Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Social Death Day

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    Early the next morning, He Shu’s elder brother and sister-in-law’s family were leaving, so Fu Qing and Kami naturally had to follow.

    Although Kami was very reluctant to part with Yang Yang, under the influence of Archibald’s death stare from yesterday and her grandfather’s supplementary educational video later—— last night, He Shu’s elder brother asked Abel for the most brutal battle recording of Archibald, as a brainwashing cycle for Kami.

    So when they were leaving today, seeing Archibald standing next to Yang Yang, Kami decisively chose to bid a tearful farewell.

    ——After all, Yong Yong was good, but life was more important.

    Yang Yang didn’t know why Kami was so “indifferent” all of a sudden, looking at the resolute back of Kami leaving, Yang Yang was a little bit heartbroken and muttered bitterly: “Sure enough, child’s mind is like sky in June, ever changing.”

    Archibald knew the reason, but not only did he not tell Yang Yang, but he also put in a word for Kami very schemingly: “After all, she is very close to her grandparents, no matter how long she plays outside, it can’t match grandpa and grandma at home.”

    Hearing this, Yang Yang’s became even more sour, but it was also the truth, so he could only comfort himself with the egg cub in his hands: “It’s okay, anyway, our child is about to break his shell, we will be very busy by then.”

    Archibald pursed his lips and nodded in agreement.

    The farewell was supposed to be at the spaceport, but because of Yang Yang’s health and other arrangements between him and Archibald, only Abel and He Shu went to see off He Shu’s family.

    Yang Yang and Archibald stood at the door, watched their car go up the empty track, and then returned to the manor.


    In the treatment room of the manor, Ya Qing and Gu Lita are already waiting— today Ya Qing would give Archibald a comprehensive checkup, egg cub would also have its daily checkup, so Gu Lita stayed to help.

    When Gu Lita took the egg from Yang Yang’s hand, corner of her mouth twitched: “What kind of thing are you drawing? Duck tentacle monster?”

    Yang Yang: “Octopus.”

    Gu Lita: “… ……”

    Gu Lita rolled her eyes, put the cub into the apparatus for daily care and inspection. First step, washing.

    On the other side, Archibald also took off his clothes and lay down in the testing instrument.

    Yang Yang had nothing to do so he didn’t bother them, just sat aside and watched quietly.

    ——Yang Yang had not dispelled his doubts about the people around Archibald. Although he had not figured out the correlation between the medicine stone and Archibald, it was always good to be careful once the seed of doubt had been planted in his heart.

    However, there was nothing off with this inspection—he had Roth secretly inspect them and there was nothing wrong with the instruments, the inspection data would also be recorded by Roth as auxiliary data for the marshmallow observation diary.

    After nursing the egg first, it returned to Yang Yang’s hand, again a beautiful egg cub with golden patterns on a white background, wobbling and swaying, unable to stay in place.

    Yang Yang was used to its movements, so he took it and placed it on his lap, as a self-heating vibrating massager.

    Gu Lita was pleasantly surprised: “When did it start to move?”

    Yang Yang: “Yesterday, I haven’t seen it move before.”

    Gu Lita: “It’s only been around a week since it was born. It’s estimated that it will break its shell in a week or so. ——It’s like blowing up a balloon.”

    Yang Yang: “…Thank you?”

    Gu Lita: “You’re welcome.”

    Yang Yang: “………”

    After waiting for a while, Archibald’s inspection was also finished. Roth sent the data back, but Yang Yang didn’t read it for the time being, wanting to listen to Ya Qing’s conclusion first.

    Ya Qing turned off the instruments, with a serious face: “This time the onset may be earlier and symptoms might be stronger. You should be prepared.”

    Archibald also had a hunch about this and he was not too surprised when he heard his words. He simply nodded my head in agreement.

    But Yang Yang’s heart tightened—he remembered Archibald’s last onset of illness. If he remembered correctly, Monta said that Archibald’s soul power riot last time was already stronger than before.

