Chapter 97: The Labor Period

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    The noon sun was just right, Yang Yang sat on a wooden stool, basking in the warm sun.

    In the open space of the village, the children were chasing colourful balls and laughing loudly, the woman holding the baby gently rocked the swaddle and several old people sat in the shed, smiling and watching the children chasing each other.

    Yang Yang retracted his gaze and took a deep breath, but his heart was still tense.

    Archibald’s tail swept over, pulling Yang Yang a little closer to him. Yang Yang glanced at Archibald and leaned on Archibald’s shoulder in a dependant posture that he’d never done before.

    “They are all aware.”

    Archibald was talking about the villagers. After they came out of the village chief’s room, the villagers looked at them differently, as if they knew what they talked about. The smiles of the villagers revealed relief and kind consolation.

    Yang Yang en’ed: “I can see it. But I just feel uncomfortable.”

    For Lester people, the Soul Palace was like the second heart and the second brain. Once the damage exceeds the repair limit, it was end of Lester’s life.

    Before leaving just now, Yang Yang opened the vision of soul power and saw the soul power of the old village chief. ——Yang Yang had never seen such a serious emptiness. If he was an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.

    And other people in the village also had hollowed soul power. The ones with dense soul power in their abdomens had been implanted with chips, not to mention that the chips couldn’t be taken out, even if they could have been taken out, their Soul Palace would become as hollow as the old village chief; while those with holes in their abdomens were those without chips, that was, children.

     Archibald was silent for a while and then suddenly said: “The village chief said that the infected soul beast’s soul power is passed down as a result of medication, but as far as I know, the people who had been infected back then didn’t have such a case with genetic illness of soul power. Why did that mysterious person want to do such an experiment?”

     Yang Yang lowered his eyelids and said softly: “I don’t know, maybe it’s not the purpose of the experiment, just an unexpected side effect.”

     Archibald nodded, he didn’t know much about medicine, so he could only write down this information first.

    After a pause, Archibald suddenly said: “I’m going to play with the children.”

    First and foremost because he liked children and it was rare that these children were not afraid of him; and secondly because it would be good to establish a harmonious relationship in advance.

    “Yeah.” Yang Yang straightened up and patted Archibald’s tail, “Go, don’t bully the kids.”

    Archibald took back his tail and stood up, helplessly saying: “I’m not that naive.”

    Yang Yang smiled “Kami.”

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    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald looked away uncomfortably, and while walking towards the playing kids, he whispered confidently: “That’s different.”

    These children were clinging to him, but Kami was clinging to Yang Yang, there was an essential difference between the two!

    Yang Yang laughed out loud, he propped up his chin to watch Archibald walk into the group of children and instantly became their leader, the young people from the village also joined in. Within a short while, half of the village was playing.

    Looking at their noisy scene, the smile on the corner of Yang Yang’s mouth gradually faded.

    ——Inheritance of soul beast’s infection. Yang Yang didn’t think this was a side effect of the medicines.

    There were two reasons.

    First, judging from the increasingly serious condition of the villagers, the medicine at the beginning was not to suppress mania.

    Second, inheriting must have a transformation process. The doctor recorded their data every day. It was impossible not to notice this change, but he did not change the medicine in time.

    Therefore, the inheritance of the soul power of the soul beast was the purpose of the medicine.

    It was not difficult to imagine the purpose of researching this medicine— for example, if it could be fully inherited, would it be possible to completely “cure” one’s soul infection through “inheritance”?

    There were quite a few great nobles who were hit by the Old Emperor Star back then. For some of them, finding a dispensable life and giving birth to a child which could “cure” them, this deal wasn’t just good.

    This was not Yang Yang’s “fantasy”. There were examples around him— the Donton family.

    No, wasn’t that the Donton family was the initiator of the experiment, but the innate inheritance of the Donton family proves the feasibility of this kind of inheritance. What’s more, the mysterious man did this experiment only after discovering the inheritance of the Donton family.

    It’s just that the results of the experiment were unsatisfactory, because if the mother’s body was infected, it would only end up with one corpse two bodies. So when Dr. Lu appeared, what she brought wasn’t the inheritance experiment, but a medicine stone that was biased towards “suppression”.

    But if things were like Yang Yang thought, there were two things that are terribly chilling to think about.

    First, even Zhang Jun, Gu Lita, and Ya Qing, the three people who were most familiar with the genetic diseases of the Donton family, didn’t know that soul beast’s soul power was inherited in the Donton family. How did the mysterious person know?

    Second, Archibald’s soul power, soul cube’s soul power, medicine stone’s soul power, and the “abnormal wavelength” between the three, proving that there was some sort of connection.

    Before getting conclusive evidence, Yang Yang didn’t want to jump to conclusions about who was the culprit and who was innocent.

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    But there was one thing he had to figure out— whether there was medicine stone in the medicine Archibald used.

    But, what reason could he have to take Archibald’s medicine?

    Yang Yang was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice that Archibald had already walked up to him.

    “What are you thinking?”

    Archibald bent down and looked at Yang Yang, propping up his hands on his knees.

    Yang Yang was startled and looked up to see Archibald’s sweaty, dust-stained face, and the depression in his heart dissipated.

