Volume 3 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I awoke the next day, I watched the clock and screamed.

11 a.m. ... It was ten minutes before the scheduled time to leave home.

What a day, I intended to wake up one hour before 11 so I can do a good job in dressing up. But it was still good enough, time to hurry up.

In a hurry to wash my face, I head for the washbasin.


I saw the mirror and I spoke again this time.

My hairstyle is bad. I have an funny sleeping habit.

By the way yesterday, I went to bed after I entered the bath without drying it with a hair dryer.

"Oh no …"

I cried, twisted the faucet a couple of times, got water to wet my hair.

" So noisy in the morning ..."

Akari, my sisterwho was sleeping has awaken due to my voice, but I have no for her.

I dry my wet hair with a hair dryer this time.

Seven minutes have passed since I got up already when I saw the time.

I skipped breakfast, I brushed my teeth with my right hand while holding the dryer with my left hand.

After washing my face, I shaved my mustache, put in my contacts, and put on hair wax after my hair has dried.

Looked at the clock. It was past time that I had to leave already.

I quit home even after my hairs is just half-set, changed my clothes quickly then left the house with my cell phone and a bag.

I went to the station and jumped onto the train.

I got on a train fifteen minutes behind my planned time. I confirmed my arrival time with the mobile transit guide.

My expected arrival time was well after the waiting time. It is very bad for me. Already late for my first date with Hasegawa ... It would be unlikely that Hasegawa would be late for anything personally.

Seeing myself reflected on the window of the train, I was very further impatient. My hairstyle is not made up. I tried improving it while using the window as my mirror, but it did not work out very well.

...... Oh well, I often saw young men use the train window as their shaving glass instead of a mirror in their home. Wow, I am now part of that group, I now understand their feelings.

I arrive at JR Shinbashi station and sprint to Yurikamome Shimbashi station from which I got off. Leaving the ticket gate of JR, running to the Yurikamome station and running up the right side of the escalator.

Thanks to that, I was able to ride one earlier train than the train that was on the transfer guide. When leaning on the door of the train leaning on the door of the train and checking the transfer guidance once again, if train travels as scheduled, I can arrive five minutes after our scheduled time.

Despite everything I did, I will still be 5 minutes late. Should I send an email an apology to Hasegawa? ... While thinking about it, when I looked at the mobile screen again, the mark of a received email is displayed.

... ... Is it Hasegawa? While thinking that, I checked the mail.

Looking at the name displayed on the mobile screen, my eyes opened wide.

"Sender • Koigasaki Momo"

...... For the first time in four days, contact from Koigasaki.

"Sorry. My mobile phone batteryran out at our travel destination. . . I just bought a charger at a convenience store today "

I was very relieved. Koigasaki was not angry with me. I am so happy ... I felt like crazy. I read the rest of her email.

"You lost your notes …Where are you now, are you meeting Hasegawa? What time is your date today? "

While thanking Koigasaki, while trying to reply quickly, I remembered that I had to contact Hasegawa for being late before that, and hurriedly mailed Hasegawa.

"Good morning! Sorry, it looks like I will be late for about five minutes today ... "

I attached a crying emoji at the end and sent it. Then I sent another email to Koigasaki.

"I’m on the train, I overslept, I have bad hair, I am late, I’m already in deep ... Please help me."

An email came soon after. The sender was Koigasaki, not Hasegawa.

"What is with you? . . Where are you planning on going today? "

"Lunch → Joypolis → Odaiba seaside park ..."

Even though the reply came in about one minute, I immediately sent a reply

Meanwhile, an email arrive from Hasegawa.

"OK. "

So short ... Maybe Hasegawa is angry?

While thinking that it might so, I sent, "I'm really sorry!” again.

There is another reply from Koigasaki, my mobile vibrated even as I was sending my email to Hasegawa …truly amazing Koigasaki.

"I will only mention important items, so please be thankful.

● Lunch ... hold her chair while she sits.Show her the menu first. Be careful how you eat.

●Joypolis ... Take care of her mood. Ride only on rides that Hasegawa likes.

● Park ... Worry if her legs are getting sore from walking. (Especially if she is wearing sandals)

There is no doubt you can make a pretty good impression if you can at least do these! "

My eyes were teary while reading.