    And this time it would be even stronger?

    Yang Yang felt that his chest was starting to ache and he couldn’t help asking: “Why did this happen? I remember that the last time the Duke had a strong reaction to the illness, it was because the medicine given by Uncle Ya Qing pushed away the onset of his disease. Didn’t he get a new medicine this time? Why is it still serious?”

    Ya Qing smiled wryly: “This is the only case of the genetic disease of the Donton family, there had been no such precedent before. I also cross the river by feeling the stones and taking every step very carefully.

    As for the intensity of the onset, Byrd’s soul power riots had actually been getting worse…”

    At this point, Ya Qing seemed to realize that this was not a good topic, so he stopped quickly and started again, “The condition of the illness is not the criterion for judging whether the medicine is good or bad, the most important criterion depends on the recovery of the damaged Soul Palace after his illness.

    And recently, his medicine has been changed too frequently—— this situation has happened before, but as far as the current test data is concerned, the situation is still within the controllable range.”

    Ya  Qing smiled, with firmness in his eyes: “Don’t worry, I will never let Byrd follow in the footsteps of the late Duke.”

    Yang Yang was not at ease at first, but when he heard the last sentence, his heart skipped a beat: “In the footsteps of the late Duke?”

    Ya Qing was startled and then looked at Byrd in surprise: “Have you not told him?”

    “Not yet, was going to tell him later.”

    Archibald put on his clothes, stood up and bid farewell to Ya Qing and Gu Lita, “Aunt Gu, Uncle, we’ll be going first.”

    Yang Yang felt heavy in his heart, but he didn’t rush to ask, he left after Archibald with a worried face.


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    In addition to inspections today, Yang Yang and Archibald had one more thing to do— buy new year’s goods for the children in the village.

    The seven children in the village, together with Ruo Hong, were temporarily housed in the small town of the garrison base—that was the family area. There was no lack of daily necessities there, so they only needed to buy some snacks, toys, clothes and so on.

    Archibald drove, and when the car ascended to the empty track, Archibald turned on the autopilot and then told Yang Yang about the late Duke.

    Archibald: “Grandpa committed suicide. Today is his death anniversary.”

    Yang Yang stunned at once.

    He knew that the late Duke was the hero that “slayed the dragon”, he also knew that although he was lucky enough to save his life, the late Duke was seriously injured.

    Yang Yang always thought that the late Duke died of illness.

    Archibald continued: “The way he committed suicide was tragic. Before committing suicide, he left a suicide note, saying that we should not bury any of his remains, and let him rest on this planet.

     So we only made one tomb at home, and then go to worship at the place where he committed suicide— that place is on the way to starport, father and uncle will go there to worship first and then bid farewell to uncle.”

    Yang Yang paused and asked: “We didn’t go there today, is it okay?”

    Archibald smiled: “It’s okay, my father and uncle never let me go there. Grandpa’s tomb is by the manor—on the hill by the nearby lake. There is a small cemetery, where grandpa’s clothes are buried, as well as grandma’s and second brother’s graves.

    When father and the others come back, we will worship there again in the afternoon.”

    Yang Yang’s attention was attracted by another word: “Second brother?”

    Archibald nodded: “En, but I haven’t met him—before my father gave birth to me, a child died in infancy, he was also a double-form Lester, who was born in the half-beast form like me. It was my second brother.

    My father was too weak when he was pregnant, leading to my brother being born prematurely. When the second brother was born, the eggshell was very fragile and he died after only holding on for about an hour. ——This is one of the reasons why father and the others have been very nervous about my condition.”

    Yang Yang moved his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable —probably because he was a new father, he was always more worried about the departure of these little lives than ordinary people.

    Yang Yang exhaled, and continued his previous questioning: “Why did the late Duke commit suicide, was it related to his illness?”

    The meaning of Ya Qing’s words just now obviously implied it.

    Archibald nodded; “When I was a child, I happened to overhear my father talking to my dad.

