Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Two More Updates

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  Yang Yang guessed that something must have happened in the past, but he didn’t expect it to be such a big catastrophe.

  After hearing Abel’s story, Yang Yang fell silent. He could now understand current Ya Qing’s emotional paranoia, but this did not mean that he had dispelled his doubts.

  On the contrary, Yang Yang became more suspicious—the accident happened 75 years ago, right before the village’s starship crashed.

  Yang Yang thought for a while and asked, “What kind of weapon did he use at that time?”

  Abel shook his head: “I don’t know. After the eldest sister’s accident, Ya Qing destroyed the whole laboratory. He held the axe himself, destroying all of the weapons under development at once.”

  Yang Yang looked at Abel: “The medicine stone, it would only be affected by the soul beast’s soul power, but it can also be integrated into the soul palace of a person.”

  Abel understood what Yang Yang meant, he closed my eyes again: “So, I didn’t stop you from doubting Ya Qing.”

  Yang Yang pursed his lips and said, “Sorry. “

   His words were a bit aggressive, Abel must have felt really bad about what happened in the past. Ya Qing was his only close relative and remaining sibling, if Ya Qing really did something to Archibald…

  Abel waved his hand, his face darkened: “You don’t have to feel guilty, because I also have doubts.

          ——In recent years, Ya Qing’s mood had become more and more unstable, his behaviours sometimes very extreme. I noticed that he was doing something behind my back, but I didn’t dare to provoke him.”

  Yang Yang: “Uncle Ya Qing’s illness, is it similar to the Duke’s?”

  Abel shook his head: “If you really want to talk about similarities, Ya Qing’s illness is more similar to that of late Duke. After all, they were both directly attacked by dragon-level soul beast. The soul power contained in dragon-level soul beast is -incomparable to ordinary soul beasts, and Byrd’s disease had already inherited through two generations. So, Ya Qing’s condition is more serious than Byrd’s.”

  ”That’s why Ya Qing was able to make medicine for Byrd without clinical trials. ——He’s using himself to test the medicine.”

  Yang Yang was taken aback. He had long suspected that Ya Qing would use Archibald’s illness to test medicine, so he was very worried about its contents.

  But now, Abel said that Ya Qing was testing medicine on himself for Archibald?

  Yang Yang couldn’t help asking: “Have you tried the medicine yourself? Is the medicine he took the same as Duke’s?”

  Abel: “More than that, there were many medicines that didn’t work. He almost died because of taking them.”

  This was also the main reason why Abel didn’t want Yang Yang to stimulate Ya Qing. 

          ——Ya Qing was already very unstable, if he lost Abel’s trust, Ya Qing may become even more extreme.

  Yang Yang was silent.

  If so, what was Ya Qing’s purpose? Or was it not Ya Qing’s intention at all?

  There was a momentary silence in the room.

  After a few seconds, He Shu suddenly asked, “Yang Yang, can I have a look at that medicine stone?”

  Yang Yang took out the box containing the medicine stone and opened it, handing over the stone to He Shu.

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  Abel also leaned over to take a look, and it looked like a very ordinary stone.

  Abel had a very keen soul power perception, he picked up the stone and looked at it, frowning slightly: “I don’t perceive any soul power.”

  Yang Yang: “What we know so far is that it needs soul beast’s soul power to activate its medicinal properties. “

  Abel was puzzled and put down the stone: “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

  He Shu picked up the stone again and looked at it carefully. After a while, he suddenly said: “I’ve seen this thing before.”

  The other three people were shocked.

  Yang Yang: “Father, are you sure?”

  He Shu nodded, “In my mother’s relics, there was a small stone. I thought it was something like jade, so I didn’t think too much about it.”

  Then, He Shu stood up and said: “I’ll go get it.”

  Abel hurriedly followed: “I’ll go with you. ——You two wait here.”

  After that, the two went out.


  After they left, Yang Yang glanced at Archibald and asked, “Duke, how do you feel?”

  Archibald looked at Yang Yang and smiled wryly: “Not very well. ——I have always admired my uncle, his body is very weak and the damage to the soul palace is very serious, but he has always been strong.

  When I was a child, he gave me medicine and when it felt so painful that I almost went crazy, it was my uncle who encouraged me and stayed with me.