...... Oh, she is really something!

"Thank you very much! By the way yesterday, because I did not receive a reply from you, I looked up on some date knowledge from the internet; it said casual body touching, should I do it?"

The reply from Koigasaki to that mail was surprising.

"Body Touch ... !? Doing such a thing at the present time is absolutely disgusting because it is counterproductive, so it's absolutely impossible!? That's ok if you are already engaged but in your case, she would only be uncomfortable! "

Seriously ......!! What I wrote from that site was just full of trouble ... ....

"In manga I borrowed from you, there was a scene where the main character's man hugged the girl in an accident, and that it started with favoring the main character by the woman, but in the real world it is unlikely to happen. That's why if it is a pattern where both like each other from the beginning, the story will turn out fine but if it is not, it will only decrease the likelihood towards going steady! "

The long sentence mail from Koigasaki is written only for my stubbornness and is heartfelt by me.

"But, it was okay for me to try if we are alone and I feel a little favorable ...!"

"I do not understand that. It may be OK to me since I have that experience of going out with you. . . OK, OK, see Hasegawa's reaction and then decide your actions! Hasegawa's behavior will show how she thinks of you.

I think that it is unlikely, but if it is Hasegawa I think it’s OK to tell her before youtouch her or something!

If she didn’t like it, then just treat her as a friend.

First of all, start by removing the aversion to you.

Even if you touch the other person, if you are being hated, body touching will bring bad results."

Indeed, it is reasonable to change your attitude by seeing the reaction of the other party. However.

"But I do not think I will understand just how much Hasegawa thinks about me just by today ..."

"That's right. . . Well then, email me Hasegawa's “today” s situation. I will think about Hasegawa’s feelings based on her attitude that you will send me and I will email what actions you may to take. However, you should know that if you make a mistake, do not mess with a cell phone in front of Hasegawa! I will email you quickly before Hasegawa washes you. You do not have to worry if there is no immediate reply in your e-mail. "

While we exchanged e-mails, I arrived at the Odaiba Kaihin park station meeting place, so I put the cell phone in my pants' pocket without replying to further e-mails.

I thought the mail from Koigasaki very encouraging. After thanking Koigasaki, I came to my date.

When I arrived at Odaiba Kaihin Park Station which is our meeting place, I got dashed to the ticket gate as soon as I got off the train. As planned, I was five minutes late. Hasegawa has already arrived and was waiting at the other side of the ticket gate.

"Oh, Hasegawa, sorry I am late!"

I rushed out of the ticket gate and ran to Hasegawa.

"Even so, I do not mind so please do not run."

Hasegawa is as cool as ever, but I'd understand if Hasegawa is mad at me. While breathing, I look at the appearance of Hasegawa. She wore cute sandals with a light blue ribbon on a knee-length white lace dress. She put her hair up in a ponytail and choked it, and in her hands was a basketbag.

A white dress kitakore, a classic of clean fashion in summer .... It's too pretty and dazzling. She is like a summer angel that shines so bright that you can get blinded ....

"... ... Kashiwada-kun?"

Yeah, my brain stopped functioning for a moment due to the heat and tension.

"Oh, sorry sorry, then, shall we go?"

Trying to be cool, I tried to say that line with a smile, but my voice got so silly it got awkward. I am full of tension and excitement.

"Kashiwada-kun ... .... You are sweating, are you okay?"

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Hasegawa pointed out that I was sweating like I was in the shower.

Naturally since its very hot and I ran from the station to our meeting place.

I opened my bag to find a handkerchief. Nothing, I forgot my handkerchief. I already want to die.

"... ... Don’t you have a handkerchief?"

"... .... Oh, yeah ... ... I forgot ... ...."

Looking back at the Hasegawa while making a wry smile, she ... ... handed over her to hanky to me.

"If this is okay,"

Seriously, she is an angel!.

"No, it's okay! I cannot douse Hasegawa’s handkerchief with my dirty sweat!"

In my terrible panic, the face of Hasegawa inexplicably lost a little focus.

Perhaps she was just laughing at me ... but I was glad.

"Well then shall we go to a place where we can drink some cold drinks?"