    Grandpa was not a cowardly person. After the war, he was very strong and actively fought against the illness. It wasn’t illness that caused him to commit suicide, but madness.”

     Yang Yang: “Madness? You mean mania?”

    Archibald: “En, it can be understood this way. At the beginning, his condition actually begun to improve and he gave birth to my father with my grandmother. But just after my father was born, my grandfather’s illness suddenly started to worsen again. When he got sick, it was as if he had become another person. During the worst attack, he couldn’t even recognize grandma, even wanted to kill grandma.”

     “And every time this out-of-control attack occurred, he would lose the memory of anything that happened. Grandpa said in his diary that when he was maniac, it was as if his soul had left the body and it was manipulated by something else —but Grandma thinks he’s imagining it.”

    “But regardless of what it was, as the duration of the onset shortened and the amnesia became more severe, grandpa gradually collapsed. He couldn’t bear the thought of waking up one day, possibly with his dead wife lying beside him.

    So he chose to commit suicide—— he went to the forest, aimed the soul cannon at himself and then smashed his body into smitherens.”

    “When grandma received the suicide note and went there, a clearing appeared as if piece of a forest had been dug out. The ground was still hot and among the burnt marks, there looked to be a humanoid shape, surrounded by some gravel-like things, which were grandpa’s remains.

    Grandma followed grandpa’s last wish and did not collect those remains. Now there is only grandpa’s tomb at home.”

    Archibald’s voice was calm, and there was not much grief—— after all, when he was born, the late Duke had been dead for many years.

    But the information brought by these words made Yang Yang feel heavy——would Archibald end up like that?

    Just imagining that possibility, Yang Yang felt that it was difficult to breathe.

    Yang Yang looked at Archibald and asked, “Is the late Duke similar to your condition?”

    Archibald knew what he was worried about when he heard it, and smiled: “It’s not the same. Although there’s no cure to our family’s genetic disease, the condition is different in each generation and the symptoms became weakened. So don’t worry.”

    How could he not worry.

    Yang Yang lowered his eyelids and did not speak, but his hands were clenched into fists—he would not let Archibald become like that, if there was a day…


    the convalescent area.

    After the tourist season, it became a lot quieter here, but certainly not deserted.

    As the New Year approached, the streets were also bustling with activity, merchant shops promoted various interesting activities, colorful and artistic like hundred flowers in bloom.

    Yang Yang was a little absent-minded, pushing the baby carriage with egg cub and walking forward with the strength of Archibald’s push, without even noticing that since they appeared, there was a string of tails behind them.

    During this year’s travel season, Archibald and butler Yang had enough sense of presence. After the tourist season, although butler Yang was silent, the Duchess went online again, posting “menu photos” of egg cub in different patterns every day.

    Netizens were amazed with Duchess’ “artistic cells (it hurts to be idle)”, but they were also quite curious about the true appearance of the egg cub.

    ——What color would the patterns be? Have Duchess used “makeup” every time to cover up the egg pattern, was the color very dull? ?

    Yang Yang had inadvertently planted willows*, and now the discussion on the Starnet about the color egg cub’s patterns became the willow giving shade.

*无心插柳柳成荫 something that is accidental but actually becomes useful. coming from a poem saying, you plant a flower with much care intentionally but it will never bloom, and you stick a willow branch inadvertently and it will grow and give shade

    These people who follow them were really not all their fans, but because they want to see the eggs in the stroller.

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    Yang Yang didn’t notice these things, but Archibald did and he had a cunning idea.

    So along the way, Archibald maintained the posture of pushing the baby carriage with Yang Yang, with his tail curling around Yang Yang’s calf from time to time, and when buying new year’s goods, he would also move over with toys and ask Yang Yang’s opinion from a very close distance.

    For those who blatantly did “candid shots”, Archibald not only did not look cold as before, but also had a gentle look and a smile at the corner of his mouth.

    The passers-by were stunned: “??!!”

