yang, don’t worry too much.”

    Yang Yang smiled without explaining, “Okay.”


    After lunch, the guests in the manor left one after another. Mainly because there were only five days before the new year and although they were all officers and generals of the Old Eemperor Star, their homes were somewhere else so they had to prepare for reunion with their families.

    However, after sending off one wave of guests, another wave of guests came to the manor——He Shu’s eldest brother’s family, that is, Kami’s grandparents, and her unreliable adoptive father.

    He Shu’s elder brother was somewhat similar to He Shu, but heavier and always full of smiles, giving people a feeling that he was very easy to get close to. He Shu’s sister-in-law had a gentle and dignified temperament, just like the most delicate flower in the garden. In her presence, you couldn’t help but lower your voice.

    And their second son, Fu Xiaoqing’s father, Mr. Luo Hu. Apparently, it had been discovered that he left his son and daughter halfway to go to Seablue Star to see a spectacle, now he was wholly showing an obedient and well-behaved look of having been taught a lesson.

    The three of them came to have a reunion dinner, and pick up their children back to the capital for the New Year by the way. He Shu’s eldest brother was now the deputy director of the Imperial Foreign Trade Administration and He Shu’s sister-in-law and their eldest son were also in the political field.

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    This year was the general election, so they didn’t plan to stay for a long time this year, returning to the imperial capital tomorrow.

    He Shu’s eldest brother was very enthusiastic. As soon as he entered the door, he took out a lot of gifts from the storage space and said, “This is a gift we prepared for Yang Yang and the newborn child. By the way, what about the child, can we see it?”

    As the saying goes, an older brother was like a father, He Shu’s eldest brother was twenty years older than He Shu. When the late Duke passed away, He Shu was only twelve years old. As he was born weak due to a genetic disease, He Shu’s elder brother took great care of him and raised He Shu as his son.

    Knowing that Archibald had a child, could they not feel happy?

    The kindness was hard to give up, so Yang Yang went upstairs to carry the egg down.

    Roth carried out his duties as a nanny, followed Yang Yang all the way down the stairs, and never left the egg for more than a meter.

    When He Shu’s elder brother saw egg cub, he patted his legs excitedly: “Haiya! So round!”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Round ball.

    He Shu’s sister-in-law was also very excited: “It’s really big! I saw the data map sent by Abel, the child’s soul power reserve broke the record again!”

    Abel was not stingy about showing off his grandchildren and he immediately became proud when he heard this. But He Shu’s eldest brother and sister-in-law were also parents full-on protecting the calf saying all things like, “our cub is definitely the best, if not, then you have a problem”, with even more of “my little master (miss) is the best in the baby world, if you’re not convinced, hold it in” from Amber.

    So for the next hour, Yang Yang listened to them sing praised in terms of shape, markings, color… and finally even the reflection on the eggshell.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Reflection? Are you serious?

    Oh, you guys are serious.

    Yang Yang held his forehead and thought, in such a growing environment, that Duke did not grow up to be a bear child, or even become a member of the moth group, was really commendable!

    This blind boasting party was not declared as over until Archibald came back.

    When Archibald came back, he also brought back Fu Qing and Kami—the two little guys, as part of the winter camp, also went to the award ceremony at the end of the winter camp. Fu Qing’s team found the most treasures, so he won the light battle armor, which was quite the achievement.

    “Ah, Kami!”

    When He Shu’s elder brother and sister-in-law saw Kami, they immediately diverted their attention. After all, this was the treasure they raised themselves.

    “Grandpa! Grandma!”

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    Kami didn’t expect to see her grandparents. She hasn’t seen them for more than 20 days, it can be imagined how much she missed them!

    Kami was immediately ecstatic and immediately rushed over, throwing herself into the arms of her grandparents.

    He Shu’s eldest brother was squatting, but as soon as Kami jumped over, he fell to the ground.

    He Shu’s eldest brother was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: “Oh, Kami’s strength has grown!”

    He Shu’s sister-in-law was also stunned for a moment, but she also became happy: “No, she has become more lively. When she was on the starship, she was still a little crying bag, I was afraid that she would not adapt these days.”

    Fu Qing came over, called his grandparents, and answered by the way: “Kami has adapted very well and also participated in the winter camp with me, also got praise and rewards.”

    He Shu’s elder brother got up from the ground and first praised Fu Qing. Although they failed to catch up with the end of the winter camp to present the awards, they also watched the broadcast and saw results, knowing that Fu Qing’s performance was quite good.

    After complimenting Fu Qing, He Shu’s elder brother bent down again, looked at Kami and said in an exaggerated tone: “Kami got a reward, so awesome! Can you show grandpa what reward you got?”