What is this, Hasegawa cared about me and made such a proposal.

I wonder what she will do next. Either way, my plan is to eat lunch firstso I decided to look for a place to eat somewhere.

We left the station and entered the Joypolis 'inside' building called 'Dex Tokyo Beach' and looked for shops where you can eat lunch.

"Hasegawa, have you eaten lunch?"

"No, but I ate breakfast, so I am not very hungry yet .... Kashiwadaare you hungry?"

"Ah, I am that much too ..."

While answering, my belly rang with a pretty huge sound.

Nice exact timing just like in a cartoon! I endured it so far. No, I seriously want to die now.

Honestly I haven’t eaten anything since the morning, so I was hungry.

"Well then shall we go to a shop where we can eat rice?"

"Yeah ... I'm sorry ...."

It seems there are plenty of restaurants in the 6th floor of the building, so we decided to go to the 6th floor.

I wiped my sweat off my face with my pocket tissue (surprisingly hard as I have to be careful not to touch my face of the tissue), while standing behind Hasegawa in the escalator.

Coming to Odaiba alone with Hasegawa ... ... I have come so far but I still can’t believe it. I got excited looking at the white nape of Hasegawa. ...... I must not indulge in my emotion or crushing now. I have to break this awkward silence.

"What time did Hasegawa arrive today?"

"Just a bit before Kashiwada arrived."

"Oh, that's right!"


Conversation, end ... ....

Hasegawa is not the type that talks a lot, and because I'm nervous alone with her, there is another awkward silence.

I tried to think of topics to talk about but I could not find anything particularly suitable, and we got off at 6F in silence.

"Hasegawa, what kind of store do you want to go!?"

"I ... it's OK, a place where you can get a cold drink."

OK, it's a shop where you can get cold drinks .... you can drink at most stores!

"I do not mind going to a place where Kashiwada can get something to eat"

"Well, really!?"

I know that girls' wishes must be considered first in the date, but ... Because Hasegawa herself says anywhere is fine, is it appropriate for me to decide in this case ...?

"Err, um ... ... then ..."

I look over the Kyorochiro stores. There are various restaurants, and I do not know which store is suitable for date.

"Where is a good place ..."

Oh, already at this point I already want to ask for help from Koigasaki.

At that time, I saw a restaurant with hamburger on its menu.


"Well, shall we head over there?"

"Err ... I hope it's OK!"

"Yes, I do not mind much."

Even though I am sorry to have decided on the store we will go to, I got excited by the hamburger steak.

We entered the shop and was guided to our seats.

It was crowded because it was exactly at lunch time, but as there were seats for two people available, we got a table at once.

I was going to my seat but thenI remembered the mail from Koigasaki.

"To help her sit first"

"Oh, Hasegawa, please let me!"

I stopped myself and went to Hasegawa in a panic.

"Oh, thank you ... ...."

While Hasegawa was a little surprised, she thanked me.

"Here is the menu"

I got the menu from the store clerk and tried order hamburgers right away .... Then I remembered the advice e-mail from Koigasaki again.

"Oh! Hasegawa, what will you choose?"

"Err, yeah, thanks ... ...."

Hasegawa received the menu from me.

"I am OK. You can order now."

The menu comes back to me at once.

"Well, I ... ...."

Looking at the menu, I was very into trouble. I am very hungry so everything on the menu looks delicious.

I decided to ask for a double cheese burger, rice &a salad set.

I thought that might be a little too much food, but because I haven’t eaten since morning, it will be okay.

"I am going to call the waiter, sorry."

Hasegawa invited a clerk smartly and beautifully.

I would have called the waiter myself but I let Hasegawa call him.

"Ice tea one"

"Oh, I will have double cheese hamburger, rice &a salad set!"

"Certainly, I will take the menu."

The clerk takes the menu and leaves.

...... Silence again.

Oh, I did what Koigasaki told me to do when we entered the restaurant, but I was told mind my manners while eating ... .... I remember when I was at our Harajuku date course, Koigasakitold me that I have bad table manners.

Dating is tough, isn’t it ...?

Hasegawa was silent and looking out the window.

