Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Three more

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  Yang Yang was ready to go back to Ruo Hong to find out, but before he could take action, Roth had informations.

  Roth: 【Master, Ya Qing went to chat with He Shu and her. They are talking about the situation of the child. 】

  Yang Yang immediately sat up straight and asked: 【Can you broadcast the video for me? 】

  Roth: 【Yes. 】

  In the next second, a light screen appeared in front of Yang Yang’s eyes. The angle of the video was from above, taken by the surveillance probe in the room. There was sound as well, supposedly coming from He Shu’s terminal.

  The three of them stood in the kitchen, Ya Qing took a glass of juice and He Shu was mixing the milk powder. They did not speak much, it was mostly Ya Qing asking questions.

  Just as he showed at the dinner table, Ya Qing was very interested in the children’s beastization. It’s just that Ya Qing’s way of asking questions was a bit intrusive, making people uncomfortable.

  Ya Qing walked up to Ruo Hong and asked Ruo Hong: “Is your child also in half-beast form? Can I see it?”

  Although the words were not inappropriate, his distance was too close and his tone was somewhat urgent and forceful.

  Ruo Hong suddenly became nervous, her eyes shifted, her hands embraced the child even tighter, she didn’t intend to let go.

  ”I, I…”

  Ruo Hong stammered, not daring to look at Ya Qing, she turned to give He Shu a pleading look.

  He Shu pulled Ya Qing’s arm off and said, “Ya Qing, you scared her.”

  After speaking, He Shu smiled at Ruo Hong again and explained, “Ya Qing is a doctor. He took care of Byrd’s illness since his childhood. He is indeed an expert in this field, but he’s too focused on medicine and doesn’t know how to get along with people. He doesn’t have bad intentions.”

  Ruo Hong breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn’t intend to hand over the child.

  Ya Qing felt He Shu pulling his hand, paused for a moment, then stepped back a little, avoided He Shu’s hand, and apologized to Ruo Hong: “I’m sorry, I just overheard your conversation when I was outside the door just now and I was a little curious—if your child is in the same situation as Byrd, I might be the only one who can heal him.” 

          Ruo Hong’s expression finally changed when she heard this, she looked at Ya Qing, about to say something, but suddenly, she thought of something. She pursed her lips and said, “However, Duke’s beastization had not been healed.”
  Ya Qing: “That’s because Byrd’s condition is different. You should have heard about the late Duke’s illness. The Donton family’s genetic illness of soul power is of unprecedented severity. I am mainly trying to alleviate Byrd’s illness, and the half-beast form is not the first priority.

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  If your child is like Byrd, I mean, if the condition of soul power is exactly the same, then he will also start to fall ill after the age of five. If there is no medicine from me, he might die of pain.”
  ”Ya Qing.”

  He Shu’s tone became a little harsh, “Don’t talk nonsense without definite evidence.”

  Ya Qing looked at He Shu, and didn’t think he was in the wrong: “So I asked her to show me the baby.” 

          He Shu frowned slightly, stopped talking and led Ruo Hong away, saying, “Let’s go sit down in the indoor garden.”

   Ruo Hong felt very relieved to leave and immediately followed He Shu’s footsteps.

  Ya Qing stood there without catching up. After a while, he picked up his juice and drank it.


  in the small teahouse.

  After watching this short scene, Yang Yang was a little surprised—the Ya Qing he saw just now was not the same person as the one he was usually in contact with.

  In Yang Yang’s impression, Ya Qing was weak and gentle, showing a sense of fragility alike to a sick beauty; at the same time, he was very intelligent. These two extremes of body and mind make Yang Yang’s impression of Ya Qing be summed up in words “heaven is jealous of talents*”.

*although he has intelligence, his body is weak, because heavens are jealous of geniuses

  But the Ya Qing he saw just now was very imposing and self-willed and his relationship with He Shu didn’t seem to be harmonious—at least not as good as what Yang Yang saw at first.

  Yang Yang: 【Roth, continue to monitor Ya Qing, try not to touch his terminal, and don’t let him find any clues. 】

  Roth: 【Okay, master. —Master, can I ask why you want to monitor him? 】

  Yang Yang: 【 You guess. 】

  Roth: 【………】

  In the evening, after a whole day of getting along, the children completely stopped being afraid in the new place and they liked the environment of the manor very much— there were many deserted and unrepaired places in the manor, which brought a feeling of familiarity to them .

  After letting go of the nervousness from the past few days, and a day full of fresh experiences in the manor, the children went to bed early after eating.

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  While Yang Yang was visiting the children, he asked Ruo Hong about her child’s life experience.

  Probably because Ya Qing scared Ruo Hong before, when Yang Yang met Ruo Hong, she still looked fearful and uneasy.

  Seeing her like this, Yang Yang couldn’t bear to open his mouth, so he planned to talk about it tomorrow, but he didn’t expect Ruo Hong to speak up by herself.

  Ruo Hong looked at the child sleeping on the bed, and asked Yang Yang in a soft voice: “Duchess, is my child really similar to the Duke?”

         Although Yang Yang wanted to comfort her and say no, he finally nodded: “Yes, very similar.” 

         Ruo Hong lowered her head and her expression couldn’t be seen clearly. Her voice was light and airy and her emotions hard to discern. However, her tone could be said to be calm.
  Ruo Hong spoke softly, “The man named Ya Qing said today that if my child doesn’t get his medicine, the child will die of pain in the future. Is it true?”

