It’s quite a fair distance to travel between the estate of the Ald family and Rastal village.

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When I was chasing the members of Saviors of Arceus earlier, it only took me quite a few minutes. 

However, now that I am carrying these bunch with me on my way home, it won’t be anymore that quick and easy anymore.

Further, these bunch of things that reeks of bloodlust and malice lurking behind the leaves and grass ahead our way just have to make it harder.


*Sigh*… It’s a pack of groups of monsters, I guess.

Considering their number, it would be impossible to just bypass them.

Got to break through I guess.


Now then, let’s drop these guys for a bit. 

I remain vigilant as I perk up my ears and check the surroundings.




[Commendable detection ability… As expected of Arios-sama…]


Viin speaks to me using it’s mechanical voice.


But I wonder.

Viin is an ancient weapon and, as a non-living object, shouldn’t really have any kind of will or emotion. Still, it felt like it just said something in admiration.


As such, I can’t help but spare a moment to glance at Viin before returning my attention back to the surroundings.


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[…I mean, ofcourse. Since we’re dealing with the Saviors of Arceus, we gotta be ready for anything they might throw.]


In the worst case scenario, these bunch’s colleagues from their cult might make a move to dispose of them and ensure their silence.

However, I don’t really feel a presence similar to them at the moment so I guess we’re still okay.


[…As expected of the Sword Saint. Faruas-sama really has chosen the right person to put his hopes for.]

[Like I’ve been saying… I’m not a sword saint.]


Just how many times I have to repeat myself.


[…Arios-sama, rather, I believe it my chance as your servant to do my job. Please standby and allow me to clean this up.]

[Well… If you’re saying that much then I shall leave it to you.]


I’ve read how strong ancient weapons are based on records and stories that have been passed down through time but for me, Viin’s powers and abilities remain to be a mystery. Let’s take this chance to confirm how strong he (?) really is.


[If you’ll excuse me.]


Viin respectfully says so before laying down the guys hanging from the iron rod that looks like it’s hands.

What’s more, it even removes the grasses and branches that’d been stuck in the members’ clothes and shoulders. All with its metallic tube. I didn’t expect him to be that neat. What a surprise.


[…Then, I shall begin. Booting, start. Combat Mode – On.]


After saying such words, a sudden change occurred in Viin’s appearance.


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Its round and mechanical cute body starts to immediately change visible to the naked eye as it takes on a more humanly figure.


Two deep red lines formed as if to represent its eyes then two large holes as well appeared on what seems to be its hands.


Oh, it really transformed to something looking ready for battle as it said.


[Fufufu… I am coming for you, cute little kittens.]




*ba-ba-ba-ba-bang!!!bang!!! B-b-b-baangg!!!!*


Woah, that’s loud. There’re something fast and nimble continuously going out from the holes’ of Viin’s hands.


–Wait, are those metallic bullets?

They appear to be enchanted by magic too.


Getting hit even with just one of those looks painful. But here’s Viin’s shooting a lot of them at such a ridiculous speed. Crazy.

No wonder it’s it rings like a blast.





This level goes way beyond ‘Reliable’.

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It’s way too strong. In fact this guy’s an overkill.


[Fuahahahah!! I can still transform two more times!! Do you know what that means!?]


I can’t shake this feeling but… Looking at Viin hysterically laughing while ruthlessly bombarding the monsters with his bullets… he seems to be some kind of evil villain.


This all happened in just a few seconds.


The lush green battlefield filled with nature’s bounty and wonderful grasses immediately transformed into a devastated wasteland with ground and flesh littered around it. There’s not even a single living monster’s presence that can be felt.


Well, you see, those monsters turned out to be packs of whitewolves.

Even a B rank adventurer would find it troublesome to defeat them. But it only took Viin a few seconds to wipe out those monsters.


This ancient weapon.

It’s so so dangerous.


[Zzt – End of battle.]


Viin’s torso then rotates mysteriously for quite a few times as it muttered so.


[Hm? Is something the matter, Arios-sama?]

[…I kinda feel sorry for this but I think it would be better if you refrain yourself from fighting until I say so… It might result in unexpected incidents if you keep this up after all…]

[Arre? Is that so?]

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Viin then put its right arm toward it’s chin (?) as it apparently wonders.


[Well, I am but a servant so I have to stop myself from showing how much stronger I am than my master.]

[N-no way that’s true you know.]


It’s true that <Cheat Code Manipulation> is overpowered but having an ability of it flaunt of it is kinda… er….


[That kind of vanity isn’t necessary. You should really learn how to evaluate your own strength and reflect on it rather than indiscriminately destroying everything.]



…Why is this guy (?) sounding so disheartened.


[Th-then I shall do so. By your will, Arios-sama.]


Viin then reverted to its previous form and started to carry the members of Saviors of Arceus once again.


[Just for reference Arios-sama, is there anything in the fight earlier that made you surprisingly amaze?]

[Hm? Yeah… There were quite a couple of times.]

[…It must have been quite a sight…]


Vinn then says so as if it heaves out a sigh.

Translator’s Note:

Ugh… I didn’t make it in time last weekend as it was really hard moving around when dizziness struck everytime. I have recovered now and will be releasing 4 chapters this week (this one from previous and 3 for the current) — hopefully! Happy weekdays to you all!!

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