I tried to think of a topic, but I could not find an appropriate time to open it, I was just watching the face of Hasegawa.

"Thank you for waiting, here is your Ice tea and double cheese hamburger set."

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Our order arrived earlier than I thought, and I was saved.

Ice tea was placed in front of Hasegawa, the double cheese hamburger, rice and salad in front of me.

The double cheese burger is bigger than I thought. The amount is too large. Suddenly looking at the Hasegawa, Hasegawa was looking at my hamburger steam as well.

"I’m sorry for eating alone ..."

All Hasegawa got is iced tea but I have a hamburger set ... There is unbalance. I think that it is bad going on a date this hungry.

"Why do you need to apologize? I did not ask for a meal as I am not hungry."

Hasegawa told me in a coolmanner.

Then, trying to mind my manners as much as possible, I ate the delicious food before me.

When possible, carve the hamburger with a knife and use a fork and carry it to your mouth as carefully as possible. I rarely eat such politeness, and my hands are trembling as I also cared about Hasegawa's line of sight.


Gashan, I knocked down my water.

"Wow, Yabō, Yabe"

The glass still have a lot of water in it, so it spreads out and I panic.

"Kashiwada, are you OK?"

I tried to wipe off the water with the tissue that I have. Hasegawa handed out more tissue from her bag and handed it to me.

A clerk immediately came and wiped the table and the floor with a cloth. Why did I fail like this? I can’t see the face of Hasegawa because I am too embarrassed.

After I finished wiping all the water, as I was hungry, I ate up all the hamburgers, salad and rice.

During the delicious meal, there was almost no conversation. To tell the truth, I was to absorbed in eating that I ice and it was not anything I could do for conversation.

"Well, I’m finished ... I'm sorry, I made you wait again"

As soon as I finished eating, I prepared to leave the store …

"We don’t have to leave so soon, why don’t you take a rest ...."

"No, it's okay!"

Hasegawa was waiting all through my meal, like a dad, so I hurried out of my seat. I got a slip and went to the checkout counter.

I wish I could have been able to tell the truth ... I did not have money even for today's date, I used ten thousand from the savings I kept for fifteen years. These savings are savings that my parents told me not to use as much as possible unless in emergencies. As I had to spend nearly 10,000 including today's date fee, I could not afford the ice tea of Hasegawa.

I paid only for myself with miserable feelings and left the store.

"May I go to the bathroom for a moment?"

Hasegawa said when we left the store.

"Oh, of course!"

As Hasegawa headed for the toilet, I took out the cell phone from my pocket on the spot and checked the time. Two o'clock ... ... It has not been more than an hour since we met and already I have been through so much trouble. It is crazy!

I sent a mail without hesitation.

"Address • Koigasaki Momo

Yeah ~ ~ I failed! I cannot keep up a conversation, I don’t know what to I talk about ... "

A reply comes in less than a minute. She said she was on vacation ... ... she is unexpectedly free?

"Calm down for now. You sound funny. Lol. What kind of situation is Hasegawa in? Was she angry about your tardiness? What didshe say to you? "

"No, she didn’t look angry ... probably. She cares very much. She offered her handkerchief as I forgot mine ...... such an angel! "

“You are so worried that you forgot your handkerchief, are you fairly imaginable? But maybe you are not being hated because she cared so much. Go with her as far as she wants so as not to lower her likability to you. Do not act aggressively! As just a classmate, try to act like a good person. "

Hasegawa returned so I hurriedly closed the cell phone.

"Let us wait"

"No, no, let's go!"

"After this, where are you going to decide?"

"Well, well, I would go to Joypolis if it's OK with you, Hasegawa ...."

"Yes, I do not mind."

Hasegawa's reaction was calm as ever.

The email from Koigasaki runs around my head. To avoid decreasing her like, act like a nice person ...... Easily said, but what exactly should I do?

I became conscious and went to Joypolis with almost no conversation.

"Hasegawa, have you ever been to Joypolis?"

"Yes, a long time ago once ..."

That was surprising. I can’t picture the quiet Hasegawa and this noisy indoor amusement park.

I purchased two passports for adults (admission ticket + all-you-can-get ride) on a ticket vending machine.

