Volume 3 Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Ah ...... I have mandatory swimming at the pool tomorrow, it makes me feel uncomfortable ..."

Three days after the summer comiket day, I blurted out while playing a game with my sister Akari.

"Why do you need supplementary classes?"

"When I had influenza during the first semester and I was absent from class. Why is it held during summer vacation ...?"

I explained to Akari.

"No, I did not go to the pool this year except during school ..."

"I am tired of going to the pool, it's just a pain, how about you?"

"Oh, I'm super at swimming, I want to go to the pool!"

"You should then go with your friends."

The moment I said that, Akari suddenly attacked me with the game console.

"Yoww! What are you doing !?"

Looking at Akari, she was staring at me with a sharp gaze.

Did I say something bad?

"Ah, I suddenly got tired of playing games! Mom, I want to take a bath ~"

Akari suddenly placed the controller and abandoned the game.

"Oh, what a selfish ….!"

Ignoring my words, Akari headed to the bath with a bath towel.

Recently, I can’t understand her angry moods. Maybe because she is in a rebellious period, she gets hot with even trivial things, but I have no idea what set her up in our current conversation.

"Akari, you can’t stay with your older brother forever ..."

At that time, Okaa-san turned to me and said such a thing while grinning.

What on earth is it? Isn’t it normal for siblings to play games?

"Mommy! Faster!"

Akari cries out to call Okaa-san from the bathroom.

"Ah, yes yes."

Okaa-san hurriedly went down to the first floor where the bathroom was with a bath towel.

...... That person, she is a junior high school student but still taking a bath with Okaa-san .... I wonder how long you are going to do so. Your older brother is worried. It seems to me that you are too attached to our parents.



The next day, I went to school for the 10 o'clock swimming supplementary class.

Even if it is supplementary, the teacher is still serious and you swim for 10 ten meters for each time you are absent.

I was absent only once; so after swimming 10 meters, I can swim freely and I am supposed to be able to go home.

I do not like to swim on my own, and after swimming cIass, I swore to go home. I wanted to ask Kiritani who is a friend from class, but he seems to be absent and does not need supplementary class.

In other words, probably there are few people who I can speak to during supplementary lessons ....

The only thing I appreciate is that the supplementary class has boys and girls taking lessons together, so the girls' in swimming suits can be worshiped.

If Hasegawa comes here, I wonder how I will stay here ...

I will probably expect it will not happen. Seriously, it seems I want be absent from the pool as I got a little cold.

"Kashii, good Morning!"

When I arrived at the changing room of the school pool and changed, someone unexpected was there.

"Eh ... Suzuki? Why are you in class A ...!?"

Even supplementary lessons are divided by class ....

"It seems that supplementary class participants were surprisingly small, so it was decided to have them all in one class."

"I did not know that!"

I am relieved that there was someone who I could talk to for the time being.

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"You have also taken a dive in the pool?"

"Yeah, once. It was a bit of a cold."

Looking inside of the changing room, it seems that there are not many people here even when the entire class from A to D were joined. I am thankful that we can use the changing rooms extensively since there are not so many people around.

We changed clothes, after taking a shower we move to the pool side.

Looking at Suzuki's figure …he looks like he exercises a lot and has a tight body. Why is he so perfect?


There were more girls in swimsuits at the poolside than we had imagined.

"There are more girls than boys ..."

The situation will increase a little tension.

"Does a girl change a lot during puberty?"

"Oh, I see... you do not like that ..."

Then I noticed, I felt stares from girls.

I wonder what is strange? I felt that for an instant, but I immediately realized that it was just paranoia.

"Suzuki-kun is here ..."

The girls' eyes were locked on Suzuki who is next to me, not myself.

We started gymnastics after the teacher's shouted.

Immediately, my eyes went to girls in bathing suits.

Everyone is wearing a dark blue school swimsuit, but it is still a swimsuit.

I searched for Hasegawa, but I still can’t find her. It seems that my expectation was right.

While I was looking at girls, I found a pretty looking girl. I was wondering who she is and when I looked at her face ......

Sakurai-san ....?

Sakurai was conspicuous from other girls because of her very good figure although her bathing suit is the same as everyone else. Her big tits are shaking every time they fly or bounce while doing gymnastics. Oh yes, the bigger the breasts are, the better. I think that Hasegawa is not this big, but I still wanted to see her in a swimsuit more than anyone else.

When I was telling myself this, my eyes met with Sakurai-san.

"... ...!"

When I thought awkwardly, I turned away and looked at the girl next to her ....

There was Koigasaki.

As I thought of her form as that of an infant. When my eyes met with Koigasaki’s, she frowned and seemed to say something Sakurai. (Because we are far from each other, I can’t hear what they are saying at all)

Anyway, I guess you are saying something like, Kashiwada has been looking here, Kimono ★, or even more severe things.However, I did not want to see Koigasaki in a bathing suit.

But the next moment, the state of Koigasaki suddenly got strange.

Her eyes seem to look at something far away, and something is wrong with her movements.

