Chapter 93: The Dinner Party

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    The dinner in the village was held behind the slope. Archibald followed the old village chief and others up the slope, only to find something strange there over there.

    ——Behind the soil slope, there was another village. Taking advantage of the natural terrain, a small gate was set up at the entrance, making village easy to defend but difficult to attack.

    At this time, the gate of the village was wide open allowing structure of the village to be seen at a glance.

    There was only a dozen houses in the village and in the middle there was a large shed with straw mats hanging on all sides. Right now the straw mats on all sides of the shed had been rolled up, low tables and seaweed mats were placed in the shed instead. It was obviously a place prepared for the evening party.

    The villagers were all busying around in the village, showing a very lively scene.

    The old village head explained to Archibald, “The place just now was our temporary residence. When Dr. Lu comes, we live there for a few days. At other times, we will live behind the slope.”

    Archibald: “Doctor Lu is aware of your precautions against her.”

    The old village head nodded, “She is aware, because she knows the history of our village from her father’s notes. She said that she could understand us and that although she didn’t have superior medical skills like her father, she could help us a little. There are very few people who can help us and she agreed that she couldn’t touch children and pregnant women (females), and that she couldn’t go to the village behind the slope. ——In the past five years, she had indeed kept to this agreement.”

    Archibald: “Then why did you let her into the back village today?”

    The old village chief smiled, looking both little relieved and helpless at Archibald’s sensitivity.

    “Take it as a farewell banquet.”

    The old village head did not specify who the farewell party was for.

    Archibald intuited that the old village head still didn’t tell them something very important, but he couldn’t force the old man to say what he didn’t want to say.

    Archibald took a breath and followed the old village head towards the village.


    There were only a handful of people in the whole village and tonight’s banquet could be said to gather all of these people. The ingredients were divided into several small piles and tonight’s main course was also clear at a glance — the giant-clawed bird that was grilling on low fire.

    Archibald looked around and locked onto Yang Yang’s position at a glance.

    Yang Yang was sitting next to a woman holding a baby, holding a red fruit in a large shell in his hand. Not far ahead of them, Kami was playing with seven children, one of the few in the village.

    When Archibald walked over, Kami and the seven children suddenly started arguing.

    Yang Yang put the red fruit in Archibald’s arms and walked over immediately.

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    “What’s the matter?”

    Among the seven children, except for Little Whitebelly, who was fully in the beast form and whose age was ambiguous, the other six were all in their teens and only one little boy was about the same age as Kami, that boy being also the source of the disturbance.

    Kami and the little boy were both very angry, holding a long black wool rope in their hands, each pulling at as if they were playing tug-of-war.

    The little boy complained first, “She stole my toy!”

    Kami was not to be outdone, “This is Roth’s tail!”

    Roth’s tail?

    Yang Yang took a closer look, isn’t it? The end that Kami is holding is a section, and a thin metal bone inside is exposed.

    Roth: 【Ying!】

    Yang Yang “…”

    The woman holding the baby followed and asked curiously, “Who is Roth?”

    Yang Yang was a little embarrassed, “It’s a panther-shaped mechanical pet. Kami likes it very much. When Kami had an accident before, it was that mechanical pet that protected Kami and didn’t let her be hurt by the giant-clawed bird.”

    The woman ah-ed understandingly and looked at the two who still didn’t let go. The child kept coaxing the boy, “This belongs to the girl’s little friend, can you give it back to her?”

    Children were treasures of the village. Although some rules could be taken carelessly, they were usually very pampered and youngest children were the most spoiled.    

    As the youngest child in the village, this was the first time the little boy had suffered this kind of grievance. His eyes immediately were filled with tears, he pursed his mouth in displeasure, “I won’t, this is the toy the captain brought back for me!”

   The commotion in there had attracted the attention of nearby villagers, a tall man walked over, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

    Before the man could speak, the little boy thought he had found a backer and immediately pulled at the captain’s clothes, “Captain, she wants to snatch the toy you brought back for me!”

    The man: “…”

    Stop talking!

    The man’s expression became more and more embarrassed, he did not answer the little boy’s words and apologized to Yang Yang and Archibald first.

    “Duke, Duchess, I’m sorry. I found that mechanical pet while hunting today. It was broken… And it had a lot of good things inside and they were all things that the village needed very much… So…”

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    The man stuttered while explaining, wishing he could turn back time, he should have given that mechanical pet a decent funeral! He didn’t want to shame himself in front of his idol.

    ——It’s over, it’s over, would his idol think he was a greedy and heartless person? ?

    Archibald didn’t show any reaction, but Yang Yang smiled.

    “It’s okay, you didn’t know who it belonged to at that time. If it were me I’d also want to make the best use of it.”

    It was one thing to accuse them not knowing the situation in the village. After knowing the past of the village, how could Yang Yang still care about such small things.

    Yang Yang bent down and said to Kami, “Kami, the boy can take this toy, Roth doesn’t need it anymore. We’ll get a new body for Roth when we go back.”

    Kami’s little face was all frowning. The experience in the winter camp had completely released her nature and her competitive personality was undoubtedly revealed.

    However, it was her favourite Yong Yong who was talking to her…

    Kami hesitated for a few seconds, and finally let go of her hand, pouted and said, “Here, you have to treat it well.”

