Volume 3 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Kashiwada kun ... ... Since it’s you, Kashiwada ... ... good ..."

A beautiful girl sat on the bed in my room and blushed and said such a thing.

"Akari..!! "

"Ah ... Lame … suddenly doing that ..."

When the love scene by me and the beautiful girl started …

"It’s bad hearing romantic nonsense in the daytime!"

The door of the room opened vigorously and Akari, my sister, expressed her disgusted feelingswhen she came into my room.

"Wow! Ah!"

I was surprised enough to stop my heart and I quickly closed my laptop.

"No, you knock first before entering!"

"When you are in the next room, you can hear a shrill anime voice over the walls! Super annoying! It is really bad feeling! But it's been a while since you started playing eroge on daytime during summer vacation!?"

Well, should I still have an earphone ... .... It has just broken. I have to buy one soon. I thought it was okay because I played the game with a small volume ... ....

"Uu, noisy! I don’t have eroge ... ...."

"Then what is that thing!"

Next to my PC, the package of eroge that I was playing right now is placed, and Akari pointed at it.

"Ha ha ... So this is what you do when alone in your room! Looks like you did not do well with real girls on your date! So it’s just 2d girls every single day for now! "

"Date ......?"

"What's this now, Akari already knows… Mommy said so yesterday ... .... Indeed, how much do you love girls that you have to go through this perverted date eroge!"

"Date ...... Date? ... Huh ... ... Hahaha ... .... Hahahahahahaha!"

"Hwaaa ... are you already broken?"

While Akari was watching me with frightened eyes, I lay down on the floor while laughing.

A whole day has passed since the date with Hasegawa.

I received an email from Hasegawa who was worried about me on the evening of our date "Thank you for today. Please rest slowly and get back in shape."

This e-mail has my tension rising for a moment! Immediately I sent her a reply, “Thanks for coming with me! It was really fun! I am well, thank you for worrying about me."

Maybe if I reply often enough, things might get better. No reply came.

Well, if we meet at school again, that means you do not need to reply to my emails anymore. In addition, I do not see you during summer vacation. No, I understand that it was just me and my delusions, but I got a heartbroken again.

Then I was always have my feelings of loneliness, emptiness where I could not say anything.

I intended to do my best for yesterday 's date. However, as a result, I did not even reach the position of "friends". I wonder what I should do now. How do I fix the distance? I do not understand everything.

I wanted to throw out the reality and ran away to 2D. As I recently went to out and also bought clothes, I had no to get new games so I pulled out the most erotic eroge from my junior high school days from the shelf and played it after a long absence.

The games are simple. If you know how to raise the girl’s flags, you can clear the game in one day. You can easily get the feeling of a girl in games.

However, in reality .... Even if you do your best, or you make an effort, no matter how many weeks or months you have spent ... ... still you are not even a "friend". What do you think? What is this impossible game.

I just tried doing eroge for a long time and it was not much fun just being aware of the difference between games and reality. (Although it sometimes gets boring because I cleared the game many times before)

"Hahaha ... ...."

I was laughing and I sighed while watching the ceiling.

"What’s this ... ... Naoki is acting seriously strange ... "

Akari stares at me with suspicious eyes.

"Hahaha ... ... When you become a high school student, you will experience many things!"

"Ha, what is that? Are you making fun of junior high school students?"

"No, that's not the case ..."

Actually, I was talking about my dark middle school days.

"Something ... did something bad happen ..."

It seems that Akari was about to say something, but my cellphone started ringing and Akari’s voice got drowned out entirely, so I could not hear anything.

"Oh, someone’s calling…"

I hurried and open my cell phone.


When I answered the phone, Akari got up quickly with a raised eyebrow and got out of my room quickly while making a loud noise closing the door. It was her completely angry attitude; what happened to you suddenly? No, it is unusual that she is angry.

"Hello? Kashiwada?"

I took the call carefully because I might be heard by Akari, and I took it without confirming who I called. Over the telephone, I heard a high voice pitch ... It's Koigasaki.

"You still alive?"

Suddenly confirming if I was still living or already dead, I was stunned.

