Volume 3 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Senpai, did you exchange e-mails with Mashima Mai while we were drinking yesterday? Did you contact him after that?" Today is August 1, the heat has further increased.

I, Kashiwada Naoki, look like a dead fish today; standing at the front of the karaoke shop, while listening to the voices of sweet girls from behind the kitchen.

"No! No, no, I have not exchanged e-mails with Mai, I told you I will not e-mail him afterwards."

"Eh, hey, are you serious? Ah, I thought that there was a good atmosphere between the two of you!"

Of course, the girls' sweet voices are not about me. The conversation between the girls who are working part time with me got into my ears without permission.

Although it is summer vacation, there were not many customers going to karaoke on weekday evenings so my co-workers have a lot of idle time for gossip.

I respond to the few customers coming and also contact their room five minutes before the end time. The girls at the back of the kitchen are just talking with me listening to their gossip sometimes. They seem to have considerable idle time, they have been in the kitchen for some time and are also eating all the time.

Well, that’s ok as I take the customers’ orders for food and drinks, which I prepare and deliver properly.

By the way, it seems that a barbecue was scheduled but because it was raining, the barbecue was canceled. A member of the party came and canceled the reservation.

After that, I felt bored as there was nobody else who came.

After that I continued to work while listening to the stupid stories of the girls in the back and then I went home at 10 pm.

As soon as I finish work, I checked my cell phone.

Even today, there is no mail from Koigasaki.

I sighed deeply. Fortunately, no one around noticed as there was nobody around.

Two days ago, after I received a thank you (?) call from Koigasaki. After that, we have no contact with each other at all.

I do not know myself about why I was such in a bad mood then.

I do not want to stay in this awkward state, but I could not feel like contacting her.

Then I looked back at the mail in the inbox. Today there was no mail from anyone, even yesterday I got only spam mail.

The day before that ... I participated in the cosplay event on July 30. I received four mails from Azuki Sakurai. I read them once again.

The first mail from Sakurai was very favorable, and I was surprised. Sakurai who was taking an attitude of hating me until then, why did she suddenly have a favorable attitude towards me? I still do not know.

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The content of the first e-mail is "Thank you for your time yesterday. It was nice to talk about various things. Let’s cosplay again with Momo in the future when there is a good opportunity (lol) P. S. Do you like Momo-chan, Kashiwada-kun? "

When I read this email, there was a worrying question at the end which confused me on how to reply.

Today, cheers for good work! Thank you for your help! Eh ... another cosplay!? If you do not mind, come with us again! (Lol) Do I like Koigasaki ... why?? (^v^)Well, she doesn’t like me though(^v^).

I sent it. It was the best I can think of while hiding my meaning of "No I do not care much about cosplaying!”. I mean, the mail itself may just be teasing me .... such a useless email ...... What if Sakurai-san just wants to make a fool out of me ...... "

It was a while ago.

However, contrary to my expectations, Sakurai sent me an e-mail about five minutes later.

"Is it true? Absolutely - (lol) Don’t you like Momo-chan? You and she have been cooperating in various ways and I'm wondering if that’s how it is."

Is our cosplaying the reason? Does Sakurai seriously think that I want to cosplay with everyone? What the hell ... why did she have a misunderstanding that I like Koigasaki? In the first place, why do you care about that? I do not understand anything from this conversation and I feel more confused than ever.

"No, no, no. (^v^)The reasons why I cooperate with Koigasaki are a bit deep ... ... Anyway, I absolutely do not like her! We are always fighting(^▽^;) "

"I do not understand what are those deep reasons but there are no bad feelings?? (^v^)Fighting!? I can see that you are great friends ... Why?”

She sent that reply and is asking what is the trouble between me and Koigasaki. I do not know what I can tell Sakurai about Suzuki, and even I do not even know why I got frustrated by Koigasaki. I have no explanation.

