Volume 3 Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

August the 13th. The second day of the summer comiket.

I got up at 4:45 to get out of the house before five o'clock.

Luckily I was able to sleep at an early hour because I did not have work on the previous day.

On the day of my date with Hasegawa I overslept; but I can get up at 4:30 for summer comiket ... I am ashamed of myself.

I washed my face as soon as I got up, ate cup noodles, shaved, brushedmy teeth and put on my contacts. I didn’t wax my hair today, as I am comfortable with it. Perhaps no one will pay attention to my hairstyle today. In addition, I also didn’t do my eyebrows since I am not meeting Hasegawa today.

Checked my stuff - cold tea (chilled since yesterday), wallet, plastic bag, paper bag, fan, towel, commuter ticket, Comiket catalog. Took my backpack and left home early.

Outside is already bright, but people walking at 5 o'clock are rare; only joggers and people with dogs.

I put my bicycle at the parking lot in front of the station and headed up the station. The first train arrives at five o'clock. There is some time left.

While I was waiting, there was a man pulling a cart waiting for the first train just like me. That guy ... surely, I feel like we are comrades. You get a feel about your friends right away.

I wonder if Koigasaki and Sakurai did not oversleep....

But they are on good terms with each other, and I just stopped myself from sending a wake up e-mail.

Then, atwenty minute train ride, then a change at Shimbashi station and get on Yurikamome. This summer, it is the second time I rode the Yurikimome. When I think about it, I used to ride this train when I went to summer and winter comiket last year. As I embarked from the station, I arrived at the main exhibition ground main gate station at 5:55, aftera 30 minute ride on the Yurikamome.

A crowd of people already heading for summer comiket coming from the station.

When I left the ticket gate, Koigasaki and Sakurai were already standing in front though it was before the waiting time. "Good morning! Waaahhh you are both early ...."

"Since you say that we meet at six o'clock, we got worried and left the house very early but still, when we arrivedthe road was already crowded. Why are there so many peopleso early in the morning!?"

"You got crowded on the road ... ... You came by car?"

"Yeah, my dad drove me here."

I guess this is how a sheltered girl is. She was driven so she won’t experience the commuter rush in the morning. And the train bound heretoday is filled.

"I, I just arrived now ... ...."

Sakurai remarked, I felt something strange.

Even though we talked casually in our e-mails, I guess she’s back to using honorifics again.

Moreover, although she was friendly in our emails ... .... There was very little change in her attitude from when I met her at the cosplay event. She’s still aloof.

After all that, I thought that she became a little bit more familiar to me, what did I do?

"... somewhat different from usual ..."

At that time, Sakurai told Koigasaki in a whisper. I do not know what the story is ... what is different from usual ....

"It's true, your hair and clothes ...... It's super-friendly even more than usual compared to when we were in Akiba ... ... Your eyebrows, how long ago have you cut it?"

So that’s what is different from usual! Sakurai, why did you say that to Koigasaki and not to me?

"It’s the Akiba look ... Because this is the summer comiket, you must look the lookthe Akihabara look!"

"What are you talking about?" Koigasaki said something unusual. Although it was such an early morning, her makeup, long hair and clothes were perfect as usual. She wore a pink mini skirt on a white sleeveless frills blouse. She is a person who is coming to summer comiket for the first time and she will be conspicuous because there are not many who wore flashy clothes. Sakurai, although her make-up and hairstyle are not as done as Koigasaki, is still looking well kept. Both of them look awesome in the morning .

"Why do I feel in danger already? Why areOtakus too amazing ...."

While looking at Koigasaki, I was looking around the place.

I felt as if some of the street guys around me glanced at Koigasaki.

"Otaku people are too serious ......" Coming to summer comiket, you are wondering about whether you are an otaku. I want to say that please drop your voice volume a bit.

"No, Koigasaki ... ... What's still to be surprised ... Eh?"


Then we will get on the flow of people and move closer to the big site. I noticed that Koigasaki was looking there.

"Hey ... ... That row, what’s that ...?"

In our eyes, a long line that continued to the big site jumped in.

"That’s the lines going to the venue."

"What! You have to line up to enter the venue?"

Koigasaki is surprised just looking at the long rows of people in front of her.

"I cannot believe ... ... that there are so many Otakus in Japan ....?"

"No, I think there is more ... ...."

To Koigasaki who said such a remark, I replied calmly.

"Why, it’s still early and there are already so many people !?"

Koigasaki pointed out.

"A lot of people lining up under this hot weather? I do not believe it ..."

"So I told you to prepare in advance in advance,"

I am worried about Koigasaki who is already tired of just lining up.

"Oh, Kashiwada ... ... did you bring the catalog?"

"Oh, yes!"

Sakurai asked and I took out the catalog for Comiket from my backpack in a hurry and handed it to Ms. Sakurai.

As a result of our discussions, I bought a catalog in advance and I was supposed to receive money from these two people later.

"I have already scratched a lot and I've done some checks, so afterwards you can have at look for yourselves."

If we were to arrive early in the morning, we could expect to have a lot of time on our hands while lining up. We will use that time to check the catalog.

But before I in a word ... Sakurai was reading the catalog with a ridiculous speed. "A - 5 is ~~~ Oh, this stuff !!"

"Is the space number of the circle that you want to go already checked?"

"Yes it is! But when I saw the catalog, there are plenty of other circles that I would like to see ... .... ah … I wish I was in charge of catalog buying ...... I can see it all the wonderful places……"

Sakurai keeps staring at the catalog. This desperate person looks at me for the first time. I mean, do I look scary to this person...? I'm don’t look kind ...? I wonder if theemail she sent to me was just a false vision ....

"Ah-this circle ... ... is releasing a comic this summer! I did not check it at all ... Oh!

I wonder how many times this girl has been infected by summer comics ....

"A…Azuki-chan ... ...."

Koigasaki was frightened by Sakurai's look.

"Oh, don’t worry! It's my usual look! Do not be scared, Momo-chan!"

Sakurai did not look away from the catalog while saying with a gentle tone. Her hands did not stop checking the catalog.

"Ah, sorry I forgot! My catalog fee!"

"Oh, I also"

They got a wallet from the bag and handed me the catalog fee.

Regardless of Ms. Sakurai, there is only one circle I want to see, but I don’t feel sorry for paying one-third of the catalog fee to Koigasaki ... ... although I did not have the option of keeping it as well.

"Here, you can look at the catalog…"

"Well, there’s only one place I want to see ... ...."

"In addition to that there are pages that preview some of the released summer comics"

I told Koigasaki that there are lots of pages that need to be looked at in advance, such as notes on events, reports from people who came last time, maps on big sites, and so on.

"Hmmm ... is it me or is this row not moving since little while ago? What is this?"

As Koigasaki pointed out, the line did not seem to move at all.

"Well, it will move soon, so please wait patiently"

"Being aware that ... ... Ah!

Both I, Koigasaki and Sakurai - san were wiping our sweaty faces with handkerchiefs all the time ago.

"I know it would be hot but I didn’t think it would be this hot!"

"Do not say so!"

I finally took out a fan from the backpack and fanned myself.

"Oh, I don’t have fan!"

"I also forgot my fan"

"I told you to bring one!"