"What's going on, I do not want to die so easily"

"What’s going on? What do you mean? I do not mind saying this, but I'm sorry to hear that while you were asking for my help during your date, you suddenly went silent! I thought that you died of shock from your date!"

Oh, were you worried about this kind of thing? "Oh sorry ... I forgot to contact you, my bad."

"How can I help you if you don’t report to me!?"

I had become lethargic to everything, even contacting Koigasaki went completely out of my head.

"Even with your help ... I failed on a date and died ... I am dead."

"... What do you mean, you failed on your date!?"

I think that there is no clear criterion as to how to judge a date as a failure or success. So I think that if it is satisfying then I will call it a success; if not, then it is a failure. It will be all self-judgment. However, as I call it, my date yesterday is totally a failure.

"Didn’t I say that body touching is an offensive attitude and don’t do it to Hasegawa?"

"I didn’t do that!"

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"Did you continue playing in Joypolis and ignored Hasegawa ..."

"I didn’t do that as well!"

"How did you fail?"

"As I told you, we went to Odaiba Beach Park and went walking along the beach ..."

"Did you get drowned in the sea!?"

"What!? No! We just talked normally ...."

"Did you say rude things? Did you sexually harass her and made herfeel disgusted? Having conversations like that is too much for Hasegawa, did she get sick!?"

"That didn’t happen as well!" Although our conversation was a little awkward, I think Hasegawa did not feel bad, and we were able to speak quite to each other …I think.

"Well then how did you fail, didn’t Hasegawa just talk about herself?"

"No ... I also told her my story, but unexpectedly ... I heard many stories about Hasegawa"

"Seriously? That Hasegawa having so much to tell ... ... did you force her ...."

"I do not think it was forced, ... Hasegawa actually thanked me for listening to her."

"Oh, so you were seriously listening?"

"Ah ... and she also laughed,"

"Hasegawa laughed, it is amazing! You are awesome, I never saw her smile at school."

Listening to the words of Koigasaki, I got a little happy. After all it showed that my attitude was thoughtful coming from the perspective of Hasegawa. I can be happy with that fact.

"What's the reason why you said you failed in your date?"

"... When we separated, she told me something like, "I will do my best to make friends from now on."

"... How did the conversation flow?"

"Well, there are various things ... then I was told that she appreciated me in the end."

"I do not understand what you meant ..."

"No, I mean, she told me that she ‘will work hard to make friends from now on’. That means she at least doesn’t consider me as a friend!"

"... Oh, well, well ... ...."

Since Koigasaki casually responded, my spirits has fallen again.

"But it is also true that she appreciated you and smiled as it is.I think that she does not usually do such things to persons she dislikes.Hasegawa will not tell something of herself to just any person."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah, she may have thought of you as an ordinary classmate until now, but now you could at least go above that level? Well, I can’t say definitely as I can’t affirm the situation. I do not understand why you didn’t get this. Aren’t you amazed that because of you, she worked hard? "

Being praised by Koigasaki, my falling spirits starts to rise. As it turned out, Hasegawa has laughed and she thanked me for it; it was an amazing event especially to a person who only knows the usual Hasegawa. It is no doubt that Koigasaki who always scolds me has now praised me. How can I keep feeling sad after this?

"Oh ... oh, so that was a positive for me ...?"

At the same time as pleasant feelings began to emerge, I immediately remembered what I should have done.

"Damn, I should have invited her to a next date?"

If my impression was so good, I guess that I might have asked for another dateeven though she might have refused.

"No, that's not right, right?"

However, it was instantly killed in Koigasaki.

"Why are you!?"

"Ha ha ha, this time she came because I decided to go, but if you two were alone from the start it might be a very high hurdle. I think that the probability of her refusing is quite high if you alone have invited her ... "

"Waa, are you serious? ..."

Certainly I think what Koigasaki said makes sense. It was because there was the premise of three people (including Koigasaki)going originally. There is a big difference between two people going out against three people going out. Although she came this time, she might refuse the next time. If Hasegawa refused my invitation, I feel I might not be able to get over it.

"I think inviting two people to go on a date is a little better, until her impression of you gets better."

"Yeah ... you’re right ......"

It is a bit scary now. If I rushed things and break the flag, I may lose everything. Better take it easy for now ....