    Kami blushed from excitment—— she was just waiting for them to ask!

    “Yes! I got a medal!”

    Kami said loudly with pride, then pressed a button on her terminal with his little hand and took out her medal from it.


    A heavy object fell to the ground and at the same time, a strong smell of blood rushed to their faces.

    It was a forest spotted deer with its neck torn off, it looked like an adult, bigger than Kami.

    Because of the impact of the landing, fresh blood was squeezed out of the jungle spotted deer’s wound and splashed out. Kami, who was relatively close, was immediately splashed with blood like raindrops, a drop of blood was also splashed on her pink and tender face.


    In an instant, the whole living room fell into dead silence.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    He obviously confiscated all of Kami’s prey, when did she catch it? ?

    He Shu’s eldest brother and sister-in-law were all dumbfounded, they froze there for a while, probably unable to digest what was going on in front of them.

    “Ah, took out the wrong thing!”

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    Kami’s little voice sounded again.

    Then they saw Kami pressing on her terminal again, then taking out a medal from the storage space.

    Those were the medals issued by the winter camp, everyone in the winning team got them.

    Kami wasn’t an official member of the winter camp, nor did she actually participate in the winter camp activities, but her growth in the winter camp was obvious to all.

    So although there was no light armor, the military department still prepared a medal for her. There was a serial number on the medal, which meant that the military department admitted that she had passed the pre-trial of the Old Emperor Star school.

    However, this medal, which symbolized glory and growth, was covered with blood, and there was a puddle of blood on the surface of the medal, which was slowly dripping down Kami’s fair little hand.

    Kami stretched out her bloody hand, with a smile on her blood-splashed face: “Grandpa, look.”

    He Shu’s elder brother & sister-in-law: “…”


    Seeing that he didn’t accept the medal, Kami looked at the medal again and “oh”-ed.

    “It’s a bit dirty, Grandpa, I’ll wipe it for you.”

    After finishing speaking, Kami rubbed the blood-soaked medal on her little skirt, barely wiped off the accumulated blood and handed it to her grandpa.

    Kami: “Grandpa, look, there’s my name and serial number on it! Lord Duke said, that’s a sign of my bravery!”

    He Shu’s eldest brother & sister-in-law: “…”

    No, hold on! It’s just some blood, it’s a good thing that my granddaughter has become brave! Don’t faint!

    He Shu’s eldest brother took a deep breath and finally showed a smile.

    “Kami is really amazing!”

    Hearing this, Kami smiled shyly, looked over with sparkling eyes again and couldn’t help claiming credit: “I also caught this deer!”

    He Shu’s eldest brother: “…???”

    What did he hear? Was this caught by his family’s baby? The wound looked like bitten by a beast, so it was Kami’s work? ?

    He Shu’s elder brother filled his mind with the picture of Kami hunting and his smile gradually froze.

    He Shu’s sister-in-law had greater endurance.

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    She looked at the spotted deer from the jungle and then at the granddaughter with blood on her hands, face, and skirt, then slowly, praised Kami.

    “Kami is really amazing, grandma can’t even hunt such a big beast. What would Kami do with this prey? Is it going to be given to grandparents?”

    Kemi was stunned, then shook his head: “No, It’s for Yong Yong!”

    He Shu’s sister-in-law: “……???”

    He Shu’s elder brother: “??!!!”

    Put aside all the shock, the problem at hand was very serious—their unshakable number one position in the heart of their granddaughters, actually was gone? ?

    He Shu’s eldest brother and sister-in-law looked at Yang Yang at the same time, with unwillingness in their eyes.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    No, I refuse this Shura field*.

修罗场 (Shura Field)meaning a scene with people competing over one person, sparks flying, vinegar flowing like water, etc…

    But Kami still felt that the fire in the Shura field was not strong enough, so she ran up to Yang Yang, showed her best cute and squeamish pose, and said with some expectation: “Yong Yong, I will give you this deer, can you not just like the baby but like me the most?”

    Yang Yang was struck dumb, his heart melted from the cuteness.

    He bent down to wipe off the blood on Kami’s face, and said with a smile, “Of course, I’ve always liked you.”

    Kami’s eyes lit up, “That’s great! Then I’ll be Yong Yong’s baby too, okay?”

    “Not good!”

    He Shu’s elder brother & sister-in-law & Archibald said in unison.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Kami: “…”


The author ahs something to say:

He Shu’s eldest brother & sister in law: I feel like my position is at stake.

The fluorescent ball inside the egg: I feel the danger of my position +1

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