I have no choice but to fan Koigasaki and Sakurai. When suddenly,

"A little oh oh !?"


"The pages in the catalog are turning over with the fan! Stop it!"

Sakurai got angry with me.

"Sorry," ...

After all, Ms. Sakurai, have not changed anything from her previous attitude ... ....

"I mean Koigasaki ... you ..."

Suddenly, I noticed the feet of Koigasaki.

"I told you to come with easy-to-walk shoes ?? Why are you wearing sandals here!?"

"Well, this sandal is cute, isn’t it easy to wear cute?"

Koigasaki was wearing pink sandals with flower decorations.

"You say that it's easy to wear, does not it hurt even if you walk all the way?"

"I think I probably will be fine, but it's a Petanko, I go shopping often with this."

"Why didn’t you buy something to wear for summer comiket ...... Sneakers or something ..."

"I do not have any sneakers"

I sigh about the sweet idea of Koigasaki.

"Hey, what time will the big site open?"

"When ... ... opening is at ten o'clock,"

"We are in line until then? What will we do?!"

"I told you to bring a game or something, did you bring something?"

"I do not have a game, I gave you back your DS as well ...."

While Koigasaki was saying, I take out my smartphone from my bag.

"I am recently addicted to Glee ~"

Glee is a site where you can play games for free on your mobile phone. I am registered and sometimes played games.

"I have a question to Kashiwada, promptly answer with yes or no. Do you have a schedule on weekends?"

"What's going on suddenly…. Is this a game?"

"Please answer quickly!"

To the mysterious question from Koigasaki, I reply while being embarrassed.

"... ... no ..."

"Have you ever gone out with a person from the opposite sex?"

"... ... What is it all along? ... no."

"Are you working right now?"


"Do you have ten or more friends who you can talk with freely?"

"Ten people! Well do I have that much ... ... no."

"Are you in love now?"


Here I got stuck in my answer. Koigasaki already knows but Sakurai does not, so I'm too strangely conscious ...... I am crazy about looking at the catalog suddenly ....


"Yes …"

Sakurai dropped the catalog when she heard. And somehow she’s looking at me strangely.

"Oh well, have you ever confessed to a someone?"

Koigasaki did not wait for me to answer the question but went to the next question hurriedly. Koigasaki knows that there is someone special to, which is why she probably proceeded ahead. When I saw Ms. Sakurai again, she picked up the catalog as if nothing had happened, and resumed checking its contents.

"No, no"

Even then, the questions by Koigasaki continue ... ....

"Here is your result! Your Riajuu compatibility... is 20 percent! It’s recommended that you start in a place where you can get to know more and increase the number of encounters.

"Ah ah!?"

Apparently, it seems it was Glee's Riajuu diagnosis game.

Koigasaki laughs at my results.

"By the way, I got 70 percent!"

"What’s with her ...."

Koigasaki continued Glee's diagnostic game; my masculinity degree is 10%, the degree of hetareness is 70%, I will experience a motorcycle accident at 42 years old and my life expectancy is 38 years old (contradicting). The cause of my death is clogged sweets in my throat and the number of people who cried at my death was three.

Why is everything a really bad result!

"Somehow ... ... I got bored, ... it was really ... ...."

Koigasaki puts her smartphone back into her bag.

"You say you got tired after diagnosing people without permission ..."

At that time, I realized something outrageous.

"Koigasaki, your face ..."


"Ah! Momo-chan!"

Sakurai who was absorbed in the catalog seems to have reacted.

"What, my face ...... my face is a mess!"

Koigasaki took out the mirror from her bag and saw herface and screamed.

Her makeup was being erased by sweat.

"Momo-chan's ... ... pretty face is ah ~ ~ !!!"

"Oh no ───── !!"

Koigasaki screams and scrubs her face in a panic with things like wet tissues (like an antiperspirant) that she had while watching the mirror. And as it is ... she started hiding half her face with her hand.

"What are you doing ...?"

"I want to see Momo-chan's face!"

"Impossible! Seriously impossible! Oh no ... no matter what I do, I can’t do much ..."

I see occasionally young girls applying their makeups on the train, but Koigasaki is not a common girl.

"Are you going to do that all day today?"

As I told her, Koigasaki let down her hand that was coveringher face like she gave up.

I saw the true face of Koigasaki for the first time.

"Eh ...... Momo-chan is super cute too!"

"Stop it Azuki! I do not need false compliments!"

Koigasaki has a distant eyes and was looking down ....

"No ... ... you still look a lot better than others ..."

The real face of Koigasaki was really cute. Even without makeup, her skin is so white and beautiful that it is surprising, and her eyes that are sufficiently good looking even without excessive decoration around them. Those who do not use flashy makeup usually are pretty cute.

"Do not say strange things to Kashiwada! Well! It would be absolutely unlikely that I can reapply my make-up!"

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"No, Sakurai, don’t say anythingas well..."

"Oh, OK ..."

Koigasaki is blushing because of the heat, and her makeup is falling.

"What is it ... I mean KevaKeva! Don’t say it!! It's really unpleasant, but my blood is going to my head and it's getting hot and hotter!! "

... ... Maybe she is embarrassed?

Koigasakikept talking and talking with her voice fading.

To be honest, we were already at our limits.

I loosened up my shirt to keep cool. However, the reflection of sunlight from the concrete was too hot and my skin got painful because of the exposure. Koigasaki seems to feel her hair going hot so she gathers her hair into a dumpling and then steals my fan. Sakurai also seems to be affected by the heat from her surroundings. Of course, all of us seem likely to die because of the heat.

How long will we be here?

"Oh ... my sunscreen has failed as well ... would have been better to bring a parasol hot ..."

I muttered with a voice just like Koigasaki would make.

Sakurai seems to have completed checking the catalog and was holding it with her hands.

"Oh, Sakurai, have you finished with the catalog?"

"Oh, yes……"

"May I have it back? I want to see it again"

I offered my hand to receive the catalog from Sakurai.

"Well, okay....?? It's heavy ......"

"No, because it's heavy, I will take it ... ..."

"Ah ... ... Sorry, ... ...."

Sakurai handed the catalog to me while diverting her face from me.


Do I look obnoxious to her now? I intended to ask her but I am afraid that she would get angry ...

However, because of the heat, it was troublesome to even think about it anymore.

Both of us are too tense from the noise and heat. We are also fatigued.

After that, I was silent and just watched people in the other lines – playing with each other and sometimes just talking.

After four hours ......

"Good morning, summer comiket is now …open!"

At the opening announcement, applause sounds.

"Finally ... ... it is open ...."

We applauded with the others.

After that, the rows flowed steadily and finally, we were able to enter the big site.

We wore relieved expressions.

"Finally ... we are inside... ha ... ha ...."

"Koigasaki ... ... are you ok?"

"What is this ...... is the oxygen inside too thin?"

I did not feel the same way, maybe it’s just her perception? Although there is a tremendous number of people inside the big site. The place is packed with people.

"I am sorry! There is a book by a major circle that I want to buy! I will go there first and will contact you through mobile phone later!"

"Oh, okay"

Sakurai went to the West Hall hurriedly.

"I wonder what kind of book does Azuki wants so much ...."