That means that it is impossible to play with Hasegawa during the summer vacation. I can’t meet Hasegawa any more during the summer vacation.

Even now I want to see her, it is too hard to be able to meet for all of the summer vacation.

I wonder if I can endure until the second semester.

"I can’t meet Hasegawa anymore during summer vacation ..."

"What are you saying! Thanks to me, at least you were able to go out alone! And I have not been in contact with Suzuki, of course I can’t meet him during summer vacation ..."

I heard a deep sigh of Koigasaki over the phone, I found Koigasaki looking very lonesome.

"Hey, is there no event like that where I can meet Suzuki again!? I helped you this time, so you should set up something like that."

"I still can’t tell her ...."

Suzuki is not interested about Koigasaki at all, and it seems because of his not conscious to girls rather than being a bad guy. Because of this, inviting girls out, including Koigasaki, seems to be unnatural to him.

"Well ... It hard to do so during summer vacation; I wonder if it will end soon .... If we were at school, we could at least meet in the corridors every day. I was in the same mind. I can talk with Hasegawa at school and I can see her everyday.

"Really, I wish it ended soon ...... Summer vacation"

I never wished to go to school immediately when I was in junior high school because of my depression. I am amazed by changes in me and my feelings.

We sighed deeply with each other, then had some chat and then finished the call.



The next day, I was eating with Suzuki at the Mac in Akihabara.

Today I made an appointment to go shopping with Suzuki in Akihabara, I went around looking around gamers, Toranoana, animate etc. appropriately and then I moved to Mac and was taking a rest.

"Hey, will Kashii go to summer comiket?"

"Ah, I want to go ... but I do not have money."

I replied to Suzuki's while sticking the fries.

Or, if I go to the summer festival, I thought of going with Suzuki.

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"What about Suzuki?"

"I, I want to go... but on the second day I have to go to my grandparents."


If Suzuki can’t go, I won’t go as well ...... I don’t have anyone to go with and I have no money. If a major book is released there, I can buy it in a special store in Akiba after summer comiket.

"Why not go on the third day if you can’t go on the second day?"

"Well, I would rather go on the 2nd day than the third day. I will be in Toho with my grandparents so going to Akihabara might be hard for me. On the second day, my favorite circle will put out their summer comic limited book that is not available by mail order or reservation!


"I wanted it so much, and moreover, that writer who seems to be a female artist and she seems to sketch only female characters.Even if it’s impossible, I will not give up trying to get a copy but it is hard as it is only a limited edition ..."

When he said that, Suzuki started joking.

"I won’t give up, I'm going to buy it even if that’s the only reason to go ..."

I do not have anyone to go with even if I want to go ... I wonder if I talked to my friends from junior high school ...... Oh, but I have no money.

"Oh, by the way, did Suzuki go to My Home recently?"

I remembered something and Suzuki suddenly.

My home is a maid cafe where Suzuki and I went before. Now Koigasaki and Sakurai are working part-time there.

If Suzuki had been to that shop recently, I thought that there is the possibility of him encountering Koigasaki in maid clothes.

"Well, I haven’t been there, why?"

I feel a little relieved listening to that word. There is nothing more inconvenient than two people suddenly meeting; Koigasaki who is doing badly at work might be overwhelmed if Suzuki suddenly saw her at work.

"Oh no, I do not have any particular deep meaning except I went back there once. I thought Suzuki has gone as well."

"Well, why did you go, Kashii? I never guessed that you were interested in maid cafes. Did you go with someone?"

"Oh no, I went alone."

"By yourself! What, next time, please invite me?"

"Oh,then I will invite you ..."

If I decide to go to My Home with Suzuki, I should inform Koigasaki in advance.

Then we continued our chat and we left the Mac to go home after some time.



The next day, I got work at 10 o'clock in the morning.

I feel like I am never at home during this summer vacation.

"Oh, good morning"

When I arrived at work, I went to the front desk. I spoke to the person there.

Recently, in addition to Yamamoto, there is another person there. This is a woman who greeted me just now, idol of our work (lol) Aya Watanabe.

"Good morning."

