Old Injury

Chapter extra 8

It wasn’t until the boy and the nanny disappeared in front of the door that Zhu Li retracted his gaze.

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He couldn’t leave Xiangtan. It should be related to the previous sentence in the wounding case. I remember that he was sentenced to three years of probation and three hours of public service per week. The sentence should have ended last year.


“What do you want to say?”


“Abandoned by your own Alpha, you must think I am miserable.”


I almost laughed: “Why do you think I will always pay attention to your affairs?”


Although I did ask Liang Qiu Yang in advance, but just like the reports broadcast in the daily entertainment news, how the protagonist is actually has nothing to do with me, and I don’t care.


The wind passes silently, the wild geese pass without a trace, even if you have heard it. Neither pity nor schadenfreude.


“Isn’t it?” He smiled, “I forgot that you have always been like this, kind and soft-hearted to the point of disgusting. I’m the complete opposite of you, you have to do what you want, and you have to get rid of those you hate, even if the Alphas stand in the way, I will step on them one by one and let them be stepping stones on my road to success.”


Just like Song Bai Lao and I, one blocked his way and the other provoked his life. So we deserve to be trampled under his feet and treated cruelly.


He said that I was so kind and soft-hearted that it was disgusting, and he himself was so selfish and vicious that it was amazing.


“Don’t you have a heart?” I wondered from the bottom of my heart.


Zhu Li looked at me and remained silent for a while, without answering the question.


“I will go back to take charge of Zhu’s companyin the near future and tell Song Bai Lao that if there is any grievance, let’s see it at the mall.


He put on his sunglasses again and turned to leave.


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Since then, I have been a little absent-minded. Even if I don’t care, it is undeniable that I was still disturbed by this sudden encounter.




“Ning Yu!”


I snapped back to my senses, Song Bai Lao was standing in front of me, holding a half-drinking bottle of mineral water in his hand, and there were still water droplets hanging on his body.


“Why do you so absent minded?” He reached out and ruffled my hair, handing me the mineral water bottle.


“I just saw Zhu Li…” I took the bottle, raised my head and took a few sips, and recounted what happened just now in front of the bathroom to Song Bai Lao.


“He’s really haunted. Want to beat me in the mall?” He sneered coldly, with obvious contempt.


Zhu Li had never won against Song Bai Lao before. Even if he didn’t take the classroom seriously at all, he would always sit firmly on the top of the grade, with an enviable and unwilling learning ability. And no matter how hard Zhu Li tried, he could only rank second.


Naturally strong, you cannot accept it.


“You are uneasy because of such a thing?” Song Bai Lao raised my chin and frowned slightly.


“I’m afraid he’ll play another trick.”


He wiped the corners of my lips: “Don’t believe in your husband’s ability?”


My face suddenly became hot because of this title, I staggered his gaze, and whispered: “…Trust.”


Although in our daily life we always referred to ourself as partner and introduced to others, but he occasionally used the self-proclaimed “husband”, especially in bed.

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It makes me feel a little conditioned when I hear this word now.


Maybe because of my emotions, Song Bai Lao asked to change the hotel in the evening. On the other side of the beach, it was several kilometers away from the original hotel.


The hotel manager learned of the situation, thought it was their poor service, and came to the door to apologize.


Song Bai Lao told him bluntly that it wasn’t that he was dissatisfied with their service, he just didn’t want to live under the same roof with garbage.


The hotel manager’s expression changed a few times after hearing the words, and he left with a dry smile, probably because he had a lot of speculation.


We didn’t meet Zhu Li again on the next trip, but Ning Xi was a little seasick when we went fishing, lying in the boat room and humming all the way.


“Sister, are you alright?” Song Mo sat on the bedside worriedly and clenched his sister’s hand.


Ning Xi opened her eyes weakly and said with a weeping voice, “Brother, there is a box of chocolates hidden under the windowsill of my room, don’t forget to eat it when you go back… Then tell Grandpa Luo, Grandpa Song and Grandpa Xia, I will always love them.”



