Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Two more

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There were a lot of people for today’s lunch, so they went over to eat in a big restaurant.

After dressing up, although the children were still a little cautious, they were in much better state than when they just got off the car. When entering the restaurant, they looked around in wonder, exclaiming and yelping from time to time.

At the dinner table, the children relaxed a little, but Ruo Hong became a little nervous instead.

Gu Lita and Ya Qing didn’t know much about the village and they only learned about these guests today, so they were unavoidably curious about them.

This curiosity naturally required Ruo Hong to answer.

Gu Lita: “I heard from Monta that Byrd met you by chance in the unexplored area. Have you always lived there?”

Ruo Hong shook her head: “We used to live somewhere else, but moved because of an earthquake.”

Actual reason was the massacre of the village 20 years ago, but Ruo Hong naturally would not say these things.

Gu Lita was still a bit puzzled: “Have you not met any outsiders? I mean, since you can meet near the winter camp, you should not be very far from the reconvalescence area. As long as you wanted, you should be able to contact the outside world.”

The empire had a resettlement policy for the residents of the Old Emperor Star, as long as they were found, goverment could’t ignore it.

  Ruo Hong pursed her lips, hesitating and not knowing how to answer.

Seeing this, Yang Yang answered for her, saying: “I heard from the old village head that they had come out to ask for help before, but at that time, the villagers had serious half-beast illness symptoms and outsiders were not very friendly to them, so the old village head and the others no longer tried to reach out for help.”

Gu Lita was startled for a moment and said to Ruo Hong with ashamed expression, “Apologies.”

Ruo Hong quickly shook her head, “It’s okay.”

Ya Qing looked over, what they said seemed to have attracted his attention. He turned to look at Yang Yang: “Half-beast form? Is it the same as Byrd’s?”

Because it was winter, all of them wore thick clothes and most of the beastlized parts were on the torso. Not many visible parts were affected and at first glance, there was no abnormality in them at all-as for Little Whitebelly, he was fully in beast form. It was normal for Lester people, especially underage bimorph children, to move around in beast form.

So Ya Qing hadn’t noticed any peculiarity among this group of children.

Yang Yang glanced at Ya Qing and shook his head: “It looks similar on the outside, but it doesn’t seem to be as flexible as the Duke’s. ——I heard from the old village chief that these were all caused by the damage to the Soul Palace in the disaster that year, causing them to be unable to be control the beastlised part.”

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Ya Qing showed a surprised expression: “As far as I know, beastization caused by damage to the Soul Palace is very rare. But according to your words, there are many such cases in the village?”

Yang Yang stared at Ya Qing and nodded: “En, there are quite a few. In fact, the children we brought out from the village all have damaged Soul Palace, but their condition is very mild and does not affect daily life. The old village head entrusted them to us in order to let them integrate into the outside world.”

Yang Yang deliberately blurred some words, making people think that most of the villagers were healthy, and these children from the village were all the sick ones.

Ya Qing did not doubt his words from his expression, his eyes fell on those children again. But the other children’s beastlised parts were not visible, so he finally set his sights on Little Whitebelly. Ya Qing showed a surprised expression, and then asked Yang Yang: “Does that little beast-shaped Lester also has Soul Palace damage?”

Yang Yang: “Yes, he can’t change back to human form. Does uncle Ya Qing knows of any way to cure it?”

Ya Qing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: “The Soul Palace is damaged, which can easily lead to soul power riots, or making it impossible to transform into a beast. This kind of half-beast transformation is rare in the first place. It’s the first time I’ve seen a case that can’t return to human form.”

Having said that, Ya Qing paused for a moment, then looked at Ruo Hong: “But if you want, I can try to diagnose and treat you.”

Ruo Hong hesitated when she heard the words: “Thank you, but let’s take it slow, the children have not adapted to this new environment yet. I’m afraid they will feel uneasy.”

  Ya Qing: “It doesn’t matter, there is a treatment room in the manor, I’ve been here these days, and you are here too, after two days you can-“

“Ya Qing.” Abel interrupted Ya Qing, turned his head to look at Ya Qing, and said in a flat voice, “Dinner “

Ya Qing glared at Abel, the two seemed to be competing with each other, after a few seconds of silent confrontation, Ya Qing looked away first.


He muffled a reply, then bowed his head to eat quietly, not saying anything else after that.

Yang Yang saw this scene in his eyes, and was slightly surprised——

Ya Qing’s attitude just now was clearly eager.

And was this eagerness because of the curiosity facing rare diseases like an obsessed scientist, or was it because of other reasons?

But judging from dad’s reaction, it seemed that the former was more likely.

Yang Yang withdrew his gaze, and couldn’t help but place Ya Qing as the prime suspect out of three in his heart

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Although there was this small episode, the atmosphere of the meal did not stagnate with Monta and Little Whitebelly present.

After dinner, Monta and Archibald took the children to familiarize themselves with the manor, while He Shu and Yang Yang accompanied Ruo Hong—— her child had urinated and needed a change of diapers. As a soon-to-be father, Yang Yang had to learn these things.

But in actual operation, neither Ruo Hong nor Yang Yang were as proficient as He Shu—— Ruo Hong because she never used these things before, after all, the conditions in the village were limited.

