Chapter 95: Medicine Stone Tea

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    When they learned that Yang Yang was going to send Kami away, Little Whitebelly and other children felt a little regretful and reluctant, but after learning that Archibald and Yang Yang would stay here for two more days, the regret disappeared immediately and they even danced around with joy.

    Kami: “…”

    For the first time in her five-year-old life, Kami understood what “plastic friendship” was.

    So in the end, the only one who was really unhappy was Kami.

    On the way to send Kami back, Scarface and another bald-headed villager also followed. They were leading the way for Yang Yang and Archibald.

    Kami held Yang Yang’s hand along the way, her mouth pouting so hard you could hang an oil pot on it, her eyes were still watery, and in an instant, the little bully changed back to the soft bun that cried when touched from before.

    But Yang Yang’s heart didn’t soften and he wouldn’t comfort Kami— he knew that the little girl was crying for him to see.

    After walking a long mountain road, they returned to the place where the aircraft was parked before.

    A fire was lit next to the aircraft, Monta, Fu Qing and an “instructor” were sitting around it and roasting rabbits— it seems that even if they had been waiting for a while, they had a good time.

    “Yo, you came.”

    Hearing the sound, Monta turned around with a happy expression, “You guys are very good at picking the time, we just finished roasting the rabbits.”

    The other two people were not as casual as Monta, they immediately stood up and made a military salute towards Archibald.

    After Archibald returned the salute, he glanced at Monta: “Remember to put out the fire, don’t burn down the mountain again.”

    Monta; “……”

    Was that “again” unnecessary?

    Archibald ignored Monta’s resentful eyes and continued: “Take her with you. You must be careful, what happened yesterday can’t happen again.”

    Monta also had lingering fears about this and quickly promised: “This time I promise not to let her out alone.”

    Fu Qing also promised again and again: “I will definitely hold her hand and never let go.”

    Fortunately, yesterday’s incident had happened abruptly, but it was also resolved quickly. The news has not yet reached the manor, let alone Kami’s grandparents, otherwise…

    Monta and Fu Qing couldn’t bear to imagine that scene.

    Seeing that her “handover” was about to succeed, Kami began her final struggle.

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    Kami looked up at Yang Yang, innocent and pitiful with big watery eyes: “Yang Yang, I don’t want to be separated from you.”

    Yang Yang squatted down and smiled: “We will come back after barely two days in the village, Kami must obediently listen to Uncle Monta and Brother Fu Qing.”

    Kami clutched her small chest: “But I will miss you!”

    Yang Yang laughed: “I will miss you too.”

    Kami’s eyes lit up immediately: “Then let’s not separate!”

    Yang Yang laughed out loud— this little kid, where did she learn those tricks.

    Seeing that Yang Yang laughed, Kami thought that her trick had worked so she immediately spread out her arms and jumped into Yang Yang’s arms with joy, but as soon as she opened her arms, her body rose into the air and she was handed to Monta.

    Monta reached out to catch Kami, one big and one small pair eyes stared at each other, then they both looked back at Archibald.

    Archibald’s face was a bit cold: “You should go.”

    After finishing speaking, Archibald pulled Yang Yang up, but did not let go of his hands afterwards, wrapping his tail around Yang Yang’s calf.

    Kami: “…”

    Her beast instinct told her that Archibald’s action meant “claiming sovereignty”.

    Monta: “…”

    Showing spousal sovereignty to a five-year-old? ?

    Tut tut.

    Archibald ignored Monta’s teasing eyes and continued to say solemnly: “The winter camp continues, Yang Yang and I will be back in two days.”

    Monta shrugged, changed Kami’s position in his arms for more comfortable and responded: “Okay, then we’re leaving. ——The aircraft can only reach up to here, it’s too difficult to find a place to stop here, let me know when I you’re going back I will pick you up.”

    Archibald: “En.”

    Seeing that her fate was engraved in steel, Kami could only lay on Monta’s shoulder and wave vigorously to Yang Yang: “Yang Yang, you have to come back soon.”

