Old Injury

Chapter extra 7

I opened the door again, Song Xiao felt it now and looked back.

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“Let’s eat.” I mouthed silently.


Song Xiao nodded slightly embarrassedly, and hurriedly hung up the phone.


Ning Xi was playing with building blocks on the ground, I walked in front of her, bent over to support my knees and said, “Let’s fight after dinner, okay?”


She seemed to have just realized I was there, she suddenly recovered from her concentration, and turned towards me in surprise. Extend her arms.




I picked her up from the ground and said, “when your brother comes back, we can have dinner.”


She looked around behind me and asked where dad is.


“Dad is a little busy at the company today, so he won’t come back for dinner.”


She pouted: “Then I won’t be able to see my dad again before I go to bed…”


The little girl is afraid of returning home, so she would go back to her relatives. If she didn’t see Song Bai Lao for a day, she would miss him closely. This might be a blood bond.


“Would you like to ask your dad to wake you up before going to work tomorrow morning?”


She sighed old-fashioned, seemingly reluctant to accept it.


“All right.” She put her arms around my neck and said in a childish voice, “please let him play with me more, or I will grow up.”


“Does she really say that?”


When Song Bai Lao came home at night, it was already night. At nine o’clock, Ning Xi was already asleep.


“It’s true that you haven’t rested for a long time. It just so happens that Momo is going to have a holiday. Let’s go on a trip together at some time. What do you think?” He took off his coat, and I took it from his hand and put on the hanger for him.


“Travel?” He unbuttoned his shirt slowly, revealing his sturdy body. “Speaking of which, I haven’t traveled with you yet.”


The clothes fell one by one, and he stepped out from the pile of clothes naked, slowly go to the bathroom.

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“Then think about where you’re going, I have no objection.”


He took a change of clothes and took them to the bathroom. As soon as he entered the door, the hot water vapor hit his face.


“Why don’t you turn on the exhaust? Isn’t it stuffy?” I put down the clothes one by one and turned on the switch on the wall.


The continuous sound of water sounded, Song Bai Lao lay on his back in the spacious bathtub, raised his hand and brushed his wet hair.


“Forgot.” My voice was slightly hoarse.


When I wanted to leave, I walked over to the bathtub, sat down on my side, and reached out to touch his forehead.


His slightly closed eyes trembled and slowly opened: “What’s wrong?”


I put my palms on his wet forehead, I carefully observed his face, and after I didn’t find it was particularly bad, I was really relieved.


“I’m afraid you’re tired and sick.” Fingers slid down his forehead, my fingertips slid over his temples, and over the dazzling scar behind his ear.


He chuckled softly, took my hand and pressed it against his face.


“You are a little too cautious.” He raised his eyes to look at me, his dark eyes were deep, “I’m in good health, do you want to try it?”


Although it was a questioning tone, but before I could answer, he had already grabbed my wrist and pulled me in his direction.


“What are you doing…”


I held on to the edge of the bathtub, struggling not to be taken down.


“What am I doing?” He pointedly glanced at the water, “Of course I’m doing what I need to do at this time.”


“I’m still wearing clothes, you wait for me…” He didn’t say anything, the strength increased rather than decreased until it pulled me completely into the water.


Water splashed all over in an instant, I was wearing my pajamas, my feet were hanging out of the bathtub, and I sat down on Song Bai Lao’s lap in embarrassment.


Drops of water dripped from the tips of my hair, I was helpless and annoyed, and stared at the initiator: “Can’t you wait for me to take off my clothes?”


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He gently lifted my chin and pecked the corner of my lips.


“Can’t wait.”


The water-soaked clothes stuck to my body heavily, I sighed, wrapped my arms around his neck, and took the initiative to catch up to deepen the kiss.


That’s how the vacation was settled. Although I do whatever I want, it is impossible for Song Bai Lao to leave Xiangtan for too long. The longer the vacation is, the more work is piled up, and he is not asked to work overtime afterwards.


I chose a nearby island, which is about a five-hour flight away, with a pleasant climate, bright sunshine, and a lot of fruit and seafood.


Song Xiao had been there before and gave me a lot of advice before the trip. He also said that children have weak stomachs and told me not to feed too much seafood, which could easily cause stomach discomfort.


I don’t know what happened to him and Luo Qinghe, but if he didn’t want to say anything, I would pretend that I didn’t notice anything, and I wouldn’t tell Song Bai Lao.


In the past, among them, there were families, there were marks, and there were misunderstandings and resentments for more than ten years. But now, the family and the mark are no longer a problem. Whether they are old or dead, or whether they are old or old, they have their freedom, and others are not qualified to comment.


I thought so, but I always had a hunch in my heart that they would get back together.


After all, whether resentment or unwillingness, isn’t it all an expression of being unable to let go? It is because they still have each other in their hearts that they care so much.


But to my surprise, Song Xiao left Xiangtan before we went on vacation. Once again, without looking back, I threw myself into a career I love. As a congressman, Luo Qinghe is busy with his affairs, and it is destined to be impossible for him to come to a love-chasing journey and leave.


The two of them are on different sides, and they don’t know when the next reunion will be.


I took Song Xiao to the airport and stopped for a long time while looking at his back waving his hand, before turning around and leaving.


Forget it, neither of them are children anymore, they should know what they are doing.


Ning Xi was young and did not understand the definition of “family travel” very accurately, and she was not too excited. Song Mo look forward to this trip a lot compared to her. He packed his luggage early and made a strategy.


“Sister, you can’t walk around when you arrive at the island. You can only go into the water when I hold your hand, you know?” The night before leaving, Song Mo solemnly reiterated the importance of safety.