"We can’t relax yet! We need to buy that book Suzuki wants, we should head right there at once!"

"Oh ...... it’s still early in the morning, do we need to buy it immediately?"

Koigasakiwas surprisedand followed me with a quick pace.

I headed to the circle space for Suzuki's book that I checked in advance.

"Because it is a popular circle, we definitely have to line up early..."

"Where is it?"

I compare the space number of the circle of Suzuki's club and the map of the venue, and headed to the destination with a quick pace. Koigasaki followed me from behind complaining

"Well, I wanted to go to the washroom first so I can repair my makeup ..." and so on,

"We don’t have time for that! It will be sold out immediately!” I kept on walking all the while.

Eventually we reach the target circle space. There was already a long line. Koigasaki was stunned by the long row of men.

"What is this ...."

"How about you ... can you help me buy it?"

"And we came so early ... ...!"

The book we want is among the books of the big circle. I thought secretly that I wanted to go out of line but in such a row full of Otakus (I am also an Otaku) I did not have the guts and I decided to line up properly.

Fortunately, the book I want, if I was not able to purchase one here, I can go to a store in Akihabara on the way home to buy one.

"Wow, where is the end of this line?"

"Outside, I will get out once."

"What ?! You just went inside, you have to go out again?"

The lines in front of a major wall circle extended outside the building. I advanced my feet towards the exit to get out together with a lot of people. I finally get out and found the end of the line ... but I noticed something.

"Koigasaki ...... !?"

I lost sight of Koigasaki. I was certain that she was with me until I got out but it looks like she was separated by the wave of so many people.

I hurriedly looked around but I could not find Koigasaki. I take out my cell phone and tried calling her.

"All lines arebusy now."

I can’t believe this. There are too many people using phones that my phone does not work. I tried calling twice afterwards, but I heard the same announcement so I stopped.

While I was doing this, there was more people lining up. I sent e-mails "I am in a line" to Koigasaki.

There is no reply from Koigasaki and I tried calling her again but my calls did not get through. I wonder if she was in line like I am. Or are she went to a different place without knowing where they are supposed to line up?

Then the lines advanced little by little, and eventually I was able to enter the venue. The distance to the circle space gets closer and closer. I wonder if my target book has already sold out. Whatever it is, I kept going forward. Less than thirty minutes after I lined up, it was my turn. A nightmare then occurred.

"Ah, the limited summer comic has sold out."

One of the two sellers told her customer.

Sold out……? I wonder if she meant the limited edition comic.....?

I wish Imade a mistake in hearing ... "Oh, I'm sorry but the limited book is sold out"

A woman with a child was told.

"Sold out……!?"

"I'm sorry……"

Another woman was also told. I am stunned on the spot. Oh, everything that I've been trying hard today ... ... I just got my bubble burst ......

"We have not anticipated the demand for the comic ...... Really, we’re sorry ... “

Since I was too shocked, the selling woman apologized again.

"Oh, no ... ...."

I couldn’t say anything more. However, as I looked at the woman seller who apologized, I saw a beautiful and fashionable woman who does not look suited selling doujinshi for men in Comiket. It seems that she is still young, perhaps a year or two older than me. She looks like an onee-san with a clean atmosphere and hair down to her shoulders. If a circle is big enough, can they hire such a beautiful person to sell their products ...... the idea came to my mind for a moment.

"What would you like?"

Another woman seller asked me while I was looking at the other seller. As there are many other customers behind me, I was just an obstruction in the front of the store since I was not buying anything.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you have ..."

Because Suzuki is a fan of the circle here, I asked for the comic that he mentioned he wanted to buy …

"I'm really sorry……!"

The seller attending me apologized and lowered her head. I left the front of the circle.

I was shocked by the events here. I was not able to buy Suzuki's wanted book and I don’t know what kind of comic Suzuki might like (BTW Suzuki is a lolicon and I like onee-sans). As I was going to Akiba after attending summer comiket to buy a new summer comic, I may find some things there that I could use as a gift instead.

I hope Koigasakiwas able to buy it ....

I thought about various things for a while, but soon I noticed my cell phone was ringing.

On the screen is displayed "Koigasaki Momo".

"Oh, Hello?" "Kashiwada? I finally got through!"

"I also tried calling you a number of times, but I didn’tsucceed."

"Well, did you buy the book?"

"No ... what about you?"

"Oh ... I could not buy ... ...I just heard that it's sold out ... ...."

...... That means that Koigasaki lined up behind me.

"I do not believe it! I tried hard but it was just wasted ... ...."

Even over the telephone, Koigasakisounds severely frustrated.

Because this person came to summer comiketjust to buy one book, I think that her shock is bigger than mine.

"... Where are you now, what will you do? I am going to see the circle I want to see now ... ...."

"Eh ... ... I went to the washroom and I was resting somewhere afterwards ... It was hot and I was already extremely tired."

"Okay ... Then, I will contact you when I finish shopping.E-mail me if you want something and I will email you after I am finished and looking to rest."

"Yeah, I understand ..."

Koigasakireplied and we hung up.

It seems like her shock was great after being unable to buy the book she wanted so her voice sounded weak to me.

I remembered that I have not fulfilled my plans for today so I took out the catalog from my backpack and headed quickly to the my target circle.

When I looked at my phone to check the time, Sakurai has sent an e-mail.

"Where are you now!?"

When I looked at the time, the email came about five minutes ago, so I hurriedly confirmed my location and sent her my reply.

"Please wait a bit, I am heading there now."

Not soon afterwards, Sakurai appeared.

"Oh, that was fast ..."

"Because I was near here .... How is Momo-chan ... ....”?

"Oh, Koigasakiwent to rest and I told her I will contact herafter my shopping is done."

"Oh, actually my mobile phone is off... So .... I think now on it is better for me to be with Kashiwada ..."


Go together ......?

"Oh, sorry, I have been with Koigasaki so I still haven’t bought the book I want so I will go buy it now ..."

"Oh, yes ... I thought so ... ... If possible, we can go together ...."

...... That means that Sakurai will come with me when I am buying doujinshi .... is that's it?

"...... I understand your reluctance .... But my cell phone's battery is dead and I don’t know if I can go through the crowds; I thought that it would be safer to be with you. Well, in fact, I am still shopping ... I'm sorry, but since Kashiwada is still shopping, I wonder if you can come with me for a while ... "

Actually it would be safer to go together, as her mobile is useless. Moreover, she can’t go to Koigasaki since she hasn’t finished buying yet ....

"But do you want to go buy a book with me? Won’t the books that Sakurai wanted might besold out?"

"Oh, because the books I want are made by a major wall circle, I do not have any problems since I'm not a major collector and I think that I can buy them in stores later ..."

"But the book I want to buy ... ... is the genre that Sakurai-san does not like...."

I remembered Sakurai telling how she was forced to look at erotic doujinshi from her classmates when she was a junior high school student.

"Well, ah ... ... that's okay! My class mates were horny junior high school students.... I had mental damage because I was immature then but now I am immune from it!"

I see. You don’t mind erotic things now? Certainly, if you don’t like erotic mangas, then why come to summer comiket in the first place ... that’s what I think.

"Well then ... if that is the case ..."

Although I still feel some resistance to the idea of a girl accompanying me buying doujins, I acknowledged that it was an unavoidable situation.