    The little boy: “…”

    What was she talking about? Why couldn’t he understand? What could a plush tail need?

    Yang Yang was afraid that Kami and the children would get into trouble again, so he rummaged in the space and took out a colorful ball —this was what Gu Lita stuffed into Kami’s luggage.

    “What about this, do you want to play?”

    Little Whitebelly immediately replied happily, “Yes! Uncle Scar had also made balls for us, but they were not as pretty.”

    The other children also agreed happily and ran away with the ball in their hands without anymore delay.

    Even the one holding the tail hesitated for a second, put the tail in Kami’s hand decisively, and then ran away.

    Kami: “…”

    But she doesn’t want the tail anymore.

    Kami was silent for two seconds, then turned to look at Yang Yang and blinked twice.

    Yang Yang was amused, “If you want to play, go and play, give me this tail.”

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    Kami immediately jumped up, stuffed her tail in Yang Yang’s hands and ran to the ground of children, but not before she honeyed Yang Yang first, “Yang Yang is the best!”

    Yang Yang shook his head and laughed.

    At this time, Roth finally found an gap to interject, and asked expectantly: 【Master, what kind of new body do you want to buy me?】

    Yang Yang: 【Buy? Didn’t I say “get”?】

    Roth: 【…】

    Okay, it’s going to shut itself down for a five minutes.

    Archibald hugged Yang Yang’s waist and led Yang Yang back to the previous position to sit down. Seeing them like this, the woman holding the baby didn’t go over and went to another place with her mouth pursed.

    After sitting down, Yang Yang picked up the red fruit to eat and asked Archibald softly, “Worried?”

    After all, in the past month, he and Archibald had been as close as conjoined twins, even such small movements could not be more clear.

    Archibald wrapped his tail around Yang Yang’s waist and while handing Yang Yang fruit, he said, “I want Roth to investigate someone.”

    Yang Yang looked over and understood, “Doctor Lu.”

    Archibald paused for a moment, delighted by Yang Yang’s “heart-to-heart connection” with him and the previous heavy mood also eased a bit.

    He raised the corners of his lips, and answered, “Yeah.”

    Yang Yang nodded, “What do you want to check?”

    Archibald, “Check if there is any abnormality in her contact information with other people in her terminal and then verify her identity. The Old Emperor Star is now under strict control and the tourist season had just passed, now is the time when the air defense is the most strictest every year, as long as she leaves or goes in she must have an entry and exit record.”

    Yang Yang: “Okay, let me talk to Roth.”

    Without waiting for Yang Yang to ask, the shutting-down Roth spoke angrily, 【Aiyo, so sorry, now my mobile body is gone, the energy tubes are gone, I have no energy to use.】

    Yang Yang:  【…Did you know that Soul Cube had a little black room function.】

    Roth: 【……】

    This is called illegally imposed punishment, don’t you know!

    However, Roth didn’t dare to push.

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    Roth returned to his normal tone and said, 【What I meant is, Master, you are pregnant and I cannot use your soul power. And I have already checked, no one in this village uses a terminal, I can only switch between your terminal and the Duke’s, there is no other place to go.

    So if you want to check the doctor’s terminal, only when she comes within five meters of you, Master, will I have the energy to jump over. And if you want to compare the entry and exit records, you must use a terminal with a lot of energy.】

    Yang Yang frowned and told Archibald about the current situation.

    Archibald: “That’s not a problem. There’s Starnet connection here, let me contact my brother. When comparing the data, just transfer Roth to their terminal.”

    Yang Yang: “That’s fine too. But I just asked and Dr. Lu went to pick fruit with others and she may not be able to return until the banquet at night.”

    Archibald: “It’s okay, I plan to stay here for two days.”

    This was the first time Yang Yang had heard of it.

    But Yang Yang did not object.

    Yang Yang: “Then tell Monta and the others that we will send Kami back tomorrow first.”

    Although he didn’t think anything would happen here, Yang Yang still thought it was better to send Kami away for safety.

    Archibald nodded, “I’ll contact Monta and the others right now.”


    When the ingredients were almost finished, Dr. Lu came back. ——It was a very ordinary-looking woman, with an average appearance, slightly rounded figure, wearing a pair of glasses, always smiling when talking, giving people a very friendly feeling.

    Yang Yang didn’t need to approach, she herself came over to greet Yang Yang first.

    Roth successfully “migrated” to Dr. Lu’s terminal and gave feedback soon.

    Roth: 【Master, her terminals is very normal, except for one thing —she has had traces of frequent contact with a certain account, but she is very careful every time she contacts and all traces had been cleared cleanly. I could only track down the signal of the account she contacted, and it didn’t come from Old Emperor Star. —but I can’t detect accurate location.】

    Yang Yang frowned, and glanced at Dr. Lu who was cooking with the villagers in the distance. Because today’s party was a dinner for the whole village so villagers were the ones doing all the work. Dr. Lu was only helping from the sideline, but she was also very busy.

    Roth: 【Master I have taken her picture. But comparing citizen information may take several hours.】

    Although it was much more advanced than other AIs on this planet, it still had some restrictions.

    Yang Yang: 【It’s okay, return as soon as possible.】

    Roth: 【Alright, master.】

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