Chapter 96: Drinking Poison To Quench Thirst

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    Although medicine stones and chips were very similar, Yang Yang couldn’t determine whether they were really the same thing. The only thing he was sure of was that chips with that structure were uncommon, so there must be a certain connection between the two.

    Yang Yang’s change in expression was too obvious, so that even Baldhead felt something off when he saw it and he asked quickly: “Duchess, what’s the matter? Is there something wrong?”

    Yang Yang came back to his senses, returned the medicine stone to Baldhead and smiled: “No, it’s just that I didn’t expect the medicine stone to be like this, I thought it would be a stone, or a bug corpse or something.”

    Baldhead: “…???”

    Forget about stones, why would there be bug corpses*? ?

*because gu worms… lol

    Yang Yang asked again: “Was the stone given by Dr. Lu? Do you know what is the medicine stone in the middle?”

    Baldhead shook his head: “I don’t know, that’s what we got from Dr. Lu. We were curious, but there are only five stones in total and no one dares to mess with it.”

    “I see.”

    Yang Yang thought for a while and then took out an empty small sugar bottle from the space.

    Yang Yang cleaned up the glass bottle and then handed it to Baldhead: “Can you pour me some of that medicine stone tea?”

    Baldhead was hesitant, thinking that Yang Yang was just curious he reminded, “It is possible, but Duchess, regular people must never drink it.”

    Yang Yang couldn’t help laughing: “I know.”

    The bald man breathed a sigh of relief and then poured all the rice soup-like liquid from the bamboo cup into the glass bottle for Yang Yang.

    Yang Yang took the glass bottle without looking at it and directly put it into the space.

    Baldhead didn’t ask anymore questions and after packing up his things, he went to guard Scarface.

    About ten minutes later, Scarface woke up.

    His face returned to previous ruddy color. Yang Yang opened his soul power vision to check his soul power again and found that the black fragments of his soul power were almost completely buried in the white soul power, with only a little black trace exposed outside; however the soul power holes in his body didn’t get better—even the one that was filled before returned to its original state.

    Yang Yang took note of these changes and then they returned to the village together.

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    After returning to the village, Yang Yang first went back to his and Archibald’s temporary room, and then took out the soul power detector from the space.    

    Archibald saw this for the first time and he was a little confused:”When did you buy this?”

    “During the tourist season.”

     As he replied, Yang Yang put the medicine he got from Baldhead inside and pressed the test button.

    Archibald only thought that Yang Yang bought it to test the soul power of the experimental dishes and didn’t ask much.

    The test results came out soon.

    Test object: Unknown item

    Soul power reserve: High grade b

    Soul power purity: Low grade-a

    Harmful impurities: The soul power of a soul beast is detected, the content ratio meets the edible value, it is recommended to eat with caution

    Other conditions: Abnormal wavelength detected, no verification data.

    Seeing the test results, Yang Yang was a little absent-minded— upon seeing the beige soul power devouring the black soul power and the real face of the medicine stone, Yang Yang had a vague premonition in his heart, thinking that this thing might also have a soul beast soul force, so this result was not inconceivable.

    What surprised Yang Yang was the “abnormal wavelength”.

    Yang Yang bought this detector a month ago and tested many things, but apart from the red and gold fruits, only this thing showed such results..

    Yang Yang immediately summoned Roth: 【Roth, compare this abnormal band. 】

    Roth: 【Yes, master. 】

    Roth: 【Master, I compared it with the soul power of the Soul Cube, the Duke’s soul power and the soul beast soul power and there is no overlap. But I found that there are several parts in its graph that are exactly the same as the soul power in the Soul Cube, but the height of the undulations is different. 】

    Yang Yang: 【Exactly the same? 】

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    Roth:【I swear by my database, it’s exactly the same. 】

    Yang Yang:【With such consistence, can we determine that there is a certain connection? 】

    Roth:【According to the characteristics of the soul power, it can be determined, but because there is no comparative data, the connection part cannot be determined. 】

    Yang Yang: 【That’s enough. 】

    Yang Yang took a deep breath and a bold guess gradually took shape in his mind, which made him a little dazed.

    At this time, Archibald also confirmed the inspection results again and was slightly stunned: “How could there be soul power in it?”

    Yang Yang recovered, then put away the detector and said: “I think we should go ask the old village head.”

    Yang Yang didn’t doubt the old village head, but felt that the old village head should know more, after all, he was the first person to discover the abnormality of the doctor back then, and he also witnessed all the history of the village people.

    Archibald had no objection, so the two went to the old village head together.


    In this village on the slope, the old village head’s house is the only one, not big, but very clean.

    The old village chief sat on a thick seaweed mat, and on the small table was a plate of freshly washed fruits, the most of which were red fruits for pregnant women (females).

    Yang Yang and Archibald had a glance and understood—the old village chief was waiting for them.

    “Hello, village head.”

    After Yang Yang greeted Archibald, he sat down consciously with the old village head.

    The old village head glanced at them and sighed: “I knew when you said you would stay for two days that I couldn’t hide it.”

