Old Injury

Chapter extra 6

I took time to look at the stainless steel and basin handed over by the young man beside me: “add some more powder, it’s a little thin.”

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The young man nodded obediently, turned around and went to work.


People always get old and frail. If I want to pass on Xu Mei Ren, I will definitely accept younger children as disciples just as Master accepted me as his disciple.


Jian Shan is the first apprentice I officially accepted. He is only 16 years old this year. He’s a Beta. He is currently working part-time and studying, and only works on holidays.


He is a bit introverted, doesn’t like to talk much, and his family background is not very good, so he can bear hardships and stand hard work, and he is very strong. For now, I am quite satisfied with this little apprentice.


The intercom phone rang in the operation room, Jian Shan ran over to pick it up, answered twice, and hung up: “Master, Xia Sheng’s delivery order is here, do you want to deliver it yourself?”


Xia Sheng is not far from here. Maybe it’s to take care of my business as the “President’s wife”, or maybe he really thinks that Xu Mei Ren’s cakes are delicious. There have always been a lot of orders there. However, most orders are delivered by delivery staff. If they call the store directly like this, they will ask me whether I want to deliver them personally. There is nothing else except song Bai Lao’s orders.


“What are you going to eat today, Mr. Song?”


The rest of the bakery laughed softly when they heard what I called for Song Bai Lao.


Jian Shan walked up to me, clasped his fingers and said, “Two milk chiffon cups, three chocolate muffin cups, two red velvet cheese mousse cups, and a matcha swiss roll…”


So many?


Song Bai Lao is a guy who can let me ride a bicycle to him for a muffin cup. If he ordered so much, he must not eat it alone. Most likely he should be in a meeting.


After taking off my hat and mask, I said hello to the others, picked up the items on the order, and rode my bike to Xia Sheng.


Due to the relationship between the city center, even if it is not in the morning and evening rush hours, the road is still very crowded with traffic.


There was still one traffic light to go to the Xia Sheng Building. I stopped and waited for the green light. In the last two seconds, everyone was just about to move. The moment the red light jumped green, the motor vehicle and the non-motor vehicle started at the same time, and a gray car in front suddenly slanted to the right, squeezing an old man who was riding normally.


There was a brief collision between the bicycle and the car. The old man said “oh oh yo”, slowed down and stepped on the ground. When I rode beside him, he was still in shock and patted his chest.


“Are you all right?” I asked him.


He was stunned for a while, then said for a long time: “It’s okay, just startled. That man didn’t know how to drive, and he didn’t stop when he touched someone. He was too incompetent.”


“Maybe he didn’t realize it.” The driver looked ahead, The situation behind the side is inevitably negligent.


After confirming that the other party is fine, I continue to move forward.


Parked the bike in front of Xia Sheng Building, and just walked two steps with the takeaway box, and saw a familiar license plate number, it was the gray car that hit the old man just now and didn’t stop.


It was also a coincidence that the other party also parked in the parking space in front of Xia Sheng Building. The person who got out of the car was probably in his thirties, wearing glasses, wearing a dark suit, and holding a briefcase in his hand. Judging, it should be a married Alpha.


I saw him checking the condition of the car body and quickly walked up to him.


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“Sir, you bumped into someone at the traffic light just now.” I thought he didn’t notice it, so I reminded him kindly, “It’s a very old man, but it’s okay, the other party is fine.”


He frowned. He looked at me: “What do you want to do? Blackmail me?”


I was stunned: “What…”


“It’s good that I didn’t ask him to pay for the maintenance of my car, you can see what happened to my car. Is it?” He pointed to his car with a straight face, “Stay at home when you’re older, go out and run around, don’t you know that everyone else is in a hurry?”


It seems that he didn’t realize that he bumped into someone just now, but that he still acted as if nothing had happened, and drove away like that.


Now I’m still fighting back, I think I’m catching up to blackmail him… This is rubbish.


“You’re a Beta, do your own thing well, don’t care what you shouldn’t care about.” After he said this, he glanced at his watch and seemed to be in a hurry. He ignored me and hurried away in the direction of Xia Sheng.