He Shu looked at Ruo Hong’s dazed expression while holding the diaper package, and smiled, “Put the baby on the sofa first, and I’ll get it done. You can look at how I do it first, it’s very simple.”

Ruo Hong was a little embarassed and nodded upon hearing these words: “Then I’ll trouble Planet Master madam.”

He Shu: “No trouble, I really like children.”

If not because of his physical condition, he would love to have a few more children. Ruo Hong put the baby on the sofa, unwrapped the swaddle, revealing the wrapped baby. —This was also the first time Yang Yang saw the child always held by Ruo Hong.

It was a little boy and his beastization was relatively serious— from the waist, abdomen, thighs to the knees, he was covered with black scales.

Because the child was young, the scales were not yet rough and thick black like the adult Lester’s, but a kind of crow-blue black, arranged in small pieces, the edges were somewhat translucent, but still soft, and would not harm the baby’s delicate skin.

When He Shu saw the child, he immediately showed nostalgic expression: “Oh, he looks like Byrd when he was a child!”

  Ruo Hong was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, “En, there is a certain resemblance.”

Changing the diaper, He Shu smiled and said, “Not only. As far as I know, the scales of children who have been turned into half-beasts due to damage to the soul palace are actually similar to those of adults. But for Byrd and your child, the scales are alike that of normal children and slowly grow with their bodies. This is the second time I’ve seen such a situation.”

After a pause, He Shu asked again: “Are all the children in your village like this?”

Ruo Hong seemed to remember something, her face changed slightly, and she shook her head: “No, they’re not.”

For those children who died with their mothers, their scales were different from this.

And even Little Whitebelly and the others were not born with scales like this. Thanks to children’s scales not appearing in many places, the mother and child were safe—— but Little Whitebelly’s female mother passed away due to dystocia.

For a while, the three fell into silence. In their hearts, they were all thinking about something.

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What Ruo Hong thought was, why her child was different from other children, was his condition more serious?

He Shu wondered if there was any connection between Ruo Hong’s child and Byrd.

And Yang Yang thoughts were the same as He Shu. But solving this question was very simple—— just take a look.

So Yang Yang released his soul power vision and looked at the child.

The child’s soul power was stronger than Yang Yang thought, the white veins in his body very were clear in his vision. And in his abdomen, there was a mass of beige soul power, very light beige, if not because it had been entangled in a small circle, Yang Yang would not even be able to find it.

It looked like a normal, healthy soul power.

But this kind of soul power was not normal for this child—— there was no black soul power caused by the soul beast’s soul power infection, nor hollowed out gaps in soul power caused by the damage of the soul palace.

With white soul power and beastized form, if you left out the small beige mass on the abdomen, this child would be indeed “exactly the same” as Archibald.

Yang Yang’s heart was pounding, he felt as if he had grasped something crucial.

“Oh, look at me, let’s put on the child’s diaper first, lest he catches a cold.”

After a period of absentmindness, He Shu suddenly recovered and said hastily.

His voice also awoke Yang Yang and Ruo Hong from their thoughts. Ruo Hong left the village and had no one to rely on, she felt panicked and subconciously looked at Yang Yang.

Yang Yang noticed Ruo Hong’s gaze, smiled at her, and mouthed— it’s okay.

Ruo Hong’s brows did not loosen, but her expression calmed down a little. She lowered her eyelids to look at her child, her hands clenched lightly into fists.

He Shu quickly changed the baby into a diaper, then wrapped it in a bamboo shoot-like swaddle, and brought the baby to Ruo Hong.

“Go and mix some milk powder for the child.”

Ruo Hong nodded, “Okay.”

Yang Yang didn’t follow, he found an excuse to leave first, but just as he turned around, he brushed shoulders with Ya Qing.

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Yang Yang was startled and halted in his way: “Uncle Ya Qing.”

Ya Qing smiled at him: “I’m gonna get some juice. Are you going to find Byrd? He went to the training room with the children.”

Yang Yang: “En, I see, then I’ll go first.”

Ya Qing: “Alright.”

Upon leaving the living room, Yang Yang did not go to Archibald, but went to the small teahouse, and called Roth instead.

Yang Yang: 【Roth, monitor Ya Qing—— don’t hack into his terminal, use the monitoring in the villa or the terminal monitoring of his father. 】

The timing of Ya Qing’s appearance just now was too coincidental, Yang Yang was not sure if he had overheard their previous conversation.

Roth: 【Okay, master. 】

After Yang Yang finished speaking, he was not idle, took out the marshmallow observation diary from the space and recorded the state of Ruo Hong’s child’s soul power.

The village chief said that human soul power and beast soul power in the village would be inherited, same with the damaged soul power.

The children headed by Little Whitebelly, including Ruo Hong, all had these two characteristics.

Only this child had nothing.


The village chief said that these children had not eaten any medicine stones.

The children headed by Little Whitebelly did not have a trace of medicine stone in them.

Only this child had beige soul power in his belly.

And this kind of situation, Yang Yang had only seen it on Scarface — the person whose soul power in the Soul Palace had been transplanted by the medicine stone chip.

Why was that?

Yang Yang thought for a while and decided that he had to figure out the child’s situation first.

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