Thus, he nodded in agreement at once. “No doubt. Only Second Uncle is so considerate about my future! I feel deeply honored because of this. May I ask which young missy have you selected for me? This way, I can be mentally prepared ahead of time.”

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His uncle fell silent for a beat before suddenly narrowing his eyes. “Do you know who Lin Xueya is?”

“Lin… Xueya!” He sucked in a cold breath and nodded enthusiastically. “She’s from the capital’s prestigious and glorious Lin family. Even though their ancestry isn’t as far back as ours, they’re on equal footing with us in terms of political influence! I haven’t met the young lady before, but I’ve heard of her name.”

“Put an end to your salacious affairs before I arrange a meeting between you two.”


The young chap froze for a moment.

His startled reaction got his uncle smirking. “While you can fool others, I’m different. Don’t you have several girlfriends at the side? Make a clean break with those indecent women before I set up a meeting with Lin Xueya for you!”

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Mu Yancheng’s heart lurched at that. Amid his dazedness, the elderly man turned around and departed, leaving him alone in the office.

When he finally snapped out of his daze, he felt himself being coated in a layer of cold sweat from the surprise he received.

The Lin family!

Forming ties with that family through marriage can greatly aid me in my ascent to the seat as the Mu family’s head!

I must seize this opportunity at all costs!

At the thought of Mu Yazhe, he scoffed!

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I won’t be as foolish as my second brother, who refuses to let Yun Shishi go as though he hasn’t seen a woman before.

There are many women in the world!

I can get anyone I want once I acquire power and wealth.

Only he would be stupid enough to give up his title, authority, and fortune for one woman. It’s truly baffling why he treats her like a precious treasure when he can have anything he wants by being our family’s head. It’s even more so for women!

Even though the Mus had long abandoned the feudal traditions, the men in the family had no lack of women beside them, with each having three or four wives!

Except for those who had taken wives with strong family background, almost all had extramarital relations outside of their clan. At most, both parties would have their fair share of fun.

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A handful of these married women were just as wild as their husbands. They even kept gigolos for themselves outside.

Nevertheless, the majority of the women who married into the Mus were content with thinking of which perfumes would make them look classier, which handbags would fit their status the most, and how to make themselves appear elegant and rich since they already had attained the titles and statuses they wanted.

As such, most women in the family would just turn a blind eye to their husbands’ infidelity.

At the thought of this, Mu Yancheng returned to the chair and made an external call.

After ringing for a while, a woman’s sweet yet gentle voice could be heard from the other end of the line. “Yancheng?”

“Qingxue, are you free tonight?”

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The woman, who was ecstatic to find out that the man had taken the initiative to call her, shyly said, “It happens that I have something to discuss with you—”

“Just as well. We’ll talk when we meet!”

“Okay… Where should we meet?”

“I’ll be at your place by 8 PM.”

“Okay. I’ll wait for you here.”

Upon ending the call, a smirk appeared on his face as he clenched his fists tightly.

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