Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: One more!

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    Archibald noticed that Yang Yang was hiding a little secret, so he kept paying attention to Yang Yang’s situation. When he saw Yang Yang’s expression became strange, Archibald couldn’t hold back his curiosity and walked over.

    “What’s the matter?”

    Archibald asked, and glanced at Yang Yang’s open public screen, just in time to see the picture “We are the main palace” that Yang Yang poked open.

    Archibald: “……”

    Yang Yang eyed him, lowered his voice and said, “Today, you did it on purpose.”

    Archibald didn’t deny it and replied with a smile: “I didn’t expect that to blow up like this. But it’s okay, as the New Year is approaching, this kind of topic won’t last long. The discussion will disappear automatically after a while.”

    Yang Yang was sincerely convinced by his attitude: “Aren’t you afraid of your reputation becoming worse after you make such a mess?”

    Archibald didn’t care: “In any case, my reputation wasn’t good before.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    That’s what they meant when they said, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

    Yang Yang rolled his eyes, unimpressed. But after thinking about it, he still said: “After the child breaks the shell, let’s make it public.”    

    Archibald wondered: “Why do we wait for the child to break the shell?”

    Yang Yang: “Let’s divert the attention with the joyous event, lest the netizens scold us to death after knowing the truth.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald wanted to say it was impossible, but then he thought about it again. Since the start of tourism season, him and Yang Yang had been stirring a “bloody storm” on the Internet…

    En, we would indeed be scolded.

    Archibald himself didn’t care about the voices of netizens, but he didn’t want Yang Yang to be scolded, so he thought about it and said, “Let me do it and I’ll tell you when it’s public.”

    Yang Yang stared at him suspiciously.

    Archibald had a frank face, with a righteous light in his eyes.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang: “Up to you.”

    After speaking, Yang Yang called Roth in his mind.

    【Roth, starting today, you should remind me about my hotspots and other information on Starnet. 】

    Roth’s voice played in Yang Yang’s mind: 【Master, did you see the news about you and the Duke today? 】

    Yang Yang: 【…Want to enter the little black room? 】

    Roth: 【………】

    Archibald saw Yang Yang let go of this topic, so he changed the topic.

    He lowered his head and leaned closer to Yang Yang, and said softly: “The things Dad gave you, show me tonight.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang stretched out his hand and pushed Archibald’s face away, smiling: “No way.

    Archibald raised his eyebrows and didn’t continue to pester. But Yang Yang always felt that it would not be so simple.

    Facts have proved that Yang Yang’s intuition was very accurate.

    ——This evening, Archibald gave Yang Yang a small homework report and showed his evolutionary research he’d done these days to Yang Yang in a practical way.

    At first, Yang Yang had a mighty and unyielding iron will, resolutely refusing to show Archibald those gifts from his dad, but later on, when Archibald caught and nibbled the little sheep causing him to pour bitter tears, Yang Yang still confessed .

    Yang Yang laid limp on the bed, incapable of noticing. When he woke up the next morning, he found that at least five storage chips were missing from the wristband his dad gave him.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    For a moment, he didn’t know whether to condemn a certain Duke’s inappropriate behavior of “robbing”, or to feel astonished over a certain planet owner packing so many “love gift bags”.

    After some entanglement, Yang Yang decided to forget about it.

    Cough, judging from the results of the practical inspection last night, Archibald’s learning ability in this area was indeed very strong, even worthy of being called a small genius in practical operation.

    For the sake of future sexual life, integrity and so on, it isn’t impossible to sacrifice temporarily.

    Yang Yang sat on the bed, thinking of some scenes from last night, couldn’t help but feel a little hot, he chuckled twice with pursed lips.

    The black panther by the bed caught this sound and the black eyes that had been on standby turned golden, then Roth greeted energetically: “Master, you’re awake~”

    Yang Yang jumped up, feeling a little embarrassed on being caught out of surprise. He got up with an “en”, shaking the yellow waste out of his head.