"It's good! Do not mind me, think of me as just air and you enjoy your shopping, that's fine!"

Do not say unreasonable things... ... like thinking of you as air ... ....

Since it can’t be helped today, I will buy only the book I want quickly; I will try not to browse the contents too much. It will be tough if the contents are seen by Sakurai ...... even if its contents are not much erotic ....

After that, I walked while looking at the map to the circle where I wanted to go.

A big circle’s book can be purchased at a doujinshi specialty store in Akiba; I can check there later if there are no more stocks here.

I arrived at the circle I wanted, there are still copies of the book I absolutely want.

I asked, "Please can I get a copy?"

"Thank you very much"

I tried to put the book inside my backpack with stealth movements but ....


Sakurai looks at me with her eyebrows raised.


I bought a book even without looking at the contents ....

"You have bought that book without looking inside .... Is that OK?"


Question marks emerged above her as she pointed out what I did.

"I told you not to mind me! You bought something without checking the contents; the cover may be different from the contents. Whatever book it is, even if the odds of that happening is low, it is better to check the contents first! "

"Ha, ... ...."

Surely what you are saying is reasonable ... ... Maybe you care about me?

"Do not worry about me! Please do your shopping as you like! Because I came to summer comiketto enjoy the event!"

"Well, yes, I'm very thankful that you say so ... but it's not like I can’t afford to worry about it ..."

Even if you say so, I wonder if what will you think when I pick up erotic books.... “Wow, so that’s Kashiwada's sexual preference”...I wonder if she is thinking this....

"Since I will get you involved in my shopping later on, we have mutual goals! And even if I ... ... or Kashiwada buys horny doujinshi ... ... there is no problem since doujinshi is just things! We don’t do anything but just read them!"


To what Sakurai suddenly said, I got puzzled.

"And ... I understand ... even if the contents are mostly erotic ...... there is love between the characters ... That's what I said .... Please do not mind me! "

Sakurai turned red, but clearly said the words.

"Oh, thank you for telling me that ... ... then I will continue shopping ..."

All normal girls, such as Koigasaki, despise people are into two dimensional erotic things, ... ... For Otaku girls like Sakurai-san, they understand ... I was moved lightly.

I wonder if it is fun if an Otaku girl and boy got together .... It will no longer be necessary to hide one’s Otaku nature ....


Lost in my thoughts, Sakurai called my name.

Oh, what was I thinking ... I .... I like only Midori Hasegawa. Even though I am not even recognized as a friend by her, I decided to make any effort to change her mind about me.

Besides, Sakurai in front of me is disgusted with me. I should not misinterpret her kind words.

"I'm sorry, I was affected by the heat."

"Well, let's go buy the next book before we are overcome by this heat."

Sakurai said to me with a smile. For the first time today, I think that the moment Sakurai - san 's smile was directed at me.

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To be honest, that smile was very attractive.

Then we went around looking at some circles. As Sakurai told me not to mind her, I bought books that I was interested in after seeing the contents.

I gave up on erotic books whose drawings are over the top; some books I purchased after checking the contents at light speed.

Even though she said not to mind her presence, my feelings of embarrassment still won over.

"Sakurai, sorry for making you wait, we will go to the next circle ..."

When my shopping was over and I tried calling Sakurai to the next circle; Sakurai was eagerly reading a doujinshi.

When I looked closely at that book ... it was an R-18 doujinshi magazine.


"Oh sorry, have you finished shopping ... ... Shall we go?"

Sakurai noticed my voice for the first time and in a panic, returned the doujinshi she was browsing.

I do not know whether she was browsingthe book because I bought it, or if Sakurai herself was interested in reading that type of doujinshi. By the way, in the animation of the doujinshi which was just aired, was the R-18 rated doujinshi magazine.



"Kashiwada-kun, do you likethis ...?"

"What, eh?"

Oh, it’s about the doujinshi she was reading ... Even though she told me that she will not mind even if I buy an erotic book…does she mind after all ...?!?

I thought for a moment, but as I looked at Sakurai's face, that idea disappeared in a moment.

Sakurai looked at my face seriously with a curious expression. She doesn’t seem to mind my purchase.

"Oh, okay ... ... Do you like the book because of the situations?"

Furthermore, Sakurai makes an inquiry as she looks into my face.

"Well yeah, it's one of the reasons…Situation ...... Eh, I bought it also because I like the drawings ..." I made an excuse while getting bogged down. The fact that I bought the doujinshu, of course, was sometimes because of the drawings but thesituations of the story. However, it seems that we are exposing ourselves if we admit it. It is too embarrassing.

"Well ... I do not know ... I'm sorry, I said some strange things ..."

"Oh, yes ......"

It is totally.

"Has Koigasakisent an email yet?"


"Oh, if she doesn’t have a mobile phone, she might be in trouble. I told her to send an email the place where she decided to rest after going to the washroom.

"I think that even if the washroom is crowded, she must have been resting now.


As Sakurai told me, I called Koigasaki on my mobile.

Also, I thought about what to do if the lines is still busy but my call got through.


"Koigasaki? Where are you now?"

"Oh, um ... ... Do you remember the place of the circle that we decided to meet later on?"


"I am now inside a circle in that area."


Inside the circle! What the hell are you doing inside where only circle participants can get in ... ....

"Have you finish shopping?"

"No, we haven’t ..."

I spun and saw that Sakurai hasn’t finished her shopping yet.

"Well then will you come to the space of the circle just after shopping? I will explain later."

"Well, ok ... it may take a while."

Based on Sakurai 's catalog checks, there are quite a few places we have to go.

"Oh, it's okay, you can take your time."

I wonder how she got permission to participate in the circle.

"Well, see you later"

"OK ...."

The phone call was cut off by Koigasaki.

"Momo-chan, how is she?"

"Oh, I do not understand how but it seems that she is participating in a circle right now ..."


"So, after we finish shopping, we should go there."

"What is it about!?"

"No, she said she will explain later ... ... I do not understand the meaning at all. I already finished my shopping so I will go with Ms. Sakurai this time."

"Eh? But, Momo-chan ... ...."

"She also said to please shop slowly ... ..."

"Well, let's hear her circumstances later… in the meantime, Kashiwada are you done shopping?"

"Yeah, I do not have money anymore ......"

I used to use nearly 10,000 yen today. Because I am on a tight budget, my stomach will get sore if I exceed my budget.

"Well then, please spare me your words ..."

Sakurai took out the map of the circles from her bag and headed for the place she wanted. I keep silently following her.

By the way, I wonder what kind of doujinshi will be purchased by Sakurai? I am a little worried.

Eventually we reached the circle. Looking at the books that are on sale and the posters hung, it seemed like the books are of the genre of anthropomorphic cartoonsset in a prefecture of Japan that is popular with (mainly rotten) girls.

"Ha ha! A new publication!"

Sakurai got excited and immediately confirmed the contents of the book and bought it.

I casually looked over and saw the cover of the book ... ... again, it was a genre book called BL, where men's romance was drawn.

As I thought ... Sakurai was a rotten girl.

Sakurai who finished her purchase looked back to me as if she remembered something.

"... Did you see?"


"Do you know that ... ... I am a rotten girl ..."