I returned her greeting. Watanabe seems to be around my age, she is one year ahead and she also goes to a different high school.

She ... Watanabe has straight black hair that falls to her shoulders. Her make-up is as fashionable but not as thick as Koigasaki’s; she is a cute girl with natural make-up and a clean atmosphere.

She also has a baby face and good sized breasts; she has all those girl qualities that men like.

In addition to her appearance, she has a gentle voice, makes girlish gestures and a personality that is open to anyone. She is pretty and loved by everyone in work and she has turned into an idol like presence at work.

While there are many people who do not talk to me (although it may be just paranoia) Yamamoto and Watanabe always greet me brightly.

Although Watanabe has little conversation with me except for greetings and administrative talk. Watanabe looked back from me after I greeted her and immediately turned to the seniors in the kitchen and continued their conversation.

"Hey Aya, when are we going out together? I have been waiting forever."

Today, my senior (Chara who is weak) Kato was talking with Watanabe.

Kato ... Are you also working today? Aren’t you on a business trip? Can you do work today?

"Oh Aya is always OK. Kato, please say what kind of girls do you like!"

"Eh? What kind of girls would look better than Aya?"

"Hey, what are you saying!! Aya has many good looking friends."

"You can’t have any girls cuter than Aya, although there are some girls that can be called cute. Because their character is cute isn’t it?"

I am frustrated just by listening to their conversation.

And somehow ...... I am attracted to Watanabe Aya.

She is cute. She is certainly very cute. Moreover, I like her neat black hair.

However, she’s like ... "I'm know that I’m pretty and cute!" I can’t accept an aura like this one.

Of course, the person herself may not think such a thing, but she always calls herself by name; always winks her eyes and looks down; always purses her lips; her expression always made me think that she’s always trying to catch a guy’s attention. When I ask a question she puts her fingers on her mouth to shush me ...

If I think about it, comparing her to the other girls around me - Koigasaki is definitely more masculine and my favorite Hasegawa is the opposite of her as well as Sakurai.

As always, I was listening to their conversation without being able to join. I was committed to the front desk job.

"Well, I’m going to take a break."

It seems that Kato eventually came to a break.

So I noticed that I was alone with Watanabe.

Until now, I have been alone with other women, but I have never been alone with Watanabe.

I become nervous. I have not tried to talk to her properly, and it would feel awkward if I become silent.

That said, Watanabe is a type who anyone can approach and she greets me with a smile every time; will she talk to me when we are alone? Recently I can talk to girls better than I used to; I have increased my confidence although theymay not care enough to talk to me.

However, such worrying was a troublesome task.

Because Watanabe never noticed me no matter how long time has passed.

Eventually it will be the end of my free time and few customers will enter.

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I felt awkward in silence so much so I looked at Watanabe suddenly.


I was surprised to see Watanabe … messing with her cell phone.

No matter how free I am, I do not use my cell phone while at work ... also, I have never seen any of my workmates use their phones. Even Chara Man Kato will not do such a thing.

Watanabe, who noticed that I was watching, looks at me only for a moment. What was she thinking, I thought. Watanabe looks just for a moment at me then looks back to her phone as if nothing has happened.

I noticed it now. The reason why I cannot be attracted to Watanabe.

She is not interested in me at all.

Even today, she even though she talked to others, she didn’t talk to me even once.

With the other male employees, she talk to them, sometimes do a body touch and ask them for favors.

It is a completely different attitude towards me.

I actively greet others because I want to be thought of as "a good worker who gives a lively greeting to everybody" ...... I think that she wanted to be known like that.

However, I thought her attitude was different only for me.

Where I noticed it, my feelings are fell.

Oh, why do I have to stay in this space with such a woman ....

While I felt sick, Kato, who finished his break, came back.

"I’m back -"

I was saved ... ... I never appreciate the existence of Kato so much before.

"Oh Kato, thanks for your hard work"

In a moment she changed her attitude and Watanabe spoke to Kato. It seems that her cell phone is back in her pocket.

"Oh, there’s talk of a group outing." Watanabe's ballistic mode will be activated again.

"What, what?"

"Can’t you invite Yamamoto?"


Kato is terribly surprised at Watanabe's word.