I looked at his retreating back, and almost laughed angrily. I haven’t met such a shameless person for many years.


At this time, the phone rang, and when I saw it, it was Li Xun who was calling. One after another, she asked me where I was.


“I’m downstairs already.” I returned to the phone and walked towards Xia Sheng.


“Oh, that’s good.” She lowered her voice, “It was Mr. Song who asked me to call you. He was worried because you were late.”


I smiled: “Tell him that I will be there soon.”


Xia Sheng’s security guard and the front desk were already familiar with me, and they took the initiative to open the gate for me.


I thanked them and took the elevator straight up to Song Bai Lao’s office on the top floor.


As soon as I got out of the elevator, Li Xun greeted me and took the two boxes of cakes in my hand.


“Mr. Ning, please sit here for a while, Mr. Song will have a meeting soon.” She walked quickly to the conference room at the other end of the corridor.


After sitting on the sofa for a while, the elevator opened again with a “ding” sound. This time, two people came out, one was Xia Sheng’s human resources director, and the other was the man with glasses who was driving downstairs.


Both of them were a little surprised when they saw me, and the man with glasses was even more surprised. I think he should be very puzzled why a Beta in a baking suit appeared in Xia Sheng’s president’s room.


“Mr. Ning.” The supervisor greeted me.


I motioned for him to leave me alone, and I sat down for a while and left. He nodded and asked the man with glasses to sit down on the sofa.


“When Mr. Song finishes the meeting, he will interview you in person. You can sit here now.”


The man with glasses glanced at me and sat across from me a little embarrassedly.


“He is…” He asked the supervisor for my identity.

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When the supervisor was about to introduce me, I interrupted him: “I’m just a delivery guy who came to deliver the cake.”


The man with glasses was obviously not convinced and full of suspicion, but the supervisor stopped talking about my identity.



At this time, there were voices from far away, and it seemed that the meeting had finally ended.


Hearing the sound, the man with glasses stood up, straightened his shirt nervously, and cleared his throat again. Soon, Song Bai Lao and Li Xun appeared outside the reception room. The two walked out side by side, Li Xun spread a folder for Song Bai Lao to sign, Song Bai Lao threw the pen to her after signing, and asked a few words, then looked up.


When he doesn’t smile, he looks a little fierce, and people who see him for the first time are easily fooled by his appearance.


The man with glasses was stiff, and came forward half a beat late: “Hello, Mr. Song, I’m here to have an interview for the market development manager today…”


“You came by bike again?”


Song Bai Lao didn’t even look at him, walk straight towards me.


Maybe there was still some dry sweat on my face, sticking to my temples and bangs, and then he saw the clue.


I didn’t stand up, so I just looked up at him: “It’s only a twenty-minute drive, it’s more convenient to ride a bicycle.”


He fiddled with my forehead: “Isn’t it hot?”


To be honest, I’m riding twenty minutes today. The bike was still a little hot.


“Who calls you an important customer, don’t be sloppy.”


He raised the corner of his lips quite usefully: “I’ll ask the driver to pick you up next time.”


Why don’t you keep calling the store to order takeout?


“I’d better ride a bike. That road is prone to traffic jams. Maybe I’m not as fast as your ride.”


He flicked my forehead: “Whatever you want.”


The human resources supervisor coughed unbearably, reminding there were other people present.


Song Bai Lao withdrew his hand, turned around as if nothing had happened, and said to the man with glasses, “What’s your name?”


The man with glasses had an ugly face, and once again extended his hand to introduce himself to Song Bai Lao.


Song Bai Lao shook hands with him, took the other party’s resume from the supervisor, turned around and walked towards his office.


The man with glasses stood dumbfounded and was pushed down by the supervisor, urging: “Follow up!”


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He then caught up with him.


Song Bai Lao entered the room, exited again, pointed at me with a folder in his hand, and said, “You’re not allowed to leave until I come out.”


The office door was closed, leaving only me, Li Xun, and the supervisor in the reception area.


It seemed a little embarrassing to have nothing to say, so I took the initiative to ask: “Is the meeting over?”