As Hasegawa was about to put money into the ticket vending machine, I stopped her in a hurry.

"Oh, I got a token for tutoring, so I will treat you at least this much!"

I offered one of the purchased passports to Hasegawa.

Yesbut today's lie is "a token for tutoring." I could not buy her a drink, but I thought that it would be worse if I can’t get a ticket for her; another blow to my savings.

"Eh ... ... ok, I can’t let you do that ...."

Hasegawa shakes her head while trying to take out the passport fee from her wallet.

"No, it’s OK! Please receive it!"

Hey, I'm kind of cool right now.

"Something like that ..."

"No, it's okay!"

I have to push it more aggressively.

"... OK, if you say so ... Thank you"

Hasegawa seemed to be sorry, and finally received the passport from me.

Then we entered the park.

"Hasegawa, what do you want to ride first?"

I expand the brochure and showed it to Hasegawa and asked.


Hasegawa thought while looking at the pamphlet.

"Hasegawa, is there an attraction that you cannot ride?"

"No, I can ride all the attractions"

"Oh, okay, so you can go to the screaming place or the haunted house?"

"Probably ... ..."

Is she this strong? As expected of Hasegawa.

As for me, the scream system is fine, but the haunted house is not good enough.

However, I came here and realized that the hamburger I ate earlier started feeling somewhat bad to my stomach. Although I thought that I did not eat too much, it looks like the pain came from moving immediately after eating.

Since I was in such a state, I think that I better avoid the too heavy rides from the beginning.

I saw a small roller coaster at the entrance.

"Oh, how about this?"

"Yes, I do not mind."

Since Hasegawa's consented, I lined up at the entrance.

"Fuu ~"

My stomach was suffering, I made a sigh unconsciously.

"Kashiwada-kun ... Are you OK?"

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"Ehhh, Oh I am OK!"

Yeah, I'm unconsciously sighing while I'm dating, what am I doing. Besides I have to worry about Hasegawa. Oh, please stomach, digest my hamburger quickly. Good luck my digestive organs.

Our turn came and we got into the coaster.

Naturally, I sat next to Hasegawa.... Oh yeah, what else, not too close?

My distance to Hasegawa when we lined up is less than a hand’s width, same is true in our ride.

While thinking about such a thing, the coaster departed. Usually I should be okay with this level of ride, but I was attacked by tension and stomach discomfort.

"...... Hui ......"

I felt bad during that coaster ride. My condition worsened after the ride.

...... I should have not gotten a ride here. I regret from my heart.

The double cheese burger set was too much to eat. I should have had only an ordinary hamburger.

However, I tried desperately to look calm and not show my discomfort to Hasegawa.

"Hasegawa ...... What do you want to ride next? Since I chose the first ride .... I like the next ride to be Hasegawa's favorite ride ..."

"Kashiwada-kun ... ... you look pale, are you okay?"

I wonder if my face color is not good as she can tell just by looking.

To be honest, I am already reaching my limit.

"I'm sorry .... just for a bit, can I go to the toilet ... ... I will return soon ..."

"Yes, of course"

I searched for a male toilet with unsteady steps and managed somehow.

...... Oh yeah, this is seriously tiresome.

While thinking how dirty it is, I sat down on the floor of the toilet and tried to vomit. However, maybe because of my overthinking, I cannot vomit.

I unintentionally take out my cell phone out.

"Address • Koigasaki Momo

Oh ... I overate ... became sick and not comfortable and inside the toilet at Joypolis ... What shall I do, we only had one ride?

I sent it. Although I tried not reporting everything to Koigasaki, I am now grasping at straws.

A reply comes again soon.

"It's nothing . . . If you feel bad, then stop going to rides."

"But I can’t do it! Hasegawa's favorite rides, we haven’t tried those yet ... "

"What would you do if you vomited in front of Hasegawa? Hasegawa said she wanted to go to the sea, why not go out Joypolis and take a sea walk? "

After I read the mail of Koigasaki, I rested enough time with my face facing the toilet bowl again.

I still cannot vomit, and I still feel bad so I cannot get out of the toilet soon.

If you cannot see the signs of your condition getting better, you may as well give up already enjoying other rides in Joypolis, as Koigasaki said.