"Aya, do you like Yamamoto?"

"Wha… what are you talking about!?"

Watanabe's high voice further increases in sharpness in her question.

Yamamoto .... Again, she is motivated.

He is cool looking person who I trusted and befriended in my job. I wonder how someone like him exists.

Oh, I think that my part time job is fun because of Yamamoto.

Watanabe is targeting Mr. Yamamoto ... ....

Personally, I do not want Yamamoto to easily fall to a woman who has a double personality like Watanabe.

"But Aya, I think inviting Yamamoto will be quite difficult"


"Because he is a siscon"

"Whaaa ... are you serious !?"

Watanabe was shaken by the words of Kato, just like me.

Yamamoto is a siscon? By the way, I told him that I have a little same just like him ....

"I guess he loves his little sister, so I think he won’t make it with you."

"Eh what’s that ...... I am in shock, but ..."

Watanabe's tension dropped.

Yamamoto is siscon .... But he is certainly very kind, so I guess I can be convinced that he loves his sister. Yamamoto's sister would be pretty though ... ... maybe I would like to see her.

After taking a break, I kept working until six o'clock.

As it was nearing quitting time, I went up to the employee waiting room; Yamamoto was there preparing himself.

"Oh, Kashiwada, are you going now? Tired?"

"Oh, thanks for your hard work, I am able to finish work."

"Yeah, I come in at six thirty, guess I came a bit early."

Then I did a little chat with Yamamoto.

Anyway, I'm curious about the rumor that Yamamoto is a siscon. I do not know what Kato was talking is true.

"Oh Yamamoto ... ...."


"Your sister, how is she?"

"Oh, my sister?"

"Err ... ...Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh I mean, I do not know if she is fine or not.”

You don’t’ know? I wonder how can he not conversation with his sister?

Even my sister is like that, I still talk to her every day.

"Oh, don’t you get along with your sister?"

"Oh, yeah ... ... We do not get along, I feel like I am hated ..."

That was surprising. A man like Yamamoto not getting along well with his sister.

I mean, why does Yamamoto's sister dislikes him when he is such a nice big brother who she can be absolutely proud of.

I can hardly believe that Yamamoto did something that made her sister angry.

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"Oh, sorry, I guess it's time to go, well Kashiwada-kun, see you later."

"Oh, ok."

I was worried very much, but Yamamoto went to work so I could not ask him anymore.

I thought I'd like to ask him more questions when we meet the next time. Why are you it disliked by your sister? It may be a topic that he doesn’t want to talk about.

I arrived home soon. When I looked at my cell phone on the train, an email came from Koigasaki during the bite.

"Kashiwada, are you going to summer comiket? "

I am surprised that an otaku word pops out from Koigasaki like summer comiket.

Maybe I should go with her…hee ... I sent my reply. “I want to go, but I do not have anyone to go with."

"Will Suzuki not attend?"

You just wanted to ask if Suzuki is going. Well, you should have asked from the beginning.

"I heard that Suzuki can’t go. Although there is a book he wanted and regret that he may not get one."

"I was being asked by Azuki-chan and I was aiming to secretly meet Suzuki at the venue. . . What book did he want? "

Were you going to meet at summer comiket as a “coincidence”? ... Well, if there are so many people, I think that the probability that you may not meet may be higher ...

"I do not think I can tell you ..."

Suzuki wanted a doujinshi for men in the genre called Doujutsu; the shooting game "Toho Project", which is sold on the second day of summer comiket. I explained that to Koigasaki gently.

"Is that during the second day? It is that day that Azuki wanted to go! "

"No, but I do not know why you want to go even if Suzuki isn’t there."

"I will buy it for Mr. Suzuki's book for him! "

Looking at that mail from Koigasaki, I could not help sighing.

If Koigasaki bought a book that Suzuki wanted so much, surely Suzuki would be pleased and I think that he will appreciate Koigasaki.

But ....

"You have to come on the 2nd day of the summer comiket. There are many events times but I will only be on sale on the second day. With many customers, the stocks may not last until the third day. And you have to find the place where the books Suzuki wants is sold ... "

"Eeeehhh…It's a hard to find book? Well then, please help me. Lol"

"Whaaa ... help you ..."