          Yang Yang frowned slightly and said, “I don’t know. But there’s something I want to ask you.”

          Ruo Hong paused for a moment her motions of caressing her child through the quilt and then asked, “Ask me what?”

          Yang Yang, “I wanted to ask, has the child been fed the medicine stone tea before or has he been planted with medicine stone chips?”

          Ruo Hong shook her head, “He never ate it, nor has he been implanted with any chips. Even the milk I’m feeding him is animal milk.”

          Yang Yang, “Is his father and you both from the village? I mean, both with infected soul power or damaged soul palace?”

          Ruo Hong nodded, “My husband’s parents and mine had been in the village since the starship crashed. Our parents were all seriously infected and their Soul Palace also severely damaged. We’re both the only child in the family, he’s almost 30 years older than me. When he was hunting last year, he had an attack and didn’t manage to take medicine on time. He just passed away, without ever seeing the child.”

          Yang Yang didn’t expect to poke at people’s wounds so he whispered apologetically. “I’m sorry.”

  Ruo Hong lowered her head, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, she shook her head and did not speak.

  Yang Yang paused, and continued to ask: “Then, after giving birth, has your condition improved?”

  Ruo Hong shook her head: “No.”


  Yang Yang frowned, writing this down for now.

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  Ruo Hong saw that Yang Yang didn’t mean to ask any more questions, so she raised her head and looked at him: “Duchess, are you sure that my child’s disease is the same as that of the Duke?” 

          Yang Yang shook his head: “I can’t be sure. But according to the information I know, although they are very similar, there are some discrepancies that cannot be ignored. Don’t worry too much, even if the disease is the same as the Duke’s, there is also Uncle Ya Qing’s medicine.”

           Ruo Hong lowered her eyelids and nodded: “Yes.” 

           Yang Yang: “Then you have a good rest, don’t think too much about it.”

            Ruo Hong: “Good.” 

           After sending Yang Yang out, Ruo Hong closed the door.
  She stood at the door without moving for a long time. After a while, she stroked her wrist lightly. There was a scar about one centimeter long there, it looked like a new wound.


  ”I don’t understand.”

  Back at the top floor, Yang Yang scratched his hair irritably.

  He felt that he had a lot of informations in his hands now, but it felt like he still lacked a key thread to connect the beads of clues, scattered like a plate of loose sand.

  There was no one in the small garden on the top floor, Archibald and Monta were in the training room.

  When Roth was hesitating whether to comfort its owner, he suddenly received some information from the data stream.

  Roth: 【Master, Abel and  Ya Qing have entered the study. 】

  Yang Yang immediately stopped scratching his hair, walked towards the bedroom, and said, “Broadcast it to me.”

  Roth’s baby voice sounded from the room: “Okay, master.”

  As soon as Yang Yang entered the room, he saw a large light screen floating in front of the black panther, on which was the video from the study on the second floor.

  In the study.

  Abel closed the door, and instead of sitting down after entering, he stood there and talked to  Ya Qing.

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  Abel’s expression was cold and stern, and his attitude towards Ya Qing was much stricter than anything Yang Yang had seen before.

  ”You’re not feeling well today.”

   Ya Qing turned his back to the monitor and his expression couldn’t be seen clearly, but his voice was calm:

  ”That woman’s child has a very similar condition to Byrd. This is the only one case in so many years that actually resembles Byrd. I just want to find out——.”

           “Not allowed!”

           Abel refuted sharply, but then seemed to have realised that his tone was too harsh, so he closed his eyes and calmed down his tone of voice.

   Abel: “Ya Qing, I know you want to cure Byrd, but you can’t touch those children.”

  Ya Qing chuckled lightly, seeming a little mocking and a little self deprecating at the same time.

           “Is it what you think of me? As a lunatic madman scientist that experiments on children?”

           Abel looked deeply at Ya Qing and said seriously: “I believe you are not.”

           Ya Qing also raised his head to look at Abel and said softly, “You don’t believe me at all—— Are you still blaming me? In your eyes, I’m still that cruel, cold-blooded brother, am I not?”

           Abel frowned and said, “You know that’s not the case. I just don’t want you to go to overdo it—— even if Byrd cannot be healed, you won’t be blamed for that. You saved He Shu’s life and let Archibald grow up safely, and I’m grateful to you for that.”

           Ya Qing seemed to have been moved by his words, he paused then calmly explained, “I didn’t want to do anything to that child. I just wanted to check his soul power and see how different it is from Byrd when he was a child.”

            Abel patted Ya Qing on the shoulder and said, “The women named Ruo Hong and the children are new here, you’re gonna frighten them like this. But you had good intentions, so let’s talk about it later.”

           Ya Qing nodded, agreeing with “good.”

   Afterwards, Abel and Ya Qing left the room, and Abel walked behind, but when the door was about to close, Abel suddenly raised his head and looked straight at the monitor in the study, colliding with Yang Yang’s gaze through the light screen.

   Yang Yang: “!!!”

   As if he thought Yang Yang was not stimulated enough, Yang Yang hadn’t recovered from his breath when he heard Archibald’s voice behind him again.

   ”Are you video chatting with Dad?”

         Yang Yang: “!!!!”

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