    After finishing speaking, she covered her mouth with one hand then blew kiss to Yang Yang with a “muma”.

    Archibald: “…”

    Yang Yang was amused and waved back to Kami.

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    When Archibald saw that Yang Yang didn’t blow back a kiss, he felt a little more comfortable, and then urged Monta with his eyes—why aren’t you leaving?

    Monta: “…”

    Monta rolled his eyes, carried Kami by himself, Fu Qing took the roasted rabbit and the instructor finished putting out the fire, then the group of four people got on the aircraft and flew away, quickly disappearing.

    Archibald looked up to see them off and only after the aircraft disappeared, Archibald looked away, the joyful upwards arc of his mouth betrayed his mood.

    Yang Yang was very amused and speechless, but due to Baldhead and Scarface’s presence, he did not expose Archibald’s childish behavior.


    On the way back, it was still Scarface who led the way.

    Baldhead was a die-hard fan of Archibald, he talked a lot on the way there and now he was also responsible for enlivening atmosphere on the way back.

    However, they had been only walking for quarter a hour, when Scarface suddenly paused and stopped in his tracks.

    “What’s wrong?”

    Archibald immediately became vigilant. Although he did not lack experience in field combat, he had more experience in fighting soul beasts. He was less sensitive to the dangers in the jungle than Scarface.

    However, Scarface didn’t say anything, he just stood there stiffly, and then slowly bent down.

    “Ah, it’s a seizure.”

    The bald man on one side realised in hindsight, then squatted down with Scarface and explained to Yang Yang and Archibald, “It’s a soul power riot seizure, but it’s okay, I brought medicine with me when I went out.”

    Hearing this, Yang Yang immediately looked at Scarface, and sure enough, he saw that Scarface was pale, and a thin layer of sweat had gathered on his forehead, pooling into sweat drops.

    Seeing that Scarface seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable, Yang Yang looked at Baldhead puzzledly: “You said you brought medicine, you should give him some quickly. He seems to be in a lot of pain.”

    Baldhead took off the bamboo tube hanging from his waist, shook his head and explained: “The conditions for this medicine are very strict. The attack must reach a certain level. After observing whether there is a possibility of an outbreak, the dosage can be used according to the situation.”

      In the past month, Yang Yang had learned a lot by himself in order to understand Archibald’s condition better. ——This was the first time he had heard of this method of taking medicine.

    But Yang Yang didn’t open his mouth to make remarks— the villagers’ situation obviously couldn’t be judged by common sense.

    Archibald was a little nervous. He knew that during a soul riot attack, the patient would be crazy and extremely aggressive.

    However, Archibald didn’t ask Yang Yang leave, but just changed his posture slightly to make it easier to protect Yang Yang.

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    five minutes later.

    Scarface’s body was already shaking, while Baldhead hadn’t given any medicine yet.

    It wasn’t until Scarface suddenly let out a muffled snort and let out a few fragmented syllabes that Baldhead opened the bamboo tube swiftly, took out a bamboo tube cup with marked dosages and poured the rice soup-like liquid to the corresponding scale mark, then made Scarface drink it.

    Scarface didn’t get better immediately after drinking it, but twitched and groaned in pain for a while before calming down slowly.

    Baldhead supported Scarface to lay down on the forest ground full of dead leaves, then smiled apologetically at Archibald and Yang Yang.

    “Duke, Duchess, I’m sorry, he needs to rest for a while to recover.”

    Archibald naturally had no objection, he took out a thin blanket from the space and handed it over: “Cover him, he just broke out in sweat, it’s easy to get sick.”

    Baldhead was overwhelmed with favour and thanked repeatedly after receiving it.

    Archibald pulled Yang Yang back a little and found a tree root to rest on.

    After sitting down, Archibald asked Yang Yang softly: “What’s the matter?”

    Ever since Scarface had an attack, Yang Yang’s expression was not quite right.