But, if I am going for a walk in the ocean, I have to talk for a while, and I must avoid being awkward now. Although I already have trouble speaking now ... I thought and remembered the article on the net I read yesterday and noted on my cell phone. That's right, I read about the story of a girl.

"I saw it on a net article yesterday, would it be okay if I asked Hasegawa's story while walking in the sea?"

Just to be sure, I checked that with Koigasaki too.

"Well ... But you do want to ask a lot from Hasegawa? It is nice to listen to her story, but is it wrong to ask for things like ‘What time did you get up this morning?’, ‘What did you eat?’, ‘Was the train crowded?’ She might not want hearing meaningless questions like that. Match the questions with her mood. She will not talk about things she doesn’t want to discuss. As for an easy-to-handle topic ... what about school or junior high school? Maybe Hasegawa is willing to talk about something like this."

……I see. Just the topic I was looking for.

After I rested a bit in the toilet, I returned to Hasegawa.

"Kashiwada, are you all right?"

Hasegawa calls me anxiously.

"Sorry, I made you wait for a long time ... But I am better."

I still feel bad but I think I am a little better after I went to the bathroom.

"But it seems that your complexion has not improved much yet ..."

Nevertheless, my complexion is not good enough if you look at it.

"You better go home and have a break today ..."

Hasegawa’s words struck fear in me. I am on a date with Hasegawa and I definitely want to avoid going back home in such a condition. I wonder what people who saw me with Hasegawa will say if we went home like this ...... and Hasegawa seems to be worried about me seriously, I reflected on it.

Then I remembered the contents of the e-mail from Koigasaki.

"Yeah, I’m sorry ... but it's pretty bad for me to go on rides any more ... So, if it’s OK with Hasegawa, can we go out of Joypolis and go to Odaiba Beach Park?"

"Well ... Kashiwada, are you OK?"

"I think if I breathe in the sea air, I will feel better"

"Well, if that’s the case ...."

As I was able to obtain consent from Hasegawa, we left Joypolis and headed to Odaiba Beach Park.

The Odaiba Seaside Park sea breeze felt good, my condition seems to be better than before.

"Hasegawa wanted to come here, do you like it here?"

"Well ..."

Hasegawa made her hair fly with the sea breeze and responded to me feeling comfortable.

We decided to talk while walking along the beach.

I'm already running out of topics to talk about.

"Does Hasegawa like the sea?"


"No, I thought that you like the sea which is why you like to come here..."

Hasegawa did not reply to my question, but is staring at the distance.


"Since I came here often in the past ... ... I remembered the times in the past when I went here."

"Did you often come?"


At that time, the advice from Koigasaki came into my mind.

I will try asking Hasegawa that.

I do not know if this is a good opportunity ...

'A long time ago .... Was it when you were in junior high? '

"No, around elementary school"

"Ohhh ... with your family?"

"Yes, with my family"

As I looked at her, Hasegawa had a look that she was reminiscing of those days.

"It was fun then, that’s why I thought that I wanted to come again ..."

"Oh, OK with your family,"

If she had such a lot of fun, I kind of thought that it would be good to comment that, but as soon as I said that, I felt Hasegawa had a sad smile for a moment .

Perhaps, I should not have said that. As it was a long time ago, did her family changed?

I remember that Koigasaki advised me not to pry too much.

Because Hasegawa answered nothing to my question, I judged that it might be something she did not want to talk about.

Silence comes again and I get anxious.

"Kashiwada, are you really OK?"

"Oh, yes."

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Hasegawa is still anxious for me, but I feel that my physical condition has gradually improved little by little.

"There is a bench; shall we take a short rest?"

"Oh, yeah, thanks."

We sat on the bench. I am pleased with Hasegawa's worry.

We sat on the bench and I began search for topics I wanted to ask Hasegawa.

"Well, I was wondering for a long time .... When I invited you to karaoke in June, why did you come?"

It was surprising that she came that day, especially spending time with a group of people.

Hasegawa, who seemed to be so cool and distant to others, was why I was concerned about the reason why she came very easily.

Hasegawa thought about my question.

"Why ... ... just an honest reason."


"For no particular reason other than you invited me, so I went ... that's it."