"No, it's nothing ... I can’t even tell why we are fighting (lol)"

After I sent the mail, I fell asleep as I was so tired. Next morning when I looked at my cell phone, the message was, "I won’t worry that a bit (sweat) and I want you to reconcile soon! ...... It's already around twelve o'clock (sweat) Sorry about this late message! Good night ~! Oh, I meant Good morning! Sorry I fell asleep yesterday ...”

Is there something ... ... When I was at work the other day, the content of the conversation between the two girls at work was this.

"Hey, I'm sent an e-mail to a man saying" Good night ~ ☆" but I finished the e-mail past midnight so I sent "Morning ~!" as well. “As I got an email that is suspiciously like the email my coworker is talking about, it’s hard for me to read the air.

Getting a Good Morning e-mail from the last night ..... it seems to be "It's too troublesome with a huge feeling”. If I emailed Sakurai here at work, I might get bad results.

I stopped sending mails to avoid questions I don’t want to answer. So, I and Sakurai-san's messages reached only seven messages (I did not bother to count) ... The mail exchange is over.

I got on the train and went home. In the meantime, I still haven’t heard from Koigasaki.

The next day. The day before my date with Hasegawa in Odaiba, I still have not heard from Koigasaki.

Hasegawa and I have not kept in touch since then.

I wanted to send a message, "I hope tomorrow will be a nice day ~! But since the e-mail from the other side ceased and I did not have the courage to send the email.

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I browsed magazines and searched the internet to decide where we would go to Odaiba tomorrow.

After lunch, we can go to play in Joypolis and then take a walk on Odaiba Beach Park where Hasegawa wanted to go.

The return trip to Hasegawa’s home will take account of her curfew.

Those are my plans. Other problem is what I shall do about my hairstyle tomorrow, what to talk about in our conversations ... That's a lot of problems ......

No, I'm not worried about it!

It's a date with my crush Hasegawa, I want it to be a pleasant experience for us.

My present hairstyle and wax is actually quite good.

I got a hard wax from the store Koigasaki recommended, and I have been able to do it well as a result of repeated practice.

Even my eyebrow maintenance is done from the trick I learned from Koigasaki and I'm doing it as neatly as she taught me, even my clothes are good choice clothes that Koigasaki recommended ... ....

So everything depended on Koigasaki after all ....

My great thanks to Koigasaki for I was able to date with Hasegawa this time, it was also thanks to Koigasaki that she convinced Hasegawa to tutor me.

I wonder if I can do anything by myself at all ....

I thought that I would like to contact Koigasaki. I absolutely hate to remain awkward. I want to apologize to her about my attitude at that time and I'd like to be happy for her that Suzuki got a good impression of her. I would like to ask for advice in my date with Hasegawa. But ... I do not know how I should contact her.

Then I remembered. When I made a simulated date with Koigasaki in Harajuku, I made very useful notes from the so-called "Date Course" with Koigasaki.

I think I saved it somewhere thinking that I should use it someday, but now it is time to use it.

First I looked inside the bag, then in the wallet, then looked for it in a uniform pocket. But I could not find my notes.

I'm so useless ...

When I looked at the watch, it was already around 5 pm in the afternoon.

I have to get ready to get out soon, as my work starts at 6 o'clock. I gave up trying to find my notes and prepared to go to work.

That day, I was in a melancholy mood. I searched all the places I thought that I may left Koigasaki's notes, but I still could not find it. It seems that there is little possibility of finding it even if I search other places. I have no other choice but give up on my search of my notes. And it is not easy for me to contact my source directly. I need to tell her that the date is tomorrow and I call for help. And I can make up with her while asking for info, it's like hitting two birds with one stone.

As soon as I finished work, I sent an email to Koigasaki on the train ride home.

"I’m sorry if I sounded angry when we last communicated. I hope that I did not offend you .... It is good that the distance between you and Suzuki is shrinking. By the way, I have a date with Hasegawa tomorrow ... I tried find your "advice list" I got from you before, but I lost it ... I'm sorry (・・;)please give Advice! (T_T) "

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What a miserable e-mail. I need advice and I am apologizing. But it does not change that I need to apologize, and I feel sorry for those confused feelings from before. I read back the email once and press the send button.