Li Xun said: “The meeting is not over yet. It’s halftime and tea time. After the interview, Mr. Song will go back to the meeting later.”


What did he leave me for?


I don’t know when he will finish the meeting.


After waiting outside for ten minutes, Song Bai Lao’s office door opened again, and the man with glasses came out.


Song Bai Lao went out before he heard a word: “Li Xun, see the guest off.”


Li Xun was stunned for a while, and quickly stood up to lead the way for the man with glasses.


The man with glasses walked towards the elevator under her guidance, his smile could hardly hang on his face.


“It seems that President Song is not very satisfied.” The human resources supervisor gasped and stood up nervously.


Before he finished speaking, Song Bai Lao strode out of the office and slapped the folder to his chest.


“What are you looking for, I don’t know what you’re looking for, and I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


The supervisor coughed twice and said with grievance: “This is a rare one that can reach the final test, and the previous interview really did not stutter at all.” Boss, did you scare people? ”


Song Bai Lao glared at him: “Can I eat people?” What’s there to be afraid of? ”


“Maybe I scared him…”


Supervisor: “That’s not easy to say.”


After a sudden pause, Song Bai Lao and the supervisor looked at me at the same time.


“What’s wrong with you?” Song Bai Lao asked me.


So I talk about the little friction that happened not long ago.


Song Bai Lao didn’t say anything after listening, and turned to the human resources supervisor, the disgust in his eyes was beyond words.


The supervisor held the folder and stepped back slowly.

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“Okay, I understand Mr. Song, you don’t have to worry, this little bitch will never appear in front of you in the future.” The


supervisor pressed the elevator button with his backhand and retreated directly into the elevator.


Song Bai Lao retracted his gaze, looked at me for a while, and suddenly asked, “Why didn’t you tell him your true identity?”


He wasn’t curious, more like… a little concerned.


“Am I just a cake delivery guy?” I guiltily looked away, “Is there any real identity…”


My body was pulled over, Song Bai Lao pressed me into his arms, lowered his eyes and said indifferently : “What do you think?”


I felt the power in my waist keep tightening, hissing, screaming in pain, and the power instantly loosened.


I pretended to be suddenly recalled: “Oh, you mean the true identity of ‘Mrs. Song’? I’m afraid that this identity is too big and will scare him to death.”


He sneered: “Scared him to death?” He looked at me with so many emotions flashing through his eyes, he finally let out a long sigh and hugged me gently.


Face to face, body swaying slightly.


“You are Ning Yu, then Song Ningxi and Song Mo’s ‘mother’, then Xu Mei Ren’s baker, and finally, my wife, isn’t it?”


What a childish ghost who is always making trouble.


“No.” I corrected him, “These identities are in no order, each one is very important, and I don’t want to lose each one. I don’t tell him about my relationship with you, I just don’t want to have anything to do with such people, don’t think about it.”


“Am I important to you?”


He split my words into pieces, and came to a conclusion that it felt like nothing was wrong, but there was something wrong.


But…forget it, he’ll be happy.


I closed my eyes and replied in a low voice, “Well, it’s very important.”


Song Bai Lao was overjoyed, and he entangled me for a while, until Li Xun couldn’t help but urge him, and he left rather unwillingly.


After that, I went back to Xu Mei Ren. At around 5 o’clock in the afternoon, I checked my phone, there was no text message from Song Bai Lao, I knew that he was still in the meeting, so I went home by myself.


When I got home, Aunt Jiu said that Song Xiao had come home in the afternoon and was now playing with sister in her room.


I went upstairs along the stairs, and when I reached the door of Ning Xi’s room, opened the door a little and heard Song Xiao talking on the phone inside.


“I was drunk that day, it doesn’t mean anything, don’t get me wrong.” He sat on the carpet with his back to me, and didn’t notice my arrival, “I’ll be leaving at the end of the month… No, don’t change the subject, I don’t even think about that. I don’t know if it’s you or not, don’t think it’s a ‘reconciliation’ signal, no, I’m just drunk, you understand? It’s like…”


He paused abruptly for a moment, then continued: ” Just like Alphas and Omegas in estrus, they are not controlled by their own will.”

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