Thus, The Dragon Will Surpass the Puppy

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“That’s right… I’m a dragon, not a mere dog,” murmured the dragon after finishing a game of “planing wood with a chisel until reaching some kind of enlightenment,” despite its lack of meaning.

There was no longer any doubt in its eyes.

Walking on four legs with a tail, it had scales instead of fur, horns on its head, wings on its back, reptilian eyes, and a neck reminiscent of a snake. From any angle, it was a magnificent dragon, except for its size.

Thanks to it, the room was now covered in sawdust, but the man was smiling with satisfaction.

He then turned to the dragon, which was rolling around on a bed of sawdust, and spoke, “Dragon! So you finally remember. You are a dragon, and I’m not a middle-aged recluse who needs to reintegrate into society, but a vampire!”

“Indeed, I now comprehend. I should’ve been aware all along, yet I foolishly presumed that living as a canine would provide respite. Alas, that was not the case. But now, I have reclaimed my pride as a magnificent menace to the boundless expanse of the sky, a dragon!”

The man with white hair and the reptile, roughly the size of a puppy, clasped their hands firmly.

Admittedly, the dragon’s “hand” was more akin to a front paw, and its anatomy didn’t exactly lend itself to gripping, resulting in a cute image of the man unilaterally squeezing the dragon’s front paw while it hovered in mid-air.

“To those of humans who deemed me as nothing more than a mere dog… Know this, I shall not pardon you… Nay, I shall never pardon you!”

“That’s the spirit, archenemy. We, the beings of darkness, will defeat the light together!”

“Firstly, let us deliberate on our course of action. How might we bring about humanity’s descent into the darkness? But before we do so, I must express my weariness of carving timber with my body. Indeed, sustenance is in order. O, familiar! Fetch me some kibble without delay!”

Kibble was the “dog food” brought by the saint. When the dragon was given it, it exclaimed, “Scrumptious! This is so tasty!” and it has been its favorite food ever since. Interestingly, the package had a picture of a cat on it, so it probably wasn’t even intended for dogs.

The black-haired girl, who wore a maid outfit and concealed one eye, cast a glance at the dragon. Then…

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“Tsk,” she clicked her tongue, before turning her attention away.

The dragon was taken aback. The man who had been observing the exchange let out a wry smile before addressing his familiar.

“Familiar, don’t be rude… Could you please bring some food for my archenemy?”


She sighed and left the room with a feeling of disgust. At least, that was the aura that briefly dominated the atmosphere. But she returned with a plate of kibble.

The dragon spoke up. “Why did you click your tongue in defiance of my command?”

With cold, piercing eyes, the familiar looked down at the dragon and placed the plate in front of it. The dragon, then hid behind the vampire, trembling, “W-what did I do?!”

“Well, Dragon King, I apologize for the impoliteness of my familiar. That creature is quite difficult to deal with… Anyway, let’s think about how to plunge humanity into darkness, shall we?”

“Ha, ha, ha… I have already devised a foolproof plan to dismantle humanity!”

“Oh? And what might that be?”

“Ever since I awoke from my slumber, I have been confined to the role of a dog, which has undoubtedly been a source of humiliation. Nevertheless, it has brought to light a revelation within me.”

“Go on.”

“In truth, I may actually be… extremely cute.”

“Uh-huh. I-I see…”

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“Listen closely. The fate of our dragon kind is that of extinction. Upon deep contemplation, I have come to the realization that our downfall could be attributed to our lack of cuteness.”


“Our fate would have been averted, no matter the wealth amassed or the intoxication indulged, if only we had possessed the allure of cuteness!”


“If an adorable being gazes up at you with dewy eyes, can you, in good conscience, strike them down with your sword? Of course no! Humans combat dangers in pursuit of their desires and confront their fears out of their devotion to those they love. However, neither desire nor love can ever justify the killing of a cute creature!”

“Hmm, well, I kind of understand what you’re saying.”

“Listen, archenemy. I am… cuter than a puppy.”


“Even if we attempt to quell humans with our might, they shall triumph over us with their wit. The paramount objective is not to emerge victorious in competition but to eradicate the impulse to compete. The things that humans cherish most and do not perceive as a threat are what they consider ‘cute.’ With this in mind, I shall strive to transform myself into the epitome of cuteness, for I am a dragon, and nothing shall impede my path to becoming the cutest of them all!”

The dragon roared.

The man listening to the dragon’s words thought to himself, “Something about this feels off, but at the same time, it makes sense.”

Well, there’s no need to judge without even trying it out. After all, the possibilities are infinite until we actually try.

“Okay… You do that, and I’ll do things my way.”

“Hmm, indeed. It seems futile to suggest a transformation into a more ‘cute figure’ for it appears such an endeavor is beyond your capabilities. It is evident that you lack the inherent traits of a human, to begin with. Furthermore, your visage undeniably evokes the image of an old man.”

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“I don’t want to hear that from a creature that looks like a mash-up of a turtle, a snake, wings, horns, and a red paint job. And let’s be honest, you’re not exactly young on the inside either, are you?”

“From this moment forward, I shall embody the essence of youthfulness, akin to that of a young maiden within.” The dragon declared in a deep and manly voice.

It felt like the declaration was completely ruined by his voice.

“Firstly, I must engage in the study of what is referred to as ‘cute movements.'”

“…It’ll be a tough journey, but do your best.”

“Archenemy, do you perchance know the reason why I, and I alone, survived the perils that have obliterated my draconic brethren?”

“What’s the reason?”

“I possess a learning aptitude that surpasses that of my fellow dragons. Should I persevere in my endeavors for a hundred years, achieving the pinnacle of cuteness among all creatures would be but a trifling feat.”

“Dragons mercilessly look down on other dragons, huh?”

“The same may be said for vampires. It stands to reason that you, too, find yourself alone without companions of your own kind.”

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t need friends. Only enemies and familiars.”

“Hmm… I must acknowledge that you have gained greater strength.”

“Yes, I feel like I’ve climbed one step higher… Looking back, I’m embarrassed by how I was getting excited every time the saint girl came to visit. From now on, I’ll treat her grandly as my enemy!”

“I shall ascend to the apex of cuteness… And pray tell, do you possess any strategy to contest humanity’s supremacy?”

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“My ultimate goal is to make the saint girl say, ‘I understand now, uncle. People can live even if they’re alone. I was wrong.'”

“I-I see…”

“So, I’ll show her how happy I am living alone.”

“Very well, the choice is yours to pursue.”

“Right. You’re a lonely show-off after all. It’s difficult to be a lone wolf like me.”


“I need to find an enjoyable game that two people can play together. If I can be seen happily playing with my familiar, the saint girl will surely abandon her efforts to reintegrate me into society.”

“If you were to engage in a pastime happily with your familiar… Does it not mean that you’re living happily with someone, rather than dwelling in solitude…?

“She’s my familiar, though?”

“…I don’t know if you realize it or not, but your statement appears rather peculiar. I find myself inadequate to articulate the sentiment.”

“I have the same impression of you, too… Anyway, let’s try it out and wait for the results.”

“Very well, let us proceed with the plan. I wish for success in your endeavor.”

“Yeah, you too.”

The two old men clasped fists. Beside them, the familiar thought to herself, “Times have changed huh…”

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