"Well ... somehow, I thought that was so ... ...."


"When we went Nippori, you went home ahead of us because you wanted to watch ‘lightning nine’ which is popular among (rotten) girls ..."

"Oh, I remember ... "

Sakurai remembered the incident and was a little shy.

"As Sakurai told me, Sakurai can also buy any book without having to worry about me at all. My sister is also a (rotten)girl, there is no problem for me."

"Is it true? ... Thank you!"

My wordswere happily accepted by Sakurai.

"Ha ha! Kanagawa total receipt book is sold!"

"Tokyo Hetaree attack ... ...! I received acceptance other than me ..."

"This circle's Aomori Shota past ... .... super cute ......!"

"Yamanashi × Kagawa, I thought it was a wrong way but I sell it well!"

In our shopping, Sakurai bought anthropomorphic BL doujinshi fully excited, saying several unfamiliar words from time to time.

She also purchase a fairly intense book with an R-18 rating.

"Kashiwada, you ... are you OK with all this?"

Sakurai who came back after finishing shopping asks while looking at my complexion.

"Huh! I do not mind at all!"

...... I'm sorry for telling a white lie. I do not want to dampen Sakurai's excitement ....

"Sorry, this will be thelast ......"

"No, you do not have to worry at all!"

Sakurai’s "last" was an animation that is popular with males unexpectedly.

She bought two lily sushi doujinshi magazines.

I thought that I am not interested in BL, but it is surprising that I liked this lily.

Lily girls really exist.

I browsed the book Sakurai bought. The pictures were very lovely and the lily books content were generally warm hearted.

"I will also get one, please."

I may not like the genre but I likethe content, so I purchased a book. Sakurai was surprised to see my purchase when we left the circle.

"Well, Kashiwada-kun also likes this anime!"

"Yeah, do you like it as well Sakurai-san?"

"Yes, but I do not know anyone else who likes this animation ... Because it is an unpopular genre for men, it seems that only Otaku girls are interested ... ... so I'm happy!"

Sakurai’s eyes are shining.

"It is certainly for girls and it's unexpected that I also like this anime."

"Well, that's right ... ah, Oh, Kashiwada, are you also going to see the theatrical version that will be held in autumn?"

"Oh, yeah, I think I may want to go see it, but ..."

Just being vaguely thinking that I want to go see it, details of who I will go with and when to go are not decided at all. If it seemed that Suzuki wanted to see it, I would invite him.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, that movie ......"


"Oh, movies ... Would you like to go with me ...?!"

Sakurai asked word while diverting her eyes from me.


"Ahihi, this is different, that, Da da date, that is not like that ... ... I do not have anyone around me who can go with me to watch ... ... if it's okay ..."

Sakurai just invited me to see a movie.

What is it, something like that?

Sakurai who does not like me so much ...... has invited me to see a movie ... ....

"Well, it’s OK if Kashiwada wants to go with someone else ..."

"No, it’s fine for me to accompany you! It’s just that I haven’t decided when to go ..."

I don’t understand her ups and downs, but I finally reply.

"Well, is it ...?!?! Good, ... you promised!"


Sakurai gave me a relieved look from the bottom of her heart.

Sakurai invited me to a movie .... It is a very dramatic change in her attitude to me, I think.

You do not invite people you hate to watch movies together with you because you don’t have anyone else to invite.

At least, I have not been hated ...... I wonder if that is the case ... ....?

But, if so, what was her attitude of this morning? A bit ... ... no, I felt she was pretty cold ... ... or is it just me?

"Kashiwada-kun ... ...?"

Sakurai asked me who fell into silence.

"Ah, sorry! Today, Ms. Sakurai ... ... I thought that you are angry at me ... Looks like it is not so, I am relieved."


I did not intend to tell her, but slipped out.

"Was that my attitude ...?!"

"Oh no, sorry, I think it was due to my overthinking, please do not mind at all."


At that time, I heard Sakurai murmur in a small voice.


"Because that mail ... ... you did not reply, so I thought that you have to complain about ... ...."

Sakurai says impatiently.

"But, it was my selfish misunderstanding ... I'm sorry ...."


Could it be that she was referring to our email exchange two weeks ago, on the night of the cosplay event?

I did not reply to the last e-mail from Ms. Sakurai sent early in the morning. I did not reply to her because I was worried. I did not think that Sakurai will take it badly if I did not reply. Because of that, Sakuraimisunderstood me and I felt bad for it.

"I'm sorry, I thought you would not like it if I was late in my reply ..."

"Oh, so that’s it! It's such a pity that Kashiwada was bothered by such a thing. Definitely, I am not bothered by it! It is impossible!"

Sakurai strongly denied it, so I was pleased at heart.

"Oh no, that's because the e-mail ... ... doesn’t have a deep meaning ..."

"Ok, that's right ...... sorry, I didn’t reply."

"No, no ... this is just a misunderstanding ... .... I'm sorry ... "

Well I felt that Sakurai had a feeling ... Was it my misunderstanding? At least, since the cosplay event, I felt Ms. Sakurai 's attitude towards me became friendly, is that a fact or just my belief?

No ... But it is also highly likely that summer comiket raised the tension more than usual and she invited me to the movie ... .... Actually, today it has been a long day, Sakurai.

"Ah, I suppose we should return to Momo-chan at once; our shopping has ended and we have kept her waiting long ..."

"Oh, yes, that's right."

As Sakurai suggested, we headed to the circle space where Koigasaki is.

"Oh, the last time, Kashiwada also cosplayed even it looks like you can hardly afford so…but may I ask you ... do you normally cosplay at events?"

On walking, Sakurai suddenly asked me.

"That was my first cosplay!"

I think that it would be bad if a cosplayer costume has a low quality.

"That happened because I was invited by my friend ... ...."

"Is that so!?, Friends ... ... a girl ... ....?"

"No, no, it's a man ... ... Suzuki, don’t you know him?"

"Wow, a two mancosplay!?"

Sakurai was very surprised. It was a little unexpected that she did not know about the popular Suzuki. I thought he was a professional grade celebrity.

"Haha ... ... It's crazy when men cosplay, right?"

Watching Sakurai-san's surprised responses, I finally got it ....

Sakurai's reaction was going on because of her imagination.

"No, no! It is not funny at all! Rather ...... It is wonderful! Cosplay with two boys ...... Moreover, it is also wonderful that you did the “Psychicals” that are popular with girls! Cosplaying with friends ...... Do you usually get along!? "

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"Well ... ...."

Sakurai suddenly has high tension and her eyes are alight. I feel like her breathing is getting rough as well... ....

"Well, I do want to go along with you, but ... when I go to Akiba ..."

"Oh no, I see ......! Thank you for giving me some nice information!"

I felt like I understood Sakurai better than before, but now I think that I do not understand her at all. Please tell me why you are getting so tense now ... ....

"Oh, that reminds me ... you were using casual language in e-mail, why are you back using honorifics again?"

I asked her something that was worrying about all day.

"Oh ...... Uh, I usually try to use casual language to someone my age, but using honorifics is already a deep habit ... I can’t fix it now ..."

"Oh, so that's why is not it easy for Sakurai to talk?"

