Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Three More Updates

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  Although Bean Sprout was very confused, it could still understand the importance of the situation, so it obediently did what it was asked to.

  The Bean Sprout ate He Shu’s soul power and soon condensed a fruit, which was a bright red color.

  Yang Yang put the fruit into the soul power detector and then came to a conclusion.

  ”Medical stone residue had been detected, and it’s not little.”


  At the same time Yang Yang said it out, Abel slammed his fist down on the table, his anger almost turned into substance,

  ”How dare he!”

 Abel was like a raging lion, all the muscles in his body were tense. If Ya Qing was in front of him, that fist would have probably landed on Ya Qing’s face at that moment just now.

 But compared to Abel’s rage, Yang Yang was much calmer.

 Yang Yang suddenly asked: “Father, have you ever had attacks before giving birth to Byrd? What about after?”

  After hearing this, He Shu thought for a while, then shook his head and said, “My illness is similar to that of my father, I don’t have soul power riots like Byrd. There had been no attacks, but I’ve always been weaker physically.

 After giving birth to Abel, my physical condition has improved. If I want to speak of sequelae, I’ve been having some headaches from time to time, but they are all within the tolerable range.”

 Yang Yang: “So, there are no symptoms of soul riots or even losing sanity.”

 He Shu then reacted and then there was a faint hope in his heart: “That’s right, none!”

 As Abel listened to their conversation, his emotions gradually calmed down, he looked at Yang Yang: “Will the medicine stone have different effects? Or is there an ingredient in Ya Qing’s medicine that suppresses the negative effects of the medicine stone?”

 Yang Yang: “I don’t know yet, but it’s definitely not a good thing, the medicine stone in the father’s body should be cleaned up.”

 Abel nodded, agreeing with Yang Yang’s statement, however, “How could we get rid of it?”

 Yang Yang picked up Bean Sprout that was pretending to be a decoration and put it in the middle of the table.

 ”With this.”

 Abel glanced at Bean Sprout: “Eat it?”

 Bean Sprout: “??!!!”

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 Bean Sprout let out a panicked “Ji!” immediately, losing all pretense, it jumped up and ran to Yang Yang’s side.

 Save me! !

 Yang Yang pushed it away and said indifferently: “Shut up.”

 Bean Sprout: “…”


 Yang Yang looked at Abel and explained: “Bean Sprout’s fruit can purify the negative soul power that is harmful to the human body. I have eaten it with Monta and there was no adverse reaction. I have also done experiments with small animals and confirmed it can purify the soul power of the soul beast. However, because my experiments were not throughout enough, I didn’t dare to give it to Duke before.”

 But now, there was no other choice.

 ”Let me eat first.”

 Abel said after listening to Yang Yang’s words, “I have been infected with the soul beast’s soul power before. Although it is rare, I also have a slight soul power riots. —— How long does it take to take this thing to have an effect?”

 Abel asked to be used as a guinea pig.

 Yang Yang was a little moved, took a deep breath and said: “I can do it right now.”

 Abel did not hesitate at all: “Okay.”

 He Shu heard the words, but said: “I will come too.”

 Abel suddenly wanted to object, but was stopped by He Shu.

 He Shu: “Although it is said that the soul power of the fruit is aimed at the soul beast’s soul power, we mainly want it to clear the medicine stone. You are infected by the soul power of the soul beast and I, with the medicine stone. It’s better to do it in one step.”


 Abe hadn’t spoken yet, but Archibald obviously disapproved.

 He Shu smiled at Archibald: “Don’t worry, haven’t Yang Yang and Monta eaten this thing? Besides, your father and I have relatively mild symptoms and our conditions stable, even if something went wrong, we can handle it. ——Byrd, we don’t have much time.”

 At this time, Archibald was in most danger.

 They couldn’t bear the consequences of Archibald continuing to take the medicine; but they may not be able to bear the consequences of hastily stopping the medicine.

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 So the sooner the better.

 He Shu said with a smile: “Besides, I have confidence in Yang Yang.—Let’s do it.”

 This time, no one objected.

 Yang Yang nodded: “Okay.”


 Yang Yang didn’t give the fruit for Abel and He Shu to eat directly—— of course they couldn’t eat it whole, but he guided one-tenth of the soul power for them to eat.

 First was Abel.

 As he said, Abel’s soul power infection was very slight. His soul power was overwhelming and his whole body was wrapped into a huge cocoon.

 ——The last time he saw the cocoon-like soul power was in Old Liang.

 In the cocoon-like white soul power, there were some fine black fragments distributed, the smallest one was only the size of a fingernail and the largest was no bigger than a baby’s fist. These black fragments were all floating on the surface of the white soul power, which meant that it had little influence on the main body of soul power.

 After being eaten by Abel, the soul power of the fruit flowed into the soul palace as usual. It was well absorbed by Abel’s soul palace, and then exploded from the soul palace, heading towards those black fragments with a clear goal.

 Resembling a hunting spider, it stretched the soul power into a spider web, wrapped the black fragments and then quickly disintegrated the soul beast’s soul power until it was completely eliminated with method of “death together with one’s enemy”.

 One-fifth of a fruit went down and the soul power was only enough to devour the smallest black fragment.

 Yang Yang didn’t dare to advance rashly, so he gave up for now. He observed Abel’s soul power with the soul power vision and only withdrew his soul power after confirming that it was stable.

