One Piece Gold List

Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Saint Cloth Challenge, Opponent Akainu

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[Golden Lion Shiki: The picture of the future is finally over, now you can see the rewards of the next people.]

[Redhair Shanks: Haha, it’s impossible. Kaido is using a screening card. Next is that Im, I don’t know what kind of reward she will get.]

[Rayleigh: I remember that in the last swordsmanship ranking, Hawkeye got the opportunity to challenge Zanpakutō. I don’t know if it will do it again this time.]

[Vista: This Eim is not a swordsman, Zanpakutō has no effect on her.]

[Charlotte Linlin: Even if you are not a swordsman, you can get Zanpakutō, and you can also strengthen a person’s power a lot.]

–[Martial Skills List], 6th place, congratulations to Im for winning the [Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Challenge].

-A person who randomly challenges the past, present, and future can unlock the saint clothing.

-Win a challenge once to get a bronze-level saint; win a challenge twice to get a silver-level saint; challenge three times to get a gold-level saint.

–Note: The saint clothing can be activated without the power of the small universe. Those who wear the saint clothing can use the corresponding ability of the saint clothing if they consume physical stamina.

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–Whether to open the challenge.

[Whitebeard Newgate: It was a sword last time, is it armor this time? Remember that the golden armor that Impel down appeared was also a Saint cloth, it seemed to be called Libra.]

[Rayleigh: Looking at this situation, the saint clothing is divided into three levels. Before Libra had a golden appearance, that is to say, it was a golden saint. The golden saint clothing should be the strongest level, I don’t know what effect it will have.]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: According to my previous rules, Im should be able to wear the Saint clothes for the second challenge once challenged. Although the martial arts ranking does not represent the strength ranking, if she adds the bronze saint clothing to her situation, as long as she doesn’t meet a strong player of Li Fan’s level, she should be able to win.]

[Red hair Shanks: Hahaha, so many people in the world shouldn’t challenge Li Fan like you did.]

‘Yes, I won’t challenge Li Fan.’ Mary Geoise Central Garden, Im thought to herself.

“With the strength of Lord Im, as long as you don’t meet Li Fan, you can win. I hope Lord Im can get the golden saint clothing.” Blond Five Elders whispered.

Although I don’t know much about the ability of the golden saint, after seeing the screen of the Libra saint using the Lushan Shenlong, even if it is controlled by Li Fan, it is enough to show that the golden saint cloth is not simple.

[Im: Open the challenge!]

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–The time is determined, the past; the location is determined, Ohara; the opponent is determined, Marine Vice Admiral Sakazuki.

– Ask Im to prepare, and the teleportation begins

The gold list prompt fell, and Im’s figure immediately disappeared in the central garden of Mary Geoise.

“Ohara!? Is the opponent Akainu?” Nico Robin stood up directly from his seat, looking at the scene in the sky with an incredible expression.

“What’s the matter with you, Robin?” Sadi chan looked at Nico Robin suspiciously, “I have never seen your face like this… Wait, you are from Ohara?!”

Sadi chan almost forgot that before becoming Li Fan’s disciple, Nico Robin was the son of a demon who offered a reward to the World government, and she came from Ohara.

“It is said that in that place, Nico Robin, who was still very young, destroyed the warship, so she was offered a reward.”

Seeing Nico Robin clenched her fists and looked serious, Sadi chan pursed his mouth, but finally did not ask.

‘Will she show her previous appearance in the gold list?’

Sadi chan raised his head and looked at the gold list, thinking in his heart.

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[Whitebeard Newgate: Is she actually playing against Akainu in the past? At that time, he hadn’t become Marine Admiral yet, so there would be a big gap between his strength and the present.]

[Charlotte Linlin: In this way, the challenge this time should be small. If this Im’s strength can keep up with the martial arts rankings, she should be able to win.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: In this way, she will at least be able to obtain a bronze-level Saint Cloth. I hope that the golden list can demonstrate the functions of Saint Cloth in detail and let us know what level of treasures these are.]

[Red-hair Shanks: In the case of the golden saint, Zanpakutō’s level should never be lowered, haha.]

[Vista: Having said that, after the previous swordsmanship list, it will immediately be the magic weapon list, and the magic weapon list summarizes swords and weapons; I don’t know if after the martial arts list, will it be ranked on an armor-related list.]

[Charlotte Smoothie: If that happens, then His Excellency Li Fan will be a big winner again. Whether it was the blue battle suit or the Libra holy cloth just now, it was an extremely good armor.]

[Rayleigh: There are not many famous armors in this world. If such a list does appear, I don’t think there will be many people on the list.]

At this moment, while the people on the gold list are discussing, Sengoku and others of Navy Headquarters are not at peace.

“Oops, why is this place!” Sengoku, who was guarding outside Zephyr’s door, widened his eyes.

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When Akainu served as Marine Vice Admiral, he only visited O’Hara once.

And that time, as Marine Admiral, he used Buster Call to Ohara.

It’s inconvenient to show things like that to the world.

‘There shouldn’t be too many fragments of the past, I hope it won’t expose some bad things.’ Looking at Akainu next to him, Sengoku thought worriedly.

However, in the end things moved in a direction that Sengoku didn’t want to see.

In the image, Ohara is in a sea of ​​fire.

And Akainu stood straight on a warship, and not far from the warship he was on was a cruise ship full of civilians.

Akainu, who was still young, stood on the warship and ordered Marine soldiers to shell the civilian cruise ship.

Boom boom boom!

After several bombardments, civilians were killed in the sea while wailing.

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