Oh I see ....

"Oh Kashii, what's wrong?"

Suzuki, who is doing preparation gymnastics next to me, asked me curiously.

Koigasaki, you must have noticed the existence of Suzuki.

"Well then, I think you have heard how many laps you have to swim. Please start swimming now."

Then the teacher says after the preparation gymnastics finished.

Koigasaki and Sakurai who were on the other side across the pool moved to the start position where they swim quickly as to escape from my eyes.

"How many laps should Kashii swim?"

"It's only ten laps because I was absent with flu."

"Well, it's the same for me. I can play after I finish swimming."


I guess the he is willing to play in the pool ....

Well, but this is summer, I have never been to a pool outside of school, so maybe it's fun to enjoy.

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Then we kept swimming for a while. The routine went like this: line up in queue, swim 25 meters → walk to the poolside and move back to the start position → line up in → swim 25 meters. I was awfully tired after repeatedly swimming.

I can’t talk too much because my order arrives unexpectedly immediately after I fall in line.

Soon after swimming ten laps of 25 meters each, I got tired and sat on the poolside to rest.

A familiar figure was sitting at the poolside and resting.

"Ah ... Sakurai-san ... I am tired."

I thought of ignoring her but she may not take it kindly so I call out her name.

"Okay ... .... Ka…Kashiwada!"

As soon as she saw me, she screamed and was shocked quite hard.

"What is it ...."

"Oh, I'm sorry ... but, even if you are seeing me in such a situation ..."

"No, it's a pool, so it's natural for us to wear swimsuits ..."

Sakurai is upset by my statement.

Although my mind tells me I shouldn’t look, my eyes doesn’t do what my mind says.

Her breasts are well hidden in her uniforms (although still conspicuous), but now they are covered with only a piece of thin cloth of the swimsuit. Sakurai was very shy, trying to conceal her chest casually with her hands or knees, but was not entirely successful.

Today, seriously, I'm glad I have pool supplementary classes .... Thank you influenza.

"Wow ..."

As I noticed her, Sakurai blushed and diverted her eyes from me.

"Oh, sorry, I have not seen it!"

But ....

Anyway, it seemed a little unexpected that Ms. Sakurai was actually very shy.

"Why did they have to join the male and female classes...?"

She was dissatisfied with the situation.

"Oh, but isn’t this the same thing compared to the costumes when you cosplay, the degree of exposure of your skin is not low ...?"

I remember seeing Ms. Sakurai's cosplay at the event. The lower part of her body seems to be more exposed compared to now, and for the upper part, I think that the Bocaro's cosplay costume has more exposure.

I remembered that the chest area was more revealing than the swimsuit she is wearing now, and exposed more of her breasts.

Even so, it is still awkward for me to take her picture.

"Co...cosplay and bathing suits are different things! Because cosplay is a form of character, I do not feel like myself, so I am not embarrassed .... but in a swimsuit ... ... I am completely myself ...?"

For me, Sakurai will not change to Ms. Sakurai even when she is cosplaying.

"So that’s it ..."

"... ... U, Kashiwada ... ... Do you remember the promise?"


The topic has been changed suddenly, and she looked impatient.

"Let us see ... .... a movie ...!!"

"Oh that, of course I remember!"

Oh, the promise of seeing a movie together .... Even though Sakurai said it herself, ”There is no deep meaning” about the invitation to see a movie, I still keep thinking about it many times before today.

"It's just one month ago today to the release date of the movie!"

"Oh, is that so?"

"That's right!"

Sakurai complained to me with some dissatisfaction.

It feels like she is actually looking forward to it? Is it also my misunderstanding? I thought that I was just being invited by the enthusiasm of summer comiket, but ... I guess that's not the case ....

"I am tired of swimming."

At that time, when I heard the voice that seemed to be coming from behind me and turned around.

Koigasaki was walking towards us.

"Kashiwada, why are you getting closer to Azuki?"


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"I have a bad feeling with my eyes hurting, so please do not move closer to Azuki."

Koigasaki gets in between me and Sakurai. She is staring at me who is almost shoulder to shoulder with Sakurai as if she is seeing something dirty. What’s with this bad mood?

"Nothing ...."

However, even on closer look, Koigasaki is still childlike in form.

Of course, the color of her skin is whitish and her overall shape is slender so it goes without saying that they will be people who are attracted to this type of body. Of course, the proportion of Ms. Sakurai looks better for me who likes big tits ....

"Oh, has Kashii already finished swimming?"

A new voice came from behind, and all of us turned back to the voice.

...... Suzuki, what kind of tough skill you have by being able to talk to me and ignoring the two pretty girls in swimwear.... You are worthy of respect.

"Huh ............ !!"

When she heard his voice, Koigasaki started trembling as if she was drunk and her face turned red. Then she started casually hiding her chest with her arms.

"I am doing it at the breaststroke, so I have one more lap to go."

Suzuki continues our conversation despite the presence of the 2 females.

"Sheesh, why bother ...."

"I'm not that good at breaststroke.”