 Yang Yang recorded these situations while describing them to the other three.

 Yang Yang: “I don’t see anything wrong, but Dad, if you feel anything’s off, you must tell me and don’t let go of any small details.”

 Abel nodded: “Okay.”

  After speaking, he raised his hands and clenched them, then hesitated and said: “I don’t know if it’s a psychological factor, but I feel slightly better.”

  Yang Yang wrote this down and said: “As it’s the first time I’m using it on a real patient, I don’t dare to give too much, so the effect might be minimal. If the situation is better tomorrow, I will increase the dosage.”

 Abel nodded his head: “Alright.”

     After testing it himself, he was finally relieved, he then turned to look at Yang Yang giving He Shu some fruit again.

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 He Shu’s soul power was like a thin veil, so when fruit’s soul power entered He Shu’s body, its path became very clear.

 Near the Soul Palace, the veil was a bit thicker, but it was also half-transparent.

 But when fruit’s soul power entered the soul palace, a cloud of off-white soul power suddenly swelled out of He Shu’s soul palace!

 Yang Yang’s eyes widened suddenly—how could there be so much!

 This beige soul powers suddenly came out from the veil and then occupied He Shu’s entire abdomen.

 The moment the beige soul power appeared, it immediately rushed towards the fruit soul power flowing into the soul palace, but some beige soul power below seemed to have not reacted and was “stretching out” strands of soul power, entangled around the “veil”, and then, like sulfuric acid, it eroded and took over that veil.

 It was devouring He Shu’s soul power.

 Yang Yang suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued to watch the confrontation between the beige soul power and the fruit soul power.

 Compared with the off white soul power, the fruit’s soul power was much, much less, so it was devoured without any surprise.

 It’s just that Yang Yang discovered a familiar change—when the soul power of the fruit was entangled and consumed with the off-white soul power, before the soul power of the fruit disappeared, the fused soul power turned into a whitish gray, and then was quickly replaced by off-white.

 This scene was once seen on the sick elderly man whose soul had materialized.

 Therefore, the elderly man’s soul was not a special situation, but a product of the confrontation between the soul power of the fruit and the soul power of the medicine stone.

 ——However, in the hospitals in the sanatorium, some patients who were infected with the soul power of soul beasts also had gray soul power.

 What does gray represent?

 Yang Yang was puzzled, but this was not the time to think about it.

 When the fruit’s soul power was exhausted, Yang Yang also observed for a while before withdrawing his soul power. He also recorded and described the changes in He Shu’s soul power.

 Yang Yang: “Father, do you feel anything?”

 He Shu relaxed his body, and then replied: “At the beginning, my stomach felt a little hot, and my hands and feet felt weak, like the feeling of excessive consumption of soul power.”

  Yang Yang wrote it down and said: “It is true—— the soul power of the medicine stone consumes your own soul power. I don’t know if it will consume it when it’s not activated, but it devoured some just now. Father, your soul power is already weak, so the reaction will be stronger.

 Tomorrow I will make some soul power dishes for you, and only then let you eat some soul power of the fruit, the soul power of the fruit can only clear away the negative soul power, but it doesn’t have much effect on replenishing the soul power of the soul palace.”

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 He Shu nodded his head: “Okay.”

 Abel hugged He Shu with some distress, gently pressed He Shu’s hand, and gave Yang Yang and Archibald an order to leave: “That’s it for tonight, you go back and rest. —— He Shu and I will not leave the Old Emperor Star until this matter is clarified. As for Byrd’s medicine, if it’s not an emergency, don’t take it for now. If Ya Qing asks, you can say that you are not used to the new medicine.”

 Archibald nodded and agreed: “Okay.”


 Back in the room on the top floor, Yang Yang was still frowning.

 Archibald hugged him and kissed him: “Don’t think about it, let’s rest.”

 Yang Yang woke up with a “wu”, “I’ll take a bath first, you take a look at the cub ——it’s been moving more and more these days, don’t let it roll off the bed, what if it breaks.”

 Archibald replied with a smile: “Okay.”

 After entering the bathroom, Yang Yang stood under the shower, his expression still gloomy of.

 He was sure that Ya Qing must have some sinister intentions, or at least not much kindness towards Dontons—otherwise he would have told them about medicine stone’s side effects.

 But what about his purpose?

 It shouldn’t be for his own recovery, as Ya Qing took Archibald’s medicine first.

 If it was for medicine stone research, were those villages not enough, why would he want to attack the Donton family?

 After thinking about it, what Yang Yang was most worried about that what Ya Qing was doing was just for self-salvation.

 Ya Qing once killed his beloved sister due to a mistake and even attempted suicide because of it. Although Yang Yang did not specialize in psychology in his previous life, he had read some books on this area.

 A situation like Ya Qing would inevitably leave some emotional obstacles. Coupled with his soul power infection and damage to the soul palace, both of which led to soul power riots, and would surely worsen his mental state.

 Ya Qing’s recent extreme emotional reaction also proved this point.

 And the redemption that Ya Qing wanted was healing the Donton family. ——Brother’s lover and children, these were the people he was closest to now, if he saved them, would he be able to erase the guilt of killing his sister?

 In order to erase this feeling of guilt, treating them was the next best thing. He even did not hesitate to try the medicine on himself.

 But this kind of redemption, if you don’t control yourself, often brought about greater tragedy.

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