Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Little Sweetness

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Published by Bambootriangle14-18 minutes 02.07.2023

    To be Yang Yang’s baby—in Kami’s opinion it was a very simply wish, why would they oppose it?

    Kami felt that these three adults were making trouble for no reason.

    So Kami thought about it, pursed her mouth, and looked at her grandparents with tears in her eyes—in the past, whenever she cried, she would always be showered with affection from her grandparents, able to get whatever she wanted, effective immediately.

    It would work this time too!

    Kami was full of confidence, raised her head and cried and said in a tender milky voice: “Grandpa, grandma, I want to be Yong Yong’s baby.”

    However, this time, her grandparents did not immediately come up to comfort her and kiss her as usual, but revealed a relaxed smile on their faces.

    Kami: “…”

    Kami: “???”

    Kami was a little confused, she really couldn’t figure out the ins and outs, so she hesitated for a while and cried even more fiercely according to the original plan, using tears to emphasize her wish: “I want to be a Yong Yong’s baby, woo woo woo…”

    However, she cried for a while, but she didn’t hear any words of comfort.

    Kami was disbelieving, secretly moved her hand covering her eyes and wiping her tears, wanting to secretly take a peek at her grandparents.

    Then she found that the relaxed smile on her grandparents’ faces became bigger, and she could even read a few words from that smile—it was fake crying!

    Kami: “…???”

    You adults, what is going on with you? !

    Kami was stunned, completely unable to understand these fickle adults. But she knew clearly that it was useless to continue crying.

    So Kami stopped crying, pouted her lips unhappily, thought for a while, sat down on the ground at Yang Yang’s feet and used a new skill she learned in the winter camp—  acting unreasonable.

    Kami sat on the ground and said loudly with confidence: “I want to be Yong Yong’s baby, I want to sleep with Yong Yong, I want to play with Yang Yang and I will marry Yang Yang when I grow up!”

    Adults: “…”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    What the hell?

    Next to Yang Yang, Archibald tried enduring it and kept telling himself in his heart, “This is a child, she’s only five years old, she only speaks childish words.”

    However, it was no use.    

    Archibald quickly lost his patience. He walked up to Kami, squatted down, stared at Kami, and asked coldly,

    “Can you say it again?”

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    Over the past twenty days of winter camp, Kami had learned a lot, and it was her “beast instincts” that had been improved the most.

    At this moment, a strong desire to survive filled her brain. So Kami resolutely gave up on her Yong Yong and changed her tone very flatteringly: “Yong Yong’s and Lord Duke’s  egg cub is the cutest!!”

    The adults in the room: “…”

    What exactly does the winter camp teach the children? ?

    Hearing Kami’s answer, Archibald didn’t know whether to swallow it or spit it out. His face froze for a while, and then with a “en”, he stood up and returned to Yang Yang as if nothing had happened.

    Yang Yang couldn’t hold back, looking at Archibald’s awkward face, he burst into laughter.

    This was the end of Kami’s winter camp report. In the evening, the forest spotted deer that Kami hunted became the main course of the reunion dinner.


    Because of Yang Yang’s health, Yang Yang only ate some light porridge for the reunion dinner at night and then sat on the side holding the egg cub. After everyone had finished their meal and started a session of toasting and chatting with each other, He Shu let Yang Yang go upstairs.

    Yang Yang didn’t refuse either. Although he was willing to get acquainted with Donton and Sauron’s family, his body couldn’t handle it— although the injury was almost healed, sitting for a long time was still uncomfortable.

    Yang Yang left, but Archibald had to stay.

    It wasn’t until Yang Yang went upstairs, took a shower, and dried his hair, that Archibald came back.

    Yang Yang was lying on the bed, painting egg cub’s new dress up. Hearing the sound of Archibald entering the room, Yang Yang got up to look and raised his eyebrows: “Have you been drinking?”

    Archibald nodded:”I only drank a little, I have a sense of proportion.”

    Since the first time he fell asleep after drinking, Archibald had a very accurate understanding of his drinking capacity.

    Yang Yang had trust in his self-control and said, “Go take a shower first, I’ve put all the clothes in there for you.”


    Archibald bowed his head and kissed Yang Yang, then turned and entered bathroom.

    Yang Yang lay down on the bed again and went onto painting egg cub’s shell.

    Yang Yang was focused on painting, so when the bathrobe on his body was suddenly lifted off, he trembled and jumped in shock.