    Archibald asked him: “Is it because there is soul power in the medicine stone tea?”

    The old village chief nodded and did not speak.

    Yang Yang looked at the old village head and suddenly said: “Not only.”

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    The old village head raised his head and looked at Yang Yang.

    Yang Yang: “A month ago, the Duke and I met a soul corpse beast in the convalescent area. After we sent the soul corpse beast to the scientific research institute, we found a chip in its body.

    The chip was square and there was a hole in the middle, which is very similar to the structure of the medicine stone. After the people in the scientific research institute recovered the chip, they found that the lines on the chip were used to receive the soul power of the soul beast, but the things inside the hole were missing and the chip was incomplete. The clue broke off there because of this.

     But I think you know as well that it takes at least three days for the corpse to transform into a soul corpse beast, but the Duke and I saw that soul corpse beast the night before, right before it died. Its transformation transpired in such a short time.

     This speed is abnormal.

     The people in the scientific research institute believe that the source of this abnormality is the chip in its body. Although the chip can receive the soul power of the soul beast, what is missing in the hole in the middle, which should have the function of suppressing the soul power of the soul beast.”

     At this point, Yang Yang paused for a while before continuing to speak: “Does this medicinal stone tea have the same effect?”

     The old village chief sighed again: “Yes. “

     Yang Yang closed his eyes, puzzledly and angrily asking: “Since you know, why do you give it to the people in the village?

     The medicine stone tea fills the holes in the soul power using the soul power of the soul beast. Although I don’t know how this transformation works, but obviously this is nothing more than digging out flesh to heal sores.

     The soul power of the soul beast cannot be cleared, when the soul power of the soul beast accumulated in the body exceeds the tolerance value, then…”

     Yang Yang took a deep breath and swallowed the last unspoken words.

     The old village head looked at Yang Yang in surprise, and then smiled again.

    “So you have seen this kind of chip. Yes, you are right, but there is one thing you don’t know —our soul power infection will be passed on.”


    Archibald and Yang Yang exclaimed at the same time.

    Archibald was surprised to have never heard of this.

    What surprised Yang Yang was that they were in the same situation as Archibald.

    Yang Yang’s heart beat violently—was this village really related to Archibald’s illness?

    No, it didn’t have to be Archibald, it could have also been another dragon-level soul beast’s victim.

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    Back then, the late Duke and the old village chief were the first people to be impacted by dragon-level soul beast. If they, as well as some people in the village, met certain conditions, it would not be impossible to inherit the soul power of the soul beast.

    Yang Yang was still flustered, as he heard the old village chief continue: “30 years ago, when the doctor confessed to me, he also revealed this secret. But he didn’t know why the soul power of the soul beast could be passed on. It should be related to the medicine we first used.

    Thirty years ago, the soul beast’s soul power inherited by the child was too strong, so that more and more females and pregnant women died at the end.

    After the doctor confessed the truth to me, in order to suppress this inherited soul power and to let the pregnant females and pregnant women give birth normally, the doctor stole the raw material of the medicine stone from the mysterious person and we implanted the chip that the Duchess talked about to some of the fetuses at that time.

    The situation was indeed contained, but we also knew that this was drinking poison to quench thirst, so later the doctor cheated some normal, high-quality genes, and after some trials, we finally cut off this lethal inheritance.”

    Then the accident of 20 years ago ushered in.

    The old village chief shook his head, as if he wanted to shake that memory away.

    “The children born after that, we have tested, they also have some soul power infection, but the inheritance is very little and they have never eaten this kind of medicine stone, they can still be saved.”

    “What about you?”

    Yang Yang asked, “Why don’t you go with us? Doctor Lu has already escaped, what if she brings people back?”

    The old village head smiled: “It doesn’t matter.”

    Yang Yang frowned, “What do you mean?”

    The old village head: “We, as well as these young people who had been planted with chips, need to rely on the medicine stone tea to relieve the disease. The medicine stone tea can restrain the soul beast’s soul power, but at the same time, it also needs the soul power of the soul beast as a stimulus.

    So in order to suppress it, we have been taking the soul power of the soul beast.”

    The old village head glanced at Yang Yang: “Just now the Duchess was worried about what happens when soul power of the soul beast in our bodies reaches a certain value, and we will indeed end badly—— Our fate will be the same as that soul corpse beast.”

    “But it’s too late, not only too much of soul beast’s soul power has accumulated, in our soul palace is also in tatters. The damage caused to those young people’s soul palace who had been implanted with the chip is also very serious. Compared with the soul power of the soul beast, the damage to the soul palace is the most deadly to us.

    No one can save us. And we don’t want to go back with you, —— that soul corpse beast must have made the scientific research institute very curious, if we go, how will we be treated? Yes, I know you will protect us, young Duke, but it’s really unnecessary.”

    Yang Yang and Archibald wanted to say something, but the old village chief had interrupted them with a wave of his hand, then took out a box from behind and pushed it in front of Archibald and Yang Yang.

    The old village head: “There is a medicine stone inside, that’s all I can do. I will make it clear to the children later that young Duke and Duchess will leave with them tomorrow.”


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