Chapter 92: Entrusting Children

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*actually, the meaning behind the title is tuogu, which means entrusting children to others before you die. It’s a bit sad.

    The reason why there were no healthy people in the village now was because of a big change 20 years ago.

    Village chief, “20 years ago, a large group of nobles were hunting in the forest and found our village by accident. They piloting their armoured aircrafts, they drove in, slaughtering and capturing us like monsters and wild beasts.

    We half-beasts still could fight back, but those normal children… none of them were left.”

    The village head closed his eyes and slowly shook his head, “The doctor also died in that accident, the only handful of our village left started to run away and then we settled here 17 years ago.

    Dr. Lu is the daughter of that doctor, but her medical skills are not as good as her father’s, and the information on the doctor’s test-tube babies had been destroyed, that’s why there are so few children in the village.

    This is why they set up the rules of “no outsiders are allowed to enter” and “no harm to pregnant women (females) and children is allowed”.

    The story of the old village chief ended here.

    But the whole living room was still immersed in the painful past.

    It was Archibald who broke the silence, because he had one thing to confirm.

    “Did you teach them to recognize the badge of the nobles?”

    Most of the people in the village now were in their twenties and thirties. Most of them were still children in the accident 20 years ago. Under such circumstances, they couldn’t have remembered those “noble badges” so clearly.

    The old village chief raised his head and looked straight into Archibald’s eyes, “Yes, it’s me.”

    Archibald’s face suddenly changed ——the old village chief used to be a soldier and he would never mistake the Imperial Army’s and nobility’s badge.

    Therefore, the “nobles” in the old village head’s story all refereed to the military department, or soldiers.

    But how could this be?

    Archibald was thrown into doubt, locking his eyes onto the village chief who also did not look away.

    The old village chief sighed, knowing that Archibald would not give up until he got an answer.

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    Anyway, he didn’t have much time left.

    The expression of the old village chief changed and he suddenly laughed, “Aiya, look at me, getting all long-winded. Come on, let’s see what’s for dinner? Let’s save extra portions for the young Duke and Duchess. — By the way, Honghong, do you still have any red fruit? I would like to get some for the Duchess later, it’s good for pregnant people.”

    The woman holding the baby smiled and said, “Yes, put it on the slope, I’ll prepare it right away.”

    “Okay, you also slow down, you are only out of confinement, don’t catch a cold.”

    “No worries.”

    After the woman left, the old village head picked up the crutches and tapped the ground again, and said loudly to the melon-eating crowd, “Little bastards! Haven’t seen enough excitement yet? Let’s all go get dinner, cook the whole giant-clawed birds we caught today and then go to the beach to get some seafood. Those who should pick fruits go pick fruits and those who should pick vegetables go pick vegetables. Don’t just idle.”


    The surrounding melon-eating crowd was very obedient and immediately dispersed, letting the sober atmosphere disappear.

    Kami had been playing games, but now she was also attracted by this movement. The little girl was used to go wild by herself these days, and suddenly she couldn’t sit still, she looked up at Yang Yang with an expression of “Although I won’t say anything, but Yang Yang, you can understand my eyes, right?”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    This little clever ghost.

    Yang Yang poked her little chubby face, stood up and said to Archibald, “You guys talk, I’ll take Kami out for a walk.”

    In any case, before handing Kami back to her parents, Yang Yang wouldn’t dare to let her wander around alone.

    Archibald nodded, “Don’t go too far.”

    Yang Yang smiled, “I know.”


    The crowd in the living room cleared up and elderly man who went out last knew that they had something to talk about, so he closed the door understandingly.

    After the people left, Archibald looked at the old village head and got straight to the point.

    “The nobles you mentioned refer to the military department. So from the beginning, it was the people from the military department who helped you? Has it always been the same group of people? Can you recognize which side they are from?”

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    The old village chief shook his head slowly.

    “It’s not the same group of people. Although they are all from the military department, we have come into contact with them a lot factions before and after and we couldn’t tell who was which faction. ——I was just a regular soldier back then. could can I tell these things apart? In addition to being isolated from the world later, it became even more unclear.”

    Archibald “Then, were those soldiers from 20 years ago in the same group as the people who have helped you before?”

    The old village chief was silent for a long time, but still shook his head, “I’m not sure.—Forget it, don’t ask, I’ll tell you everything.”

    The old village head said, “I didn’t actually realise anything was wrong. It was the doctor couldn’t keep going on and confessed to me.

    It was just an accident that day. I went to the doctor to get the medicine, but he was not there. The situation was a little urgent, so I looked for it by myself, and accidentally found the medical record file he created for us.

    It was a military style recording board, with three folders on the front page, one of them named out village. I opened it and found that there were medical records of each of us.

    I was originally a medical reserve soldier. Although I wasn’t very bright at learning, I could still understand some things.

    Then I discovered that the medicines given to us by the doctor were different for each person, just like observing lab rats, they recorded our reactions and symptoms after taking different medicines one by one.”

    Archibald’s eyebrows furrowed. “Was he using you as experimental subjects?”

    The old village head nodded, “That’s right.”