While we was talking about that, we reached the circle where me and Koigasaki came first.

The row of people are already gone, and Koigasaki is sitting on a chair used by the sellers and she was talking to someone.

"Oh, thank you ..."

I told the woman who asked me when we arrived.

When we came near, I recognized the woman to be the beautiful one-san who apologized politely when I was told that the book I wanted to buy was sold.

"Oh, Kashiwada, Azuki-chan"

Koigasaki noticed us.

"This person is Murasaki-san-san. She is one of the authors of the books sold here. When I went to the washroom and tried to rest there ... Murasaki-san-san passed by and remembered me and offered me to rest inside her circle."

"Oh, was that it!?"

I did not imagine that Koigasaki was feeling bad after that.

Or, that the beautiful one-san seller was the writer herself ... ....

It is amazing how she remembered the faces of her customers.

"The other seller has gone out to buy a book, and since my new book was sold out, I was free, so I can talk with Momo."

A Coterie writer ...... Murasaki-san-san ... Is it? She said that with a gentle smile. What a nice person she is.

"Momo-chan, are you all right? I am sorry, I have not noticed anything at all ..."

"No, no! Murasaki-san-san got me some cool drinks ...... After sitting here and resting now I feel better now ... Ah, moreover"

Koigasaki took out something from her bag while saying.


What came out of the bag was a doujinshi.

"I was able to purchase the new book!"


Didn’t the new book sold out before we can buy them ...?

"Waaa, seriously ...!!"

I wonder if it was sold out?

"Ilooked inside our cart, there was a sample magazine inside."

Murasaki-san said with a smile. "See here!"

Furthermore, Koigasaki also took out a sketchbook from her bag.

"I also got a sketchbook containing drawings!"

In the sketchbook, the picture of the character drawn by the main circle of this circle was drawn with a pencil.

"Because I do not know which character Suzuki likes, I had her draw the main character of this new publication for the time being ...."

"Suzuki will like it, that’s for sure!"

"True! This is good!"

"Ah ... for all these ... Thank you very much."

Thank you Murasaki-san-san.

"No, it's all right."

Murasaki-san gave a full smile to me.

Koigasakiwas able to buy a new book for Suzuki and got a sketchbook with drawings from the artist as well.

I felt hopeless when I was told that the book was sold out ...

"I am very happy to be able talk to Momo"

Koigasaki and Murasaki-san were laughing with each other and I thought that girls canbe able to get along even if they have met or have talked for a short time.

"Oh, maybe now the washroom is not crowded anymore."

Koigasakisaid suddenly.

"Well, it may still be crowded…"

"I couldn’t go a while ago .... but thanks to Murasaki-san, I feel better, but if I am in trouble and I can’t use my cell phone ..."

"Oh, I will go with you."

Sakurai followed Koigasaki. However, it certainly is troublesome if you go somewhere and you cannot use your phone.

"Well, please, Kashiwada if you want you can wait here for the two. I'm sure that the hallways are still crowded and you can sit down while waiting. I don’t know if they get back soon."

"Well ... thank you for your offer!"

Murasaki-san-san suggestion was very helpful, but I was surprised she called me by my name.

"Thank you for everything ~! OK, Azuki-chan, you go!"

"Please take your time."

Outside, the impatient Koigasaki heads to the toilet with Sakurai. Murasaki-san was smiling as she saw the two head for the toilet.

"Please excuse me ..."

I went inside the circle and sat on a pipe chair next to Murasaki-san.

What, this situation .... Why, I wonder what Suzuki would say if I tell him that I was sitting next to the artist of a famous circle who is his favorite. It feels somewhat weird. Besides, the woman who I am meeting for the first time ...... she seems to be a very beautiful one-san .... I don’t know why she seems eager to talk to me.

"While Momo waited for you, I heard various stories"

So I was surprised because Murasaki-san talked to me.

"I…is that so!?"

"Yeah ... Kashiwada-san ... is it? I heard from Momo a lot of various things about Otakus."

"Huh, what did she tell you?"

So Murasaki-san, did you know my name?

"Yes, I heard about Kashiwada-san's going to a love minus only event. I also participated in last year’s cosplay event, Momo's story is very interesting."

"Ha, ... ...."

So that’s why Koigasaki and Murasaki-san were excitedly talking to each other even though this is the first time they met.

"It's like youth to join eventswith your male and female school friends."

"Eh, yeah! It's not true at all!"

Boys and girls attending an Otaku event ...... Is not like youth.

"Is that so? Because I even though I am in college, I loved anime since high school; I also love stories where the characters are men and women in a university who are secretly Otakus. Wow!”

"Well, no, it's not such a good thing"

To the university ... ... is she is a college student now?

"The first event I joined was because I was invited by Koigasaki ... ...."

"Huh, is that so? But, if you are invited by such a cute girl, is not it a real request?"

"No, no, no I do not care about Koigasaki or anything ... ...."

"Oh, it's surprising that you are near such a pretty girl but you do not like her. Maybe it’s because you like the other girl?"

The other girl... ... Sakurai-san?

"No, No, No, that girl ... ... I was hated by her until recently .... I do not know what I am thinking now ..."

Why am I talking to this woman for the first time? I do not really understand.

"Is that true? But at least, I do not think they will go anywhere with people they dislike?"

"Well, maybe so ...."

"Oh yeah ... A flower on both hands - with two pretty girls coming to the summer comiket - is not the dream of any boy?"

Murasaki-san has been lifting me with a gentle smile all this time, but this smile looks like ... including a small devilish charm. I feel a bit like being teased. No, to be honest, it is a reward to be teased by a beautiful onee-san.

I do not quite understand why I got a bit excited. As I was thirsty, I took out the tea from the PET bottle I had put in my backpack. However, I noticed that it was empty.

"Ah, it’s empty..."

"Oh ... ... how about this? This is still cold…?"

"Oh thank you, sorry for the trouble."

I got the PET bottle she handed out and without thinking, drank deeply.

"Ah ... that reminds me, that was the tea I was drinking before."


when I heard what Murasaki-san said, I almost spurted the tea out of my mouth.

"... ..."

This means ... indirect kiss !?

Here, this beautiful onee-san ... .... Her hand holding a PET bottle trembles violently…it is easy for her to spot out a virgin.

"Why, is something wrong ..."

I look at Murasaki-san to apologize somehow ... ....


She was laughing with a small demonic smile on her face.

Looks like she purposely made fun of me ......

"Thank you for waiting!"

Koigasaki and Sakurai are back from the washroom.

"Oh ... ... you guys came earlier than I expected"

"You guys ......? What that that ... “came earlier than I expected”"

She did not seem to be upset though. By the way, I noticed Koigasaki had her usual make-up on.

"Oh, thank you very much!"

In a hurry, I returned the plastic bottle to Murasaki-san.

"Oh, you haven’t drunk much yet, are you OK?"

"Oh, I'll buy myself one later! Because it's bad to get dehydrated here!"

"Is that so?"

Murasaki-san is a little confused by my intense spirit.

Then we thanked Murasaki-san again and Mr. Murasaki-san said "Thank you for purchasing my book." and then we left.

"Murasaki-san was easy to talk with and was a really nice person!"

The physical condition of Koigasaki seems to have recovered fully, she is like the same person in the morning.