  I respect him very much, I’m also very grateful to him.”

  For such an elder, just questioning his good intentions was already a psychological burden, not to mention that the facts may be completely contrary to what he knows.

  Yang Yang leaned over, pulled Archibald’s tail into his arms and gently smoothed the tense scales.

  ”I promise, until I get definite evidence, I will not confront Uncle Ya Qing, I’ll try not to hurt him as much as possible.”

  Archibald smiled and kissed Yang Yang sideways.

  After waiting for a while, Abel and He Shu came back.

  He Shu had an extra box in his hand.

  He Shu: “When my father left, I cleaned up his things and removed the tomb. There was almost nothing left. When my mother passed away, she also had the same last wish. Here are all her belongings.”

  He Shu caressed the box lightly, then opened it.

  Inside the box were some old photos, a withered flower, some postcards, and an off-white stone the size of a pigeon egg.

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  He Shu took out the stone, put it in the box containing the medicine stone and placed it side by side with the big medicine stone.

  And it was at this time that Yang Yang noticed that the color and texture of the two stones looked exactly the same.

  Yang Yang immediately took out the soul power tester and put the small stone in for testing. The test results were also as they had guessed, this small stone was indeed a medicine stone.

  Yang Yang asked, “Father, do you know where this medicine stone came from? What was grandma doing with this medicine stone?”

  He Shu shook his head: “I didn’t see this thing when my mother was alive. ——but elder brother may know.”

  So He Shu called his elder brother again.

  He Shu’s elder brother was telling a bedtime story to Kami, when they connected through a video call. When their faces appeared, Kami’s eyes lit up immediately.

  ”Yong Yong!! It’s Yong Yong!”

  The child’s clear voice broke the somewhat heavy atmosphere. Yang Yang couldn’t help showing a smile as he waved to Kami.

  He Shu’s eldest brother immediately noticed that their expressions were wrong, so after Kami greeted Yang Yang, he coaxed Kami to leave.

  Kami was a little unhappy— she had only left for a day, and she was already missing Yang Yang so much, why did she have to leave after just a greeting?

  But there was nothing she could do if she didn’t like it. In the end, Luo Hu came over and took Kami away.

  After Kami left, He Shu’s elder brother stopped smiling and looked at them: “What happened?”

  He Shu shook his head, “I just want to ask you something.”

  He Shu picked up the small stone and asked: “This is something from mother’s relics. Do you know where it came from and what it is used for?”

   He Shu’s eldest brother saw the stone in He Shu’s hand, and his face changed slightly: “Why do you ask this all of a sudden?”

  He Shu’s expression also changed: “So you do know.”

  He Shu’s eldest brother sighed, then stood up and changed rooms first— he entered the study, locking the door before speaking again.

  He Shu’s elder brother: “That’s not mother’s, it’s father’s.”

  He Shu was stunned: “Father’s?”

  He Shu’s elder brother nodded: “Yes. After you were born, father’s condition suddenly became serious. You were too young, so you might not remember it. But when my father was sick, I was there almost all the time and I knew his situation best.”

   “Father’s condition deteriorated too fast. When you were one year old, the most advanced riot suppressant stopped working on Dad. But do you remember, that when you were 10, Dad was in a stable condition for a while and even took us to the playground.”

  He Shu also obviously remembered this incident. He showed nostalgic expression and nodded with a smile: “En, I remember. That was my happiest birthday.”

  He Shu’s eldest brother also smiled, but the smile disappeared quickly: ” At that time, the reason why my father’s condition appeared so stable was because he ate what you had in your hand. ——Father called it a medicine stone.”

  On the other end of the video, the four people with Yang Yang were stunned—this was exactly the same as what the villagers called it.

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  He Shu’s elder brother didn’t notice their surprise, and continued to recall: “The effect of the medicine stone was very good, but this good situation only lasted for less than three months. Then his father’s illness became more serious. 

  Although there was no usual soul power riots, but every time he had an attack, father would go crazy and he would lose his memory of this happening afterwards.”

  ”When you were 12 years old, your father’s madness became more serious and he had delusions. He said that his body was being taken over by strange things, he couldn’t control himself. A short time later, father was gone.”

   “After father passed away, mother collected all the remaining medicine stones and destroyed them.——I didn’t know she had left one.”