    “I was looking at the medical records when the doctor came in. It happened that a female died because the child’s scales cut through the soul palace that day. When he came in, he was in a trance, probably not in a good state of mind.

    As soon as he saw me holding the clipboard, he thought I had discovered something, and then burst into tears with a look of relief.”

    The old village head looked in the direction of the door, as if he was seeing the original scene from that day.

    “He just stood by the door, covered in blood, holding the door frame and crying silently. That was the first time I saw the doctor cry. “

    After he cried, he calmed down quickly and then he decided to tell me everything— although at that time, he had already realised that I hadn’t found anything.”

    The old village chief withdrew his gaze, lowered his eyelids again, looked at the ground obliquely in front, and continued his narration.

    “The doctor didn’t know everything and he didn’t tell me the full situation. He only said about himself and about his task.”

    “The doctor was not a soldier, but a criminal that had been arrested for illegal drug testing, but after three years in prison, he was let out again, he didn’t say who it was, but a man had an agreement with him, as long as he obeyed, he would not be send back to prison.

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    So the doctor came to our village. “

    “The new inhibitor used by the doctor were not developed by him, but rather given to him by the mysterious man. The doctor’s job was to record our reactions and changes after taking inhibitors and then adjust the medicine according to each person’s response.

    The doctor came to the village once a season and then stays for about 20 days. In retrospect, he did bring new medicine potions every time he came.”

    “Since 50 years ago, the direction of the experiment has shifted from suppressing infection to pregnant women (females) and their children. ——The doctor didn’t know why, the people above didn’t tell him.

    However, as the experiment progressed and the children started to transform in the pregnant woman’s womb, causing the tragic death of the first female, the doctor’s psychological defences gradually disintegrated.”

    “So 30 years ago, after he confessed to me, he proposed the test-tube baby plan. This was something he had been considering for a long time, but there was no opportunity for him to implement it.”

    “Through his usual channels the doctor secretly released the news that it was possible to test-tube create female babies—— the children conceived by females were highly gifted in soul power, many nobles and gentry were tempted and they let the doctor cheat many genetic samples.

    I will not talk about the process, I’m also not too sure about it.

    Anyway, in the end, the doctor managed to let the females give birth to normal children.”

    “It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long and that matter was revealed 20 years ago. ——A person who took the gene sample actually knew that mysterious person, so let the mysterious person know about the female children thing.”

    “After that, it was simply a massacre. Those normal children were taken away and those who could not be taken away were also killed. About ten of us were originally guarding hunting traps outside and we managed to escape this catastrophe.”

    “And now, that’s how we live.”

    Archibald “Then what happened to the doctor Lu you mentioned earlier, the doctor’s daughter?”

    The old village chief shook his head, “I met her by accident, she recognized me and then took out the notes used by the doctor, which contained photos of our village people and recorded the matters in the village.”

    Archibald frowned: “And you just accepted her?”

    The old village chief laughed, “Do you think we’re stupid?”

    Archibald was silent, but after a while, he shook his head.

    “You won’t accept her rashly.”

    Although the old village head couldn’t be said to be very shrewd, after experiencing the incident of being experimented on and massacring the village, his vigilance must not be low.

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    Therefore, the old village chief must had his reasons in accepting the current doctor.

    The old village chief’s smile became bitter, “Yes, I suspect her, but there is no other way!”

    The old village chief raised his finger and pointed outside, “As you can see, there are only so few people in the village. We are the only old guys who knew about those things back then and the newborn cubs don’t know anything.

    Without the doctor to create test-tube babies, the children in the bellies of the pregnant women (females) had returned to their original state.”

    “The medicines over the years had changed our physique. Only the records in Dr. Lu’s hands could relieve our illness.

    I can understand that it’s drinking poison to quench thirst. But this village has no other way out.”

    In the past, maybe he would have still thought of asking the outside world for help, but when he knew that it was the military that had been tormenting them all the time, how could he dare?

    ——Old Emperor Star, was but a military planet!

    After being overwhelmed by the emotions for a moment, the old village head quickly cheered up and looked at Archibald seriously, “However, I didn’t let the children receive treatment from Dr. Lu. Even when Honghong and the others gave birth, it was people in the village who took care of them.”

    Those children, although they are all in half-beast or even full-beast form, but they have not suffered from soul power riots since they were born, and they can still be saved.”

    Archibald understood, “You want me to take them away “

    Old village chief nodded, “Yes. Although my request is a bit thick-skinned, young Duke is also in the form of a half-beast and suffers from soul power riots, but you are doing well so far. So I believe, you may have a way to save them, even if you don’t, following your side they will suffer less.”

    Archibald nodded, “I promise you. But my uncle developed the medicine specially for me, I’m afraid it might not be suitable for them.”

    The old village chief smiled, “It’s okay, being healthy is more important than anything else.”

    Archibald “Then what about you and the others? Won’t you come with them?”

    The old village head just shook his head, “It’s too late.”

    But what was it too late for, the old village head didn’t say in the end.

    It was as if he had completed his final mission, his whole body hunched a little more, but the smile on his face became more relaxed and amiable.


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