91 – Yo, Not on Top of Me

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 Simplicity  Web Novel [ ウェブ小説]  December 31, 2021 5 Minutes



I let all the tension fly away from my body and happily dive on to my bed.


Ahhh~ so fluffy.

The bed is so soft I let my whole body succumb as I relish the feeling of reuniting with my bed that felt separated to me for such a long time. As expected of Rei’s family’s rest house. All the furniture really is top notch.


[You’ve worked hard, Arios-sama.]


There was a knock before Maeri Robalt made her appearance.

She’s a maid. My exclusive one.

She’s wearing light clothing on top of an apron and one can really see how beautiful her figure is.


[Maeri? What’s up?]

[I was thinking that you might be tired. You’ve probably fought several battles until just a while ago, yes?]

[Oh… Well, kinda.]


It was unexpected but I did have several battles in the Ald estate.

The bunch from SoA aside, there’s Dudley, Leon, and even their top 3, Jack Iregg.


It was quite a lot actually now that I think about it.


I didn’t have any life threatening injuries but it sure was exhausting, both physically and mentally.


[That’s what I thought so I came to see Arios-sama to give him a massage. Please keep on lying down as you are right now.]

[I – I see…]


A massage, huh.

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Can she actually do one?

I am aware of her superb skills in cooking and cleaning but a massage is a news to me.





Oh… yeah… as expected, it’s rather clumsy and awkward. She’s doing her best to put pressure on my back but yeah, that isn’t what I really know as a massage.




Now that I think about it, I found Maeri waiting at the village gate when we got back from Ald estate.


She appeared exhausted.

It was obvious how she lacked sleep but still persisted to wait for me.




Something wet then dropped to my back.


It isn’t that hard for me to guess but I am certain it came from her eyes.


[How is it Arios-sama? Are you feeling well?]

[Yeah. Keep it up, Maeri. It feels like my fatigue’s gradually disappearing.]

[Is that so. That’s great…]


*drops* *drops*.


[Arios-sama… as you are aware, I hold nothing but a failskill. That’s why, unlike Rei-sama and Em-sama, I could not be of any help when it comes to your battles. I… I can’t be anything but useless for Arios-sama and I just can’t help but feel frustrated and helpless…]

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[I know that Arios-sama is strong. I know that my worries are even unnecessary — however, my heart and anxiety just cannot be calm until I see you return safely… Just how stupid of me, really…]

[No.. Don’t speak like that… Seeing how you waited for me actually made me really glad.]


How can I not be happy knowing there are people who think so much of me.


[I might trouble you some more time in the future. But as long as you won’t get tired of it… I’ll always feel happy to see you waiting for me. That’s more than enough.]

[Arios-sama… Thank you so much.]


That’s it.

That’s another reason for me to fight.

It’s to keep this place safe and return safely on  Maeri’s side. I receive Maeri’s clumsy massage as I renew my determination to move forward.


[Oh right… Arios-sama.]


[I notice that the adventurers are rather moving in a hurry… Did something happen again?]

[Yeah. Actually…]


Maeri tilts her head in curiosity and I proceed to explain things to her chronologically.


First, the guild master Arturo handled the clean up of the matters with regard to the Ald family.

The staffs, upon hearing what happened, fainted one after another though.


During this period, the shadow stone was sequestered separately as we can’t be certain whether it would be used once again either to summon something or have members of SoA transferred somewhere.


With that being the case, the members are now being transported towards the capital’s Adventurer’s guild instead with the aid of the adventurers. Because unlike the branch here in Rastal, the one in the capital has enough space to hold off the captives.


But there’s one problem we have to eventually face.


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Right before this day, all clean ups and capture of SoA members are handled by the palace personnel.

Even during the monster breakout in Rure village, it was the kingdom’s army who took care of the rest.


However – we cannot rely on them anymore from now on.


The SoA’s 3rd seat – Jack Iregg, is actually residing in the royal castle. Not only that, a laboratory of some sort where homunculi just like Em exists as well somewhere inside it.


That being the case, there’s only one thing we all agreed upon.


–The kingdom is in collusion with the terrorist organization.


I’ve witnessed it beforehand but it still sounds absurd.


But perhaps the reason why the members that were originally caught before managed to escape is due to their organization and the royal family’s relation.


We were told that a mysterious power suddenly took effect but what it’s just actually a farce the palace and the terrorists have to show off.


It’s not even funny.

Their despicableness is so disgusting it makes me want to vomit.


And due to this despicability, to the point of absurdity, that no one ever thought of such a possibility.


Now that the adventurer’s guild is handling it by itself, I wonder how the monarchy will react. They might issue an unreasonable decree just for the guild to turnover the captives.


And, considering the terrorists organization’s third seat got thoroughly beaten, there’s no doubt that they’ll definitely get shaken.


That being the case, they’re absolutely making their move quite immediately. Atleast that’s what I think.


Arturo and Rei agree as well with my view on this matter though.

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So after a few hours of rest, we will once again gather immediately in Rastal’s guild office to discuss how we should proceed. 


That’s the plan for now.


[I see… So that’s why…]


Hearing all the things that I said this far made Maeri’s voice again filled with worry.


[Sorry about this, Maeri but I’ll have to trouble you once again. I promise, I’ll definitely make it back safe…]

[Fufu. It’s okay.]

[!? O-oi!?]


I started to feel her whole weight on top of my body as she puts me in her embrace.


[I’ll wait for you. No matter what… No matter when… Just please get back home safe…]

[…That’s what people normally call death flags though.]


[Ah, no. nevermind.]


I cough *fake* to get my groove back and seriously respond.


[I will definitely be back. So don’t worry too much.]

[Fufu… That’s not something you can say when you’re helplessly lying under me though.]

[I don’t wanna hear that coming from you!!]


Ah~ Maeri can be as cheeky as she could be, huh.

Translator’s Note:

This is the final chapter of the day! Once again, happy new year, everyone!

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