Yo, Dreams do Happen I Suppose

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After that moment.


Maeri leaves the room as she still has some chores to do.

She’s really a hardworking maid.

I personally think that it would be okay for her to rest even a little but she’s still as busy as ever. All for the sake of serving me, her master. Just like with that massage. She just has her own way of doing things for me.


[Hmm~~ hmmm~~~ hm hmm~~]


Oh, that was Maeri that’s been humming and it seems to be coming from the kitchen. She must be washing the dishes.


…But yeah, just as I can clearly hear Maeri’s hymn, I can clearly feel the absence of the noise and liveliness of Rei.




I want to check up on her so I get up from the bed and get out of my room.

I walk in front of Rei’s room and gently knock on her door.


[Rei, are you there?]



As expected, she’s still down and upset about what we have discovered regarding SoA.


–I bet she has a lot of things in her head right now.

The princess lived for more than half of her own life in the royal palace. And to imagine that the place she’s been treating as her home is giving shelter to the bands of criminals that are terrorizing the kingdom and citizens they must safeguard… She must have her heart in pieces right now.


[Is it okay for me to come in?]



Hearing her affirmation, I slowly and carefully open the door to her room and go inside.


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Reimira Li Arceus. 

My childhood friend, the royal princess, is currently sloppingly laying down on her table.

I think she’s been lying face down after all this time absorbed in her own thoughts. I mean, her forehead is kinda reddish now that she looks in my direction.


[Arios, you’re back…]



Uhm, lady, we’ve been together going out and going back, but yeah, not really the right time to point it out. I think she’s been really out of shape considering she can’t even get a greeting straight.


We’re going to be in a meeting in the guild later and so I check her clock on the wall. It appears that we still have time so let’s try and talk to her.


I sit on the opposit side of the table she’s laying on and look straight on to her eyes.


[Uhm… yeah, so… you okay?]



Rei didn’t even bother replying back to my question and went face down once more.


[Hey… I was thinking of just keeping my mouth zip all this time but… is it okay for me to go all out?]

[O-oh… yeah, go ahead?]

[The reason I want to live in Rastal is for us to be together, always and forever, Arios. But… that’s just not the only reason.]


Oh, really.


[Have you ever thought of this? Aren’t I staying outside the palace far too long for a ‘vacation’?]



That’s – yeah, of course I thought of that before.

Rei is the royal family’s second princess who’s being trusted by the king himself. Aside from being blessed with Holy Magic, she’s got a good head on her shoulders as well.

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Though she’s interacting with everyone mostly in a very casual manner, her actual standing is incomparably unreachable for ordinary people.


That being said, she’s always been by my side.


As part of the royal family, she has her own share of responsibility and shouldn’t have much leisure to stay with me. Uhm, yeah, I wonder if this already affects her public duties.


But as I was curious about that, Rei already gave the answer.


[…Everything is all due to Leafa-onii-sama’s handiwork. For him, I am a political rival who might get in his way of inheriting the throne. I can’t even count how many times I was almost killed by assassins wearing black robes back in the royal castle …]



They’re wearing robes too. 

No need to overthink who those people might be at this point.


[That’s why I ran away from Onii-sama at all costs. It would only be a matter of time for me to die if I stayed in the castle.]





[Then, Rei, the reason why the crown prince gave you such a long vacation is…]

[To keep me away from the king and weaken my standing amongst the royalty. He is able to project an image of an ‘understanding brother’ while chasing out his political enemy. Perhaps the day he’ll sit on the throne is coming sooner than expected.]

[haha… hahahaha….]


Man, I can only laugh in response.


I mean, I can’t believe it.

A different kind of battle is happening without my knowledge and we’re being swept away by it.


[But yeah… He is not someone I wasn’t able to really understand at all. He shows a gentle presence around him but his gaze are those of a predator.]

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[Un. To be honest, even I have no idea what is running inside Onii-sama’s head.]


Well, yeah.

Just why would he back an organization that is terrorizing his own kingdom and citizens.

We’re talking about Crown Prince Leafa. He isn’t someone like Eupheas Ald who’ll do things for his own desires and lust. He must have some kind of objective.



The Goddess Dies, The First Sword Saint, and the founding king, King Organt.



–’Arios, I want you to be stronger. For the sake of being ready to face the incoming disaster.–

*end of flashbacks*


The three people who’ve built the very foundation of this kingdom entrusted me for what’s about to happen in the future.


And to be honest, I can feel it coming closer and clearer.


[So you see… I feel really scared.]


It’s the first time in this conversation that Rei finally showed her emotions.


[Just what is Onii-sama thinking… Just where does he intend to put this whole kingdom and it’s citizens… I… I can’t understand it at all…]


I’ve never seen her like this before.

She appears she’s bringing out the fears and frustrations that she’s been keeping all along.


But, in times like this, I–


[Hahaha… So stupid.]


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Can only laugh bitterly in response.


[If you’ve said that right from the start, then we could have moved sooner than later… Seriously, you doing things on your own because you’re strong haven’t changed since before.]


[Rei, though we’ve already lost the Makuba family’s tradition… I’ve always dreamed of being the person who’ll stay by your side as your retainer. And that dream didn’t go anywhere and is still burning deep inside me.]


When I received a failskill during the ceremony, I almost gave up on that dream for some time.

But… Dudley… and so was Leon… I’ve beaten both of them and won against all the battles I fought so far.


That’s why.


[This might not be formal but I, Arios Makuba, would like to be your retainer… Will you please accept?]



Rei’s cheeks then blushed pink in embarrassment.


[That’s… you really choose this time to ask that… how sly…]

[Hahaha, it’s kinda cheeky, ain’t it? How can I be your escort without going through the formalities…]

[That’s not the part I was talking about when I said ‘sly’!!]


Rei’s embarrassed expression then immediately turned into an annoyed one.


[Arios, can we stay together with just the two of us before the meeting starts? It would only be for just a while but… will that alright?]

[Yeah. I don’t mind.]

[Fufu. Yatta~~♪.] (yey!)


And since a long while, I’ve been graced by the second princess’ beautiful brimming smile.

Translator’s Notes:

As someone who’ve been in a position where I had no choice but to bottle up my emotions, seeing Rei have Arios listen to her before it all bursts felt kinda gratifying. Not everyone has that someone. Be it a lover, a friend, or family. So if you have someone you can talk to for whatever things you keep inside, don’t hesitate to show them your appreciation and love! <3 Speaking of dreams, not having one isn’t a sin. Most people just want to survive until Friday and that’s alright. As for me? Man, I can only dream of being able to translate atleast one chapter a day you know. Still trying. Haha. But hey, as they say, dream big! And if you already found yours, that’s a big step already! Go get the bacon, buddy!

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