Old Injury

Chapter extra 5

“Sister, sister, forget it…” He stood in the center slightly at a loss, looking like he wanted to go forward but didn’t know how.

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In front of him, there were two children huddled together, one of them was Song Ningxi, needless to say.

“You are ugly! Ugly, weird!” She angrily rode on top of the other child and pressed him to the ground.

It should be a little boy of four or five years old. She was completely suppressed by her weight. She kept slapping the ground with her hands. I don’t know if she was suppressed or really sad. She cried like she was about to die.

“Your brother woo woo… he’s ugly, woo woo you are ugly too!” Even though the situation turned against him now, he was still full of momentum, “Your family is all ugly!”

“You talk about it!” Ning Xi gasped Roughly, he slapped the little boy on the back with a forceful slap.

The other party cried even louder.

“Song Ningxi, stop!” I was afraid that she would hit someone badly, so I hurriedly stepped forward and pulled her up.

Seeing me stunned, she struggled subconsciously and shrank in the direction of Song Mo.

“I didn’t fight…▻Yiminovel▻” Before I asked her, I began to deny it with a guilty conscience, “It’s none of my business.”

Song Mo took a step forward, shielded her behind him, and consciously and skillfully took on everything responsibility.

“It’s my fault, Mom, don’t scold my sister, it’s because I didn’t watch her.”


At this time Song Bailao and the others also came. Song Xiao and Liang Qiuyang helped the little boy on the ground and patted the other party’s clothes stained with soil. Asked if he was injured.

When the little boy turned the tear-stained face to me, I guessed his identity almost instantly.

The corners of his eyes, his nose, his mouth, he looks so much like Zhu Li.

“What’s the matter?” Song Bailao glanced at the little boy and asked Song Mo with a cold face.

He has always been strict with children, and Song Mo and his sister never dared to be presumptuous in front of him. Just now facing me, Ning Xi dared to make a quibble, seeing Song Bailao shrinking behind his brother and not coming out.

“I was bringing something to eat for my sister just now, the last piece of strawberry cake…” Song Mo was also afraid of him, and described the cause of all this in a weak voice.

He was bringing food to his sister when suddenly his clothes were torn. He looked down and found that it was a beautiful little omega boy.

The other party smiled sweetly and said that he wanted the cake in his hand.

He gave it to him normally, but it was his sister’s favorite strawberry cake… Looking at his sister who was looking forward to it, he humbly refused the other party’s request, but said he could get him another cake.

Unexpectedly, the little boy’s face changed immediately after being rejected. As soon as he smiled, he spit out three words at him: “Ugly bastard.”

These three words could have stabbed a hornet’s nest, Song Mo didn’t care, but Ning Xi was completely blown away. .

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“You’re ugly!” The

little boy glanced at her, and then stepped on a thunder: “You are so fat…”

Before his “fat” suffix disappeared, the little girl had already rushed over like a cannonball, and The opponent scuffled together. Even though the other party was a boy, Song Ningxi, who had excellent genetics, was still superior in skill.

Then is what I saw.

I feel a little emotional, this child is worthy of being Zhu Li’s son, not only in appearance, but also in personality. Especially in terms of being good at camouflage, it is simply a low-end version of Zhu Li.

“You’re an ugly bastard, I want to tell my dad that you bullied me!” Maybe after hearing Song Mo’s words, the little boy suddenly shouted. He wiped his eyes and burped a little from time to time, but his tone and expression were very harsh.

“You are ugly, my brother is so good-looking! He covered his face because he was ill!” The little girl who had been honest heard the word “ugly” and froze again, from behind Song Mo Rush out to attack the opponent.

Then Song Bailao hooked the back collar of his clothes and fixed it in place.

She opened her teeth and danced her claws for a while, and found that she didn’t move. She looked back, and the blown up hair fell back immediately.

“Dad…” she called out nervously.

“You give me enough time. Today is your aunt’s wedding, so don’t make a fool of yourself.” Song Bailao pulled her back to him and held her in his arms, “Next time you have a chance, let’s continue.”

I choked. continue what? There are so many people watching around, what kind of mess is he teaching the child? !