    They ones who were fans, shot dead on spot— the Duke was smiling! Heavens! Take more pictures, take more pictures!

    If not fans, they also let go of their reservations—the Duke had such a good temper, look at the happy appearance pushing the egg, take more photos!

    After purchasing all the way, Yang Yang’s three souls did not return until he returned to the parking lot.

    Yang Yang looked at the shopping cart in front of the car and wondered, “Only this? Is it enough? There are seven children and one baby.”

    Archibald put the things in the trunk of the car and replied: “Enough, the storage chip is full.”

    Yang Yang: “…???”

    Yang Yang: “Do you know there are only seven children?”

    Archibald closed the car cover and said with a smile: “It’s okay, we have several days. ——I plan to take the children out tomorrow. I have already told my father about it when I came to the manor to celebrate the New Year.”

    Yang Yang had no objection, but was a little worried, “Have you mentioned the matter of medicine stone to the children? Have you told them not to talk nonsense?”

    He hadn’t heard anyone mention medicine stone since they came back, seems like they haven’t told anyone else about it.

    Archibald nodded: “I mentioned it to Sister Ruo Hong, she knows to communicate with the children. I believe it will be no problem, because Sister Ruo Hong and the others don’t want to cause trouble.”

    After all, the village’s secrets were more than just medicine stone.

    Yang Yang nodded: “That’s good.”

    As he spoke, Yang Yang looked around and found that someone was secretly taking pictures, and immediately froze: “Get in the car and go, someone is secretly taking pictures.”

    Archibald looked at Yang Yang who was in a hurry to get into the car and smiled: “Okay.”


    Back to the manor, it was already noon. After lunch, Yang Yang and Amber went to decorate the children’s room.

    The children’s room was on the first floor. The things from the guest room at the back of the villa have been packed out by Amber a few days ago. Although it had not been used for a long time, the things inside were complete and spacious.

    Around three o’clock in the afternoon, the room was completely furnished.

    “Yang Yang.”

    Just as Yang Yang finished his work, He Shu came to find him.

    “We’re going to give offerings by the lake. Byrd said he mentioned it to you. Do you want to come with us?”

    By the lake was the small cemetery.

    Yang Yang came to his senses, nodded and said, “Okay.”

    As they went out through the back door, Archibald and Abel were already waiting there, as well as Ashburn who was also there. They were all carrying the same two items, baskets of freshly picked flowers and fruit, and what appeared to be a small bucket for cleaning.

    Yang Yang walked up to Archibald and reached out to take the things in Archibald’s hand, but was dodged.

    Yang Yang: “???”

    Archibald smiled, switched both baskets to one hand and took Yang Yang’s hand with the free hand.

    “Let’s go.”

    Yang Yang paused, then curved the corners of his lips, and followed.

    Abel glanced at the two of them, then changed hands, pulled up He Shu and left as well.

    Ashburn: “…”

    He had to get the certificate with Rong Hui as soon as possible.


    The small hill by the lake was close to the manor, facing the lake, with an amazing view.

    The cemetery was built on top of a small slope.

    The cemetery was not as solemn as Yang Yang had imagined, but it resembled a small garden, simple and warm.

    In the cemetery, there was no place like a grave. There were only three tombstones erected on the grass—the tombstone was also different from Yang Yang’s world. It was just a stone with the family emblem of the Donton family engraved on it, without even a name.

    Yang Yang didn’t understand the customs of worship here, but fortunately He Shu knew that he had “lost his memory”, so he took the initiative to say, “Yang Yang, you can put flowers and fruits with me.”

    Yang Yang agreed and followed suit.

    Worship was very simple, place flowers and fruits, then clean the tombstone, and then use an unknown paint to paint along the traces of the family emblem on the tombstone, then it was considered complete.

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    The whole process was very quiet, without any greetings or reporting current life, but when it was the little stone’s turn, He Shu sighed sadly.

    Abel was by He Shu’s side, he kissed He Shu’s forehead sideways as a comfort.