    Black panther Rot was squatting down beside the crib without moving, and continued: “Master, there is a message from the Duke. ——The Duke said that he went to the small town to pick up the children from the village first. The breakfast is placed for you on the table outside, remember to eat.”

    Yang Yang smiled: “Understood.”

    Roth: “Master, the Duke also send a post related to you in the morning, do you want to read it?”

    Yang Yang just entered the bathroom, hearing these the words, he backed out again, raising his eyebrows at the black panther: “What did he say?”

    Suddenly a huge light screen appeared in front of the black panther, even at a distance, Yang Yang could read the words clearly.

    @Donton Archibald: Good morning, this New Year is the happiest. [Picture][Picture]

    The first picture was a photo of egg cub. This time, egg cub was a clean and beautiful egg cub. The light golden lines reflected the faint morning light, making it seem like a beautiful piece of jade.

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    The second picture was a picture of Yang Yang.

    This should be a candid photo taken by Archibald in the morning. In the photo, Yang Yang is lying on his side, wrapped in a quilt like a silkworm, with only the back of his head and part of his jaw exposed. His hair was messy, looking very soft.

    Yang Yang was a little dumbfounded. What’s the situation? Why did Archibald suddenly start showing affection?

    Yang Yang walked up to the light screen and reached out to open the comment area.

    【Fuck! Light golden patterns! For the first time in my life, I saw an egg of this color! 】

    【Duke of Donton: Your father will always be your father.】

    【Kneel down! Looking forward to cub breaking the shell! 】


     【I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but seeing the Duchess from this angle, I actually imagined a beauty. 】

     【It’s over, I actually thought that Duchess’s sleeping position is a bit cute. 】

     【Wait, why is the Duchess’s chin so short? 】

     【Upstairs discovered something extraordinary. Now I have a bold guess, I don’t know if I should tell it or not…】

     【I can say it for you, so is this a cheating scene, or is the photo of the Duchess fake?】

    Seeing this, Yang Yang seemed to had understood Archibald’s purpose for doing this.

    And what happened next further confirmed Yang Yang’s thoughts.

    Roth: “Yi, Master, the Duke is online and just replied to a comment.”

    As he spoke, Roth put the screenshot of Archibald’s reply on the other side of the light screen.

    Archibald replied to the comment that said he had a short chin, with following words.

    ——Oh, I don’t know the kind of photo software he uses. But I think he also looks good like this.

    【Fuck! The Duke answered me! I was the first to be replied by Duke! ! ! 】

    【Fart! Back then when we asked for wedding candy, the Duke also sent a red envelope with wedding candy and that was the first reply! ! 】

    【So, the Duke gave a stamp of confirmation, the Duchess’s selfie was photoshopped? ? Wasn’t there a master who confirmed that there was no trace of p? 】

    【Is there anyone also not good? ——Me, mom fan is infinitely grateful, I finally don’t have to worry about what the cub looks like after breaking the shell, 1551*】

*crying cutely

    【Top 1 mom fan, yesterday I dreamed that the cub had an awl face after breaking out of its shell, I woke up from fright qaq】

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Ah, it’s really hard for this year’s netizens.

    Yang Yang turned off the light screen and smiled: “Roth, use my terminal to send a message to the Duke.”

    Roth: “Okay, what does the master want to send?”

    Yang Yang: “Memeda*.”

*kissing onomatopoeia like mwah

    Roth: “…”

    Can it refuse?


    When Archibald received Yang Yang’s message, he and Monta had just arrived downstairs where Little Whitebelly and the others lived.

    Archibald pursed his lips and smiled when he saw the word “memeda”.

    When Archibald was thinking about what to answer, Monta’s eyes had almost rolled to the sky.

    “Enough is enough. If you keep smiling, I’m going to have goosebumps all over the floor.”

    Archibald glanced at Monta, ignored him, bowed his head and replied “kiss you when I’m back” before turning off the terminal, then spoke to Monta: “Just get used to it.”