"Oh, do your best!"

Suzuki went back to the starting position again.

"Kashiwada-kun ... ...Are you friendsKashiwada ...?"

As soon as Suzuki left, not surprisingly Sakurai asked me about Suzuki, not Koigasaki.

"Oh yes. That was Suzuki ..."

"Suzuki! Didn’t you say you cosplayed together ..."

"Oh yes, we did."

At that moment, Sakurai's eyes begin to shine.

I wonder if Sakurai fell in love with Suzuki's handsome figure.

"Something really matches ... no um ... ... it looks good, does it not!"

Sakurai said such a thing while excited.

It seemed that she is feeling something different from falling in love with Suzuki.

"Oh, I'm a little excited ... because my eyes are getting sore so I will wash a bit!"

Sakurai walked to the end of the pool side to wash her eyes while her tension remained high.

What on earth are you excited about? I really do not understand girls ....

I was left behind with Koigasaki like before ......

She is staggering while holding her body.

"Suzuki-kun ...... Swimwear was seen ... ... most serious ...."

"What's wrong?

"The best happiness !! I did not dream of Suzuki coming today ... If I know that he will come today I would have not stayed in the water long, I would have worked harder, I would workon a diet .... I should have put breast paddings in my swimsuit ...!

"Pa...paddings ..."

Are you breast conscious yourself ...?

I mean, you don’t need to diet any further ...

"Oh no, I can’t believe it! If I knew Suzuki-kun was coming, I could have brought the book I bought for him today!"

"Oh, certainly ... ...."

What Koigasaki is talking about is the doujinshi she purchased last summer.

"I thought that I would give it at school at the beginning of the second term, it would have been perfect if I was able to hand it to him today ... Why didn’t you say that Suzuki will come today!"

"No, I also just saw him today ... ...."

Koigasaki sighed deeply.

"Oh, that's right ... and there is something I want to say to you later"


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You sure can change the topic abruptly.

"On the twenty-seventh day of next Saturday, Fireworks festival Anger, Sumidagawa river"

"Oh, is that it?"

Even if I ask her, I do not know how she gets all that information.

It's a fireworks festival, so it will on top of any event rankings that I know of.

"It seems to me that everyone in class is going, everyone was invited to attend."

"Hmm ... ...."

"Will you come?"


I was so surprised by that.

"I've heard that some people in the class will ask me to accompany them."

"Seriously ... who is coming?"

"Miki and Mizuki, and there are about five more girls and boys. I do not know yet who are the boys that will come. I guess they will invite more people, so I think the number will increase more "

"Huh ... ...."

Well if the group gets even bigger, will boys that I can speak to also come? I wonder if I can invite Kiritani... Even if I did go, would somebody talk to me ...

"Well, do you think it's a chance?"


"For you to invite Hasegawa."


That was an idea.

"It's a great opportunity. Since there might still be a high risk if just you 2 will go. But in this case, inviting her to come with the whole class will be easier. Isn’t it nice to be able to go to a fireworks festival with Hasegawa?"

"That's right. ... If I invite her as part of the class, it's just like natural ..."

Even if the whole class attends, a fireworks festival with Hasegawa ... I'm too happy if I can go!

I know that Hasegawa is not even aware that we are friends ... ... but maybe this event will make the distance between us shorter ....

Besides, Hasegawa, in the depths of her heart, wants to get along with everyone in class. I was able to know about this during our Odaiba date.

Then, if Hasegawa gets familiar with our classmates even a bit as a result of this fireworks display ...... If I could help her with that ... .... then I'm happy for helping my favorite child.

And then, if I can get close to Hasegawa, it is the two birds with one stone.

"Okay, I will email Hasegawa!"

"Be careful not to send strange e-mails again"

No way, I have a chance to meet Hasegawa again during the summer vacation ....

"Why are you helping me even now?”

I was thankful for her for being such cooperative, but I was honestly surprised.

"Well, I will always be helpful to you! We were taken care by you so well during summer comiket."

She was surprisingly helpful.

Sasagawa who planned fireworks festival, Koigasaki who invited me, now I was full of feelings to thank both of them.

Then Koigasaki returned to the girls' changing room with Ms. Sakurai and Suzuki who finished swimming came with me, so after playing suitably with Suzuki in the swimming pool as I promised, we also changed clothes.

My heart was motivated for the fireworks display.

This time, I decided to seize the day and forget about the disappointment in our Odaiba date.

During fireworks festivals, girls always wear yukatas;what do guys wear? Do men also wear yukatas?

Well, I wonder if Hasegawa is also going to wear a Yukata?

Hasegawa 's yukata appearance ... ... it absolutely suits her. One hundred percent. Just imagining her, Hasegawa is certainly made to wear a yukata.

Oh, calm me. Do not be premature. First of all, Hasegawa must come to the fireworks display.

While dressing myself, I think about the text of the email I will send to Hasegawa. Her decision may change depending on the words I use.

My tension has been raised to maximum level for the final big event of the summer of this year.

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