Murasaki-san ... ... was certainly a really nice person, but I felt she was more charming than being a nice person. It's a bit disappointing to break up like that ... ... what am I thinking ...

"You did not have to be rude to Murasaki-san,"

"No, I was not!"

Really, I feel I was made fun of ... ... I just did not talk about it because I think it is in good fun.

"She was a nice person, she was very beautiful!"

Sakurai tells Koigasaki.

"Oh, sheis very beautiful ..."

I agree with Sakurai.

"Oh, Kashiwada-kun ... ... is she your type?"

Sakurai stared at me and said such a thing.

"What are you talking about ... "

To be honest, the petite demonic beautiful one-san is within my strike zone ... .... Murasaki-san may not look as good as Sakurai-san but her chest was better ... ....

"So did both of you finished shopping?"

"Yeah, I bought all I want!"

Sakurai purchased all the doujinshi she wants, and she is in good spirits.

"Oh, that's it. I'm sorry ... Actually, I thought of going to a cosplay event in TFT after this ..."


With Sakurai's remarks, Koigasaki and I were surprised.

Even though I was exhausted coming to summer comiket, she will go to another event ......

By the way, I was wondering why Sakurai did not cosplay in summer comiket, but will cosplay at another event? When I looked closer, she is pulling a cart and even if she bought many books, the bag is still too big. Are your cosplay costumes inside?

"A cosplay event ... ... by yourself?"

I asked without hesitation.

"No ... ... Several friends of mine are coming to the venue."

"I see"

So with that, Sakurai and us decided to part ways.

"I'm sorry I can’t accompany you home Momo-chan ... Do you really feel better? I'm not your guardian, but please take a good rest today!"

Sakurai is parting with Koigasaki.



I was surprised when I was suddenly spoken to.

"Thank you for accompanying Momo-chan, send me a message when you can,"

"Azuki-chan, thank you! It's okay because we got together! Enjoy your cosplay!"

Finally Sakurai grasped the hand of Koigasaki and finally broke up.

"I hope Sakurai will be fine."

"You sound like an Okaa-san ..."

"Well then, what are we going to do?"

"Well ... I'm going to go have a look at the book I bought, I haven’t seen it at all."


I was surprised at Koigasaki's remarks. I never thought she would say such a thing.

"You do understand what a doujin is!?"

“I saw one when we went to the only event, but it will be a waste if I don’t get to see anything. I even paid for the catalog fee as well. "

"Well, that's probably so ... ...."

As I said, Koigasaki approached a nearby empty space and began to browse the book. It seems that she feels it is necessary to see what kind of book s bought so she wanted to look at it properly.

"Oh, the picture is cute"

Koigasaki picked up the doujinshi and the cover picture seems to be cute even if seen through the eyes of a woman. She started turning the pages.

However, at the next moment, she closed the doujinshi suddenly.

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Looking at the cover of the book Koigasaki was looking at.... was an R-18 stamp.

Koigasakistood away from the space.

"I thought that the cover picture was cute ... Then I saw the contents!? Are Otakus really into those?"

"You said you know exactly what a doujinshi is ..."

"I know what I said! But that book ... that girl was ... there was a lot of men ...... I do not believe it! Why did you buy such a thing? "

She then looked at me. "No way ... you also buy books like these?"

"I also care about the storyline ...."

What a bothersome person ... I told you that if you saw the contents that you will have a violent reaction…Although Ms. Sakurai understoodthe kind of doujinshi that I like .... What is the difference?

"Ah, you already understand that, right?

"Well ... but, after all it would have been a waste if ... have you bought anything else other than these books?"

"No, I also have some books that do not have an R18 mark on the cover."

"Oh, that's right ...... Hey, can I buy a comic doujin like you?"

"Ah ... .... It's the second day today and maybe it's okay."

I take out the catalog from the backpack and opened to the page of the genre page of the girls' manga.

"This place."

"To ... .... Ah, this manga's a favorite one! But the picture is different somewhat ..."

"Oh yeah, because others are did the drawings."

I will not be able to buy a doujinshi if it wasn’t so.

"Oh, this, this one has a cute picture! I want to see this place!"

When I looked at the circle, there was no R-18 tag so I will take Koigasaki to that circle.


When we reached the circle, Koigasakihas shining eyes and started taking some doujinshi.

This time, she didn’t close the book immediately, she read them carefully.

"Please, this one."


Wow, Koigasaki bought a doujinshi. No way, I would never imagine Koigasaki buying doujinshi.

"You bought all these books ..."

I spoke to Koigasaki who seemed to have finished purchasing.

"The pictures were all pretty cute; the stories are good as well! There are such doujinshi ... ..."

Koigasakisays with her eyes shining.

I also took a look at the circle where Koigasaki bought her books. I cannot say I liked them as well.

She purchased doujinshi for herself ... Koigasakitook one step closer to being an Otaku.

When I noticed, about 30 minutes has passed and we went to all the places we wanted to see, so we decided to return home.

"Oh, Daddy is calling."

Koigasaki muttered while looking at her own smartphone.

"I'll be with you in a minute"


"Oh, Hello? Papa? Oh, yeah, it is over now and I am about to leave now ... .... Well ... I guess it's alright, I guess the train is probably not crowded on the way back.Well, if it's okay, yeah.

From the conversation, it seems that her father is asking if he should pick her up by car.

"Isn’t it better for me to pick you up so you won’t get sick?"

"I will be okay. Papa is so overprotective."

"But you, the train is crowded on the way home, and you have to be in line to get on the train."

"A line? Even when going on the way home?"

"You had better have me pick you up after all?"

"Well, if I wait for you dad, it will take you more than an hour to get here... I will take the train."

"Hmm, that is so."

We leave the big site and line up in the station.

"Ah ... that reminds me, you seemed to have spent quite a long time with Azuki-chan today, was it OK?"


"Didn’t you say that you are being disliked by Sakurai before?"


Before the cosplay event last month, I also consulted Koigasaki about that ....

"Something ...... Recently ...... I guess that's not the case since that cosplay event last month."

"What? Really?"

"Oh, we could speak normally today, and she also invited me to go to the movies!"

When I say that to Koigasaki with a doya face,


Koigasaki was also surprised at that fact as well.

"Did you tell Ms. Sakuraisomething about me!?"

"No, I did not say anything!”

Koigasaki looks awkward and takes her face from me.

"But I guess she will not invite anyone who she doesn’t like to watch a movies ... I think that's okay ... "

"Ha!? You were just invited to a movie, aren’t you thinking about it too much? What was your conversation like? Azuki-chan, did she say something when she invited you to a movie?"

"Oh, err ... Sakurai likes the animation that I also like, the movie will be shown in autumn and she doesn’t have anyone to go to see it with her……"

"Well, so that's really it. She was in trouble because she has no one else to see it her, that's all."

Koigasaki told me.

"But still, you won’t go to a movie with people you dislike!"

"Well ... I guess you could say that she does not dislike you, but I do not think there's any special meaning to it. You better don’t misunderstand her intentions."

Koigasaki ended up with a cold tone.

What was that ... I was hoping for a better response ....

"Oh, that's right ... .... Can I see the book that Suzuki wants? I haven’t seen it yet."