    Monta: “…”

    Corners of his mouth twitched and he said, “Ei, Byrd, I’ve realised that you have become much more shameless recently.”

    Although the former Archibald was also frank and wouldn’t beat around the bush, he was still very ignorant and shy when it came to love. He was the kind of reserved admirer who would secretly send flowers to his crush.

    But now, looking at the standard old driver’s smile, without even looking at his terminal, Monta could guess that he must have had some indescribable communication with Yang Yang just now.

    Archibald was noncommittal about Monta’s evaluation and even counterattacked: “If you find the other half, you will definitely be more shameless than me.”

    Monta: “… I thank you.”

    Archibald laughed and got out of the car.

    The town was not far from the manor. After Yang Yang went downstairs after breakfast and taking care of the egg cubs, he heard the voices of a children outside.

    Yang Yang walked out of the villa with the egg still in his arms and saw a van parked in the courtyard, children going out of it.

    Because they were more concerned about the affairs of the village, He Shu, Abel, and Ashburn haven’t left, also joining in with Yang Yang at this time.

    There was a total of six human figures among the seven children, the youngest was just over five years old and the oldest was only fifteen years old.

    It was the first time for them to leave the village. Although they had received careful care in the small town in the past two days, they saw the scenery they had never seen before and came into contact with another world-wide civilization.

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    But while these new things brought a feeling of novelty, they also brought anxiety.

    At this time, they came to another strange place. Although knowing that it was the Duke’s house, they didn’t panic, but seeing strangers around, they still subconsciously shrank behind Ruo Hong.

    Only that Little Whitebelly, who hadn’t heard of stage fright, ran up to Yang Yang and jumped happily: “Hello, Duchess!”

    Yang Yang laughed, lowered his head and touched little Lester’s head: “Hello.”

    This greeting broke the deadlock.

    Ruo Hong, as the only adult who came out of the village, took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and walked up to Yang Yang and the others with the child in her arms.


    Ruo Hong bowed slightly and glanced at the people beside her.

    Before she left, the old village chief told her about the current status of the Donton family, so she knew that these people were of noble status, but she couldn’t tell who was who for a while.

    Yang Yang saw he troubles and introduced her with a smile.

    After Ruo Hong finished listening, she performed a common etiquette to Abel and He Shu. He Shu was as friendly and friendly as ever, but Abel responded a little cooly—there was a difference between his previous approachability and now, if it wasn’t because of the perceived connection between the village and Archibald, he would not agree to let people of unknown origin live in the manor, even children.

    But Abel didn’t deliberately try to show off and the atmosphere of this meeting was quite harmonious.

    “I’ll take you to see your rooms.”

    Yang Yang knew that the children were still a little cautious, so he made a suggestion.

    Naturally, no one objected.

    This time only Yang Yang, Archibald, and Monta followed, and the children obviously relaxed a lot.

    There were three rooms in total, Ruo Hong shared a room with the five-year-old child and the rest of the children were divided into two rooms.

    The rooms were all arranged by Yang Yang in advance, everything that needed to be bought was ready and there were gifts placed in the room. Once they entered the room, the children’s eyes were like stuck to those gifts, unable to move away.

    Yang Yang smiled and said: “It’s all for you, go open it yourself.”

    The children cheered and rushed up to open the presents.

    Ruo Hong stood by the door with the child in her arms, looked at the happy children with a smile, then turned to Yang Yang and said, “Thank you, Duchess.”

    Yang Yang shook his head: “This is what should be done. Sister Ruo Hong, you should also go to see your room, everything in your room has been prepared by mother You, if there’s anything missing, you can tell mother You or me.”

    Ruo Hong nodded: “En.”

    Yang Yang: “I heard that you also had a physical examination yesterday. You must be tired after all these things and moving here. I won’t bother you, you can rest for a while. When lunch is ready, I will call you. After lunch, I’ll take you to familiarize yourself with the manor.”

    Ruo Hong: “Okay, thank you.”


