As Expected, Things Move at the Pace of The Saint.

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“Uncle, it’s morning!” The curtains opened with a loud noise, and the morning light poured into the dark room.

“Morning, Saint. I’ve been waiting for you,” said the man sitting on the bed with his knees up, smiling impishly.

Despite his white hair and social awkwardness, the man appeared nothing out of the ordinary. However, the truth is that he’s a vampire. Though he made no effort to conceal his identity, people didn’t believe him because they considered vampires as fictional creatures.

Thus, to the saint, he was merely an awkward uncle, and she had come to assist him in reintegrating into society.

“Oh wow! You waited for me? I’m so happy!”

“Yes, I did. I’ve taken all the necessary precautions. I apologize for underestimating you before.”

“Aww, no need to worry about that.”

“So…” The man looked around the saint nervously. “Weren’t you supposed to bring your friend with you today?”

“Oh, yes! About that, I’m sorry,” the saint said, recalling their chess game the other day. “I realized it was presumptuous of me to assume I could just bring anyone. You said that there are people who can get along with anyone and people who can’t or something like that, right?”


“I thought about it and it came to me that the idea of ‘getting along with anyone’ is too broad. Everyone is unique and amazing in their own way! Treating you as just another person in the crowd would be unfair. I apologize for that…”

“Hmm, I see,” the man replied, taken aback by the saint’s increased aura of light.

Today, the saint’s power of light is stronger than ever, and he couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated.

“So today, I’m thinking of asking you several questions to help me decide who I should bring along.”

“Are you going to interview me or something?”

“No, it’s a compatibility test!”

The saint took out something from behind her back. It’s a list of questions.

“By answering “yes,” “no,” or “maybe” to these questions, we can determine the type of person who would be most compatible with you.”

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“I see. That’s quite convenient.”

“It’s been popular among young girls these days!”

The man couldn’t say anything in response to that. He’s an uncle—the opposite of a young girl.

“Shall we begin?” she asked.

“Well, if it makes you happy, I don’t mind.”

“Thank you! Let’s start with the first question. Are you a lazy person?'”


“Second question! If you’re being honest, do you believe that vampires, fairies, and ghosts actually exist?”

“I have to object to that question… Why are vampires, fairies, and ghosts lumped together like that?”

“Because they all appear in fairy tales!”


The man felt the passage of time. There were no ghosts, and while there were fairies, they belonged to the same category as insects and animals. Actually, there’s a vampire here with the intelligence and wisdom beyond that of humans…

“Well, I think they exist. Two-thirds of them, for sure…”

“Okay, the third question. Do you like daydreaming?”

“As you get older, you have more opportunities to reminisce about the past, but does that count as daydreaming?”

“I’m not sure… Since it’s a compatibility test for young girls, maybe it’s not designed for that? Oh, but, isn’t reminiscing also a form of daydreaming… Sorry! I’m a little confused.”

“Well, let’s just mark it as maybe.”

“Understood! Now, the fourth question!”

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“How many questions are there in total?”

“There are five! The fourth question is, do you prefer someone younger or older than yourself?”

“That question may not be suitable for me…”

“But could you still answer it, please?”

“There aren’t many older than me.”

“Uncle prefers someone younger then?”

“That doesn’t sound right… Well, it’s not a big deal. That works.”

“Now, the final question! When going outside, do you dress appropriately even if it’s just a nearby—ah!”


“I’m sorry…”

“It’s fine, there’s no need to apologize. It’s not like I’ve never been outside before, you know?”

“So, can you recall and answer…?”

“At one point, I was dubbed the Aristocrat of the Night because I always dressed in formal wear. I never had a loosened tie, and even my subordinates were trained to dress the same way.”

“Okay. Wait for a moment, please. Ah! The opposite sex that is compatible with you is—”

“Hmm? Why does it have to be limited to the opposite sex?”

“It’s a compatibility test that’s popular among young girls… So it’s mostly about romantic relationships.”

“But it’s not like I specifically want you to introduce me to a partner.”

“I didn’t mean that either… Well, it’s a friend and a girl, so it’s just a matter of getting along. And I didn’t explicitly state that it’s for finding a partner either. It’s just to see if you two can become friends.”

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“Well, okay. Go on.”

“Now, the results! The opposite sex that is compatible with you is someone who is calm and enjoys indulging in fantasies. If you share your interests, you may hit it off?”

“Why did you use ambiguous wording at the end?”

“That’s how compatibility tests usually are!”

“If it’s a test, I’d like a bit more concrete information…”

“Anyway, I have some ideas for someone who is quiet and enjoys indulging in their fantasies! Leave it to me!”

“I have some doubts about you and your compatibility test, but…”

“It’s okay! That person likes vampires and all that, so she’ll definitely get along with you! She’s really knowledgeable about vampires and stuff!”


Being mistaken for a fanatic. Despite being the real thing.

“Ah, speaking of which, Uncle, where are your granddaughter and the dog?” She said as if just realizing it.

Indeed, they were not in the room today. Although the castle was quite spacious, there were still plenty of other locations where they could be, but…

“The two of them are out for a walk.”

“Is that so?”

“It seems that the dragon has its own dragon-like duties to attend to. By now, it’s possible that he’s observing and studying things like puppies in the town. My familiar was hesitant to go along with him, but since it involved venturing out into the town, I managed to convince her somehow. Well, she’s not fond of looking after the dragon.”

“Dragon? Has the dog’s name changed to Dragon?”

“No, he is a dragon. He’s already given up being a dog.”

“Uh… I see. It’s okay! The person I’ll be bringing also likes dragons! She often claims to be a vampire mage descendant of dragons.”

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“A descendant of dragons who is also a vampire mage…? Dragon? Vampire mage?”

I couldn’t imagine the figure at all.

Being a descendant of dragons would mean the person is a dragon, but dragons generally don’t use magic. They have wings and breath, as well as strong bodies. Additionally, many of them are easily prideful and have a lazy personality, so they shouldn’t bother learning magic.

If the person is a vampire mage, it’s not entirely impossible to understand, but…

As vampires, we possess the power of charm magic in our eyes and the power of subservient magic in our fangs. These magical abilities are also infused in every part of our body. Additionally, we possess a natural talent for magic based on natural phenomena, making it feel like second nature to most of us.

The term “vampire” already encompasses the concept of a mage, so the phrase “vampire mage” is redundant.

It’s important to note that dragons and vampires cannot coexist. It’s impossible to make a dragon a familiar or a companion.

“Saint, what kind of creature are you trying to bring?”

“Well, she’s that kind of character. Sometimes I don’t understand her story, but she’s a bright and nice kid!”

“A descendant of dragons who’s also a vampire mage, and yet a bright and nice kid…? Isn’t she a creature of darkness?”

“Yes, she said that she is.”

Uncle was confused. What kind of creature did the saint intend to bring…

“Alright, it’s fine. Whatever comes, that person surely isn’t my enemy.”

“No, she’s a friend! Well, I feel like you and her could get along well.”

“Is that so? Even if we don’t get along, it doesn’t matter. After all, I can manage on my own.”

“Then, if the child’s schedule allows, I’ll bring her along.”

“Very well. I’ll be waiting.”

And so, the acquaintance of the vampire increased. Things were moving at the pace of the saint, after all.


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