    Yang Yang laughed, stretched out his index finger to wipe the dust off Archibald’s face, and joked: “Lord Duke, you can’t be more than 10 years old now.”

    Archibald also smiled and did not refute. He pulled Yang Yang up and said: “The sun is getting too bright, let’s go sit in the shed.”

    Yang Yang stood up with his strength, expressing helplessness at being regarded as fragile porcelain: “No, I don’t, hiss——.”

    Without saying a word, Yang Yang gasped suddenly and immediately froze in place clutching his stomach.

    Archibald was taken aback, then the scales on his tail exploded in an instant and his whole body expressed panic.

    “What’s wrong with you? Stomach pain? What’s the pain? Do you feel any pain?Are you about to give birth?”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang’s stomach hurt, but looking at Archibald’s pinecone-like tail he wanted to laugh again, but when he wanted to laugh, his stomach hurt even more, so Yang Yang’s expression distorted at once, his whole body trembled because he couldn’t hold back laugher.

    When Archibald saw Yang Yang like this, he panicked even more—was he in such pain? ! !

    Archibald wanted to pick up Yang Yang, but seeing Yang Yang’s appearance, he didn’t dare to move rashly. He could only force yourself to calm down. Be sober, think about what Aunt Gu said before leaving?

    ——Oh right, the detector belt!

    Archibald’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly took out a very rustic golden wristband from the storage space with a dozen or so storage chips inlaid on it and numbered in order.

    ——This was prepared by Abel, from the treatment cabin with delivery function to the care tools for newborn eggs to the backup power supply and even some purified water after disinfection.

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    Archibald skilfully opened one of them, took out a belly belt detector and put it on Yang Yang’s stomach and started testing without saying a word.

    At the same time, just in case, Archibald opened other storage spaces one after another and with “bang bang bang” sounds various treatment cabins and detectors fell to the ground, surrounding them.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang: “Hahaha… Hiss… Don’t, I’m fine… Haha… I just hiss… hurt a bit, not gonna give birth…”

    Yang Yang gasped mid-laugh, he couldn’t catch a breath when laughing so much so Yang Yang pinched Archibald’s strong arm angrily and said fiercely, “Don’t tease me!”

    Archibald: “…???”

    I don’t I didn’t! I’m panicking to death, okay!

    “It’s the labor period of the female body.”

    This movement attracted the villagers and the woman holding the baby smiled and answered Archibald’s doubts.

    “The female body has three to seven days of labor pains before giving birth. If he was really going to give birth, the fetal water would break first.”

    At this time, the test results of the detector belt also came out, confirming the woman’s guess.

    Archibald finally breathed a sigh of relief, but was still worried, looking at Yang Yang nervously.

    Fortunately, Yang Yang’s wave of pain only lasted for about a minute and then he was fine. On the contrary, he laughed so much he couldn’t catch his breath just now and his ribs were still hurting.

    Yang Yang took a shallow breath and lightly pressed his ribs to relieve the pain, while glaring at Archibald: “Put your things away.”

    The scales on Archibald’s tail finally smoothed down, but he didn’t take them back at once, he bent down and hugged Yang Yang to the shed and sat down, stroking Yang Yang’s belly with lingering fear.

    “Did it hurt just now?”

    Seeing how worried he was, Yang Yang couldn’t bear it anymore: “It didn’t hurt much, I was mostly shaking from laughing.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Yang Yang started to amuse himself again: “Did you know that when your tail puffs up, it looks like a pine cone.”

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    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald had no temper at all, but at least he was not as worried as before.

    “The labor period had come earlier. When we go back tomorrow, we must return to the base of the winter camp right away.”

    The choice of logistics staff for the winter camp this time also included several experts in pregnancy and childbirth, all to take care of Yang Yang in case of giving birth early. ——Looking at it now, it really wasn’t worrying for nothing.

    Yang Yang had no objection, but patted his stomach with a sigh: “Do you think it’s in such a hurry to set a new record?”

    Archibald: “…”

    Okay, it seems that it is really all right .

    “Don’t talk nonsense.”

    Archibald stood up, rubbed Yang Yang’s hair, and said, “I’m going to pack up, you sit for a while.”

    Yang Yang nodded obediently: “Okay.”


    Afternoon, the old village chief called some villagers over one after another, Yang Yang guessed that it should be about the children leaving.

    Although they weren’t before, Yang Yang and Archibald were now a little worried about the children’s reaction. —but it turns out they were worrying for naught.

    Yang Yang and Archibald didn’t know what the old village head said, but when the children came out, although they were not very excited or hyped, but they didn’t have any resistance to leaving the village.

    As the first child to come into contact with Archibald and Yang Yang, Little Whitebelly was automatically promoted to a “captain” and even came to greet Archibald and Yang Yang and ensured that they would be obedient.

    What was somewhat unexpected but also reasonable was that the woman holding the baby would also go back with them—her child was too young and the child was too young to know anything about feelings or world, she couldn’t leave her own child easily.

    Yang Yang and Archibald naturally had no objection.

    What they didn’t expect was that before tomorrow’s farewell, they had another farewell tonight.


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