Ning Xi sat cross-legged on the ground, because she was too fat to be fully crossed.


She concentrated on putting together her Lego bricks and nodded, “Okay.”


The island is not big, but as a popular tourist destination, there are many five-star hotels along the beach. Among these various hotels, Li Xun booked a hotel with a rooftop infinity pool overlooking the blue sea.

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Afraid that it would be inconvenient for three big men to bring a little girl, I brought Aunt Jiu as well. There were three rooms in total, and she would take Ning Xi to sleep at night. In this way, everyone can play well and feel more at ease.


“Mom…” Ning Xi had built a sand castle under the umbrella, looked up at the front, and suddenly asked me, “Why do you and Dad have paintings on them?”




I followed her line of sight, and saw the man standing in the waves with his back to the beach, exposing a broad back, and the black Sanskrit on the spine was particularly conspicuous.


Looking down at my abdomen again, because the wound was cut vertically, the swimming trunks could not cover the tattoo, revealing a small scarlet.


For little girls, isn’t it just “painting”?


“Adults can tattoo their favorite patterns on their bodies according to their hobbies. When you grow up, you can also get tattoos.”


The little girl said with enthusiasm: “I want to get an elephant tattoo when I grows up!”


I asked her strangely: “Why an elephant?”


Ning Xi patted the castle she built and said very seriously: “The elephant is the biggest in the forest, and other animals are afraid of it. If someone makes it angry, it can trample them with one foot!”


I smiled dryly and stroked her hair: “Okay, when you grow up, you can get an elephant tattoo…”


Ning Xi nodded, reciting an out-of-tune self-composed song, and continued to play with her own sand castle.


“Elephant, elephant, step on him…”


She grew up in a healthy and loving environment, how could she be violent?


With a sigh in my heart, I looked at the father and son who were playing in the water in the distance. They were swimming happily, and they probably didn’t land so quickly. After talking to Aunt Jiu, I got up and went to the bathroom.


The bathroom is in the hotel, not too far, just a few steps away.


But I didn’t expect that the world is so big, that it will give me a headache at the first sight outside the bathroom, and I don’t want to have another guy.


He was dressed in an island style, with big sunglasses on his small face, and his hair was dyed a light flaxen color, which was very different from the image I had in my mind, so I didn’t recognize him at first until he called me.

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“Ning Yu.” He took off his sunglasses, revealing his delicate face, “Are you coming for vacation too?”


Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, there are so many places to go on vacation, at the same time at the same place and the same hotel, Zhu Li and I met, and it was a terrible fate.


“Yes.” I haven’t been in contact with him for several years, and even the news of Ning Shi was indirectly learned from other channels. This meeting can be said to be “reunion after a long absence”.


Ruan Linghe was able to remove the glands, naturally because his marriage to Zhu Li had been dissolved. No matter how much Ruan Xiong Hua admires Zhu Li, it is impossible for an outsider to interfere too much in the family business. It is said that a lot of money was given, and after that, he regretfully “invited” people out of Yanhua Century. And Zhu Yun Sheng has been paralyzed in bed since he suffered a stroke a few years ago. Now his body is not as good as a year, and Zhu’s enterprise is no longer able to compete with the Ruan family and Xia Sheng.


I saw the media commenting on this marriage, saying that it was a miscalculation by the Zhu family. But I always feel that things are not so simple, will Zhu Li be defeated so easily? He tried his best to marry Ruan Linghe, wasting four years in vain, and was willing to leave with a sum of money like this?


“You haven’t seen your mother for a long time, haven’t you?” He smirked with a smirk on his lips, “She has been arguing with me recently, and I was upset, so I had to come to the island to hide.”


Of course, try to grab meat from Zhu Li’s mouth as much as possible. He probably also knew that if Zhu Yun Sheng died, once the will was announced, she was afraid that she would not get anything good. That’s why they race against time and focus on people.


“She also hid my dad so that I can’t find him. If you have time to contact her, persuade her…” He looked kind and harmless, but his words were very aggressive, “She can’t fight me. Yes, if you want to grow old safely, just be smart and don’t keep messing with me.”


I grimaced: “The matter between you has nothing to do with me. If you have something to say, just tell her yourself, I’m not a speaker.”


I was about to go to the bathroom but suddenly a young boy’s voice came from inside, and soon, a young figure who had a relationship with me appeared in front of me.


“Mommy, I’ve washed my hands.”


He was stunned for a moment when he saw me, and his eyes slowly opened wider and wider: “Ah, ugly mother!”


I frowned, and before I said anything, Zhu Li bent down to pat his son’s head and taught a lesson: “Yue Zhu, you can’t be rude. Even if it’s the truth, some thoughts shouldn’t be said easily, understand?” He tapped the boy’s lips, “You have to be likable at all times. to get what you want more easily.”


I kind of know why Zhu Li’s son even has a personality like him. This kind of education method can only teach another femme fatale.


I was also able to see the back of his neck more clearly because of his leaning motion. There are still Alpha bite marks there, but unlike the usual marked Omegas, there are some bruising marks around his bite marks. If you look closely, you can see pinholes that have not subsided, which should be formed by an inhibitor.


Even if he divorced and abandoned by Alpha, he still keeps his mark. Could it be that Zhu Li, like those conservatives, is also afraid of the unknown side effects after removing the glands? This is not his style.


“I understand.” The little boy nodded obediently.


Zhu Li smiled with satisfaction: “Go to Emily, I’ll talk to your uncle for a while.


The boy nodded obediently and ran to the girl who looked like a nanny who was waiting outside the door.

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