Chapter 101

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Because of jazz whole underworld was in turmoil for few days and phoenix family was having hard time because so much light element was felt from their territory. They refuse to answer saying they don't know what happened.

As for jazz he is careful not to use Light transformation in dxd world . He had to answer the Lord and Lady phoenix of what happened, they were surprised and worried that he was the one producing that much light element and was still alive . He assured them that he will not use that power again.

Shiro has said that when until Hancock deliver the baby, they will not return to the One piece. She said that it will help the baby.

Jasmine:" I have to wait for 8 more moth to meet my Grandchild, how frustrating...."

Lady Phoenix:" Hmm your son have unusual ability why don't we ask him to do something about it. I wonder if it will be boy and girl..."

They were talking in light voice so not to awake Hancock, she is relaxing on the Garden. Her stomach has started bulging, phoenix family has taken good care of Her.

Hancock:" you came." she suddenly opened her eyes the moment jazz appeared out of the portal.

Jazz:" How did you knew i came, you were just sleeping."

Hancock:" Its not me, its her she told me you came." she said while caressing her bulging stomach

Jazz:" He.... he... she must have extreme talent in Observation Haki...." he caresses her stomach

Hancock:" Yeah unlike her father..." she teased him. They started flirting and kissing totally forgetting that some people are watching them...

Jasmine:" You can do that inside..."

Jazz:"Huhh....oh... you all are here...." he get some glare from both of them for ignoring them....

Lady Phoenix:" Sigh... why are you here, you always train in this hour. I wonder why you do all this training you are already close to Ultimate class Devil. Take rest and enjoy your life a little..."

Jazz:" Sometime it take a moment to destroy the peace we enjoy...."

" He is right, i remember drifting in peace in Dimensional gap and the next moment i was kicked out." Such profound words were suddenly spoken by a girl in Gothic Dress.

The guards took a defensive formation around Lady phoenix, Jasmine, jazz and Hancock.

" who are you and how did you get in here." one the guard asked.

jazz:" wait don't do anything reckless, none of you are match for her." jazz quickly stopped the guard for doing anything unnecessary...

Lady Phoenix:" Who are you?" she asked her coldly

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But the girl didn't reply her and just looked at Jazz....

" strange.....what are you?" she tilted her head in cute manner.

Jazz:" How rude, i am a normal Devil..."

" Devil ? No i am asking the other one who is with you...." she said while pointing at his omnitrix.

Jazz started sweating, what the hell she can find shiro consciousness just like that. Shiro appeared she is Mystery for the Phoenix couple her eyes is still close but she seems to be glaring at the Uroborus Dragon Ophis.

Shiro:" What do you want ?" This is the first time he saw her talking with anger in her voice.

Ophis:" I came here following the scent of light but i find someone so....."

Shiro:" Enough.....if you want to talk we can do at another place....."

Ophis nodded and vanished with Shiro. Leaving everyone puzzled and jazz and Hancock in deep thought...

Jazz shook his head pushing this matter back of his mind,

Lady Phoenix:" Who was that ?"

jazz:" She was the second strongest being alive in the world, The Uroborus Dragon Ophis."

Her eyes opened wide a fearful look appeared on her face. She quickly relayed this message to those who maintain the current underworld.

Jazz:" i am going to human world, Hancock wanna come...."

Lady Phoenix:" No she is in no position to move around... and you also don't allow to go outside. We are talking about Ophis if she can come here, then she can do anything. "
she really is anxious,

Jasmine:" She is right, she would be safe here. " she also don't want anything happen to her daughter and grandchild.

Jazz :" Don't worry she will not harm us unless we provoke her, you saw how casually she is behaving. She alag said she came here only to see what causes the light element incident. "

Lady Phoenix:" Even so it is dangerous for her in this state to go outside. " she denied

But jazz kind of wanted her to be always near him. So if anything happens he could do something about it... Hancok sighed seeing his expressions

Hancok :" Sigh you are being overprotective jazz, go do your business, i will be safe here... " seeing all of them want to keep her here.

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Jazz: All right, i have already marked you and Tsunade will guard you here. "


On the Hunan world, Kuhou town.

Jazz Appeared with Ravel and Ikaros.

Jazz :" We should stop appearing inside their club room all the time. " he said while looking around.

He then heard the sound of shower and saw a shadow of a girl taking bath..... Jazz intrest peaked...

Ravel :" Don't even think about peeking. "

Jazz :" Ah.... just a little... " Saying he went near the bathroom . Ravel sighed seeing his actions.

Knock knock knock

" What is it Akeno. " A voice sounded from the other s

Jazz :" It's me. " suddenly sound of things falling resounded.

Rias :" You.... how can you come inside my club room no what are doing outside the bathroom. "

Jazz :" Actually i wanted to ask you a question. "

Rias :" Hmph.... you just have to move from here and we will talk when I get out. " she seems flustered

Jazz :" What is your three sizes. " after a brief silence

Rias :" Is this your new pick up line. "

Jazz :" Actually, it not i am just curious, i really liked your figure. "

Rias :" Figure huh...."

Jazz :" I am also curious does you have problems with your breast when you move. I mean you don't have problems with slightly..... loose....cough "

Rias :" You are saying that I have a sagging breast. "

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Jazz :" Puhhhh.... sagging... No... way, I never said that. "

Rias :" You just laughed didn't you... " she said with anger in her voice.

Jazz :" Nah you are just imagining things . "

Rias :" You have a way to get on other people nerves "

Jazz :" Sigh if it's not sagging problems, Then why are you stress out, i am a good listener you can tell me." after a brief silence...

