Now then.

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With this, all of the members of the Saviors of Arceus are now incapacitated.


I really want to squeeze everything out of these guys already but it seems it’s a bit early for that.


I just followed them right off the bat afterall.

I haven’t even made any preparations or some sort to forcefully gather information.


Anyway, let’s just collect these bunch and turn them over to the guild. Let’s leave the information gathering and interrogation to the guildmaster Arturo and just wait for him.


…Or so I would like to but there are three adult men lying unconscious in front of me though.


I mean, I can grab a hold of all of these men if needed but it just feels too troublesome. It would be really nice if there’s a carriage around.

But if I just leave them here for a while then these guys might do something bothersome.


–Oh, wait a moment.


It ain’t a carriage but I sure learned to summon something just the other day. I haven’t tested this ability even once before but I have nothing to lose trying it out in this situation so let’s give it a go.


With that being the case.


Let’s move with them in a desolate plain.


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I’m still rather unfamiliar with this ability so I need to be as prudent to avoid as little accidents as necessary.



List of currently available cheat codes:

– Attack Powers Up (Low)

– Fire Attribute Magic – All Use

– Visualization of Target’s Physical Abilities

–  Rewriting of Target’s Attack Powers (Low)

– Absorption

– Invulnerability (minimum)

– Summon Ancient Weapon (1)




Nice. Let’s give it a try then.


–Cheat Code Activate.

–Summon Ancient Weapon (1)


I finish the chant in my mind and suddenly the atmosphere trembles as signs of space being distorted start.


However, the size of the space being distorted isn’t that big.

If I have to say, it feels just about the same height as my waist.


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Then, once the trembling in space has ended, a rather peculiar thing has appeared that can be described as anything but ordinary.


If I have to make a brief description of it, well, it sure looks like it’s a lump of steel.


It’s full body is colored gray while there are two black circles on it which seem to be a pair of eyes to its face. It has no feet but is somehow capable of mobility using other sort of mechanism.


It’s full height is as high as my chest.

Yep, it’s the ancient weapon that I’ve read before in fairy tales.


Still, contrary to it’s cute appearance, it’s potential to wreak havoc in battles is high.

Enough that lots of its achievements were recorded in lots of different stories.


[Ha-vu (have) you col-d (called) for me, Ari-youos (Arios) – sama?]


Listening to the awkward pronunciation of the ancient weapon, I can’t help but reply with a bitter smile.


[…Uh, there’s something I need your help with.]

[Puh-liz (please) tell me anything. I do anything.]


Anything, huh.


Now that sounds nice.

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I guess I’m not just capable of summoning them but I am also allowed to take full control on how to use them.

Looking at the ability’s name once again, it seems like I’ll be able to summon another one of these weapons in the future.


[Then, can you please carry these three people for me? They’re unconscious so please make sure not to wake them up.]





The ancient weapon then extends an iron bar from it’s left and right and expertly uses it to pick up the unconscious goofs one by one. 

Then, as for the other member left, I’ll just carry that one on my back so there’s no more problem.


[Haha… Great. Thanks for the help.]

[No. Any-thing for you, Ari-youos (Arios) – sama]


Well, I really can’t say anything back anymore if that’s what the ancient weapon tells me so.

Still, it doesn’t change the fact that this thing is pretty helpful.


[Puh-liz (please) say <Return> and I shall revert back to the dimension where I came from. Just say the word and I shall execute.]


I see.


I don’t fully understand what the weapon is saying about coming from another dimension but I can basically summon and undo it whenever I want to, right? Now that’s what I call convenient.


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That being the case, I better expect that me and this ancient weapon will get a long way together.


[Then, I look forward to working with you. But, uhm… What am I supposed to call you?]

[Call me anything. I will ac-sep (accept) ‘Scrap’ or ‘Dummy’ if you will.]

[No, no, no, that’s kinda messed up though….]


I really can’t definitely call someone that will accompany me for a long time as scrap or alike.


[Dies-sama calls me <Viin>. That is what I was being called as I remember.]


Dies… It must be referring to the Goddess, right.


Oh yeah.

It was said in the stories before that these ancient weapons are fighting under the will of the goddess.

This reminds me once again that this ancient weapon really must have been the one being described in stories and tales…


[Viin, is it. Then I’ll call you the same, okay?]

[Puh-liz. I shall serve to the best of my abilitiz.]


Viin says in response as its body make rumbling noises while it moves and vibrates.


Translator’s Notes:

Uwaa, these past couple of days were hard. I was able to recover for a bit to the point that my eyes aren’t now tearing up just cos I was staring at screens and was able to translate now. Thank you, Nightlight/Blue light protection. This should be release 4/5. I hope you guys didn’t wait that long.

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