You came because I invited you? If so, does this mean that Hasegawa can come most of the time? By the way, even for today, she came easily.

"Well, then Hasegawa, will it be OK to invite you out in the future?"

I may have misunderstood her answer and asked a bit bold question.

Hasegawa looks at my face with a surprised expression

"Well, yeah ... ... if you invite me ... ..."

She said, puzzled.

Just being able to hear those words, I was happy.

"If we go now, will you be fine, are you OK?"

Hasegawa looks into my complexion.

"Oh, yes, I’m okay"

I wanted to be with Hasegawa a bit more.... It was my real intention, but it is also a fact that we discussed a troubling topic. Also, I can’t let her stay out too late, so we have to return on a safe hour.

We walked towards the station.

Hasegawa suddenly stopped when we arrived at the station.


Hasegawa murmured a little.

"What is it?"

"That ~! Is that you Hasegawa!?"

A woman from a group of young men and women walked across the pedestrian crossing towards us.

"Wow it's been a long time ~! I was surprised ~!"

Apparently, she is an acquaintance of Hasegawa.

"Well, Morishima ......"

Hasegawa uttered words to her for the first time.

But when I saw her face, I was surprised. Her face was distorted so much that I could not imagine that being the face of calm and neutral Hasegawa.

Maybe Hasegawa is not good with this woman?

"You haven’t changed at all since junior high school! I’m surprised!"

Looks like she was an acquaintance from middle school days, although the woman is probably about the same age as us. She is wearing clothes with a high degree of exposure and it seems that the type is someone that Hasegawa doesn’t like.

Hasegawa keeps eye contact even though her face is still pale as ever.

Noticing that, the woman carefully looked at my whole body from top to bottom.

"Ah, maybe it was a date ...?"

The woman is also with a man, the other man was obviously older, and he looked slightly bald looking wearing black.

...... This is bad; Hasegawa is in a tight situation because of me. I believed her companion to be a bad man. This woman is probably thinking right now, ‘My boyfriend is cool, so I win.’

"No it’s not! We were originally three people but the other went home the other way; it is not a date etc ..."

I desperately said.

"Oh, that's right ~ I'm sorry,"

She apologized without worrying much.

Somehow I felt her negative aura. I heard some people emit unpleasant auras from their bodies.... More than anything, Hasegawa seems to be frightened of her.

"Oh, by the way, did you try contacting Hasegawa-san and Sonoda-san?"

"... ...!"

Hasegawa raised her face in response to the question.

'No ... but why? '

"Oh .... I tried e-mailing after junior high school graduation, but now, I can’t contact them at all"


"Hasegawa-san was not contacted?"

I was further surprised to see the facial expression of Hasegawa at this time. Hasegawa has a complicated expression that I had never seen before.

"Risa, are you still here?"

At that time the man with the woman called. He sounded irritated.

"Oh, sorry, then Hasegawa, see you again"

"Oh, yeah ... ...."

That girl called Risa and her boyfriend left.

"Hasegawa ... are you OK?"

Hasegawa remained still and silent with a pale face.

"... .... Oh, sorry ... I got you involved ..."

"You look very pale…"

"Oh ... that's right, I wonder ..."

Hasegawa got out a handkerchief from her bag and wiped her sweat.

"Can you tell me about her ...?"

I simply thought that I was interested and I thought that it was natural to ask her, so I tried asking Hasegawa daringly.


Hasegawa does not answer. She doesn’t want to talk about it?

"Oh, sorry, if you do not want to talk, I will not force you ...."

"... ... now, it is my classmate when I am a junior high school student ... what should I explain ...?"

Although Hasegawa had a troubled look, she still talked.

"It’s a very long and very boring story."

"No, I do not mind at all! Of course, if Hasegawa wants to talk about it, I will listen ... but ... if you don’t want to, I will not pry. We can stay here a bit, there is still some time ..."

"Okay ... ... then, shall we do that ...?"

After that, I walked with Hasegawa away from the station.

"It's hot but windy today, so it's relatively easy to walk around."

While walking on the sidewalk, Hasegawa rarely spoke.

"Yeah, well ... well, thanks to you, I feel better."

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