However, after five minutes since I sent the e-mail, there is no reply from Koigasaki.

I looked back several times as to make sure I sent the email, but it was in the sent folder.

Koigasaki always replies three minutes after I send her an email.

In other words, it is almost certain that Koigasaki will not reply as she is still angry at me.

It seems that my apology is not enough calm the anger of Koigasaki.

My heart was more uneasy and jerky than ever, and I thought about whether I should send another email of apology again or whether I should call her.

But, when I think about it, was it so bad?

I responded poorly to the telephone from Koigasaki. That's all I did.

Before that, I fully cooperated with Koigasaki. Even so, even after that bad phone call, I was hoping she would accept my apology ... I wonder if the anger of Koigasaki is more strange.

I got upset when I felt she did not accept my apology and the thought of making a phone call disappeared from me.

I was frustrated by the fact that I did not receive a reply from Koigasaki and this added the stress accumulated during work and I went home with an uncomfortable feeling.

My sister and mother are asleep when I came homearound eleven o'clock.

While heating the cold dinner with a range, I realized I am full of anxiety and impatience due to the date tomorrow.

There is no reply from Koigasaki, which was my last hope. I can’t get pointers from her.

Suddenly, I remembered the existence of a love spirit book named "Date Bible" that I purchased last month. I went up to my room and opened that book.

I knew that it was a very useless book for high school students, however, I am grasping at straws right now.

I opened the date pages.

"A woman is weak to a fashionable store that can see a night view! "

"If you try to go to a hotel on the first date, you should let the woman know first so she can refuse."

"In the case of driving your date, do not show your irritation while driving a car! "

... and so on. This book is for men of adults of society which is probably less useful for me as a high school student.

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Then I turn on my PC and surfed the Internet. I’m in the habit of finding out on the net things that I want to know.

I went to "goog" and typed "how to date".

One after another, articles on dating were shown.

Many articles for women were also found, but I went to the articles for men, and read the articles carefully.

"Let's shorten the distance with girls on the first date!" The article is for men who have not dated yet; I thought that it is perfect for me now.

"Part 1: The girls want to talk anyway! Even if it is troublesome, please listen to everything she says!"

..., I see, I see. This looks effective to all girls, not just Hasegawa. I took out my cell phone and took notes.

"You need to make a good impression if you want to have date #2. It is important to make a girl feel excited! Let her feel a good atmosphere! "

What’s with that #2! The degree of difficulty rose considerably. Hasegawa feeling excited .... It's useless, and I cannot imagine how to make her feel a good atmosphere.

"Even if it was impossible, let's take courage and casually make a body touch! Let the girls be conscious of us as men!"

Casual Body Touch ......! I still tremble just thinking about holding hands, and the difficulty level higher than that, I don’t feel like doing this very much .... But, do we have to be conscious as men? I also took a note for this.

"Part 3: It is not necessary to confess in the first date, but say that she has your favor!"

This is quite difficult... telling her this. I can’t do such a thing easily and I will not worry about this. Rather it is to the utmost that it is to the fullest concealment that having favor.

As I read the article, this sentence was written at the end.

"What I wrote here may need a little bit of courage. However, if you have a little bit of courage to put in effort and give her goodwill, the distance between you two will definitely shrink! Do your best! "

I see……. It takes courage for everything. If the distance with Hasegawa can be shortened with a little courage, it is worth a try.

I will strive to do my best tomorrow!

When I looked at the time, it was already half past midnight. I'm late for bed!

I turned off the PC and took a bath in a hurry. Due to the fatigue from work, I was drowsy while immersed in the bathtub, but I forced my head up.

I got out of the bath and tried to dry my hair with a hair dryer, but I was hit by sleepiness and I dove into the sofa for a moment to rest.

Soon my consciousness ceased.

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