Song Mo’s tears were about to come out: “Sister, don’t say such things, I’m so worried about you.”


Just seasick, does it need to be like parting from life and death?


“Sister, get up and drink some lemonade, it won’t be uncomfortable soon.” He helped her up and fed her some water, rubbed some peppermint ointment behind her ears, and then coaxed her to lie down again.


“My little sister doesn’t usually get car sickness, so why is she seasick.” Aunt Jiu twisted a small towel and put it on Ning Xi’s forehead, and said distressedly, “Look at this little face that’s white.”


“This morning, she ate two eggs, a bowl of millet porridge, a plate of fruit, a croissant, and a large glass of milk, and I suspect her stomach was full.


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Walking out of the cabin, Song Bai Lao was holding a fishing rod in his hand, and when he heard the movement, he turned to look at me: “How’s it going?”


I explain the ‘last words’.” and said truthfully, “I entrusted all the snacks she had hidden on weekdays to her brother. ”


Song Bai Lao smiled, “This little brat.”


It turned out that it was indeed possible that he had eaten too much, and woke up after a nap, Song Ning Xi was again a lively little tyrant. The yacht fluttered up and down, and even got close to Song Bai Lao to learn how to fish with him.


Song Bai Lao really gave her the fishing rod, and when she received it, she was almost dragged into the sea by the heavy fishing rod.


Just after taking a staggering step forward, Song Bai Lao hugged her by the waist, and the fishing rod returned to his hands.


“Are you still learning?”


The younger sister is the little princess who is petted by the whole family, but only in front of Song Bai Lao will she become a shriveled little pity.


“Dad, hates it!” The little girl immediately knew that Song Bai Lao was deliberately teasing her when she saw this gesture, and her mouth was so pouted that she could hang a bottle.


“You hate me.”


“I hate it.”


Song Bai Lao smiled indifferently: “It’s okay, as long as mom likes me.”


The little girl blushed when she heard this, her cheeks were slightly bulging, and her eyes were full of water.


I was afraid that she would really cry. Just as she wanted to cry, Ning Xi threw herself into her father’s arms and said softly, “I lied to you, I love you.”

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“I love you too.” He rubbed his daughter’s hairy head.


Ning Xi quickly went to play with her brother happily again. Surrounded by the fish and crabs that Song Bai Lao caught, they analyzed their appearance and taste, and communicated happily.


Seeing that the younger ones didn’t pay attention here, I leaned over to Song Bai Lao and leaned my head on his shoulder.


“I like it?”


The azure blue sea was shimmering and stretched as far as the eye could see. After watching it for a long time, it was inevitable that some loneliness would be born, but with Song Bai Lao leaning on each other like this, there was an indescribable peace of mind.


Ten years ago, I couldn’t even imagine that I would be loved by him.


“As long as you like it.” Song Bai Lao released the fishing rod with one hand and touched my face, “I’m not lying about this.”


I closed my eyes and felt the sea breeze blowing on my face, bringing a slight Moist and salty smell. The sound of children playing, accompanied by the waves, made people feel warm ocean currents from their bones, so comfortable that I didn’t want to move a finger.


On the way back from the yacht, the waves were quite large, and Ning Xi immediately collapsed and vomited. When I returned to the hotel, I threw myself on the bed and didn’t eat dinner, and it didn’t heal until the next day.


Aunt Jiu said that she woke up in the middle of the night and insisted on calling Luo Qinghe. She was so frightened that Luo Qinghe hurriedly asked her to hand over the phone to Aunt Jiu, and she was relieved after asking clearly that there was nothing wrong with seasickness.


After calling Luo Qinghe, she still wanted to call Song Xiao, but Song Xiao’s signal might be bad and she couldn’t get through, so she dialed Daoist Weijing instead.


Daoist Weijing talked with her in the air, and successfully stunned her. After only five minutes of the call, he said goodbye to Grandpa Wei on the grounds that he was sleepy.


To say that she looks like a combination of me and Song Bai Lao, the domineering and violent character in her character favors Song Bai Lao, and she is obedient and favors me.

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