  He Shu’s elder brother sighed, he went back from recalling the past and then looked at the other end of the video with a serious expression.

  ”You suddenly asked this, did you find anything?”

  He Shu nodded, downplaying the importance of the situation: “We found something like this, but we didn’t know what it was. It looked familiar to me, so I wanted to ask.”

  He Shu’s elder brother could see at first glance that He Shu was lying. But he was not stupid, looking at the expressions of the other three, he probably understood what cannot be said.

  So He Shu’s elder brother didn’t ask: “Okay, if you find anything, please tell me. ——Also, this thing must not be touched!”

  He Shu’s body froze, and then nodded: “I see. Then I’ll hang up, brother.”


  After hanging up the communication, He Shu’s face became even paler. He looked at Archibald, dazed.

  If he could be said to have hope before, what his brother said just now completely destroyed He Shu’s psychological defense.

  ——This thing must never be touched.

  ——But Byrd had been using this medicine stone for a long time.

  So, what would happen to Byrd? Would he die in madness like father?

  He Shu felt a pang in his heart and his eyes turned red.

  ”Father, I’m fine.”

  Archibald stretched out his hand to hold He Shu’s hand and comforted him.

  He Shu shook his head, his eyelashes were already wet with tears.

  ”Ya Qing saved me. I thought he could save you too. But…”

  But unexpectedly, in the end, there was only one path.

  Yang Yang also clenched his fists. Although he knew that the medicine stone was not a good thing, he never expected that grandfather died because of it.

  ”You can’t take that medicine anymore.”

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  Yang Yang let go of his fist, looked at Archibald and said firmly, “Cannot take any more.”

  Before, he had been worried that rashly stopping the medicine would have a negative impact on Archibald, but looking at it now, he couldn’t care about this anymore.

  Archibald looked at Yang Yang and nodded: “Okay.”

  After speaking, Archibald took Yang Yang’s shoulders and kissed Yang Yang’s forehead: “Don’t be afraid.”

  He Shu on the other side listened, but felt even more sad: “But, if you don’t take medicine, what would happen to Byrd?”

   Drinking poison to quench thirst meant either dying of thirst immediately, or poisoning oneself to death later.

  For He Shu, this was probably an unprecedented feeling of despair.

  Yang Yang took a deep breath, looked at He Shu and Abel, and said, “I have a solution, maybe we could try it.”

  Abel and He Shu looked over, and He Shu’s eyes lit up with hope again, as he hurriedly asked: “What method?”

  Yang Yang flipped his hand over and took out Bean Sprout from the space.

  Bean Sprout looked dazed and when it saw the two more strangers, it immediately wanted to play dead. But Abel’s line of sight was locked on it from the moment it came out.

  Bean Sprout’s branch mouth twitched: “…”

  Being, being stared at! !

   Yang Yang didn’t care about its mood, and said to Abel and He Shu: “This is from my space. It can produce a red fruit with special soul power.”
          Having said that, he pulled a fruit from Bean Sprout’s head and put it in his hand for He Shu and Abel to see.

  Both Abel and He Shu looked shocked and then confused—— they all knew about Yang Yang’s mysterious space, but wasn’t that space containing soul alone? How could there be plants? And this plant was even self-aware!

  Yang Yang did not elaborate on the space, but explained to Abel and He Shu the characteristics of the red fruit and the function of Bean Sprout’s soul power storage.

   The reason why explained so in such detail was because he wanted to do one thing, “Father, I want to let Bean Sprout take some of your soul power.”

  He Shu was still a little confused, but Abel understood immediately. He asked: “Do you think He Shu’s body also has medicine stone residue?”

  Yang Yang: “I just want to confirm.”

  Since the old Duke only started taking medicine stone after He Shu was born, then even if the medicine stone could be inherited, it would not appear in He Shu’s body.

  And if it was in He Shu’s body, it was in the medicine given by Ya Qing.

  If Yang Yang remembered correctly, the symptoms of He Shu’s genetic disease didn’t include soul power riots, but rather overall weakness caused by the loss of soul power, the kind of weakness that meant he could die even from a cold.

  For such a disease, it was impossible to use the medicinal stone ingredients that suppressed riots.

  If Ya Qing’s body contains medicinal stone ingredients, then what was the purpose of Ya Qing’s medication?

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