    “Let’s go.”

    Leaving the small cemetery, on the way back, Archibald mentioned the children in the village again.

    Archibald: “I have already told Sister Ruo Hong and the children that I will take them over tomorrow morning. I want to spend the Chinese New Year with them in the manor this year and arrange the children’s homework after the next year.”

    He Shu said with a smile:” En, it will be more lively if there are more children.”

    This was the first time Ashburn had heard about it, he paused, and stopped: “Is it Dr. Lu’s village?”

    Dr. Lu’s matter didn’t come to fruition, but Ashburn was quite concerned about it.

    The others also stopped and Archibald nodded: “That’s right.”

    Ashburn frowned slightly, “What happened in that village?”

    Archibald told them about the village before, but it was quite concise and only said that the village was an aboriginal village in no man’s land. Their bodies had abnormalities due to the infection of the soul beast’s soul power, so they had been living in seclusion.

    He knew his younger brother too well. What Archibald told him was not a lie, but he definitely didn’t tell the whole story.

    Archibald paused, and looked at Yang Yang—he didn’t think that the events of that village needed to be concealed from his family. But since Yang Yang was on guard, he respected Yang Yang.

    Yang Yang hesitated.

    He didn’t doubt the three people in front of him, but Ya Qing was Abel’s younger brother, and Gu Lita and Zhang Jun were also very close to them. Yang Yang didn’t want to use his suspicion without evidence to test their friendship.

    Abel looked at Yang Yang quietly, and after a while, he suddenly said, “Yang Yang, are you suspecting people around Byrd?”

    Yang Yang was startled and looked up at Abel.

    This expression said it all.

    But Abel wasn’t angry or unhappy in the slightest.

    On the contrary, Abel smiled: “I guessed that’s the case. He Shu told me about your affairs and bundles. You child have been very heavy hearted from the beginning, difficult to find trust—— you registered with Byrd already and still haven’t changed your mind.”

    Yang Yang was startled, and opened his mouth to explain something, but Abel raised his hand to stop him.

    “I don’t mean to blame you. I don’t know what you are guarding against and why, but I know you are not a willful person. You must have your reasons for doing this.

    I will not force you to say something you’re not willing to say, because I know that you are on guard because you want to protect Byrd——I’m very glad that you attach so much importance to Byrd.

    However, if one day you need help, please remember that we are still there.”

    Yang Yang didn’t expect that he would be seen so thoroughly by Abel, let alone that Abel would say such a thing.

    Yang Yang moved his lips, his nose felt a little sore, as said in a muffled voice: “Yeah.”

    Abel immediately became excited when he heard Yang Yang’s teary voice: “Are you touched?”

    Yang Yang: “…??? “

    Abel rubbed his hands without image: “Since you are so moved, and it’s Chinese New Year, why don’t change how you address us?”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang looked at Abel’s unfaltering expectant expression, he couldn’t laugh or cry for a while, but this time, he didn’t hesitate.

    Yang Yang pursed his lips and said softly: “Dad.”

    Without hesitation, he called “dad” obediently.

    This soft cry seemed to break through an invisible and weak barrier, joy surged up and washed away the gloom just now.

    He Shu laughed, “Good child.”

    After Abel let out a happy “ei”, he took out from the storage space a wristband of the same style as that given to Archibald before, also studded with a dozen or so storage chips, and stuffed it into Yang Yang’s hands.

    Abel: “Come, come, I’ll give you reward for changing your address. I’ve been preparing them for Byrd since he was an adult. There are a lot of good things in it!”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Good things?

    emmmmm, can he not accept it?

    It was impossible not to accept it, but Yang Yang never gave Abel the chance to “open it and see if he likes it”, nor did he give Archibald another chance to “snatch it away”—demons know what’s in it, Archibald had “evolved” fast enough, and Yang Yang didn’t want him to super-evolve at all.

    Yang Yang quickly put the wristband into the storage space, showing a cute smile: “Thank you Dad.”