    Archibald noticed that Yang Yang was hiding a little secret, so he kept paying attention to Yang Yang’s situation. When he saw Yang Yang’s expression became strange, Archibald couldn’t hold back his curiosity and walked over.

    “What’s the matter?”

    Archibald asked, and glanced at Yang Yang’s open public screen, just in time to see the picture “We are the main palace” that Yang Yang poked open.

    Archibald: “……”

    Yang Yang eyed him, lowered his voice and said, “Today, you did it on purpose.”

    Archibald didn’t deny it and replied with a smile: “I didn’t expect that to blow up like this. But it’s okay, as the New Year is approaching, this kind of topic won’t last long. The discussion will disappear automatically after a while.”

    Yang Yang was sincerely convinced by his attitude: “Aren’t you afraid of your reputation becoming worse after you make such a mess?”

    Archibald didn’t care: “In any case, my reputation wasn’t good before.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    That’s what they meant when they said, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

    Yang Yang rolled his eyes, unimpressed. But after thinking about it, he still said: “After the child breaks the shell, let’s make it public.”    

    Archibald wondered: “Why do we wait for the child to break the shell?”

    Yang Yang: “Let’s divert the attention with the joyous event, lest the netizens scold us to death after knowing the truth.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald wanted to say it was impossible, but then he thought about it again. Since the start of tourism season, him and Yang Yang had been stirring a “bloody storm” on the Internet…

    En, we would indeed be scolded.

    Archibald himself didn’t care about the voices of netizens, but he didn’t want Yang Yang to be scolded, so he thought about it and said, “Let me do it and I’ll tell you when it’s public.”

    Yang Yang stared at him suspiciously.

    Archibald had a frank face, with a righteous light in his eyes.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang: “Up to you.”

    After speaking, Yang Yang called Roth in his mind.

    【Roth, starting today, you should remind me about my hotspots and other information on Starnet. 】

    Roth’s voice played in Yang Yang’s mind: 【Master, did you see the news about you and the Duke today? 】

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    Yang Yang: 【…Want to enter the little black room? 】

    Roth: 【………】

    Archibald saw Yang Yang let go of this topic, so he changed the topic.

    He lowered his head and leaned closer to Yang Yang, and said softly: “The things Dad gave you, show me tonight.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang stretched out his hand and pushed Archibald’s face away, smiling: “No way.”

    Archibald raised his eyebrows and didn’t continue to pester. But Yang Yang always felt that it would not be so simple.

    Facts have proved that Yang Yang’s intuition was very accurate.

    ——This evening, Archibald gave Yang Yang a small homework report and showed his evolutionary research he’d done these days to Yang Yang in a practical way.

    At first, Yang Yang had a mighty and unyielding iron will, resolutely refusing to show Archibald those gifts from his dad, but later on, when Archibald caught and nibbled the little sheep causing him to pour bitter tears, Yang Yang still confessed .

    Yang Yang laid limp on the bed, incapable of noticing. When he woke up the next morning, he found that at least five storage chips were missing from the wristband his dad gave him.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    For a moment, he didn’t know whether to condemn a certain Duke’s inappropriate behavior of “robbing”, or to feel astonished over a certain planet owner packing so many “love gift bags”.

    After some entanglement, Yang Yang decided to forget about it.

    Cough, judging from the results of the practical inspection last night, Archibald’s learning ability in this area was indeed very strong, even worthy of being called a small genius in practical operation.

    For the sake of future sexual life, integrity and so on, it isn’t impossible to sacrifice temporarily.

    Yang Yang sat on the bed, thinking of some scenes from last night, couldn’t help but feel a little hot, he chuckled twice with pursed lips.

    The black panther by the bed caught this sound and the black eyes that had been on standby turned golden, then Roth greeted energetically: “Master, you’re awake~”

    Yang Yang jumped up, feeling a little embarrassed on being caught out of surprise. He got up with an “en”, shaking the yellow waste out of his head.