"Ehhh, just a sec."

As soon as I asked her to show the book, Koigasakigot into a good mood and took it took out from her bag and gave it to me well.

"Yeah ... Wow, Suzukiwill be glad to see this!"

"That's good, is not it? It's super good and amazing! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!”

Koigasaki hands the doujinshi to me. I am glad that I see this without buying.

I turn the pages over the doujinshi.

"Suzuki you ... ..."

My of voice leaked out.

The pictures are very good. The pattern is also cute. However, the "ohaya" I got about right now was about another point.

"This ... ... is very erotic?"

I look towards Koigasaki asking for comment.

Yes, this doujin magazine ... It was very good and cute ... but the content was very erotic. Of course, it is designated as R-18. I am really glad they didn’t ask for age verification, Koigasaki ... ....

"Hey! What the ... Unlike Suzuki-kun, you are getting too excited by this doujinshi? What is this ... this transformation!"

Koigasaki got red and quickly took back the doujinshi from my hand.

"Well, why did you get excited ... ... you saw inside ...?"

"I saw ... a bit ... "

Still it is not that filthy, maybe he is also growing up.

"Su… Suzuki is a healthy high school boy, I know this much ... ... so I am not shocked or anything else ... ... I can forgive Suzuki’s tastes ...."

But you can’t forgive me for having the same taste ... Why is there a difference between our treatments ...?

"Even then, this book, Murasaki-san drew it?"

When I think that the beautiful older sister of the elegant and neat atmosphere drew such a lewd book ...... Bad but exciting. I truly thought that people really are not what they seem.

"Murasaki-san was a super nice! We were talking while I was trying to buy the doujinshi.... When I found out that the new book was sold out, I was shocked. She remembered my face from before so she turned over the cart and then found another copy of the new book ... ... She is also a really nice person! And also the picturesare good and super beautiful and fashionable. Her way of speaking and her work is elegant and her girl power is high ... ...She is a high level Otaku!

Koigasaki talked with excitement.

I see what you refer to as high girl power.

"But weren’t you was talking for quite a long time with each other even if you are not an Otaku? You are able to talk a lot for such a long time."

"First of all, I told her that I wanted to become an Otaku but I'm not yet Otaku. Because my friend wanted to buy a new book from a famous circle but he can’t do it so I came to buy the book for him instead. Because I did it, I was okay to her.And I told her that you are a friend of mine. "


It looks like Momo had told various stories to Murasaki.

"So, Murasaki says that she is a beautiful older sister who is not an Otaku so I asked her why she did this kind of activity."

"An unexpected question ... "

"At the beginning, I was always drawing or reading. I drew pictures as a hobby but I was embarrassed to announce it in public. But once a day I published my drawings on the net and I noticed that I was getting good impressions and ratings! That was a lot of fun and after that I could already abandon my shame and be able to present my favorite drawings in public!"

Is it the content of the doujinshi who said that his favorite thing ...?

Such beautiful girls like eroticism .... awful, indeed amazing ...

"So, may I ask you on how I can become an Otaku?"

"I will be bothered to answer that question ..."

"If you can find something that you are addicted to, at that time you will become an Otaku without doing anything else without intending it. It would be nice to see works that you can get hooked up by looking at various works, right?

"Well, that's right ..."

I have been saying that to Koigasaki since the first time Koigasaki told me that she wants to be an otaku.

"So, if you are coming to an event, please tell me youremail mead so we can attend together!"

"Well, seriously ......!"

When she met Sakurai-san, they immediately got along well. This person’s communication ability is very high. Of course, it applies only to females.

"I am not free right now, send me your Mik name" ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0

Koigasaki began to shake with her cell phone.

Mikushi ... Hey .... When I was in junior high school, when I was a junior high school student, I registered with Mikushi at the invitation of my friend, and at the beginning I posted my diary and blog in a blurred way, but recently it has gone awry and has not been updated at all.

I log on to Mik about two or three times a week to read Mi Mike's tweets, diaries, Mixi news etc.

"MiK Application Completed -. Come to think of that, are you doing Mixi?"

I am not really into it. If I look at some of my friends' diaries, it will be awkward if I do not leave a comment.

"Well? Kashiwada? Are you listening? You have been silent for a while now."


I have not heard almost anything, so I did not notice at all ....

"I am not active at it ... In high school, only Kiritani and Suzuki are my Mik friends."

By the way, it seems that those two people are active with Mixi.

"Suzuki!? You are MiMiku with Suzuki-kun! Even Suzuki does Mixi !?"

"Oh yes."

"What is Suzuki-kun’sname!? Tell me now!"

"What was it ... It feels like it was a messy name ... ... His update too much from the hell"

"Why did you forget! Then I'll follow your Mik, so tell me what your registered name."

I can’t help but give my registered name to Koigasaki. She searched quickly with her smartphone and opened a screen of my Mikushi list (about twelve people).

"Which one is Suzuki?"

"Oh, this one “Oh yeah @ Nanbara disease""

"Nanbara disease ... What? What's that?"

"Nanbara is supposed to be ... ... Rie Nanbara is a female voice actress and we call her enthusiastic fans as patients with a nervous system disease"

"Well, it's super cute though, it's my own thing ~"!

Because the consciousness of Koigasaki went to another person, I was saved without finishing the explanation about the illness.

"Oh, but he has not written a diary or anything ... ... Maybe he made his friends private?"

"No, he's not even writing anything for his friends."

"Ok, sorry ... well, I will register him as a favorite!

As expected, there is no application for my Mik.

But even though I can’t meet someone I like during my summer vacation, it seems a bit lonely if I can onlyread a diary or something on Mik. Hasegawa and too much Mikushi ... absolutely do not do it.

"I sent you my Mik application"

"Oh, ok."

Well, when you realize that your friends are messaging each other in the same app, it is normal for them to be included in my Mik.

"I wonder if Azuki is doing it, please ask her next time"

After that, time passed by while we were talking or playing with our phones, we arrived Yurikumigami.

Because Sakurai told me, I intended to escort Koigasaki home and offered it. However, she said that "You don’t have to do it since I feel a lot better" and it seemed that her condition has really recovered. Then we went our separate ways at the station



On that night, when I got out of the bath with a fatigued body, an email came from Ms. Sakurai.

"Cheers for good work today! I enjoyed talking about various things this time as well. I'm sorry I made an early exit."

Sakurai ...... Saying sorry in your email ...

And although my tension goes up for a moment, I remembered the words of Koigasaki.

"You better not misunderstand and play around."

That's right ... it may be as perceived by Koigasaki. Sakurai is a friendly person because hergentle nature and is just giving a mail like this.

Besides, there may be a case where the tension of the summer comiket is still being felt.

Spending time with one another can change attitudes and close the gap between yourselves. However, it seems normal thing for that person to send an email like this. Surely, there are no special emotions involved. Even Koigasaki would absolutely send such an email.


When I looked at the end of the email, there was a sentence on the lower side.

"PS. I am looking forward to the movies! "

Lastly, there was an emoji of a full smile.

To desperately strike a mouth that seems to be naughty.

Do not get excited, Naoki Kashiwada ... .... Because this may just be a social expression.

I kept my head calm as much as possible as I slowly reply.

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