    Yang Yang looked at the crooked strokes on the eggshell, turned around and kicked Archibald’s still-wet abs angrily.

    “What do you want, I’ve drawn it all crooked.”

    Archibald looked up, egg cub’s today’s new theme was an octopus, Yang Yang was painting an octopus bill and the octopus bill turned into a duck bill.

    Archibald laughed, straightened up and said, “Take a break, it’s time to give you medicine.”

    Hearing this, Yang Yang stopped what he was doing and murmured awkwardly, “No need, I can do it myself, I’m pretty much healed.”

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    Archibald had already gone to fetch the medicine and laughed when he heard this: “During the winter camp, I was the one who applied the medicine every day, why are you still shy now?”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang was in a complicated mood: “Don’t talk to me like an old driver, it makes me heartbroken.”

    Archibald laughed, walked over and knelt on the bed, reached out and caressed Yang Yang’s face with the back of his hand, “Then let me put it another way— I want to touch you, very, very much.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    You, don’t tease me either! !

    Yang Yang’s face was a little hot, he gave Archibald a glare, but he didn’t say any more words of rejection.

    “You wait.”

    Yang Yang got up, picked up the egg and put it in the crib, closed the decorated gauze curtain set over the crib and muttered: “Don’t teach a child bad things.”

    Archibald: “… …”

    After setting down the egg cub, Yang Yang rolled back to the bed, then hugged the pillow and said, “You go.”

    Archibald: “I go? Really?”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang caught a random pillow and threw it back angrily, “Go apply the medicine!!”

    Archibald avoided the pillow and laughed again. But seeing that Yang Yang was about to turn around and lose his temper with him, Archibald stopped teasing him in time. He bent down and kissed Yang Yang’s ear in a comforting manner, and then said in a low voice, “Good.”

    Yang Yang shot him a glance and snorted, setting down flags and drums for temporary truce.

    The place where Yang Yang got injured was quite private. Although Archibald had been applying there medicine before, but before that the wound was still very painful. He was in pain, Archibald felt heartache and the pain overwhelmed everything.

    And now the wound had almost healed, leaving only the tingling sensation of newly grown flesh— it didn’t hurt anymore and Archibald didn’t feel sorry for him anymore, all that’s left was the wildly growing shame and embarrassment.

    Yang Yang’s head was filled with the feeling as if he’d grown eyes behind his head and all his senses became more sensitive. With imagination alone, he could outline in his mind every Archibald’s movement at this moment— Archibald lifted his bathrobe, the soft bathrobe that covered him was gone and his skin immediately felt a slight chill. Then there was the sound of Archibald unscrewing the lid of the medicine bottle, between digging the ointment and applying the medicine was only a few seconds of break.

    In the silent room, these few seconds were stretched into several hours, every hour was filled with unstoppable reverie.

    When Archibald’s hand touched Yang Yang’s soft skin, Yang Yang couldn’t help taking a breath, and his body tensed up.

    Archibald’s movements paused, and then Yang Yang felt Archibald press down, his low voice rang in his ears.

    “Relax. I can’t apply medicine like this.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    It’s terrible! !

    Yang Yang’s ears turned red with embarrassment, but he still said stubbornly: “You’re leaving me alone, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m going to fuck you.”

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    Archibald just smiled and didn’t say a word, and didn’t expose Yang Yang. After Yang Yang relaxed a little, he continued to apply the medicine.

    In order to earn some face for himself, Yang Yang began to divert his attention— he sang the national anthem in his heart.

    In an instant, an awe-inspiring righteousness instantly washed away his discomfort and daydreams. He felt that his whole body was bathed in the sunlight at eight or nine o’clock in the morning, his blood was surging!

    Until, Yang Yang felt that Archibald’s hand applying the medicine put the medicine on the place where it didn’t need to be applied.

    The feeling of being invaded was too obvious, not to mention that it was very deep.

    Yang Yang froze all over and his voice changed: “Archibald!”

    Archibald didn’t take out his hand, but his body covered him, with one leg pressed on Yang Yang’s, the slightly colder rough scales pressed against soft skin, this coarse touch brought even greater stimulation.

    Yang Yang took a deep breath, looked sideways at Archibald’s face close at hand, a little embarrassed: “You, what are you going to do?”