    Yang Yang shook his head, “I haven’t really figured it out yet.”

    When Scarface fell sick just now, he released his soul power and began to observe Scarface’s soul power.

    His soul power was still very strong, although not as majestic as to overflow around the body like a cocoon, but it still on the level of “little white suit” covering the skin.

    And when Scarface was sick, Yang Yang saw many holes in his soul power— that should have been a sign of damage to the soul palace. But the strange thing was that at Scarface’s abdomen, the location of the soul palace, the soul power was extremely dense.

    In addition, there were also many black fragments on Scarface’s soul power, which was a symptom of soul beast’s infection, which was nothing unusual.

    However, what puzzled Yang Yang the most was the medicine that Baldhead let Scarface drink.

    Yang Yang didn’t see the soul power of that medicine, but when Scarface drank the medicine, the soul power in Scarface’s abdomen suddenly turned beige.

    This was the first time Yang Yang had seen this colour of soul power— before he thought that soul power was only black, white and gray.

    But then, Yang Yang was even more surprised by the movement of the beige soul power.

    First of all, a person’s soul power would change with emotional fluctuations, but this change was regular and had clear rules to follow, moreover it was only the soul power floating on the surface of the soul power condensed body.

    However, the beige soul power on Scarface’s abdomen seemed to have its own consciousness. It stretched out a tentacle-like strip from Scarface’s abdomen, wrapping around the nearest piece of black soul power, as it seemed to be corroding the other, melting and diluting the black soul power.

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    However, the black soul power “eaten” by the off-white soul power did not turn into off-white, but turned into white together with the off-white soul power and merged into Scarface’s own soul power. At the same time, the hole in the soul power closest to the abdomen was also partially filled by this newly created white soul power.

    And it happened repeatedly.

    When the black soul power in Scarface’s soul power was reduced to a certain level, the black soul power calmed down again, the beige soul power also gradually narrowed in scope and finally disappeared in Scarface’s abdomen.

    What exactly was going on?

    That beige soul power looked almost like a living thing!

    Thinking of this, Yang Yang couldn’t help but feel a chill. But at the same time, he also thought of a mysterious thing in his own world that would always appear in novels—— Gu worms*.

*worms that could invade people’s bodies and had different functions. could be a poison, an aphrodisiac, a controller, etc etc

    Thinking of this, Yang Yang’s had an idea, he looked at Baldhead and asked, “Can I see your medicine?”

    Baldhead naturally agreed, “Of course.”

     There was still less than half of the rice soup in the bamboo tube, it was half-translucent, so you could still see something vaguely at the bottom of the bamboo tube.

     Yang Yang asked: “What’s underneath?”

     Baldhead: “It’s the medicine stone. We all have a certain regularity in occurrence of the riots. It may be that Brother Scar had a fight with the Duke yesterday, which shortened the time of his attack.

     Before the onset of the disease, we’ll soak it in boiled water one day in advance and it will turn into this kind of whitish tea soup after soaking. Then drink an appropriate amount according to the condition of the disease.”

     Yang Yang: “Can I see the medicine stone?”

     The bald head simply poured the tea soup into the bamboo cup and said: “Of course, I originally prepared this for Brother Scar and I still have ten days to get sick.”

    Baldhead handed over the medicine stone without qualms.

    Yang Yang took a look and was taken aback—it wasn’t a stone, or rather, it was more than a stone.

    It was a metal plate with strange patterns on it. It was a soul crystal locking chip— this kind of chip was often used to release healing soul power to achieve the effect of soothing soul power, but it also had the function of guiding soul power.

    And in the middle of the metal plate, there was a white-transparent stone embedded.

    What surprised Yang Yang the most was not that the “medicine stone” had traces of industrial processing, but that the appearance of this “medicine stone” reminded Yang Yang of the chip taken out of the body of the soul beast’s corpse from the circus.

    If the “medicine stone” was shrank multiple times it would be almost identical.


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