One Piece Gold List

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 Part-time job cp9

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On the other side, in the office of Mary Geoise, Five Elders.

“Do the cp9 agents really want to hand over the Pluton drawing to one of the Four Emperors? But why do you want to do this?” Five Elders with a long beard frowned.

“Who knows about the future.” The curly-haired Five Elders shook his head. “It is said that Rob Lucci and others are performing the task of obtaining Pluton drawings. This is in line with the future scene.”

“But now it seems that this task has failed.” The curly Beard Five Elders looked gloomy, “Perhaps they have completed the task, but they don’t plan to hand over the drawings.”

“Although the picture in the future does not clearly explain the matter, it does require a certain degree of investigation for the cp9 agents.” The blonde Five Elders said calmly. “If they are really dissatisfied, dealing with them is the right choice.”

The other three Five Elders nodded in agreement.

At this moment, they were extremely fortunate to have Garp got the Future card.

Although the existence and mission of cp9, as well as dynamite rock and other things have been announced in the future, they have obtained quite important information.

With this, they successfully arrested before Zephyr destroyed the two endpoints.

Now that it is possible for the cp9 agent to give the Pluton drawings to the Four Emperors, the Five Elders also have the idea to deal with them.

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In the heart of Five Elders, even Zephyr can betray, so it is not impossible for the cp9 agents to betray.

“Rob Lucci and the others, they really came for Pluton’s drawings.” The head of the City of Seven Waters, Iceberg’s face was gloomy, “Looking at this situation, they succeeded.”

“Fortunately, Gold List exposes the future picture,”.

“You must be more cautious in recruiting employees in the future.”

On the other side, Franky, who is a fellow partner of Iceberg, patted his forearm, where he stored the Pluton drawings.

“Absolutely can’t lete World government succeed.”

Franky’s eyes were extremely firm.

The future picture continues. Soon after Blueno left Enies Lobby with Rob Lucci and others, he was immediately pursued by the World government and Marines.

The seriously injured cp9 agents did not choose to take the initiative to fight, and after several turns, they came to a certain city.

“Isn’t it, we are doing business?” Blueno looked at the future pictures in disbelief.

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Even if the temperament is calm like Blueno, some can’t believe his eyes.

“In order to raise money for meals and Lucci’s medical expenses, this is also a very helpless approach.” Kaku touched his chin, watching with interest in the future picture of himself using giraffe fruit to perform acrobatics, “So, this is my Devil Fruit in the future?”

“That Jabra turned into a werewolf and jumped through the ring of fire?!”

“It’s really an incredible future.”

Even if they know the authenticity of the future pictures demonstrated by Gold List, Kaku and others are still very surprised that they will do such a thing in the future.

“I will also get Devil Fruit in the future.” Kalifa pushed his glasses, “In the future, do I use Devil Fruit for cleaning?”

At this moment, Enies Lobby and Spandam looked at the Devil Fruit abilities of Kalifa and Kaku with a stunned expression.

“Could it be that I gave my two Devil Fruits to Kalifa and Kaku?”

“Then they betrayed me with the Devil Fruit I gave?”

Not long ago, Spandam received two Devil Fruits, which were used to prepare rewards for cp9 agents.

Seeing this scene, Spandam only feels that the future and reality are becoming more and more compatible.

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As soon as the picture turned, the future Rob Lucci’s injury recovered. They defeated the pirates who had invaded the town and went to another island.

Here, they encountered Marine again, and soon the battle broke out.

[Red-hair Shanks: Now the sub-scene is right. The previous scene of the Marine Six Styles demonstration came from here.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: These Marines who are chasing are too weak, they are not the opponents of these people.]

The battle soon ended, Rob Lucci, who defeated Marine, snatched a phone worm and dialed a phone call.

At this moment, the picture on the gold list was divided into two, and a new picture of Spandam, who is undergoing treatment in the future, appeared.

In the future Rob Lucci: “…Spandam, I will be back…”

After saying this, Rob Lucci hung up the phone in the future.

In the future, Spandam looked horrified, and looked at his father Spandam in a panic.

“Father, please, send someone to wipe out the cp9 agents completely.”

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“After they come back, they will definitely kill me!”

Spandane touched his beard: “It’s really troublesome, don’t worry, I know.”

“They did what they shouldn’t do, and they really shouldn’t stay in this world.

Looking at the disappearing picture, including the cp9 agent performing a mission in another place, Rob Lucci’s people fell into a long silence.

“It’s not so good.” Kaku sighed, “Lucci, what do you think we should do next?”

“World government, they definitely want to find us and investigate clearly now.”

“According to the world government’s style of doing things, even if it is a future picture, even if we have not done anything yet, once we can’t explain it clearly, they will deal with us.”

Working for the World government all the year round, let Rob Lucci and others know how the World government does things, and this also makes Kaku feel deeply worried.

“Leave here first.” Rob Lucci stood up, “We can’t go back now, at least let the limelight of this matter pass.”

“Let’s go find other people in cp9, and hide with them for a while.”

Hearing this, Kalifa and others nodded in agreement.

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