"Please come along. In your date with Hasegawa, I helped you much. "

Is that a threat ... ?. However, it is true that my date with Hasegawa that I was saved by Koigasaki from the beginning of the date.... I decided to go to the summer comiket and help her purchase the book.

Since my remaining money has already been reduced to a thousand yen, there is no choice but to break down my savings ... I am glad that I can go to the summer festival, but my savings will be reduced.

"Well I really wanted to go there even if alone ... however I will go with you. For a lady’s sake ... Youare saying that you can draw pictures in your sketchbook, so if you buy a book and copy it, Suzuki will be pleased with you!'

"On Eh! Then I will buy a book and copy the sketches there!”

We talked well on then I remembered one uneasy thing.

"But, by the way, you are going with Sakurai-san? Is she okay with me? "

Sakurai ...... I have discussed anything about her mysterious mail, but I was kind of troubled with the contents. What on earth was that all about? Was she simply teasing?

I wonder if her attitude towards me has changed if we meet again. Or maybe Sakurai will go back to her original tsutsun mode.

"Ah, don’t worry about that. Because Azuki asked me to invite you."

I was surprised at the text of Koigasaki and I read it once again.

Sakurai asked Koigasaki to invite me ... ....?

Sakurai really changed her mind with her e-mail of the other day. I think because of my previous attitude.

Of course it is nice but honestly it is too sudden that I do not know the reason.

"Why is Sakurai suddenly gentle to me ..."

"Did she change her mind? "

Certainly the tone of her last email felt that she was feeling kind.

For the time being, I decided to leave things about Sakurai and concentrate on going to the second day of comiket summer with us three. The genre of the doujinshi I wanted was on the second day, so it was very good.

I told Koigasaki to prepare for the crowds of people that will attend; and that the place will be full of sweaty people and it will likely to be very hot. We decided to meet at the main exhibition hall main gate station on August 13.

"If you decide to do so, you have to buy a catalog ... That was it damn it ... It's probably cost around 2,000 yen so you can split it with three people? Ask Sakurai about it. "

"Catalog? What is it, if I do not buy it, I can’t go to summer comiket??"

"No, you still can go but I think that it would be better to buy one because I absolutely will not know what to do or where to go if we do not have that one. Especially if we get lost ... "

"Hmm. . . I can ask Azuki myself. It's okay, though. "

"Afterwards, since Suzuki's book is made by a major circle, we'd better go as early as possible since wedo not know when it will be sold out. Let's meet a main gate station at the International Exhibition Hall around 6 o'clock for the time being. Is that good? If you go by the first train, you will be on time."

"…Six o'clock? In the morning?? "

"of course"

"Huh. . . I do not understand! Why are we going so early!? "

The reaction of Koigasaki is worse than I thought. As for me, I am used to dealing with it. I realize that it is the time zone that canbe surprising if viewed by an ordinary person.

"I think that time is the best. The book that Suzuki wants, I can’t imagine how many copies will be printed and sold. It is made by a famous circle. But I guess we can probably buy one if we go early enough. "

"Hmm. . . Otakus are very early morning risers … I understand. "

From an ordinary person, you may not understand when you are going to your first comiket. I was quite surprised when I first went to Comiket. However, it’s better to come early so that you can fully participate in the experience.

"★ Understanding summer comic

What to bring: money (preferably in lots of small change) • Cold drink • Fan head or fan • game to kill time

Also, eat breakfast first. Easy - to – walk-in shoes. Sleep early the night before and come in perfect fitness. It's hot on the way, it's smelly, but even though, I still want to return to it. I do not know why."

I send this pointers about Comiket. I wonder how kind I am.

"…eh? I do not know what you mean. . . is it just like mountain hiking? Will summer comiket happen on the top of a mountain?? Like in Odaiba?? "

"If you think Odaiba is a big site, comiket is much bigger, sorry."

"It's not easy to go buy doujinshi or something ??"

"... You can try. No way. "

There is no doubt about that as I was sent to the medical office once in the past for heat stroke. Then we asked Sakurai about meeting time, place, catalog, etc. via Koigasaki. We then decided to participate in the summer comiket, us three.

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