Rias :" That day when you beat up Riser, i was relieved when I heard he is having hard time coming out of his trauma. But you probably don't know how high class Devil society works. Riser is probably not coming back for our Mairrage, i actually dreamed of him out of my life. "

" But in the end it's something I didn't achieve with my own hands, and rumors in the underworld is sometimes annoying. My brother also said this matter is not settled, neither my nor phoenix family has cancelled our Marriage agreement. Now i wish that if I could fight him in Rating Game and defeat him with my own hands everything will finally end . "

" And Kiba has been strange lately, I can feel he is in trouble and his heart is in pain. I understand from where this is all coming but I am not able to do anything for him. He is like a little brother to me and seeing him in this state, it also bring to me. I have become useless in every way neither can I help myself nor can I do anything to ease the suffering my servants are going through. " Her voice became low showing all the frustration.

" I don't want our bond to break because of this... " finally she broke into tears.

Jazz understand she really is getting hard time escaping from Underworld politics and maintaining the face and dignity of Gremory family. And now problem with Kiba, she has very few people who she can rely on and one of them is on the verge of leaving her.

Jazz :"to tell you the truth I don't understand horse shit about high class Devil society and their ways also i am a pirate, i just do whatever my heart tells me and if anything gets in my way I can just push my way through it. Can you look at what I am showing for a moment... "

Rias did as he told and slightly peeked outside of the bathroom curtains. She saw some kind of tattoo on his back.

Rias :" What is this, a tattoo but the design is lame. "

Jazz :" It's not just any lame designed tattoo. It is a mark of slavery. "

Rias was dumbstruck hearing that, a slave what is he talking about....

Rias :" You... what do you mean by slave. " Jazz wore his clothes again and now they are looking at each other....

Jazz :" my mother was kidnapped and turned into a slave of a Noble and she gave birth to me later. You can't imagine the life of a slave. It was Hell for us humiliation, hunger , mental torture, physical torture, **** and all kind of heinous things we had to face. But it was different for me, my mother did everything possible to keep me away from all this. Even as a slave i never suffered those things, but it came at the price. "

"At the age of 8 I killed the Noble who harmed my mother and escaped from place. Some time ago 1200 government Soldiers which were lead by 3 Noble Marched toward a island which was home of Hancock and 400 home. They were infatuated with her and other girls beauty and wanted to capture them and make them slave but in doing so they almost pushed us to the point where if they surrender they will live a life of hell or probably die fighting for their freedom. " Rias held her breath, what kind of life he has been living till now.

Rias :" What happened how she and those people managed to deal with the situation. "

Jazz :" To deal with them and send a message that not to push us into a corner, I killed almost all of them including the 3 Noble. "

" Be it Me, Hancock or those 400 girls we obtain our freedom but in doing so lots of other people lost their lives that is the price we had to pay, as for me I have to live with the 1200 people i killed. your Mairrage problems, as i see it you can solve it easily. You just have to fight it out, be in Rating games or outside of the Ratings games and prove others that you are not anyone to take or give away "

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"But once you obtain your heart desire then you can be sure someone else would have problems with you or your way of doing things. They might come and try to destroy what you have and the situation will make the problem like political Mairrage a child's play . "

" As for Kiba just be the same when you take him in, i am sure he remember what you have done for him. And find an opportunity to release his heart knot. He is someone who has a dark past, and you have all the people who can help him come out of it. Don't burden yourself with everything, seek help from your friends. You will then find together you all can achieve everything. "

Rias was in deep thought while continuing her bath, she hadn't thought jazz who looked like a playboy have encountered these many things and in front of all that, her marriage problem certainly pale in comparison . His view of the world and doing things are different from her and he is willing to move the path he chose no matter what lies ahead.

She sighed and steeled her heart, she would solve this headache when she return to underworld this summer. Even if Her parents and Phoenix family don't like it, she will go through it and make them understand her will.

She wondered why jazz hasn't made a move on her....

Rias :" Are they really sagging. " she cupped her breast. She then heard moaning sound coming from outside...

Jazz :" Ohhhhhhh.....ahhhhhh... yes Akeno you are really good at this.... I feel i am in heaven... "

Akeno :" Ara Ufu fu fu.... Jazz you are really enjoying this but I have more skills in other areas, want to try it. "

Rias :" What are they doing..." She quickly wrapped a towel

When she went out she saw Jazz relaxing on the sofa with his head on Akeno lap and was enjoying his ear being cleaned. She sighed in relief....

Jazz :" Oh Rias ahhhhhh..... easy sweety..." he slightly felt a pain in his ear

Akeno :" You are a heart breaker, here i am doing so much for you and you are ogling at Rias. " she pouted

Jazz :" No how can I.... I have my eyes on you now.... " They started flirting totally ignoring Rias.

Rias :" Both of your flirting is really making me angry now...." She tried to separate them...

Knock knock knock

Hearing the knocking Akeno started behaving like normally, her flirty attitude was gone. She opened the door and was surprised seeing the people...


Now all of ORC have gathered and Sona is with Tsubaki. They all are staring at two girls wearing a black skin tight outfit, one with a merry attitude and a smile is plastered on her face. She has her hair tied up as twin ponytail.

While the other has a stern look with blue hair, she has a sword wrapped up in a white piece of cloths.

Rias :" What are two exorcist from church doing here in Gremory territory. "

Jazz watched as they discuss things about missing holy swords. Slowly things escalated when they recognised Asia. Issei and Rias were pissed seeing how they are saying awful things to Asia, who clearly could not handle such

And Kiba who is just watching things from the side lines step forward while looking coldly at them.

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