    Black panther Rot was squatting down beside the crib without moving, and continued: “Master, there is a message from the Duke. ——The Duke said that he went to the small town to pick up the children from the village first. The breakfast is placed for you on the table outside, remember to eat.”

    Yang Yang smiled: “Understood.”

    Roth: “Master, the Duke also send a post related to you in the morning, do you want to read it?”

    Yang Yang just entered the bathroom, hearing these the words, he backed out again, raising his eyebrows at the black panther: “What did he say?”

    Suddenly a huge light screen appeared in front of the black panther, even at a distance, Yang Yang could read the words clearly.

    @Donton Archibald: Good morning, this New Year is the happiest. [Picture][Picture]

    The first picture was a photo of egg cub. This time, egg cub was a clean and beautiful egg cub. The light golden lines reflected the faint morning light, making it seem like a beautiful piece of jade.

    The second picture was a picture of Yang Yang.

    This should be a candid photo taken by Archibald in the morning. In the photo, Yang Yang is lying on his side, wrapped in a quilt like a silkworm, with only the back of his head and part of his jaw exposed. His hair was messy, looking very soft.

    Yang Yang was a little dumbfounded. What’s the situation? Why did Archibald suddenly start showing affection?

    Yang Yang walked up to the light screen and reached out to open the comment area.

    【Fuck! Light golden patterns! For the first time in my life, I saw an egg of this color! 】

    【Duke of Donton: Your father will always be your father.】

    【Kneel down! Looking forward to cub breaking the shell! 】


     【I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but seeing the Duchess from this angle, I actually imagined a beauty. 】

     【It’s over, I actually thought that Duchess’s sleeping position is a bit cute. 】

     【Wait, why is the Duchess’s chin so short? 】

     【Upstairs discovered something extraordinary. Now I have a bold guess, I don’t know if I should tell it or not…】

     【I can say it for you, so is this a cheating scene, or is the photo of the Duchess fake?】

    Seeing this, Yang Yang seemed to had understood Archibald’s purpose for doing this.

    And what happened next further confirmed Yang Yang’s thoughts.

    Roth: “Yi, Master, the Duke is online and just replied to a comment.”

    As he spoke, Roth put the screenshot of Archibald’s reply on the other side of the light screen.

    Archibald replied to the comment that said he had a short chin, with following words.

    ——Oh, I don’t know the kind of photo software he uses. But I think he also looks good like this.

    【Fuck! The Duke answered me! I was the first to be replied by Duke! ! ! 】

    【Fart! Back then when we asked for wedding candy, the Duke also sent a red envelope with wedding candy and that was the first reply! ! 】

    【So, the Duke gave a stamp of confirmation, the Duchess’s selfie was photoshopped? ? Wasn’t there a master who confirmed that there was no trace of p? 】

    【Is there anyone also not good? ——Me, mom fan is infinitely grateful, I finally don’t have to worry about what the cub looks like after breaking the shell, 1551*】

*crying cutely

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    【Top 1 mom fan, yesterday I dreamed that the cub had an awl face after breaking out of its shell, I woke up from fright qaq】

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Ah, it’s really hard for this year’s netizens.

    Yang Yang turned off the light screen and smiled: “Roth, use my terminal to send a message to the Duke.”

    Roth: “Okay, what does the master want to send?”

    Yang Yang: “Memeda*.”

*kissing onomatopoeia like mwah

    Roth: “…”

    Can it refuse?


    When Archibald received Yang Yang’s message, he and Monta had just arrived downstairs where Little Whitebelly and the others lived.

    Archibald pursed his lips and smiled when he saw the word “memeda”.

    When Archibald was thinking about what to answer, Monta’s eyes had almost rolled to the sky.

    “Enough is enough. If you keep smiling, I’m going to have goosebumps all over the floor.”

    Archibald glanced at Monta, ignored him, bowed his head and replied “kiss you when I’m back” before turning off the terminal, then spoke to Monta: “Just get used to it.”