    Archibald smiled: “Your injury is not healed yet, I’m not gonna anything to hurt you, but…”

    Archibald moved his fingers, and said in a hoarse voice, “I’ll let you get used to it.”

    Yang Yang gripped the pillow tightly, his eyes turned red, and his body began to tense again .


    Archibald kissed Yang Yang’s exposed back neck and shoulders, but his tail curled up on Yang Yang’s other leg, pulling Yang Yang’s leg apart a little, so that his fingers could move deeper more easily.

    Yang Yang exclaimed, a little anxious: “I’m still seriously injured, do you want to be such a beast?”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald raised his eyebrows, paused, and suddenly said: “Okay, I’ll just apply the medicine.”

    After finishing speaking, he pulled out his hand and knead with his fingertips near Yang Yang’s wound. The ointment had already melted and when he rubbed his fingertips, one could hear the sticky sound of the ointment.

    Yang Yang moved a bit, but couldn’t get away. This kind of slow and reluctant movement was not as good as the quick movement just now.

    Yang Yang glared at Archibald, compromised, “What do you need?”

    Archibald smiled, hugged Yang Yang and turned him over, letting Yang Yang lie on his body. During this process, his hands didn’t leave the slightest bit, now on top of him.

    Yang Yang’s legs were held by the tail, his waist and buttocks were bound by Archibald and he couldn’t move at all. In order to open up a little distance, he could only support Archibald’s head with his hands, unable to move.    

    Archibald looked up at Yang Yang, drew circles with his fingers, and said, “Have you ever eaten sea dragon meat fried in butter?”

    Yang Yang: “…ah?”

    Don’t tell me what it is, just say why are you speaking of food at this moment? ?

    Archibald: “The meat of sea dragon meat is pink, but the inside is bright red. When raw, it’s really veiny and tight, making it difficult for a knife to cut into it.”

    Yang Yang: “..”

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    Are you really talking about food? ?

    There was a smile on the corner of Archibald’s mouth: “So, before frying the sea dragon meat, you need to massage it, using oil or water to assist in the massage, so that the sea dragon meat would soften more easily. At the same time, the sea dragon meat will be absorbing the oil or water, it’s texture becoming softer.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Not knowing if it was his illusion, but he felt that Archibald’s description was a little…difficult to describe.

    Archibald: “When the sea dragon meat has softened, it can be fried in a pan. White ghee should be placed on the meat. As the heat rises, the ghee will gradually melt and flow into the texture of the sea dragon meat, making it more tender.”

    “When it is fully cooked, the sea dragon meat becomes soft and tender, when cut with a knife, you can see the bright red meat inside, which is a hundred times softer and tender than the outside. —— Just like this.”

    Archibald separated the soft sea dragon meat, using two fingers as a knife, and demonstrated to Yang Yang how to cut sea dragon meat personally.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang lowered his head and bit Archibald’s shoulder, angrily, but not using much force.


    Archibald laughed, his chest trembled, even Yang Yang on his body trembled twice.

    However, Yang Yang’s injury had not yet healed, and Archibald only dared to tease Yang Yang for a while, and then stopped.

    Archibald hugged Yang Yang, kissed Yang Yang’s lips and cheeks full of longing and said with a hint of foreboding: “When your injury is healed…”

    Yang Yang also was dissatisfied with leaving it at this, he stretched out his hand to hook Archibald’s neck, raised his head and kissed him with a smile, “I’ll give you sweetness when I  recover from the injury.”

    Archibald leaned against Yang Yang’s forehead, getting an inch and taking a mile, and said, “I want to have another child.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang: “Speak about this after I recover from my injury. My butt still hurts when I think of our child.”

    Archibald laughed and kissed Yang Yang: “En, you will give birth when you want. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a single form or a double form.”

    Yang Yang raised his eyebrows: “Then what about giving birth to a little girl like Kami?”

    Archibald evaded the important point: “A little girl must be very cute.”

    Yang Yang said happily: “Right, then the little girl must be as cute as Kami, she might cry too, saying that she wants to marry her big daddy when she grows up.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald pinched Yang Yang’s round buttocks and when Yang Yang exclaimed, he raised his head and kissed Yang Yang. Yang——this mouth shouldn’t speak for now.

    But as they were being affectionate, they failed to notice that in the crib next to them, the originally quiet painted egg suddenly shook a few times, and after two seconds, it swayed a few more times, tossing intermittently for a while. There was a little eagerness in the rising frequency.


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