“You…” Just as

I was about to correct Song Bailao’s statement, a slightly anxious figure pushed through the crowd and rushed over.

“Yue Zhu!”

Although I only met each other in a hurry at the wedding a few years ago, the wedding was really impressive, so I recognized Ruan Linghe at a glance.

His appearance has hardly changed, but his temperament has changed. He used to be a melancholy and affectionate son, but now after four years of precipitation, there is not much love left, and only gloom remains between his brows. Like Song Bailao, there were two surgical scars on the back of his neck, formed by removing the glands, but he was more delicate, while Song Bailao was much more ferocious.

“Dad…” The little boy rushed over to him when he saw him, hugged his leg and cried, “They bullied me… woo woo ugly and beat me…”

Ruan Linghe picked him up and gently Pat him on the back.

“Okay, Yue Zhu doesn’t cry.”

I walked up to him in embarrassment and apologized: “I’m sorry, my child did something, it’s our fault.”

He shot me coldly, and when he met my eyes, he was stunned: “Yes. You…” Apparently he recognized me.

“I don’t think the two children are hurt, so forget about it.” Liang Qiuyang came over to act as a peacemaker,” Mr. Ruan is embarrassed, my goddaughter usually treasures her brother the most. They have to work hard. I see that one of them speaks improperly, another acts impulsive, and each of them is wrong, so let’s go home and educate yourself.”

Ruan Linghe glanced at him, did not speak, and turned his eyes directly behind me.

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And behind me… is Song Bailao holding his daughter.

Song Bolao met his gaze, pressed Ning Xi into his arms, squinted slightly and said, “If you are not convinced, I can accompany you.”

My head hurts when I hear that, and the children are not fighting enough. Do you mean to have a fight as a parent?

Ruan Linghe walked towards Song Bailao with the little boy in his arms. I was so scared that I hurried to stop him, but he stopped three steps away and said to the child in his arms, “Apologize to someone.” The

little boy stared at him in shock: ” Dad?”

“Apologize.” Ruan Linghe said it again slowly and clearly.

The little boy bit his lip, and the tears that had finally disappeared from his eyes reappeared.

“I’m sorry…” After saying that, big tears rolled down his cheeks.

Ning Xi didn’t say anything at first, but when Song Mo tugged at the hem of her clothes, she was reluctant to say, “Okay, I’m sorry too.”

Ruan Linghe nodded to us, hugged the child and turned away.

Who would have thought that it didn’t go very far, the little boy who was still aggrieved immediately changed his face, withdrew his tears, lay on Ruan Linghe’s shoulder and made a face at Ning Xi.

“Dad, look at him!”

“What are you looking at?” Song Bailao frowned, “Look at how messy your hair is?”

Ning Xi hugged her head, “Aiya…”

“Come on, grandpa will give you a new comb.” Song Xiao stepped forward and took Ning Xi from his arms, “Did you miss me, little girl?” The

little girl just turned her heart against the enemy, and she hasn’t recognized him yet. Seeing him, he immediately screamed with excitement, hugged his neck and kissed his face fiercely.

“Grandpa, my sister misses you so much.”

Song Xiao was going to the grooming room to re-comb Ning Xi’s hair. Liang Qiuyang volunteered to lead the way for them. Song Mo was not at ease.

“This girl saved the Milky Way in her last life.” Song Bailao hugged my waist naturally and watched the four people enter the building.

I wondered, “Why do you say that?”

“Too many people love her.”

A waiter passed by with a tray in hand, and Song Bailao chose a glass of champagne and handed it to me, and then he took a glass.

“Spoiled her.” I clink glasses with him.

Song Bailao sipped the champagne in his glass: “It can’t be worse than me.” He paused

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, then used the wine glass to cover the smile on his lips, and I whispered, “That’s right.”



He glared at me at a glance.

I lowered my eyes as if nothing had happened.

Not long after Song Xiao and the others came back, Ning Xi’s hair was already neatly combed, and she was led by Song Mo and ran towards here with a hop.

“Dad, don’t you think I’m pretty!” The little girl turned around in front of Song Bailao while holding her skirt.

“Beautiful.” Song Bailao praised the venue.

“Is your younger sister the prettiest?”