    Abel was a little regretful, “Why don’t you see if you like it?”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Right, look.

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    Yang Yang continued to smile obediently: “Go back and look at it.”

    Abel nodded: “Okay, if you don’t like it, tell me, and I will find you a better one.”

    Yang Yang: “…en, okay.”

    Archibald pursed his lips happily, he now had a deep understanding of Yang Yang’s toughness on the outside but softness inside, he knew that Yang Yang’s actions just now were to guard against him.

    Yang Yang quietly glared at Archibald, and was about to say something when the terminal rang.

    Yang Yang lowered his head and glanced at the group of moths that had been very quiet since the winter camp.

    Yang Yang glanced at Archibald, moved away two steps, and then opened it to look.

    Archibald raised his eyebrows, but he didn’t follow. He just stretched his tail unconsciously towards Yang Yang, having to touch Yang Yang every two steps to feel comfortable.

    Yang Yang ignored Archibald’s small movements, opened the moth group, and saw a long queue inside.

    Universe’s Tower Lord: After the tourism season, will the New Year’s topic list on Starnet be dominated by Brother Yang again?

    Society’s Big Sister Li: Brother Yang: You let me win.

    Fu Xiaoqing’s father: Brother Yang: You let me win.

    Don’t call me Xiaoqing: Brother Yang: You let me win.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    When he saw the group news, although Yang Yang was a little confused, he subconsciously introspected for the first time— have I been messing around with someone recently?


    The Most Sassy Brother Yang: What are you doing?

    Don’t call me Xiaoqing: Brother Yang is mighty! Send the giant melons for the New Year to the citizens by hand.

    Society’s Big Sister Li: Brother Yang, if you continue to play like this, you’ll exhaust yourself.

    Fu Xiaoqing’s father: Duke of Donton, a man who was cheated by his spouse!

    Yang Yang: “???”

    In the end, it was Monta who solved Yang Yang’s confusion.

    Universe’s Tower Lord: [link]

    Universe’s Tower Lord: Didn’t your Roth report to you? It’s so lively there.

    Yang Yang ignored him, clicked on the link first, and then; “…”

    Youtu’s No. 1 hot topic, #Duke’s True Love#, alias Duke cheating, cheating with: Butler Yang.

    There were so many stone hammers, meaning the photo of him shopping with Archibald today—— it was only after seeing the photos that Yang Yang knows what Archibald did when he was distracted.

    And the comments were split into two teams, with cp fans happily eating candy on one side.

    【Oh my god, the Duke’s tail curled around the butler’s calf three times! three times! You’re telling me it was unintentional? 】

    【Oh my god, this level of proficiency! 】

    【The butler Yang didn’t respond in the slightest, what does that mean?——has! gotten! used! to! it! 】

    【I don’t need to say what the tail means to the double form Lesters! 】

    【Today’s sugar intake is too much, please have some more, just sweeten me to death! ! 】

    On the other side, there were fans who firmly believed that Yang Yang and Archibald were innocent.

    【Reported, no need for thanks. [Picture]】

    【The cp fan are really too much, the Duke and butler Yang have both clarified it, now that the Duke’s children are born, don’t go too far with forcing people together! [Picture]】

    【Butler Yang’s child is about to be born and the two new fathers buy new year’s goods together, so why are they still being yy? [Picture]】

    【Double Form Lester said: The tail is not only for mating, thank you! [Picture]】


    The pictures in these comments were a combination of selfies of Butler Yang’s “wife” and “Duchess”. One left and one right, with a line of big characters in the middle—— we are the main palace.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    No, strictly speaking, the four people you are discussing are all “main palaces”.

    Yang Yang felt a headache.

    At this moment, he understood what it means to “you have to pay after you play”.

    When the moths were sowed at the beginning, they had a good time, but the soil on Starnet was too fertile and the moths grew too fast and too wild. So, now, the released moths just like spilled water, are not something you can take back if you want to.

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