    Monta: “…”

    Corners of his mouth twitched and he said, “Ei, Byrd, I’ve realised that you have become much more shameless recently.”

    Although the former Archibald was also frank and wouldn’t beat around the bush, he was still very ignorant and shy when it came to love. He was the kind of reserved admirer who would secretly send flowers to his crush.

    But now, looking at the standard old driver’s smile, without even looking at his terminal, Monta could guess that he must have had some indescribable communication with Yang Yang just now.

    Archibald was noncommittal about Monta’s evaluation and even counterattacked: “If you find the other half, you will definitely be more shameless than me.”

    Monta: “… I thank you.”

    Archibald laughed and got out of the car.

    The town was not far from the manor. After Yang Yang went downstairs after breakfast and taking care of the egg cubs, he heard the voices of a children outside.

    Yang Yang walked out of the villa with the egg still in his arms and saw a van parked in the courtyard, children going out of it.

    Because they were more concerned about the affairs of the village, He Shu, Abel, and Ashburn haven’t left, also joining in with Yang Yang at this time.

    There was a total of six human figures among the seven children, the youngest was just over five years old and the oldest was only fifteen years old.

    It was the first time for them to leave the village. Although they had received careful care in the small town in the past two days, they saw the scenery they had never seen before and came into contact with another world-wide civilization.

    But while these new things brought a feeling of novelty, they also brought anxiety.

    At this time, they came to another strange place. Although knowing that it was the Duke’s house, they didn’t panic, but seeing strangers around, they still subconsciously shrank behind Ruo Hong.

    Only that Little Whitebelly, who hadn’t heard of stage fright, ran up to Yang Yang and jumped happily: “Hello, Duchess!”

    Yang Yang laughed, lowered his head and touched little Lester’s head: “Hello.”

    This greeting broke the deadlock.

    Ruo Hong, as the only adult who came out of the village, took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and walked up to Yang Yang and the others with the child in her arms.


    Ruo Hong bowed slightly and glanced at the people beside her.

    Before she left, the old village chief told her about the current status of the Donton family, so she knew that these people were of noble status, but she couldn’t tell who was who for a while.

    Yang Yang saw he troubles and introduced her with a smile.

    After Ruo Hong finished listening, she performed a common etiquette to Abel and He Shu. He Shu was as friendly and friendly as ever, but Abel responded a little cooly—there was a difference between his previous approachability and now, if it wasn’t because of the perceived connection between the village and Archibald, he would not agree to let people of unknown origin live in the manor, even children.

    But Abel didn’t deliberately try to show off and the atmosphere of this meeting was quite harmonious.

    “I’ll take you to see your rooms.”

    Yang Yang knew that the children were still a little cautious, so he made a suggestion.

    Naturally, no one objected.

    This time only Yang Yang, Archibald, and Monta followed, and the children obviously relaxed a lot.

    There were three rooms in total, Ruo Hong shared a room with the five-year-old child and the rest of the children were divided into two rooms.

    The rooms were all arranged by Yang Yang in advance, everything that needed to be bought was ready and there were gifts placed in the room. Once they entered the room, the children’s eyes were like stuck to those gifts, unable to move away.

    Yang Yang smiled and said: “It’s all for you, go open it yourself.”

    The children cheered and rushed up to open the presents.

    Ruo Hong stood by the door with the child in her arms, looked at the happy children with a smile, then turned to Yang Yang and said, “Thank you, Duchess.”

    Yang Yang shook his head: “This is what should be done. Sister Ruo Hong, you should also go to see your room, everything in your room has been prepared by mother You, if there’s anything missing, you can tell mother You or me.”

    Ruo Hong nodded: “En.”

    Yang Yang: “I heard that you also had a physical examination yesterday. You must be tired after all these things and moving here. I won’t bother you, you can rest for a while. When lunch is ready, I will call you. After lunch, I’ll take you to familiarize yourself with the manor.”

    Ruo Hong: “Okay, thank you.”

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