“No.” The

little girl slumped her shoulders instantly, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

Song Bailao didn’t know if he was serious or deliberately teasing her, so he leaned over and kissed my cheek and said, “Mom is the most beautiful.”

“Ah…” Ning Xi frowned, and said after a while, “That sister is the second most beautiful!”

Liang Qiuyang didn’t come back with him. Song Xiao said that the auspicious time was coming. He was just taken away by the emcee to prepare, and he took out a ring box.

Song Bailao opened his eyes and saw that it was a pair of rings. The sizes are slightly different, but the style is the same, both are narrow rose gold rings with a heart-shaped diamond in the center.

“It’s so ugly.”

I glared at Song Bai Lao and snatched the ring box from his hand.

At this time, the repertoire played by the live symphony band became “Wedding March”, and the waiter began to inform everyone to take their seats one by one.

It may be the relationship between close relatives and friends. Our seats are very front, in the second row, and in front are the parents and elders of both parties.

Luo Qinghe’s identity is also sitting in the first row, but Luo Mengbai’s seating arrangement is more clever. The seats are distributed on the left and right of the ceremony passage, Luo Qinghe is sitting in the first row on the left, and Song Xiao and us are sitting in the second row on the right, and we can’t touch them.

The gun salute sounded, and Luo Mengbai and Liang Qiuyang entered the hall arm in arm.

Luo Mengbai held a bunch of lily-of-the-valley flowers in his hand. The wedding dress was a very simple fishtail skirt style. The long hair was braided into a centipede braid and hung down behind him. There was a gentle smile on the corners of his eyes and lips.

The two took to the stage together and signed each other’s names on the marriage certificate. Liang Qiuyang was moved to tears for a time, but fortunately he stopped it later, otherwise I was really afraid that he would cry completely.

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The emcee made some remarks, and then it was time for Ning Xi to appear.

She was carrying a small tray on which was the red ring box.

She carefully and cautiously walked to the newcomer at the end, just when she was about to complete the task perfectly, she accidentally tripped over a gap in the carpet, the whole person stumbled forward, and finally…

holding the tray high, knelt in front of Liang Qiuyang and Luo Mengbai.

Liang Qiuyang: “…”

Luo Mengbai: “There’s no need to do such a big ceremony.” The

guests burst into laughter.

Liang Qiuyang took the tray and lifted her from the ground. With a blushing face, she turned around and threw herself into the arms of Luo Qinghe, who was closest to her. She was ashamed and angry and did not want to raise her head.

After that, the wedding process went very smoothly, and the two became partners under the witness of everyone.

The children couldn’t stay up late, the two children went home at 8:00, and the wedding banquet was celebrated until the middle of the night.

Many people got drunk that night. Fortunately, the winery also had many guest rooms, so those who didn’t want to go back just stayed there. Among them are Song Xiao, I, and Song Bailao.

In the second half of Song Bailao’s fight with Luo Mengbai, he didn’t win and fell. I didn’t pay attention to Song Xiao, as if he was drunk.

The next morning I sent a message to Song Xiao and asked him if he wanted to come with us. He didn’t receive a reply, so I called him and was cut off after two rings. He fought again, and this time he was picked up, but it wasn’t Song Xiao’s voice that sounded.

“What’s the matter?” The

indifference is mixed with disgust, and the impatience is maintained with a thin politeness. It can’t be wrong, it’s Luo Qinghe.

I looked at the number I dialed to make sure I didn’t make a mistake.

“Uh… Uncle Xiao? I want to ask him if he wants to go together, we… we can take him for a ride.” I was almost incoherent.

“No, he’s still sleeping.”

“Oh, oh oh.” My heart was beating like a drum, and I was dumbfounded for a few seconds in the awkward atmosphere before I whispered “Excuse me” and hurriedly hung up the phone.

The bathroom door was pushed open, and Song Bailao wiped his hair and walked out.

“Why is your face so strange?”

I hurriedly put down the phone and adjusted my expression: “Uncle Xiao, he…he said he wouldn’t go with us, he’s going to sleep for a while.”

“That’s all?”

“Well. “I coughed lightly, “That’s it.”

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